[Marxism] Impeach Trump

2019-01-19 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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Two things.

First, why the Atlantic and other organs of liberal ruling class opinion
finally feel that they need to impeach Trump should not be that hard to

Trump almost certainly committed textbook treason in pursuit of a few
dollars. They don't care about the money as long as he is not robbing them
personally, but they do care about his project of wrecking the long term
global project of NATO, the European Union, and American military power
parked on bases all over the world so that his handlers in Russia can
recover some of Russia's own dissolving power.

Second, WE (Marxists and revolutionaries) should be happy that THEY (the
liberals) want to impeach Trump for our own entirely different reasons. Put
simply, we want to see the ruling class's political chumminess blow up. We
want them to hate each other, fight each other, destroy each other's power,
and in the process and MOST IMPORTANTLY, radically weaken the legitimacy of
the bourgeois state in the eyes of the working class and the oppress.

We should be happy when Trump wants to close a US military base because we
want to destroy US impoerialism, but not in order to support the military
designs of Assad, Putin, or some other capitalist despot. Our agenda is not
to replace US imperialism with Russian, Chinese or any other imperialism,
but to help foment world-wide socialist revolution (as improbably as that
may sound to those who have given up on this great project).

There are any number of little issues that follow, like the disgusting and
evil Mikhail Pence. A Pence presidency will be one of crisis, whether or
not the bourgeoisie can use it to patch up the palace or not after Humpty
Trumpty's great fall will depend on what the masses do outside the palace.
I am not talking about revolution here, I am talking about LA teacher's
strikes. It will also depend on other factors outside of the palace like
war and the world economy.

Best, Anthony
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Re: [Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If you think we've seen gridlock in Washington now, just put Pence in the
White House.  Combine the authoritarian impulses and arrogance of media
celebrity of Trump with the self-righteousness of an evangelical.

Mind you, I prefer gridlock.  There are few there who place any priority on
doing us any good.  (With a few exceptions, those eager young
"progressives" who've appeared since the election mostly just look
"progressive" standing alongside the Trumpified Republicans.)  Whenever the
bulk of them agree on something--that's the majority of the Congress, the
White House, and the judiciary--it's almost always going to be bad for us.
I mean, they've created the greatest structural polarization of wealth in
history.  And it still wasn't enough, so they had to do that "tax reform."

And worse, nobody with any clout knows how to fight it or just doesn't want
to fight it.   . . . And I don't mean going to the polls and voting for
more of the same.

The official labor movement is so dead useless on this scale that you have
Republican congressman quietly hoping the air traffic controllers will
strike.  A nice 24-hour general strike would be a damned good start to
getting our brothers and sisters now forced to work for nothing some
assistance.  (btw, didn't we fight a goddamned civil war over that
"involuntary sevitude" crap?)

Or even a mass march on Washington--I mean hundreds of thousands of
millions and not just paid lobbyists with a few celebrities.

But, of course, such things would scare the crap out of almost all of them

. . . which is exactly what we need to do . . . if we're serious.
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Re: [Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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Pence will not be more effective if his administration is one starting from the 
impeachment of Trump.

An impeachment and removal requires the Republican controlled Senate, while 
Trump's base will still be with him and outraged at all the Republicans 
involved in conviction. I have no doubt that the remaining term will not be a 
productive one.

So I don't think, "Pence could be worse!", is a very good argument against 
impeachment in the first place, and I really don't see how it can be considered 
even a realistic issue that he'd be able to more effectively implement Trump 
policy after an impeachment.

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Re: [Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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I fully agree with John -- I can't for the life of me understand the effort
to impeach Trump --- he is a great "organizer" for the liberal-to-left
coalition -- without Trump we woulnd't have half the progressives in
Congress now --- nor would we have lots of potential Presidential
candidates supporting Medicare for All --

and PENCE would do everything Trump is doing in terms of substantive policy
MORE EFFECTIVELY -- (and on foreign policy, he'd go back to the new Cold
War approaches of the establishment -- Trump may be an idiot but his
foreign pollicy is actually weakening the American empire -- of course
assuming he doesn't start WW III ...

I have tried to argue against support for impeachment over and over again
but it seems there are MANY TOO MANY people on the left (who should
definitely know better) who are letting their (justified) hatred of Trump
get the better of their judgement ---

I with there was places where a left wing attack on the efforts to impeach
Trump could get some exposure ...

> This article seems to me an example of an unfounded reverence for the
> infallibility of the US Constitution: "It is absurd to suggest that the
> Constitution would delineate a mechanism too potent to ever actually be
> employed." Actually it is perfectly possible for the constitution to be
> flawed, it allows for slavery after all.
> It surprises me that these people are so keen to impeach Trump. Do they
> really see a rosier future under President Pence?
> Cheers,
> John
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Re: [Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jan 18, 2019, at 3:50 PM, John Edmundson via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> This article seems to me an example of an unfounded reverence for the
> infallibility of the US Constitution: "It is absurd to suggest that the
> Constitution would delineate a mechanism too potent to ever actually be
> employed." Actually it is perfectly possible for the constitution to be
> flawed, it allows for slavery after all.

The author clearly reveres the Constitution, but the point being made here 
doesn’t require such reverence. The author’s point isn’t that the US 
Constitution can’t be flawed; it’s simply that if impeachment posed an 
existential threat to the political order the US Constitution founds — as the 
breathless pundits regularly insinuate — then it wouldn’t have been included. 
The issue isn’t whether it’s flawed, but whether it’s effectively 

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Re: [Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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This article seems to me an example of an unfounded reverence for the
infallibility of the US Constitution: "It is absurd to suggest that the
Constitution would delineate a mechanism too potent to ever actually be
employed." Actually it is perfectly possible for the constitution to be
flawed, it allows for slavery after all.

It surprises me that these people are so keen to impeach Trump. Do they
really see a rosier future under President Pence?


On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 2:13 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/03/impeachment-trump/580468/
> _
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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[Marxism] Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

2019-01-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Impeach

2018-11-10 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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could not agree more with David ---  impeachment is a ridiculous trap ---

(now -- hauling members of the CABINET before the House and impeaching them
for their various crimes -- EPA administrator, DeVos, Nielsen ---

that would be a different and much more fruitful approach)

> What a waste of political effort. I actually don't disagree with what Jacob
> states for the most part, however, he really failed to make the *legal*
> case of impeachment. ["Abuse of power" is hardly impeachable unless it a
> specific "high crime" really.] But more importantly this is a total
> *distraction* from what needs to be done which is developing opposition to
> Trump *and* Pence POLICIES. Impeaching Trump is irrelevant IMO. The
> policies will continue, *perhaps worse!* under a Pence Presidency.
> David
> _
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Re: [Marxism] impeach

2018-11-09 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Impeachment as the end goal is potentially a distraction. Impeachment as
part of a broader effort to highlight and oppose a deeper set of issues
seems to be an intelligent strategy.
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[Marxism] Impeach

2018-11-09 Thread DW via Marxism
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What a waste of political effort. I actually don't disagree with what Jacob
states for the most part, however, he really failed to make the *legal*
case of impeachment. ["Abuse of power" is hardly impeachable unless it a
specific "high crime" really.] But more importantly this is a total
*distraction* from what needs to be done which is developing opposition to
Trump *and* Pence POLICIES. Impeaching Trump is irrelevant IMO. The
policies will continue, *perhaps worse!* under a Pence Presidency.

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[Marxism] Impeach

2018-11-09 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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