Re: [Marxism] New Zealand: Left must be part of internet freedom fight

2014-09-19 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Well yeah Joe can be excitable. I just puyblished interview with John
Minto, who strikes me as pretty grounded.It should be read in conjunction
with the rest of coverage. (But it still has Joe in the photo, because he
is too excitable to stay out of photos)

On 19 September 2014 13:21, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

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 From Stuart Monckton:

 On the impact of the meeting, Carolan said: ?There is huge energy in this
 hall. I think people are moving from here to really participate to fight to
 defend democracy and civil rights.

 I think it has vindicated those of us in the MANA Movement who have teamed
 up with this generation of internet freedom fighters.

 Joe has always been quite excitable.  If there are 20 people on a picket,
 Joe will suggest there were 50 and it's a sing of a massive upsurge in the
 class struggle.

 Mana has hooked up with multi-millionaire pirate capitalist Kim Dotcom.  He
 has now largely funded their electoral campaign which is an alliance
 between Dotcom's Internet Party and Mana.  Dotcom hired Laila Harre to lead
 his vanity project.  Laila is a longtime social-democrat, her last job but
 one, for which she was paid a very substantial salary, was as one of the
 management team overseeing the laying off of hundreds of council workers in
 Auckland.  That looked good on her CV for her last job, working for the
 ILO, as it showed she can see things from both workers' and bosses'

 More recently, Dotcom's own record as an employer has been cast in rather
 questionable light.

 Moreover, as a leading NZ left-wing playwright and screen writer, Dean
 Parker noted recently on Redline, unions had negotiated with big studios
 for percentage shares of film earnings to go to union members who worked on
 set.  Dotcom's Megaupload site paid no such royalities.

 The InternetMana lash-up is a product of the almost non-existent nature of
 the class struggle here right now, and its reflection in a lack of
 independent working class politics of any sort.

 That can't be wished away by fanciful tales of what InternetMana are about
 or what the Auckland town hall meeting represented.  For something billed
 the 'Moment of Truth' it never managed to score a direct hit on John Key.
 In fact, it has somewhat backfired on Kim Dotcom.

 This may not be the reality that some on the left here wish to hear, or
 recognise, but it is still the reality.

 I hope Hone (Harawira, leader of Mana) gets back in, but I have no time for
 these kinds of cross-class electoral lash-ups by which sections of the left
 indicate they can be just as 'cute' in rorting the electoral system as the

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through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
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[Marxism] New Zealand: Left must be part of internet freedom fight

2014-09-16 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On the impact of the meeting, Carolan said: “There is huge energy in this
hall. I think people are moving from here to really participate to fight to
defend democracy and civil rights.

“I think it has vindicated those of us in the MANA Movement who have teamed
up with this generation of internet freedom fighters.”

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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