[Marxism] [UCE] Moderator's note

2016-09-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This thread on whether or not to vote for Clinton has reached the 
saturation point. People, including me, are repeating themselves. We may 
come back to it at some point but I want to close the discussion on it 
for the time being.

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[Marxism] The moderator's note

2015-07-18 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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What the moderator has done by unsubbing Creegan for his posts is also 
to exclude the possibility of reading thoughtful responses such as that 
of Michael Karadjis. The effect is to turn the list into one of singing 
to the choirmaster.

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Re: [Marxism] The moderator's note

2015-07-18 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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Don't unsub me, Louis. However, while I do understand the impulse to end the 
sectarianism of the revolutionary left--this list is one place where it 
exists--one has to ask whether continuing to allow or disallow pretend class 
analyses of people as interventions into a discussion where there are 
significant differences among serious people has a meaningful role. Frankly, I 
did not realize that Creegan had been undertaking this intervention for six 
months because one only has to read his, and others', posts once or twice to 
see whether there are serious and thoughtful posts being written. Michael K.'s 
reply to Creegan was indeed a thoughtful reply even as Creegan's post(s) can be 
seen as formulaic. I'm sorry for Michael to have spent so much energy just so 
Creegan could make himself appear serious by acknowledging Michael's thinking 
and then, yet again, descending into the same sectarian nonsense. 

Lost in all this handwringing about anti-democratic functioning by Louis for 
putting a stop to this descent into sectarianism (or, more aptly, deeper levels 
of it than we sometimes see) are the more serious issues how to characterize 
both the defeat of the Greek workers and oppressed and the leadership that was 
either forced or destined ( owing to non-proletarian thinking) to preside 
over this defeat. Everyone wants to engage in this character assassination or 
character defense because everyone here hasn't EVER had to grapple with what 
do next when you've been elected by the masses to end capitalist oppression. 
Tsipiras has, Varoufakis has, and, to some extent those in Antarsya and the 
other Greek groups have, too. The rest of us are simply talking. Opinionating. 
I wonder whether the descent into (more) sectarianism by the likes of Creegan 
or others is really all that useful? If it is, then perhaps Louis is wrong to 
end the discussion by exclusion. I suppose we'll find out so
 on regarding the wisdom of stopping sectarian intervention--as opposed to 
actual serious discussion--if there is a mass exodus by people on the list over 

What might happen to Louis and his approaches to leadership should he join a 
workers party or be part of a mass revolutionary movement will really be a 
function, like the rest of us, should such an event actually transpire and what 
we do then. Arguing such a point is more than meaningless and, to me, seems 
more designed to justify sectarian infighting more than serious discussion. 

Of more important concern to me is the fact, and the context behind, the 
beating and jailing of the FI comrades by Syriza Riot Police that Ioannis 
recently posted. I may have missed any posts related to that after his (or 
her?) report and petition, so, if someone can point me to that discussion, I'd 
appreciate it.

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Re: [Marxism] The moderator's note

2015-07-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/18/15 4:53 PM, michael a. lebowitz via Marxism wrote:

What the moderator has done by unsubbing Creegan for his posts is also
to exclude the possibility of reading thoughtful responses such as that
of Michael Karadjis. The effect is to turn the list into one of singing
to the choirmaster.

With all due respect, Michael. I belonged to a party for 11 years in 
which people were summoned to membership review committees to pin down 
when they would go into industry in order to save their petty-bourgeois 

In the mailing list that preceded this one, a day did not go by when 
people were characterized in a class analysis that divided the list 
hopelessly into warring factions. This was the sick culture I was 
determined to prevent from taking hold here. All this talk about Yanis 
Varoufakis's bourgeois life-style has been bandied about on FB for 
months now. It is the same crap that you heard about the Green 
Revolution in Iran--the petty bourgeoisie wanted to be able to drink 
white wine in public so they went to the CIA for help. This is not 
Marxism. It is pop sociology and idiotic. Furthermore, Creegan had been 
pushing this for six months now.

What you think of Tsipras becomes a litmus test. If you think he did not 
have a choice, you are giving aid and comfort to a traitor. All you need 
to do is connect the dotted lines. Stating that a Grexit might lead to a 
disaster worse than staying in the eurozone might mean that you class 
loyalties are suspect.

I put a lot of work in to making this mailing list useful, spending a 
couple of hours each day going through scholarly and popular material 
that would be of interest to Marxists. I don't ask for money because I 
don't really need it. But if there's one thing that I demand, it is not 
to have to put up with people who think that they are Lenin fighting 
against revisionists and traitors. The entire 20th century has been 
marked by left groups splitting apart by this logic. The young 
Argentinian who posts here was too young to know anything about Nahuel 
Moreno but the fact is that his movement split into 20 different groups 
over this kind of class analysis that divided the left into the pure 
and the impure. I'd rather terminate Marxmail than to have to put up 
with that kind of baloney.

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Re: [Marxism] The moderator's note

2015-07-18 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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I completely understand your frustration but second Michael's appeal for 
another chance. The list simply is better with as many differing views as 
possible. Some of these views are wildly contrary to my own but I find their 
airing to be instructive and actually help in forming a stronger set of 

But I'm not unsubbing. You are perfectly within your rights. In any event it 
was your essays that drew me here, not Jim Creegan's. 

But please reconsider. 

- Original Message -

From: Michael Karadjis via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu 
To: Charles Faulkner lacena...@comcast.net 
Cc: James Creegan sectaria...@gmail.com 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2015 6:11:28 PM 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The moderator's note 

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Louis, please let's start this over. I don't want someone to be kicked 
off due to him replying to a post of mine. Jim may have lashed out at 
other times (we all get hot under the collar, including you and I) but 
this reply of his was hardly a fire and brimstone sectarian rant. We 
need this discussion because no-one around here, except those living in 
Greece, really has any real idea of what the hell. We're all expressing 
our opinions and learning from each others' points. I'd probably be 
saying something different this week and something different last week. 
It is also a matter of interpretation how to interpret the marxmail 
guidelines you sent. Jim was doing what he thinks is class analysis. I 
profoundly disagree with his interpretation of class analysis. But 
having a form of analysis I disagree with doesn't prove he is playing at 
being Trotsky or being the best Bolshevik. And this list would lose 
hugely if it also meant people like Andrew Pollack and Marv Gandall were 
unsubbed as well. Let's start again and all agree to be respectful in 
this discussion. 

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