Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 11. Mai 2015 at 04:37, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

 All the essentials,

  The essentials being the buzzwords of the bourgeois WMD (Weapons of Mass 
Disinformation), the Corporate News Media: 

  tyranny and theft. Karadjis left out the more catching phrase of 
corruption, but he of course mentioned the independent Iran as the main force 
of evil. Classes and imperialist interests don't concern. 

  So all aligned. Karadjis should apply for a post at CNN or Faux News. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-11 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Luko has of course become a shill for the Assad genocide regime. Sad 
really. But as such I consider getting slandered by him as a badge of 

More specifically.

The essentials being the buzzwords of the bourgeois WMD (Weapons of 
Mass Disinformation), the Corporate News Media:

tyranny and theft.

Right, so Saleh's 30-year long US- and Saudi-backed dictatorship was not 
tyrannical, even when it was slaughtering peaceful protestors during the 
Arab Spring uprising in 2011? Suit yourself Luko. And Saleh didn't steal 
$60 billion, a Mubarak-type figure, except that Yemen is much poorer 
than Egypt? But that's OK, isn't it Luko, who oddly thinks I'm the one 
not talking about *class*. Yeh, $60 billion dollar folk are true 
anti-imperialist revolutionaries.

Karadjis ... of course mentioned the independent Iran as the main force 
of evil.

independent Iran sounds a little like classic Stalinist revisionism 
regarding independent capitalist states. But even then, given the very 
open rapproachment between US imperialism and the Iranian theocracy 
going on today, including joint military operations in Iraq, and 
effectively in Syria,  that's just a laugh. Open your eyes Luko. The US 
provides intelligence to the Saudi campaign, jsut as it shares 
intelligence with your favourite independent fascist regime in 
Damascus. However, in Iraq US bombers overhead support Iranian troops on 
the ground in support of their joint puppet regime and its Shiite death 
squads. A little deeper involvement, isn't it?

But regardless of Iran being a key force of counterrevolution in Syria 
and sectarian slaughter in Iraq, I did NOT talk of Iran as a source of 
evil in Yemen. You should learn to read before you slander, and then 
slander based on what was written. I said Iran plays a minor role and 
the fundamental fact was Saleh's attempted counterrevolution through his 
control of the Yemeni armed forces.

Classes and imperialist interests don't concern.

As above.

So all aligned. Karadjis should apply for a post at CNN or Faux News.

You're a scream Luko.

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Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-11 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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This is very good. I hope you plan to publish it or something like it.
There is a lot of confusion on the Yemeni situation, and that includes me,
and the is one of the clearest analysis I'm seen.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach
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Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-10 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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of course Houthis are not Hezbollah which is not the Brotherhood which is
But the Houthis have no organic connection to the revolution which swept
Yemen 5 years ago, to the grassroots committees, especially in the South,
and they are primarily a sectarian, undemocratic armed force.
See MERIP on Yemen, and follow my retweets from Yemeni  activists.
Note also how this episode serves Iranian foreign policy aims.

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 On 5/10/15 8:18 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
 Anyone who's followed the tweets and posts of Yemeni antiwar activists
 knows that neither side represents the real grassroots revolution, and
 Houthis are about as credible an opposition as al-Nusra in Syria.
 But listen to this:

 Is supporting the Houthis the same thing as supporting Hizbollah in Syria?
 I think it is more complicated than that.

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Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-10 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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WOW, Michael! All the essentials, and so quickly!
Will share if no objection.

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 10:21 PM, mkaradjis . wrote:

 The Ansarullah organization, commonly called the “Houthis” in US media,
 is at the center of a broad coalition of forces that is writing a new
 constitution. Popular Committees have sprung up all across the country.'

 That is a pack of lies. There are indeed Popular Resistance Committees
 al over the south, especially in Aden and Taiz, that are precisely
 those who are resisting the invasion of the south by the Houthi/Saleh
 forces, and they were resisting before the Saudi bombing began and
 indicate they will continue to regardless of Saudi ceasefires. That's
 because it is a life and death struggle for them.

 The southern resistance is usually called Hadi supporters by the
 media. This reflects the fact that some of them are the wing of the
 formerl;y ruling General People's Congress that supports Hadi (who
 replaced the detested tyrant Saleh in the Arab Spring yemeni
 revolution) and the wing of the military they control. However, the
 forces supporting the resistance in the south are the traditional
 southern left - the Yemeni Socialist Party, the Nasserites, the
 Southern independence movement (the mvt to revive South Yemen) - as
 well as the Muslim Brotherhood-aligned Islah party, and the tribal
 confederations of the south. In addition, significant sections of the
 Saleh-controled armed forces have defected in the south since the
 opnme war began, to the Hadi side (ie, the side of the government
 recognised as legitimate by the UNSC and the Arab League).

 I know it may be difficult, but we need to recognise that this
 movement has its own existence regardless of the fact that the
 neighbouring reactionary absolute monarchy has committed its own
 aggression, for its own reasons, against Yemen, ostensibly on the side
 of the southern resistance. But for people who find it difficult to
 see Saudi Arabia on the side of the very forces that it fought against
 in the 1960s, I'll say two things. First, facts are important,
 regardless of how uncomforatbale they make us feel. We just need to
 deal with them and analyse them. Second, leftists need to stop
 analysing Middle east politics through the prisms of how things were
 50 years ago (1960s Nasserism before 1967, the yemeni civil war etc).

 Quite simply, when sectarian Shiite invaders from the far north of the
 country, allied to the tyrant they thought they overthrew, are bombing
 you with warplanes, firing rockets and using tanks against your cities
 in the opposite end of the country in order to militarily crush you,
 you are likely to resist (even if some funny leftists in the US like
 to refer to the military invasion and crushing of people under
 mountains of blood as being the actions of a broad coalition of
 forces that is writing a new

 Further, we need to stop just talking about the Houthis. The Houthi
 forces are, no doubt, reactionary, sectarian and allied with and armed
 by Iran. However, noone really thinks they have received such a
 decisive level of Iranian arms as to allow them to take over nearly
 the whole of Yemen. In other words, in itself, no amount of Iranian
 support can put Iran at the same level as Saudi Arabia in terms of
 outside intervention. But in that case, how could a militia which only
 has a base among the Shia (Zaydi) of the far north take over all the
 way to Aden (almost)? It also wasn't due to popular support
 (anti-Houthio demonstratiosn of hundreds of thousands erupted in the
 capital Sanaa and other cities when they launched their coup there in
 January, and you don't need to bomb and shell cities if you have
 popular support).

 No, the absolutely decisive factor has been the opportunist alliance
 between the Houthi and Saleh (even if, whenn in power, a then
 Saudi-backed Saleh launched 7 wars against the Houthi in their own
 stronghold in the north!). Saleh, who stole $60 billion dollars from
 poverty-stricken Yemen still controls a large section fo the military
 (as a result of the half-baked 'Yemeni solution' whereby he was
 shiunted aside to be replaced by Hadi and a broader coalition to save
 the regime overall). Not satisfied with $60 billion and continued
 control of armed forces and not being arrested and imprisoned for
 tyranny and theft, the megalomaniac Saleh has used his control of the
 Yemeni armed forces, his links to the pro-Saleh high command, to
 mobilise the whole arsenal of warplanes, tanks, missiles and armed
 forces under his command to join the Houthi aggression. He aims to put
 his son in power. Whether 

[Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-10 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Anyone who's followed the tweets and posts of Yemeni antiwar activists
knows that neither side represents the real grassroots revolution, and that
Houthis are about as credible an opposition as al-Nusra in Syria.
But listen to this:
The Ansarullah organization, commonly called the “Houthis” in US media,
is at the center of a broad coalition of forces that is writing a new
constitution. Popular Committees have sprung up all across the country.'
The sad thing is that Yemenis DESPERATELY need humanitarian aid; these
stalinoids have just muddied the waters of sincere attempts to provide it.
See also UNAC's earlier statement at
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Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-10 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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The Ansarullah organization, commonly called the “Houthis” in US media,
is at the center of a broad coalition of forces that is writing a new
constitution. Popular Committees have sprung up all across the country.'

That is a pack of lies. There are indeed Popular Resistance Committees
al over the south, especially in Aden and Taiz, that are precisely
those who are resisting the invasion of the south by the Houthi/Saleh
forces, and they were resisting before the Saudi bombing began and
indicate they will continue to regardless of Saudi ceasefires. That's
because it is a life and death struggle for them.

The southern resistance is usually called Hadi supporters by the
media. This reflects the fact that some of them are the wing of the
formerl;y ruling General People's Congress that supports Hadi (who
replaced the detested tyrant Saleh in the Arab Spring yemeni
revolution) and the wing of the military they control. However, the
forces supporting the resistance in the south are the traditional
southern left - the Yemeni Socialist Party, the Nasserites, the
Southern independence movement (the mvt to revive South Yemen) - as
well as the Muslim Brotherhood-aligned Islah party, and the tribal
confederations of the south. In addition, significant sections of the
Saleh-controled armed forces have defected in the south since the
opnme war began, to the Hadi side (ie, the side of the government
recognised as legitimate by the UNSC and the Arab League).

I know it may be difficult, but we need to recognise that this
movement has its own existence regardless of the fact that the
neighbouring reactionary absolute monarchy has committed its own
aggression, for its own reasons, against Yemen, ostensibly on the side
of the southern resistance. But for people who find it difficult to
see Saudi Arabia on the side of the very forces that it fought against
in the 1960s, I'll say two things. First, facts are important,
regardless of how uncomforatbale they make us feel. We just need to
deal with them and analyse them. Second, leftists need to stop
analysing Middle east politics through the prisms of how things were
50 years ago (1960s Nasserism before 1967, the yemeni civil war etc).

Quite simply, when sectarian Shiite invaders from the far north of the
country, allied to the tyrant they thought they overthrew, are bombing
you with warplanes, firing rockets and using tanks against your cities
in the opposite end of the country in order to militarily crush you,
you are likely to resist (even if some funny leftists in the US like
to refer to the military invasion and crushing of people under
mountains of blood as being the actions of a broad coalition of
forces that is writing a new

Further, we need to stop just talking about the Houthis. The Houthi
forces are, no doubt, reactionary, sectarian and allied with and armed
by Iran. However, noone really thinks they have received such a
decisive level of Iranian arms as to allow them to take over nearly
the whole of Yemen. In other words, in itself, no amount of Iranian
support can put Iran at the same level as Saudi Arabia in terms of
outside intervention. But in that case, how could a militia which only
has a base among the Shia (Zaydi) of the far north take over all the
way to Aden (almost)? It also wasn't due to popular support
(anti-Houthio demonstratiosn of hundreds of thousands erupted in the
capital Sanaa and other cities when they launched their coup there in
January, and you don't need to bomb and shell cities if you have
popular support).

No, the absolutely decisive factor has been the opportunist alliance
between the Houthi and Saleh (even if, whenn in power, a then
Saudi-backed Saleh launched 7 wars against the Houthi in their own
stronghold in the north!). Saleh, who stole $60 billion dollars from
poverty-stricken Yemen still controls a large section fo the military
(as a result of the half-baked 'Yemeni solution' whereby he was
shiunted aside to be replaced by Hadi and a broader coalition to save
the regime overall). Not satisfied with $60 billion and continued
control of armed forces and not being arrested and imprisoned for
tyranny and theft, the megalomaniac Saleh has used his control of the
Yemeni armed forces, his links to the pro-Saleh high command, to
mobilise the whole arsenal of warplanes, tanks, missiles and armed
forces under his command to join the Houthi aggression. He aims to put
his son in power. Whether the Saleh and Houthi forces eventually fight
themselves remains to eb seen, but for the moment, he decided that an
aliance with Iran and the Houthis would be a useful vehicle to use for
his attempted counterrevolution.


Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 5/10/15 8:18 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
Anyone who's followed the tweets and posts of Yemeni antiwar activists
knows that neither side represents the real grassroots revolution, and that
Houthis are about as credible an opposition as al-Nusra in Syria.
But listen to this:

Is supporting the Houthis the same thing as supporting Hizbollah in 
Syria? I think it is more complicated than that.

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