Re: [Marxism] Greek Referendum

2015-07-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This is the problem. You are for class-struggle methods in Greece but 
are posing this to a mailing list of Marxists with one or two Greeks who 
already agree with you. Preaching to the choir does not begin to 
describe the absurdity of your intervention here. Our main concern is 
not why Tsipras has the gumption to be a neo-Keynesian but why the 
revolutionary left in Greece is so divided and isolated. The small 
groups in Syriza that are for socialism could never get a hearing unless 
they were part of Syriza. Antarsya's miniscule vote would indicate the 
level of support for your way of thinking even though they would find 
your brand of ultraleft sectarianism useless.

It is much easier to excoriate Syriza than to figure out how to build a 
revolutionary left, particularly in the USA where you live and where you 
have wasted 40 years of your life wallowing in the sterile, kibbitzing, 
masturbatory type of politics that the Spartacist League excels in. If 
you had something interesting to say about building the left in the USA, 
it might be easier to take you seriously but this costume party pretense 
at Trotsky in Coyoacan is laughable. You'd have more credibility if you 
imitated Elvis or Napoleon Bonaparte.

On 7/4/15 1:19 PM, James Creegan wrote:

In today's neoliberal Europe, it is impossible to achieve
even neo-Keynesian measures without class-struggle methods.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Referendum

2015-07-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/4/15 11:49 AM, James Creegan wrote:

Yes, I caught on to the Louis Proyect theory of leadership a long time
ago: If people are confused and ambivalent, it is the task of leaders
to... reflect their confusion and ambivalence.

You don't seem to get my point. Syriza was neo-Keynesian economically. 
When Tsipras came to the USA, he visited the Jerome Levy Institute at 
Bard College not the Spartacist League. Pointing out its failure to 
adopt Bolshevik policies is asinine. Our problem as Marxists is to 
construct an alternative leadership, not to issue sterile critiques of 
people who never pretended to be anything except leftist opponents of 
austerity. We can offer our solidarity to such forces as Podemos, Syriza 
and the Scottish National Party without abandoning the effort to 
construct revolutionary socialist organizations. In your miserable 4 
decades on the left, you have done nothing but write these sterile 
critiques from the sidelines without ever having led a mass movement 
against any social injustice. The left has generally abandoned the 
Spartacist League politics you espouse and has moved on. It is really 
too bad that you are mired in the past but understandable. Cynthia 
Cochran once observed to me that the left in its impotent failure to 
constitute a real threat to the capitalist class has settled into a 
pattern of attacking the traitors in our midst. She was talking 
exactly about you.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Referendum

2015-07-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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But don't you get it? The Greeks voted for Syriza because the party 
reflected their own indecision. Polls reflected support for remaining in 
the eurozone even if you and the Spartacist League and the Socialist 
Equality Party knew better. Maybe some of these poor benighted souls 
will stumble across the Marxmail archives, read your rock-ribbed 
Bolshevik analysis and the scales will fall from their eyes. Jim Creegan 
saves the Greeks and then the planet. Hallelujah!

On 7/4/15 6:41 AM, James Creegan via Marxism wrote:

  I will be very surprised if a majority of voters, in the face of all
these contradictory moves, mixed signals and panic from their leaders,
nevertheless decide to vote No. Such an outcome would represent a truly
heroic act of defiance. The Geeks will have chosend to risk entrusting
their future to leaders  of demonstrated indecision and weakness rather
than knuckle under to the debt lords.

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