M-TH: Two things at once (NATO *and* Serbian aggression)

1999-05-21 Thread Hugh Rodwell

Dave B writes in reply to John W in Manchester:

In response to John;
1. Dual defensism?  Defense against imperialism takes priority. But
Kosovars should defend themselves also against any Serb oppression.

Right. Note that the Serb regime represents on the one hand an oppressed
nation being attacked by imperialism (like Iraq) and on the other an
oppressor nation with a clear record of fascist Master Race (in this case
Greater Serb) claims over and against other nations. The one doesn't cancel
out the other.

(Compare under 2, where we can understand what's happening better if we
remember the Chinese experience of resisting Japanese imperialism in a
united front with the fascist butcher Chiang Kai-Shek -- not a popular
front and not a situation where defence against imperialism required
ignoring Chiang's butchery within the borders of his nation. It's not too
great a strain to realize that the class independence required in China is
a clear analogy to the national independence required in regard to Kosova
and its need for self-determination. If Chiang (in the present case
Milosevic) fails to make the struggle against imperialism his highest
priority, the mobilized people should be able to dump him for treason.)

We hope that multiethnic militias can stop Serb oppression and unite
workers against imperialism.  Is this consistent with reality? Well,
what else is?  The 'reality' of today has been imperialism's revival
of old ethnic differences. Only the united working class can overcome
these differences in a new 'reality' of socialist federations.

This is the weak, because relatively abstract, bit of Dave's argument. He
abstracts from the reality of a growing popular mobilization on the part of
the Kosovars that is led by a concrete organization, the KLA. He ignores
the dynamic development of this group -- forgetting the ubiquity of arms in
Albania after the uprising last year, and the pressures on a weak minority
leadership of a great influx of young and oppressed men. Maybe the
imperialist ties will win out in the absence of an explicit Trotskyist
leadership so far, but the sitting KLA leadership fucked up by signing the
Rambouillet cop-out which denied self-determination to Kosova and
practically ordered the KLA to disarm. This treacherous accord has now been
disowned by whoever's leading the KLA now, for the obvious reason that
things are developing by the logic of social forces in historical movement,
not just the plans laid out in the chancelleries of the imperialist powers.
And the social forces in movement in Kosova (and stirring a little in
Serbia) are those of first national liberation and second social justice
(in terms of consciousness that is, in terms of historical clout the
opposite holds -- no national justice without social justice ie workers'
democracy to guarantee it).

2. Communist 'rhetoric'. John should know that communists must
have a programme for all situations. In this situation it is the
anti-imperialist united front. I might be located in NZ but the
international  tendency I belong to is spread over a number of
countries.  I agree that communists in oppressor countries have a
first duty to mobilise their working class against NATO. But we also
have to spell out the ABC's of communist leadership in oppressed
countries as well. Otherwise workers will fall into the trap of
popular fronts with their bourgeoisies.

Exactly. And underlying this is the theory of the Permanent Revolution, in
which the working class must realize what social power is latent in
democratic demands such as national liberation and make sure they support
these demands to the hilt while maintaining class independence and a
capacity to construct workers' solutions to the deeper social problems
caused by capitalist oppression so that the democratic problems not only
get addressed and vindicated, but also find a lasting because non-bourgeois

3. Most of the left is correct in giving unconditional support to
Yugoslavia. Those who put conditions on this either by opposing
Milosovic or supporting the KLA are offering a helping hand to NATO.

The KLA is no limiting factor on the ability of Serbia to defend itself
from NATO's aggression. The Serbian forces in Kosova are not defending
Kosova or the Kosovars against anything, they're occupying it, violating it
and slaughtering the people. If the Milosevic regime was in the least
interested in focusing on the battle against NATO imperialism, it would
immediately change its policy in Kosova, tell both the Serbs and the
Kosovars what all this is really about, arm the Kosovars and offer its help
to keep the imperialists out of Kosova. It would also arm the Serbian
people and help them democratize the defensive battle against NATO. They
would be able to immediately repel a dozen  times more effectively any
attacks against their factories, bridges, water supplies etc. NATO is
already making a shocking balls-up of the propoganda battle as it is. Just
imagine how it 

SV: M-TH: Two things at once (NATO *and* Serbian aggression)

1999-05-21 Thread Bob Malecki

Hugh Replies!

 Right. Note that the Serb regime represents on the one hand an oppressed
 nation being attacked by imperialism (like Iraq) and on the other an
 oppressor nation with a clear record of fascist Master Race (in this case
 Greater Serb) claims over and against other nations. The one doesn't cancel
 out the other.

"fascist master race"? Since when? The historical record of Serbia including the 
building of post war Yugoslavia was hardly based on "fascism" but expropriation of the 
bourgeoisie and the creation of a deformed workers state. The destruction of the 
Yugoslavian deformed workers state had more to to with all parties in the state 
turning to bourgeois nationalism. In fact the closest thing to fascism in the break up 
was hardly the SErb version of Nationalism but the Croatian variant including the 
rebirth of the Utasha..
 (Compare under 2, where we can understand what's happening better if we
 remember the Chinese experience of resisting Japanese imperialism in a
 united front with the fascist butcher Chiang Kai-Shek -- not a popular
 front and not a situation where defence against imperialism required
 ignoring Chiang's butchery within the borders of his nation. It's not too
 great a strain to realize that the class independence required in China is
 a clear analogy to the national independence required in regard to Kosova
 and its need for self-determination. If Chiang (in the present case
 Milosevic) fails to make the struggle against imperialism his highest
 priority, the mobilized people should be able to dump him for treason.)

Tritsky was certainly correct on China. But Kosovo is not China. In fact the arguement 
here is posed in the context of defending Serbia without giving one bit of political 
support to the Milosevich regime. It is the Serbs who are being attacked by 
imperialism and not the Kosovars. In fact the KLA is the fith column of NATO in all of 

 We hope that multiethnic militias can stop Serb oppression and unite
 workers against imperialism.  Is this consistent with reality? Well,
 what else is?  The 'reality' of today has been imperialism's revival
 of old ethnic differences. Only the united working class can overcome
 these differences in a new 'reality' of socialist federations.

Hugh replies!
 This is the weak, because relatively abstract, bit of Dave's argument. He
 abstracts from the reality of a growing popular mobilization on the part of
 the Kosovars that is led by a concrete organization, the KLA. He ignores
 the dynamic development of this group -- forgetting the ubiquity of arms in
 Albania after the uprising last year, and the pressures on a weak minority
 leadership of a great influx of young and oppressed men. Maybe the
 imperialist ties will win out in the absence of an explicit Trotskyist
 leadership so far, but the sitting KLA leadership fucked up by signing the
 Rambouillet cop-out which denied self-determination to Kosova and
 practically ordered the KLA to disarm. This treacherous accord has now been
 disowned by whoever's leading the KLA now, for the obvious reason that
 things are developing by the logic of social forces in historical movement,
 not just the plans laid out in the chancelleries of the imperialist powers.
 And the social forces in movement in Kosova (and stirring a little in
 Serbia) are those of first national liberation and second social justice
 (in terms of consciousness that is, in terms of historical clout the
 opposite holds -- no national justice without social justice ie workers'
 democracy to guarantee it).

What Hugh means with Dave being "abstract" and "weak" in his arguements is that the 
Lcmcri are not quite as enthused in tailing the KLA as Hugh's group obviously wants 
too. Seems to me that it won't be long and the Morenoites will be shipping and 
"Internation brigade" to help the KLA and NATO out against the Serb "fascists"!

 Exactly. And underlying this is the theory of the Permanent Revolution, in
 which the working class must realize what social power is latent in
 democratic demands such as national liberation and make sure they support
 these demands to the hilt while maintaining class independence and a
 capacity to construct workers' solutions to the deeper social problems
 caused by capitalist oppression so that the democratic problems not only
 get addressed and vindicated, but also find a lasting because non-bourgeois

The line Hugh represents has nothing to do with permanent revolution. And in fact 
Dave's arguements about "multi ethic" militias in a way is more correct if it was 
under the banners of workers revolution. However they are not. In fact Dave raises the 
militia stuff in the context of their *own* false theory of the anti imperialist 
United Front which in the present war leaves them sitting on the fence and trying to 
creep out from seeing that the national question is subordinated to the viscious NATO 
attack on the Serbs. 

 The KLA is no limiting