[Marxism-Thaxis] Economic Crisis and Ireland

2009-03-05 Thread Paddy Hackett
The world capitalist economy has plunged into a sustained economic
depression. The signs are that this depression shall be deep and prolonged.
The principal way by which capitalism can come out of the depression is by
reducing both the living standards and employment conditions of the working
class. The only other solution is social revolution involving the seizure of
power by the working class from the capitalist class necessitating the
establishment of a world communist federation. Because of the peculiarities
of the Irish situation: booms powered by bubbles and a Fianna Fail dominated
government that instead of storing up its surplus revenue, in anticipation
of future contingencies, largely squandered it. These funds were largely
used to bribe the electorate into voting the Fianna Fail party back into
power. It was also used to support its capitalist friends such as Irish
property developers and bankers.
Since the outset of the depression the same Irish government has been
engaged in a sustained attack on the working class. It endeavours to achieve
this by splitting the working class --pitting worker against worker. By
maximising the fragmentation of the working class it is rendered more
vulnerable to crushing defeat. Immigrant workers are split from indigenous
workers; public workers from private workers; female workers from male
workers; unskilled workers from skilled workers etc. In its current attack
the government has singled out the public sector workers. To achieve a cut
back in the income of these workers it has actively led a sustained campaign
against them entailing the polarisation of pubic and private worker. This is
the basis from which it has imposed substantial pension levy on the public
worker. Success here will render it easier for the state to reinforce this
cutback with ensuing cutbacks in the incomes of the entire working class.
Its declared intention of widening and further increasing income tax within
the next month is irrefutable evidence of this. The government also hopes to
continue the reorganisation of the public sector work force. An Bord Snip
with its mandate to focus on slashing employee numbers and spending within
the public service forms part of this plan. The consequent reorganisation
and diminution of the public service will lead to a weaker and harder
pressed workforce. It is hoped to ultimately reduce the public service
worker more or less to the same condition as that of the average factory or
shop worker. Then capitalism will have a cheaper and more docile workforce.
The European bourgeoisie is watching this conflict with keen interest. Cowan
will be Europe's new hero should he succeed in defeating the public sector
workers and indeed the working class in Ireland as a whole. His success may
provide them with encouragement to attempt to impose similar conditions on
their own public sector. The present struggle in Ireland is not just a local
matter. It also has a European dimension that may influence events in the
European Union.
In view of this it is imperative that the working class meet this capitalist
onslaught, led by its state, with stiff resistance and the correct politics.
Working class action must involve strikes culminating in the general strike
together with the setting up of workers' councils for the organisation and
administration of economic, social and political life. In the struggle the
conservative unions must be replaced by communist unions. In connection with
this communists must struggle to set up workplace committees as a means of
organising against the bosses and the leadership of the conservative trade
unions. In solidarity with the working class in Ireland the European working
class must strenuously resist their own ruling class too in the struggle for
The government has been actively encouraging the mass immigration of workers
into the Irish Republic on an unprecedented scale. This is but a further way
of promoting more division within the working class. Immigration is a social
engineering device intended to drive down the price of labour power through
competition. It is also intended to hinder the prospects of the working
class in Ireland evolving into a unified revolutionary class force. The
working class based in Ireland must overcome this division by endeavouring
to create unity among migrant and indigenous sections of the working class
in Ireland on a principled revolutionary basis.
None of the political elements represented in the Oireachtas can offer a
solution other than essentially the same solution as that of the Fianna Fail
Party. They are all bourgeois in character including the Labour Party, the
Green Party and Sinn Fein. They simply attempt to dress the same solution up
in different clothes. They all actively support a solution to the capitalist
crisis at the expense of the working class. The leader of the Labour Party,
Eamon Gilmore, has expressed his opposition to strike action and does not
reject a pension levy in 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Human language gene's origin not as recent as thought

2009-03-05 Thread Charles Brown
This implies that language originated earlier in human
evolution than thought.



The Neanderthal genome includes the human version of the 
FOXP2 gene. In my most recent post on that finding (see: Narrowing Down the 
Suspects) I said:
The original dating of the appearance of the FOXP2 gene in its 
human form put it between 200 and 100 thousand years ago. 
Many arguments about the recency of language have claimed 
authority based on that date, and now find their cards are very weak. ... In 
November 2006 this blog reported on a paper presented at a conference in 
South Africa claiming that the original dating effort on FOXP2 had been grossly 
in error and the true date of the human version of the gene was 1.8 to 1.9 
million years ago. ... I have emailed the paper’s main author, Karl Diller, to 
ask for an update on his work, but have 
not yet had a response.
Now I have gotten a response. In a nutshell, he is sticking by his earlier 
It is true that the [original] date for FOXP2 was widely cited before the 
Neanderthal results, but I would say that hardly anyone believes anymore 
that the FOXP2 mutations were recent. The accepted date for the common 
ancestor with Neanderthals is ~660,000 years ago. We stand by the genomic 
evidence and our date of 1.8 or 1.9 million years ago for the FOXP2 
Carl Zimmer reminds me of a letter Molecular Biology and 
Evolution (here) arguing that the Neanderthal gene is a contaminant from 
inbreeding with Homo sapiens. These things will be argued for some time, and as 
I said in my 
Narrowing Down the Suspects post:
... all dates on this gene are likely to be taken with several grains of salt 
without multiple, independent confirmations.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] FOXP2 and the Evolution of Language

2009-03-05 Thread Charles Brown
FOXP2 and the Evolution of Language
Alec MacAndrew
This article addresses the history and the significance of the discovery of the 
relevance of FOXP2 in the development of speech. It is a remarkable scientific 
detective story that has been in the making for some time.  In its earlier 
stages, there was serious 
disagreement within the scientific community about how the scientific findings 
should be interpreted, and this was set against a background of sensationalist 
reporting by the
 popular press.


The story goes like this: The KE family were brought to the attention of the 
scientific community in about 1990. Over three generations of this family, 
about half the family members suffer from a number of problems, the most 
obvious of which is severe 
difficulty in speaking, to such an extent that the speech of the affected 
people is largely unintelligible, and they are taught signs as a supplement to 
speech as children. It is
 a complicated condition including elements of impairment in speech 
articulation and other linguistic skills, and broader intellectual and physical 
problems. From the outset
 it seemed quite likely, from the pattern of inheritance, that the disorder is 
associated with a mutation in a single autosomal-dominant gene. It is rather 
surprising that such
 a diffuse condition should be linked to a single genetic defect, but it turned 
out to be so for reasons that we shall see later.

From the beginning, there has been a range of views in the 
professional scientific community with regard to whether the gene in question 
is a `language' or a `grammar' specific gene. Those disagreements continue in 
a somewhat abated form today.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Capitalism, Socialism and Crisis

2009-03-05 Thread Waistline2
A Non-Orthodox View 
by Walden Bello 
ZNet (February 22 2009) 
This is the longer version of an essay by the author released by the  British 
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on February 06 2009. 

Week after week, we see the global economy contracting at a pace worse  than 
predicted by the gloomiest analysts.  We are now, it is clear, in no  ordinary 
recession but are headed for a global depression that could last for  many 

The Fundamental Crisis: Overaccumulation 
Orthodox economics has long ceased to be of any help in understanding the  
crisis.  Non-orthodox economics, on the other hand, provides  extraordinarily 
powerful insights into the causes and dynamics of the current  crisis.  From 
progressive perspective, what we are seeing is the  intensification of one of 
the central crises or contradictions of global  capitalism: the crisis of 
overproduction, also known as overaccumulation or  overcapacity.  This is the 
tendency for capitalism to build up, in the  context of heightened 
inter-capitalist competition, tremendous productive  capacity that outruns the 
population's capacity to consume owing to income  inequalities that limit 
purchasing power.  The result is an erosion  of profitability, leading to an 
To understand the current collapse, we must go back in time to the  so-called 
Golden Age of Contemporary Capitalism, the period from 1945 to  
1975.  This was a period of rapid growth both in the center economies  and in 
the underdeveloped economies - one that was partly triggered by the  massive 
reconstruction of Europe and East Asia after the devastation of the  Second 
World War, and partly by the new socioeconomic arrangements and  instruments 
based on a historic class compromise between Capital and Labor that  were 
institutionalized under the new Keynesian state. 
But this period of high growth came to an end in the mid-1970s, when the  
center economies were seized by stagflation, meaning the coexistence of low  
growth with high inflation, which was not supposed to happen under neoclassical 
Stagflation, however, was but a symptom of a deeper cause: the  
reconstruction of Germany and Japan and the rapid growth of industrializing  
economies like 
Brazil, Taiwan, and South Korea added tremendous new productive  capacity and 
increased global competition, while income inequality within  countries and 
between countries limited the growth of purchasing power and  demand, thus 
eroding profitability. This was aggravated by the massive oil price  rises of 
The most painful expression of the crisis of overproduction was global  
recession of the early 1980s, which was the most serious to overtake the  
international economy since the Great Depression, that is, before the current  
Capitalism tried three escape routes from the conundrum of overproduction:  
neoliberal restructuring, globalization, and financialization 

Escape Route #1: Neoliberal Restructuring 
Neoliberal restructuring took the form of Reaganism and Thatcherism in the  
North and Structural Adjustment in the South.  The aim was to invigorate  
capital accumulation, and this was to be done by (1) removing state constraints 
the growth, use, and flow of capital and wealth; and (2) redistributing  
income from the poor and middle classes to the rich on the theory that the rich 
would then be motivated to invest and reignite economic growth. 
The problem with this formula was that in redistributing income to the  rich, 
you were gutting the incomes of the poor and middle classes, thus  
restricting demand, while not necessarily inducing the rich to invest more in  
production.  In fact, it could be more profitable to invest in speculation. 
In fact, neoliberal restructuring, which was generalized in the North and  
south during the eighties and nineties, had a poor record in terms of growth:  
Global growth averaged 1.1 percent in the 1990s and 1.4 percent in the 1980s,  
compared with 3.5 percent in the 1960s and 2.4 percent in the 1970s, when 
state  interventionist policies were dominant. Neoliberal restructuring could 
shake  off stagnation. 

Escape Route #2: Globalization 
The second escape route global capital took to counter stagnation was  
extensive accumulation or globalization, or the rapid integration of  
semi-capitalist, non-capitalist, or pre-capitalist areas into the global market 
Rosa Luxemburg, the famous German radical economist, saw this long ago  in her 
classic The Accumulation of Capital (1913) as necessary to shore up the  rate 
of profit in the metropolitan economies. 
How?  By gaining access to cheap labor, by gaining new, albeit  limited, 
markets, by gaining new sources of cheap agricultural and raw material  
and by bringing into being new areas for investment in infrastructure.  
Integration is accomplished via trade liberalization, 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Wither the car?

2009-03-05 Thread Waistline2
_http://www.truthout.org/030509G#1_ (http://www.truthout.org/030509G#1) 
The causes of the euphemization of the automobile industry's social  movement 
are various. The first lies in the significant reduction of the number  of 
employees, and, in particular, of workers on production sites over the last  
thirty years: Renault-Flins, which produces the Clio, went from 23,000 
in the 1960s to 3,500. At Peugeot-Sochaux, manpower has fallen from 42,000  
employees in 1978 to a little less than 18,000 today. 
These reductions are not only the result of technical progress that  
substituted robots or automation for people; these drops in manpower come both  
outsourcing to regions with lower manpower costs and sub-contracting  
(manufacturers no longer produce more than 30 percent of value-added 
versus 70 to 75 percent during the 1970s). At most sub-contractors, and  
at second and third-tier subcontractors, there are no unions, but  very high 
levels of part-time workers hired and fired at the complete pleasure  of 
management. Salaries may be 30-50 percent lower than those obtained at the  
To summarize, the globalization of the automobile industry's markets and of  
the capital likely to invest in it tend to align the work conditions and  
salaries of industrialized countries with those of lowest-bidder countries. And 
that alignment began at the same time as the explosion of that organizational  
revolution which occurred almost unnoticed in France, that is, the  
Japanization of production with the generalization of the principle of  
inventory management. 
That principle rests on the disappearance of work-in-progress and buffer  
stocks that would allow workers to breathe on the production line. The end of 
work-in-progress means that if a single link out of 100 to 200 (men or work  
stations) fails, the whole line stops, entailing significant cost-overruns. 
This  increased fragility of the production process is purposeful and 
a  vicious cycle constructed by company management to mobilize its personnel; 
 moreover, this organizational model involves a drastic reduction of  
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Capitalism, Socialism and Crisis

2009-03-05 Thread Waistline2
Capitalism, Socialism and Crisis
By Prabhat Patnaik  
 Original source: People's Democracy (India) 
Having read this article several times and gone to its location source  
above, I could find nothing that indicates that this article purports to be a  
Marxist analysis. My initial response was based on a false premise. Critiquing  
article for failing to be Marxists, when nothing states that the article is  
submitted as a Marxist analysis, is wrong. 
Sorry for my misunderstanding. 
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Capitalism, Socialism and Crisis

2009-03-05 Thread CeJ
CB: This is one of the  worst unsupported, conclusory
assertions I've seen since
Ralph's  embarrassing posts a couple of days
ago. An empty outburst, with no thought  in it
whatsoever. Who cares what you think
without any argumentation  ?

I thought it was a fairly good piece (assertion for now unsupported),
but I'd be curious as to why WL thought it was so bad it was beneath
at least some sort of explanatory comment.


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