Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity 6/end

2009-03-01 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 2/28/2009 1:26:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Obama as  a uniter is an interesting Marxist approach. Perhaps if all of  
was raised by a white parent and white grandparents, we too would be   

Why not just read his book - Dreams from my father?  And then describe how  
being raised, during his formative years,  where he was raised mirror the 
of  blacks in American Northern  or Southern cities and country side. I do 
write  Obama is an  immigrant. His story - meaning the story that he tells, 
to a   large degree the live he has lived, is that of the story of the 
immigrant  and  their first generation offspring. 

If you disagree with an  interpretation why not simply state something to  
effect that my  interpretation is unless you are saying what Obama means is 
I was  raised by one white parent and white grandparents and therefore I am 
uniter, with the small physiological disposition of the descendants  of  
Southern slavery. Without question he is African American, but  that does not 
really tell much.   


Trust me on the following: Obama is CEO for the capitalist class.  


 Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from  My Father, is the  immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather  than the history of the  Negro People, and 
acute  awareness of this living history accounts  for his unique and  
ability to cross the color line. When  Obama  writes, My identity might 

with the fact of my race, but   it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is 
meant is 
that my identity is  not  defined on the basis of the color factor in 

The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born  and  reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the  concept race,  other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals  unable to fully digest  dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.   

CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike  most
Black  people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents.  This gave him an  unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his  
Duboisian double  consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not  a divider.

Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his  immigrant  father. He was raised by
US natives
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity 6/end

2009-03-01 Thread Waistline2
Trust me on the following: Obama is CEO for the capitalist class.  


^^ CB: So were Lincoln and FDR. From my  observations, that's dogmatic 
,formulaic thinking ,and in this situation,  there  keep arising more 
indications that something new is going on here.  Need to try to think 
dialectically on 
this one. Again the first indicator is  getting all those White people to vote 
for him. That's breaking a quantitative  barrier. Then his first month as 
Pres is realistic , but making some changes  that are possible in this context 
despite all the left haters say. I could  list the actions , but I'm not going 
to exert myself for the haters. Fuck em.  

The big crisis/problem is Afghanistan, and ,of course Palestine  He's going 
to have to be Houdini on that. I can't see how he'll do it. Unless he  just 
pretty soon , after this assessment he can get something like broker both a  
treaty with Hamas and a treaty with  the Taliban et al not to facilitate,  and 
hinder any attack on the US by the bin Laden group.  I don't know  how he gets 
out of the obligation to capture bin Laden,  



To begin a  presentation - (the six part series for Black History Month, and 
the follow up  dialogue) with class, class struggles and class antagonism, and 
then point out  that Obama is the CEO of the capitalist class may very well 
be dogmatic  ,formulaic thinking , or a refusal to try to think 
dialectically. But, there  is no way to see how one thinks other than as it is 
in exposition. For  me this means class intersection and where the communist 
must push for the  concessions made possible on the basis of temporary fields 
of relative unity.  For instance health care has emerged as one of these 
fields and not because the  workers need health care. 

This field emerges as a manifestation  of intersection because private 
industry large and small, is being crushed by  health care cost, along with 
insurance companies indirectly paying for the cost  or medical plans. Further, 
cost of Medicare can be more rationalized and  driven downward by its 
reorganization around our new technological regime and  the cost of 
prescription drugs 
can also be driven down through regulation. Class  intersection of interest, 
rather than Obama as the uniter must inform our view  of the art of the 
possible. Another such field exist in the agricultural  sector, as the 
expansion of 
welfare and food stamps. Most certainly this  business sector is screaming 
through its lobbyists that the people are hunger  and need food; our food. 
Through this intersection of interest arising the  demand to increase the 
consumption capacity of the masses, which also intersects  with a huge area of 
economy driven by consumer demand. 

Here is the basis upon which Obama emerges as uniter. 
This is not a bad thing, but a thing that must lend itself to a Marxist  
unraveling in its class dimensions. This is not to suggest being opposed to  
excursions into anthropology. This clamoring about white people is unsettling  
because 58 million, primarily whites voted in the historically fascist 
 block anchored in the Southern political establishment. We really need to 
find  the means to propagandize class and popularize its meaning for America.  

I am of the opinion that the great polarity to be stuck and fought  for in 
American society is between fascists and non fascist. There are material  
reasons for this opinion bound up with this stage of decay of capital. 
In the pre and post WWII era it was possible for a section of world  politics 
to be anti-fascism and anti-communism because capitalism itself had not  
reached its historical barriers and the anti-communist/anti-fascists axis still 
had a task of sweeping the last institutions of feudalism from earth. Further,  
the era of the national colonial revolutions had not been completed and 
allowed  for a unique class intersection of forces that emerged as the politics 
the  Third World movement. It mattered little that we communists screamed at 
the  top of our lungs that there is no such thing as a Third Way, because 
the world  still had to complete its historical process bound up with the 
destruction of  direct colonialism and establishing the world hegemony of 

Today, the world class alignment is such that the world  bourgeoisie and 
world proletariat faces each other along lines spoken of in the  Communist 
Manifesto. Further, a section of the world bourgeoisie and world  proletariat 
been effectively cast outside of bourgeois production and face  each other in 
external collision. Without the connecting bond - tissue, that is  the unity of 
productive forces and social relations of production there is no  basis for 
unity with these extreme manifestation of the capital relations. If  you do not 
have a job or the prospect of getting one, you exist in external  collision 
with capital. 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity 6/end

2009-03-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
Insofar as I understand what Waistline is saying here, I agree with all of it.

-Original Message-
Sent: Mar 1, 2009 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity   


To begin a  presentation - (the six part series for Black History Month, and 
the follow up  dialogue) with class, class struggles and class antagonism, and 
then point out  that Obama is the CEO of the capitalist class may very well 
be dogmatic  ,formulaic thinking , or a refusal to try to think 
dialectically. But, there  is no way to see how one thinks other than as it 
is expressed 
in exposition. For  me this means class intersection and where the communist 
must push for the  concessions made possible on the basis of temporary 
of relative unity.  For instance health care has emerged as one of these 
fields and not because the  workers need health care. 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity 6/end

2009-02-28 Thread Charles Brown
Obama as a uniter is an interesting Marxist approach.

CB: Marxist as in
Workers of all nations and races , unite ! 


 Perhaps if all of  us 
was raised by a white parent and white grandparents, we too would be  

CB: Makes sense. It would engender
 need for unity on a personal 
level for peace of
mind. His mother
seems to have taught him Black
history type respect for Black people.
He seems to have somewhat consciously
constructed a Black identity of high integrity.
Going to the hood to live, like an anthropologist
joining his own culture.
Now he's an interesting character.
To coin a phrase, he seems to
be in the Presidential world , but not of it.
Somehow he comes across as
confident in the sense of not worried,
in the face of an extraordinary mess
but not arrogant and not aloof. Engaged
with horrific crises, but not scared
and  not in the bliss of ignorance.
I'm like more power to ya, Barry.
So far, so good.


Why not just read his book - Dreams from my father?

CB: I did.


 And then describe how  
being raised, during his formative years, where he was raised mirror the life 
of  blacks in American Northern or Southern cities and country side. I do not 
write  Obama is an immigrant. His story - meaning the story that he tells, and 
to a  large degree the live he has lived, is that of the story of the 
immigrant and  their first generation offspring. 

CB:  Maybe sort of half, but the other
half is pretty American native. I will say that
he's sort of like a brother from
another planet. More like an
immigrant from ancient Egypt 
or something, somekind of higher
civilization than America.
His mother was an anthropologist,
and he lived in Indonesia for a while,
which might give him some ability
to view American culture objectively
like an immigrant,
but his grandfather was a traveling salesman
and his grandmother worked in a bank, real
regular Americans from Kansas

He's _sui generis_, a phenomon, breaking through
a new quantitative boundry in personality type.
He's got a lot of character, and, well../\. intelligence
social intelligence and abstract intelligence.

If you disagree with an interpretation why not simply state something to  the 
effect that my interpretation is unless you are saying what Obama means is  
I was raised by one white parent and white grandparents and therefore I am a 
uniter, with the small physiological disposition of the descendants of  
Southern slavery. Without question he is African American, but that does not  
really tell much.   

CB: See above


Trust me on the following: Obama is CEO for the capitalist class. 


CB: So were Lincoln and FDR.
From my observations, that's
dogmatic ,formulaic thinking ,and
in this situation, there  keep arising
more indications that
something new is going on here. Need to
try to think dialectically on this one. Again
the first indicator is getting all those
White people to vote for him. That's
breaking a quantitative barrier. Then 
his first month as Pres is realistic , but making
some changes that are possible
in this context
, despite all
the left haters say. I could list
the actions , but I'm not going
to exert myself for the
haters. Fuck em. 

The big crisis/problem is
Afghanistan, and ,of course
Palestine He's going
to have to be Houdini on that.
I can't see how he'll do it. Unless
he just pretty soon , after this 
assessment he can get something like
broker both a treaty with Hamas 
and a treaty with  the 
Taliban et al not to
facilitate, and to hinder any
attack on the US by the bin
Laden group.  I don't know
how he gets out of the obligation
to capture bin Laden, 

 Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the  immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the  Negro People, and 
acute awareness of this living history accounts  for his unique and 
ability to cross the color line. When  Obama writes, My identity might begin 

with the fact of my race, but  it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is 
meant is 
that my identity is not  defined on the basis of the color factor in American 

The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and  reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race,  other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest  dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.  

CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike most
Black  people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents. This gave him an  unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his 
Duboisian double  consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not a divider.

Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his immigrant  father. He was raised by
US natives

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 6/end

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
6. Cultural nuances/end 
Barack Obama is/as a black man, keenly aware of the color factor in  American 
and world history and sensitive to the nuances of culture. I own and  have 
read his autobiography Dreams From My Father, written in 1995 at the age  of 
33 at the same time of purchasing and reading Sidney Poitier Measure of A  
Mr. Poitier introduced the #16 quotes of the 100 Years  . . . .100  Movie 
Quotes in the movie In The Heat of The Night, where he plays the role  of a 
Northern Black detective sent South to unravel a murder. His famous line  was: 
They call me Mister Tibbs. 
Both of these men, proud, determined and elegant in their own right and  
individuality, manifest the story of the American melting pot, as America’s  
little discussed and little understood black underbelly. 
In 1963, Poitier became the first black man to win a USA Academy Award for  
Best Actor, and of course Obama is the first black man to become President.  
Neither are Negro, but most certainly black, in the same way that a second and 
 third generation English man or German immigrant lives the metamorphosis in  
America, that is the American melting pot and emerges as Anglo American. The  
same can be said of say Minister Louis Farrakhan, Marcus Garvey and even WEB 
Du  Bois. 
Let’s isolate Minister Louis for a moment to examine how the American story  
has played itself out and unravel a quantifying of American history and  
individuals that seem to defies logic. Farrakhan was born in New York, Bronx,  
raised as Eugene Walcott within the West Indian community in the Roxbury  
section of Boston Massachusetts. His mother, Sarah Mae Manning, had emigrated  
from Saint Kitts and Nevis in the 1920’s; his father, Percival Clarke, was a  
Jamaican cab driver from New York. 
As a child, he received training as a violinist. At the age of six, he was  
given his first violin and by the age of thirteen, he had played with the 
Boston  College Orchestra and the Boston Civic Symphony. A year later, he went 
to win  national competitions, and was one of the first black performers to 
appear on  Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour, where he also - naturally, won an 
award. A  central focus of his youth was the Episcopal St. Cyprian's Church in 
Boston's  Roxbury section, a part of Boston which also produced the great 
All of these men, noble and elegant in their own right and historical  
experience, manifest the striving and realization of the American Dream, to one 
degree or another, rather than the plight and circumstance of the Negro; 
those people emerging from the melting pot of slavery and then formed under 
90  years of structural Jim Crow.  All these men are African American but that  
tell one virtually nothing, in the same way that whites as Anglo American  
informs one of next to nothing. Basically, Anglo American and African American  
means Americans with white and black skin, when in fact the individual has 
a  real history. 
The experience of Jim Crow + white chauvinism, NOT Southern slavery + Jim  
Crow + white chauvinism, also shaped and impacted all of these men, but their  
experience mirrors, that of the European immigrant, to a vast degree, including 
 Malcolm X. Malcolm’s mother Louise Little was born in Grenada, with Malcolm  
stating, she looked like a white woman, because of her Scottish father. 
Interesting yes? 
Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the Negro People, and his  
acute awareness of this living history accounts for his unique and individual  
ability to cross the color line. When Obama writes, My identity might begin  
with the fact of my race, but it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is meant is 
 that my identity is not defined on the basis of the color factor in American 
The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race, other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce. The very concept of race is an ideological trap designed to 
not  just classes and class intersection, but prevents disclosing that, which 
is  specific and critical to American society. Actually, lumping all blacks 
together  under the rubric race is to lump all European ethnic together as a 
dominating  race, rather than a historically oppressing peoples with classes 
amongst them;  classes that began polarizing in a different manner the moment 
the barriers of  Jim Crow began falling. 
It is accurate to insist that the election of Obama inaugurates the class  
struggle in America, with a section of the intelligentsia as black, fighting 
 last pitched battle to impose the concept of race on the emerging fighting  
section of our fighting proletariat. I have the most personal responsibility 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: 6/end

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the Negro People, and his  
acute awareness of this living history accounts for his unique and individual  
ability to cross the color line. When Obama writes, My identity might begin  
with the fact of my race, but it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is meant is 
that my identity is not defined on the basis of the color factor in American 

The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race, other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.

CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike most
Black people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents. This gave him an unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his 
Duboisian double consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not a divider.

Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his immigrant father. He was raised by
US natives

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity 6/end

2009-02-27 Thread Waistline2
Obama as a uniter is an interesting Marxist approach. Perhaps if all of  us 
was raised by a white parent and white grandparents, we too would be  
Why not just read his book - Dreams from my father? And then describe how  
being raised, during his formative years, where he was raised mirror the life 
of  blacks in American Northern or Southern cities and country side. I do not 
write  Obama is an immigrant. His story - meaning the story that he tells, and 
to a  large degree the live he has lived, is that of the story of the 
immigrant and  their first generation offspring. 
If you disagree with an interpretation why not simply state something to  the 
effect that my interpretation is unless you are saying what Obama means is  
I was raised by one white parent and white grandparents and therefore I am a 
 uniter, with the small physiological disposition of the descendants of  
Southern slavery. Without question he is African American, but that does not  
really tell much.   
Trust me on the following: Obama is CEO for the capitalist class. 
 Barack Obama wonderful book, Dreams from My Father, is the  immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather than the history of the  Negro People, and 
acute awareness of this living history accounts  for his unique and 
ability to cross the color line. When  Obama writes, My identity might begin 
with the fact of my race, but  it didn’t, couldn’t, end there, what is 
meant is 
that my identity is not  defined on the basis of the color factor in American 
The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born and  reared  
as part of the baby boomers, can deploy the concept race,  other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals unable to fully digest  dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.  
CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike most
Black  people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents. This gave him an  unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his 
Duboisian double  consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not a divider.
Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his immigrant  father. He was raised by
US natives
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