Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Labor Day at Camp Casey Detroit--Day 15 

Get down, Get up!
Get out of Iraq!
Not the war machine!
Remember New Orleans!
If we ever thought we were in the minority in voicing our call to "Bring the
troops home NOW!", yesterday's massive (47,000 people) Labor Day Parade here
in Detroit showed us otherwise. We, my friends, are now in the majority! 
The response we 100 peace activists received from those 47,000 union
members, their families, City Council candidates and high school marching
bands made it crystal clear that the people say NO to this war on Iraq, they
want their sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers
home NOW, and are appalled that our nation was so ill-equiped in the face of
Katrina's devastation in New Orleans and the Gulf States. 

Whenever a delegation of marchers would first see our signs and banners,
hear our chants and receive our flyers, they would raise their fists in
agreement, wave their arms, give us the thumbs up, nod their heads, shout
"YES!", flash us the peace sign, join their voices to ours in the chants,
and invariably take the "No War" sign we offered and carry it proudly for
the rest of the parade. The response was 100% against the war!
And these were the workers, folks who make up what is called Middle America.

Yes, there has been a major shift in public opinion and we here in Detroit
saw it yesterday. So, watch out Washington! We have had enough of your
aggression, arrogance, greed and lack of care or concern about us, the
people. These people, the ones you choose to dismiss as unimportant, are
coming together in ways you cannot imagine, and we are gaining momentum and
confidence day by day. There is NO stopping us now!
September 24th in Washington, DC, you will see evidence of this grassroots
resistance to your policies and wars. We will take over your city and there
will be NO ignoring us then! Just wait and see...
So yesterday, Labor Day in Detroit, marked a new moment in the building of a
People's Movement, and we at Camp Casey Detroit helped ignite the flames by
our 15 days of 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week commitment to saying NO TO WAR
with our time, energy, minds, hearts and bodies.
And after holding our signs and banners for the hour and a half it took for
the Labor Day Parade to pass our block there in Grand Circus Park, about 30
of us carried our message down to Hart Plaza where the Detroit Jazz Festival
was starting for the day. The police wouldn't let us onto the Plaza, so we
marched in a circle on the Jefferson Avenue sidewalk with our signs and
banners. What I will remember about that vigil were the two young boys who
joined us and started the chant, "Money for Schools, Not for War!"
Yes, we Americans are finally catching on!
--posted by Patricia 

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