The Hiram Key

        By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone 
        Sept. 18, 2002 

        Dear Ken Adachi, 

        This is an email that I sent to a friend in California. 
         Joan bought a used book at a local garage sale last week (June 9
2002). The book, "The Hiram Key" by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas was
published 1996 in England by Arrow.  The book has a Canadian price on it BUT
NO USA PRICE. That means it was not published in the USA. Checking I found it there with a ten day delay on shipping, meaning that
it was being shipped from outside the USA. The book cover was the same as
Arrow's. There were no commentaries added to the webpage. 
        The book goes into Masonic rituals and initiations. The authors are
both Freemasons who went through the rituals and initiations, but did not
have a clue as to what they all meant. They suspected that few Masons knew
the origins of their social club. They both had access to the Masonic
libraries of England, Scotland and Wales plus many rare books which would be
available only in England. 

        They made discovery after discovery over the decade they researched.
They found the man, Hiram Abif, around which all the traditions were
focused. They actually found his body in Egypt with the wounds still
visible. These are the three wounds which are reenacted in dark rooms in
Masonic Halls. 

        The two authors then followed the story of Hiram Abif through 3700
years and proved that the Templar Knights of France (1120 AD) rediscovered
the story of Hiram Abif in a vaulted chamber beneath the place where the
Temple of Solomon had stood. The Copper Scroll of Quram, one of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, lists 12 parchments in that chamber, written by James, the brother
of Jesus. There was also gold and silver listed as hidden in various nooks
around the vaulted chamber. The Templars realized that the Roman Catholic
Church in the first centuries had totally changed the teachings of Jesus, so
they hid the scrolls and swore their knights to secrecy. 

        With the destruction of the Templar Knights in 1307, the Knights
went underground in Scotland. The Chapel at Roslyn in Edinburgh is believed
by the authors to be the place where the 12 scrolls are hidden as that
building is a replica of the Temple of Solomon including the vaulted, Roman
era chamber. 

        It is likely that translations of the 12 scrolls are in hidden
libraries in England, America and other places in the world. It is likely
that Sir Francis Bacon, George Washington and others read the scrolls. It is
also extremely likely that the Roman Catholic Church has found and destroyed
some of those translations, so that what remains outside Roslyn is very well
hidden. Possibly the scrolls were stolen out of Roslyn in the late 1800s
when a baptistry was added to the west wall. 

        The authors, reading between the lines, of their rituals and related
documents have a good idea as to the basic gist of the 12 scrolls, but not
the details. The details would render the RC Church powerless, a lie created
by liars. There are many organizations and governments that do not want the
12 scrolls rediscovered. The RC Church hid, delayed, and eventually
minimized the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They had a plan in place
to do so, as they knew damaging documents existed. It is interesting that a
publisher for "The Hiram Key"could not be found in the USA. 

        Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone 

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