Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] U.S. relations of production acting as fetter on product

2005-09-08 Thread Waistline2
1. CB: What do you mean by infrastructure ?

Infrastructure: infra: below or within when used in referring to parts of a 
text or in contradistinction to super - as in superstructure, existing below 
or within as supporting framework of a structure, as in infrastructure. 
infrastructure: the basic underlying framework or feature of a system as the 
military installions, communications and transport facilities of a country. 
Primarily used amongst the military as a concept.
Infrastructure, in the context of my reply to the concept of the productive 
forces, and in contradistinction to superstructure, serves as that upon with 
the complex of components that constitutes the productive forces - and its 
technological regime, are held together as a systematic relations defining a 
of production. The infrastructure of 19th century American capitalism is vastly 
different from the infrastructure of 21st century American capitalism, 
although the property relations has not changed. 
Levies are part of the infrastructure and as such, should not be confused 
with an industrial machine. Levies are important in all period of history. 

WL: What constitutes an epoch in the Marxist standpoint? 

CB: period of time that is more than one generation.
I disagree that one generation defines an epoch in the Marxist standpoint. 
What is a generation? My son can be said to represent a different generation 
than I and he does not represent a different epoch from me.
What then is the Marxist standpoint? The Marxist standpoint in 
contradistinction to the standpoint of the bourgeoisie, is an approach to 
history and epoch, 
as is the term era, a concept of history development.  My son may represent a 
different era but not a different epoch. 
What is this Marxist standpoint if not the materialist conception of history 
or more accurately the materialist approach to history. This materialist 
approach distinguishes junctures of history as historical markers of 
differentiation based on changes in the mode of production. An epoch is 
connected to distinct modes of production in the Marxist sense when speaking of 
history rather than political doctrine.There is the epoch of feudalism and the 
epoch of capitalism or bourgeois property. There is an epoch of primitive 
communism, which is the majority of human history. There is an era of 
rather than an epoch. 

All of us over 50 or 40 have been to many meetings where someone would jump 
up and declare it was an epoch making event or historical and nothing epoch 
making ever came out of such meetings. 
Assuming that this is wrong, defining an epoch as a generation has nothing to 
do with the Marxist standpoint because it incorporates nothing of Marx into 
the definition.  
WL: The social revolution is well underway already.

CB: What is the evidence of this ?
This is self explanatory in as much as everyone on earth basically agrees 
society is undergoing a revolution in the mode of production - the industrial 
foundation of our society, and we are in fact, leaving industrial society - 
slowly, but in a way no one disputes. 
The question becomes what is your definition of social revolution if not a 
revolution that changes that way society is organized in the process of 
Marx was quoted as stating: 
At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of 
society come in conflict with the existing relations of production,  . . .Then 
begins an epoch of social revolution 
Is it necessary to provide evidence of this at this late stage? In fact your 
premise is that the productive forces - levies, are in contradiction with the 
relations of production - the capitalist handling of the hurricane crisis, so 
why is it necessary to provide evidence of social revolution, according to 
what you wrote. 

WL: Marx quote, perhaps his most famous, is interesting and filled with 
conceptual gold nuggets. Actually, one can read relations of production to
mean more  than simply the property relations.

CB: But that would be at variance with what Marx says in the passage. He
says they are the same thing.

Marx does not say that relations of production are simply property relations 
or he would have wrote property relations or form of property. I respect your 
personal interpretation of the words RELATIONS of (producing) - production, 
But disagree with your interpretation of Marx meaning. 

Actually, we have different concepts of what Marx means by relations of 
production. Here is my understanding and I await your understanding.

The relations in relations of production cannot simply be property because 
this is not possible. The relations of course speak of people standing in 
relationship to something. Property in the Marxists standpoint means ownership 
rights of 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] U.S. relations of production acting as fetter on product...

2005-09-07 Thread Waistline2
The failure of U.S. capitalism to prepare its productive forces, which are
the levies in New Orleans, to deal with the hurricane disaster was the
capitalist relations of production acting as fetters on the development of
those productive forces. :0 Contrast this with the ability of the relations
of production in Cuba to prepare its productive forces to defend
substantially against a hurricane hitting Cuba.

Will this disaser lead the U.S. population to burst asunder its relations of
production ? :)



No . . . not in my opinion, although this disaster is driving an ideological 
shift in our country as all classes seek an approach to aid and remedy the 
incredible miser and hardship faced by close to one million people in motion, 
seeking resettlement. 

To the point. 

Levies are not productive forces and at best a specific stage of development 
of levies will indicate a certain stage of development of the technological 
regime and how the human components of the productive forces uses its material 
power. Actually, levies are a component of the infrastructure. 

It is true that a combination of the actual social organization of the people 
of Cuba, in their economic/social and cultural life, and the form of property 
relations as ownership rights of their means of production; along with the 
practical activity of the Cuban Party, creates a lived circumstance where the 
human components of the productive forces - people, and their well being is 
priority number one, in contradistinction to the dictates and demands of 
property as the private sector of economy and political guardian of the 
social life in our country. 

Marx is quoted as stating:  At a certain stage of their development, the 
material productive forces of society come in conflict with the existing 
relations of production, or - what is but a legal expression for the same thing 
with the property relations within which they have been at work hitherto. From 
forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their

Then begins an epoch of social revolution 

I have often wondered and worked out for myself the meaning of an epoch. 
What constitutes an epoch in the Marxist standpoint? 

The events in New Orleans or rather the hurricane devastating Florida, 
Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana cannot begin the social revolution as an 
event because social revolution for Marx grows out of the conflict between 
the material productive forces and the existing relations of production, . . 
 with the property relations. 

The social revolution is well underway already. Society is in fact leaping - 
in transition, to a qualitatively higher mode of production as it leaves 
industrial society. This process is taking place unevenly across the face of 
earth as it must and always does. 

Marx quote, perhaps his most famous, is interesting and filled with 
conceptual gold nuggets. Actually, one can read relations of production to 
mean more 
than simply the property relations. At any rate levies are not the meaning 
of the productive forces. 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] U.S. relations of production acting as fetter on product

2005-09-07 Thread Charles Brown
...Waistline2 at 


To the point. 

Levies are not productive forces 

Louie Nye from the Steve Allen show : Why not ?


and at best a specific stage of development 
of levies will indicate a certain stage of development of the technological 
regime and how the human components of the productive forces uses its
power. Actually, levies are a component of the infrastructure.


CB: What do you mean by infrastructure ?


It is true that a combination of the actual social organization of the
people  of Cuba, in their economic/social and cultural life, and the form of
property relations as ownership rights of their means of production; along
with the 
practical activity of the Cuban Party, creates a lived circumstance where
human components of the productive forces - people, and their well being is 
priority number one, in contradistinction to the dictates and demands of
property as the private sector of economy and political guardian of the 
social life in our country. 

Marx is quoted as stating:  At a certain stage of their development, the 
material productive forces of society come in conflict with the existing 
relations of production, or - what is but a legal expression for the same
thing - 
with the property relations within which they have been at work hitherto.
forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into

Then begins an epoch of social revolution 

I have often wondered and worked out for myself the meaning of an epoch. 
What constitutes an epoch in the Marxist standpoint? 

CB: period of time that is more than one generation.


The events in New Orleans or rather the hurricane devastating Florida, 
Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana cannot begin the social revolution as an
event because social revolution for Marx grows out of the conflict between 
the material productive forces and the existing relations of production,
. . . 
 with the property relations. 

CB: However, I am saying levies are productive forces, and, a conflict
between relations of production and productive forces is when a lot of
people get fucked over because the relations of production/property
relations cause the productive forces to be fettered ,i.e. prevented from
being used to their full potential so as to prevent people from getting
fucked over; and to the extent that people get fed up and change the
relations of production as a result of some crisis resulting from this


The social revolution is well underway already.

CB: What is the evidence of this ?


 Society is in fact leaping - 
in transition, to a qualitatively higher mode of production as it leaves 
industrial society. This process is taking place unevenly across the face of
earth as it must and always does. 

Marx quote, perhaps his most famous, is interesting and filled with 
conceptual gold nuggets. Actually, one can read relations of production to
mean more 
than simply the property relations.

CB: But that would be at variance with what Marx says in the passage. He
says they are the same thing.

 At any rate levies are not the meaning 
of the productive forces. 

CB: No, I think the levies are part of the productive forces in Marx's
sense. That's pretty certain. They are only a small part , but they _are_
productive forces. They produce dry land where otherwise there would be a
lake. One of the most famous ancient forms of productive forces is similar ,
but opposite: irrigation systems. See Wittfogel's theory. 

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