I wrote the following back in 1998 for Proyect's Marxmail list.

Jim F.
The  Fall 1998 issue of SCIENCE & SOCIETY is a special issue devoted to
"dialectics: The New Frontier." It features noted Marxist scholars,
Bertell Ollman and Tony Smith, as the guest editors and includes articles
by such noted Marxists as Frederic Jameson, Richard Levins, Nancy
Hartsock, Istevan Meszaros and Joel Kovel amongst others. This issue
attempts to cover many of the important questions concerning dialectics
why Marxism needs dialectics in the first place, whether Marx's dialectic
constitutes a reflection of what the world really is (ontological
dialectics)or is it a method for investigating the world (epistemological
dialectics)or both. Does the dialectic apply just to history and society
or does it apply to nature in general (dialectics of nature)? Is
dialectical analysis applicable just to organic interactions within
capitalism or is it generally applicable to historical change? Was
dialectics for Marx primarily a method of exposition (especially for
*Capital*) or was it also a method of inquiry as well? Also, which
dialectical categories: contradictions, internal relations, the negation
of the negation etc. were of central importance for Marx? 

One interesting article is the one by Richard Levins, "Dialectics and
Systems Theory." Levins attempts to answer the question of whether or not
the development of a rigorous, quantitative mathematical systems theory
makes dialectics obsolete. That is a question that Barkley Rosser and
others here (if not on this list then on earlier lists like the old M-I
and M-SCI) have dealt with. As Levins notes, his friend the evolutionary
biologist, John Maynard Smith, had argued that  systems theory has made
dialectics obsolete because it offers a set of concepts like "feedback"
in place of Engels' notion of the "interchange between cause and effect";
the "threshold effect" in place of the mysterious "transformation of
quantity into quality" and that the notion of the "negation of the
negation" is one that he never could make sense of.

Levin, however, disagreed with Maynard Smith and he contended that
dialectics should not be subsumed into systems theory while at the same
time acknowledging that in his opinion contemporary systems theory does
constitute an important example of modern science becoming more
dialectical albeit in an incomplete, halting and inconsistent manner. As
he pointed out systems theory is a "moment" in the investigation of
complex systems which facilitates the formulation of problems and the
interpretation of solutions so that mathematical models can be
constructed that will make the obscure obvious. At the same time, Levins
stresseed that systems theory is still a product of the reductionist
tradition in modern science which emerged out of that tradition's
struggle to come to terms with complexity, non-linearity and change
through the use of sophisticated mathematical models.

Richard Levins in beginning his article with an account of his exchanges
with John Maynard Smith over whether or not mathematical systems theory
can replace dialectics raises in my mind some interesting questions.
First, it is worth noting that Maynard Smith, himself, was best known for
his work in the application of game theory to elucidating Darwinian
theory. John Maynard Smith has along with other evolutionists like
William Hamilton, George Williams, and Richard Dawkins elaborated an
interpretation of Darwinism that takes a "gene's eye" view of evolution -
that in other words treats not organisms but individual genes within the
gene pool of a given population as the units of selection. This
conception arose out of Hamilton's work in developing Darwinian
explanations of altruism. Hamilton concluded that altruism could not be
explained if we took individual organisms as the basic units of selection
since altruistic behavior almost by definition impairs the reproductive
fitness of the individual organism by acting in the interests of other
organisms at the expense of its own interests. Hamilton argued that such
behavior becomes explicable once we realize that it is individual genes
that are the units of selection. Thus, if an organism sacrifices itself
to protect the lives of its siblings or offspring it is in fact ensuring
that its own genes survive into future generations through its siblings
or offspring so natural section will favor such behavior.

Hamilton and fellow theorists like George Williams argued that it is
possible to understand evolution at the gene level if we postulate that
genes are acting like rational self-interested actors or what Dawkins
call "selfish genes." Maynard Smith has taken this a few steps further by
using game theory to show what kinds of strategies that genes (conceived
of as being rational and self-interested) will adopt to ensure their
survival either in competition or in cooperation with other genes. Thus
he has given to evolutionary biology such concepts as that of the
evolutionary stable strategy which in his view offers us an important way
for understanding evolution. 

I have heard that Maynard Smith is either a Marxist or (depending on the
source an ex-Marxist). What is striking to me is how his arguments
against dialectics parallel the ones that some Analytical Marxists have
advanced. What is even more interesting is the fact that one school of
Analytical Marxism - the Rational Choice Marxism of John Roemer and Jon
Elster draws heavily upon game theory (the favorite tool of Maynard Smith
in his own work) in its reconstruction of Marxian theory. Therefore,
while Maynard Smith himself, may have looked to systems theory as an
adequate replacement for dialectics, some Analytical Marxists like Roemer
and Elster look to rational choice theory including especially game
theory for replacing dialectics. Indeed, there is I think much to be said
for this position. Much of the Marxian analysis of the contradictions of
capitalism can IMO be expressed in the language of game theory. The
Prisoners' Dilemma Game provides us an excellent model for illustrating
how individual rationality can under certain conditions lead to
collective irrationality and that is quite relevant in illustrating the
irrationalities of capitalism. 

In the end just as Levins concluded that while systems theory cannot
replace dialectics since it constitutes an attempt of a reductionist
science tradition to cope with complexity, non-linearity, and and change
through sophisticated mathematical modeling, the same can be said for
rational choice theory. In either case the dialectician is likely to find
much of value but in neither case can these valuable but limited tools
take the place of dialectical thought. 

Jim Farmelant 

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