[masq] (Fwd) Re: [masq] ipchains - proper forum?

1998-10-30 Thread Charles Shoemaker

Subject:   Re:  [masq] ipchains - proper forum?

Is discussing ipchains on this list appropriate since it appears as if
ipchains is pretty much going to replace ipmasq as we currently know it?

IPCHAINS will only replace IPFWADM.  MASQ is still a function of
the Linux kernel.

So.. YES.. this is a perfect place to talk about IPCHAINS.

I agree.  This list is populated by folks doing firewalls for fun 
and/or profit, and if ipchains is the future, we'd all better get up 
to speed soon.

"Some people crave baseball - I find this unfathomable - but I can
easily understand why a person could get excited about playing a
Frank Zappa
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[masq] Blocking certain domain names

1998-10-30 Thread David Kramer

I would like to to start putting in firewall rules to block ANYTHING
from certain domain names.  For instance, I'll often get hit from
(something).sp.mandic.com.br, but there doesn't seem to be a contiguous
IP range.  I think I figured out that I need
ipfwadm -I -a deny -S mandic.com.br
to do that.  will that block  (something).sp.mandic.com.br?

Also, how would I check it?  I've been trying variants of 
ipfwadm -I -c -S (ip address) -W eth0
but whatever I try, I get one error message or another.

Thanks in advance.
   David Kramer[EMAIL PROTECTED]
DK KD  http://start.at/david.kramer
DKK D Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with 
DK KD the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for
  the right purpose and in the right way -- that is not easy.
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[masq] Masq/FTP/ipchains

1998-10-30 Thread Clint Todish

I posted a similar message recently to a Usenet group. Hopefully,
you guys will know better:

I got my Austin Roadrunner service up and running with Linux
(Redhat 5.1 + kernel 1.2.126) masquerading a RFC1918 network. 
Surprisingly, there is currently no need for the authorization 
process in my area - I suppose I'll need to watch out for this. 
There should be a temporary kludge to get it working by running
the authorization program on an internal NT box - we'll see. I 
plan on writing a Linux based process should the need arise.

My question to anyone with ipfw experience is this:

I would like to open inbound ftp-data sourced requests but only
to my masqueraded boxes (to prevent someone manually sourcing
the ftp-data port and breaking my firewall). The ftp masq module
should take care of any security problems, but since the ipfw stuff
is only based on 'real' IP's on the unsecured side, I can't seem to
do this. Am I right in assuming this is the case or is there a way
to match incoming requests on a 'post masquerade' basis? Essentially,
I'd like to do something like:

ipchains -A input -i eth0 -p TCP -y -s ftp-data -d RFCNET/24 -j ACCEPT

where eth0 = RoadRunner connection and RFCNET = my 1918 internal network.

or for a step by step description:

1) packet comes in sourced with ftp-data port
2) input filter let's it through
3) masquerade either handles it or passes it though
4) ipfw blocks the packet if masq can't handle it.

hopefully, this makes some kind of sense.

oh! btw, does anyone have experience setting up GRE tunnels with 
Linux? I'd be very interested in hearing from you...
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[masq] Getting traceroute to work through a firewall + ipmasquerading configuration

1998-10-30 Thread Henty Waker

Greetings everyone

I've got a public IP address for my gateway. The gateway is doing IP
masquerading for my entire LAN. The gateway also acts as a firewall.

If I take down the firewall (i.e. flush all Input and Output rules) and
just leave masquerading running I can traceroute from the LAN. However,
as soon as I enable the firewall rules, traceroute fails to work. 

Does anyone know what changes I should make to my firewall configuration
in order to get traceroute working ? Does it use ICMP + something else ?
If so, which ports/protocol does it use ?

A relevant selection from my current I/O/F rules follows:


# Deny anything coming in

"$IPFWADM" -I -p deny
"$IPFWADM" -O -p deny
"$IPFWADM" -F -p deny

# Refuse spoofed packets


# Unlimited traffic within the local network

"$IPFWADM" -I -a accept -V $IFINTERN
"$IPFWADM" -O -a accept -V $IFINTERN

# Loopback interface is valid

"$IPFWADM" -I -a accept -V
"$IPFWADM" -O -a accept -V 

# Unlimited ICMP traffic

"$IPFWADM" -I -a accept -P icmp
"$IPFWADM" -O -a accept -P icmp

# Masquerading

"$IPFWADM" -F -a m -W ppp0 -S "$LOCALNET" -D "$ANYWHERE"



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[masq] Transparent proxy

1998-10-30 Thread Lars Bensmann


I hope this is not off-topic. If it is, please tell me where it would be
more approriate.
I got a question concerning the transparent proxy support in the Linux

As I understand it the Linux box will catch any outgoing request to a
specific port and redirect it to a local port. (If you set it up correctly
with ipfwadm).

Now if I write a proxy application on the Linux machine that will accept
these redirected requests, can it somehow inquire where the orignal
request was going?

To make it a little clearer, here is a small graph:

+Remote host 1++Remote host 2+
\   /
 \ /
  +Linux host +
  +with transp+
  +proxy  +
  +Client +
  +maschine   +

OK, my client machine tries to connect to remote host 1 on port xyz. Linux
catches the request and forwards it to a local port where a proxy is
listening. Does this process know, if I was trying to reach remote host 1
or 2 (or any other machine)?

Thanks for your help,

P.S. Are there any more infos regarding this feature? There are 5 lines or
so in the ipfwadm manpage, but I couldn't find anything else.

Anything is possible, unless it's not.
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Re: [masq] Blocking certain domain names

1998-10-30 Thread Fuzzy Fox

David Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to to start putting in firewall rules to block ANYTHING
 from certain domain names.

What sounds simple on the surface is often not-so-simple underneath.

 For instance, I'll often get hit from (something).sp.mandic.com.br,
 but there doesn't seem to be a contiguous IP range.

What do you mean by "get hit"?

 I think I figured out that I need
 ipfwadm -I -a deny -S mandic.com.br
 to do that.  will that block  (something).sp.mandic.com.br?

No.  The IP forwarding rules work on just that:  IP addresses.  They
know nothing about domain names.  In fact, there is never a direct way
to translate between a domain name and an IP address.  For every IP
address, you must perform a DNS reverse-lookup in order to find out what
name (if any!) is associated with an IP address.  This is complicated by
the fact that there can be more than one name that maps to an IP
address, and there is not necessarily a reverse-mapping from the IP
address back to a name, plus the fact that DNS services can be slow, or
unavailable at times, and you certainly don't want your kernel to BLOCK
and WAIT for the name server to answer and tell you whether you should
drop or forward this packet that just came in...

Anyway, what you want to do is lookup these various hosts, and either
block their specific IP's, or block the subnet(s) on which they exist. 
You could probably use the nslookup command "ls" to get a listing of the
domain, as I've done here:

% nslookup

Default Server:  zero.foxtaur.com

 set type=ns

Server:  zero.foxtaur.com

sp.mandic.com.brnameserver = gandalf.mandic.com.br
sp.mandic.com.brnameserver = merlim.mandic.com.br
sp.mandic.com.brnameserver = oz.mandic.com.br
sp.mandic.com.brnameserver = hermes.mandic.com.br
gandalf.mandic.com.br   internet address =
merlim.mandic.com.brinternet address =
oz.mandic.com.brinternet address =
hermes.mandic.com.brinternet address =

 server gandalf.mandic.com.br
Default Server:  gandalf.mandic.com.br

 ls mandic.com.br.

  [... lots and lots of hostnames and IP addresses...]

So then you can go through this list and either group them into subnets
for blocking, or just make a specific rule for hosts that you know you
don't want to hear from.

 Also, how would I check it?  I've been trying variants of 
 ipfwadm -I -c -S (ip address) -W eth0
 but whatever I try, I get one error message or another.

I have never used the -c option to ipfwadm, but from what I read on the
subject, it seems that you must be very specific when you give it the
parameters.  That is, you can't just ask "What if a packet had this
source address?"  You must give a specific question, like "What if this
packet had this source address, this source port, that destination
address, that port, was protocol UDP, and came in on this interface?"
Essentially, specify every option that there is.

ipfwadm -I -c -S 1234 -D 23 -P tcp -W eth0

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fuzzy Fox)  || "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut
sometimes known as David DeSimone  ||  butter quite like unrequited love."
  http://www.dallas.net/~fox/  ||   -- Charlie Brown
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Re: [masq] Flood Pinging and Spoofing

1998-10-30 Thread David A. Ranch

I have someone flood pinging my IPMasq PC from what I believe to be spoofed
IP addresses. I would like to stop this. Is there any way to stop an IPMasq
PC from  responding to pings and/or spoofed packets?

Try this before your implict IPFWADM deny/reject:

$extif is the NAME of your internet connection (PPP0, ETH0, etc)

# ICMP: Deny ICMP 
/sbin/ipfwadm -I -a deny -W $extif -P icmp -S -D $extip

BTW.. if you have people hacking at your box, you better have some
security in place ASAP or they WILL get in.  I've worked LONG and
hard on my TrinityOS doc and its better than ever..

NOTE:  This is a new version as of today!  I'll get around
to updating the Changes-log WWW page later.  All 
TrinityOS changes are documented though.


|  David A. Ranch - Remote Access/Linux/PC hardware  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
`- For more detailed info, see http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~dranch -'
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[masq] more masq/firewall stuff...

1998-10-30 Thread Clint Todish

So I think I finally dug up what I needed, but I wanted to
bounce it off to see if this is right.

In the kernel, there is a defined start and length for
the ip_masq ports (61000 + 4096) by default. Am
I current to assume that I can just permit this range
of ports in arbitrarily and let the masq stuff deal with
it? Does the ftp_masq module use this same range?

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[masq] VPN Question

1998-10-30 Thread Dave C.


I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get
additional documentation on VPN and Linux aside
from the VPN Howto.


Dave C.

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[masq] NO ident server for irc (bitchx)

1998-10-30 Thread s.j. beaulac

I'm using bitchx or any irc client on a client system (win95) but when I
try to connect to any IRC server I get an error message saying that I'm
not running a ident rfc14?? server which I'm 100% shure that win95 is
running. I can telnet to the ipmasq server and use BitchX there and it
will work. 
what am I not doing...

Steve Beaulac

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