Mersenne: Neumann Newman Re: computational history of the Mersenne primes

2000-02-18 Thread Paul Landon

Thanks for the smile, Ernst.

János von Neumann the Hungarian is different to the Max Newman
(from London) who's father was German and called Neumann.
Strange coincidence!

It is a remarkable event, that I hadn't realised before, that the
first 2 (real) computers used Neumann and Von Neumann architectures!


 Many thanks to Paul Landon for the very informative and enjoyable
 trilogy about the history of computer testing of Mersenne numbers!

 So Newman of Manchester was apparently the first - wait, I just got
 an e-mail from someone with the handle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 must work for some cryptography outfit. No, he goes on to explain that

The German Neumann did indeed work for some cryptography
outfit. The history linked to above says "From 1916 until 1919 he
undertook work related to the war, doing various jobs such as army
paymaster and schoolmaster."
There is some data there significant by it's ommission - it is
very vague. Most people in the military had precise ranks,
positions and regiments and after the war are very well recorded.
I guess being a Cryptographer and a German speaker it is possible
that he worked for one of those (shhh!) organisations that don't
publicly overtly state their purpose.
[comments in square brackets are mine]
"In 1942 he joined the Government Code and Cipher School [at
Bletchley Park] and worked there with Turing."

Bletchley Park, otherwise known as Station X has been
referred to as "Britain's Best Kept Secret". It was home to the
Ultra Project (which decrypted almost all of Germany's top level
comms) and the Colossus machines.
"The decoding operation at Bletchley Park became the basis for
the new decoding and intelligence work at GCHQ. With the cold
war this became an important operation and Turing continued to
work for GCHQ, although his Manchester colleagues were totally
unaware of this. Now after his conviction [for Homosexuality],
his security clearance was withdrawn. Worse than that, security
officers were now extremely worried that someone with complete
knowledge of the work going on at GCHQ was now labelled a
security risk. He had many foreign colleagues, as any academic
would, but the police began to investigate his foreign visitors.
A holiday which Turing took in Greece in 1953 caused consternation
among the security officers.
Turing died of potassium cyanide poisoning while conducting
electrolysis experiments. The cyanide was found on a half eaten
apple beside him. An inquest concluded that it was self-
administered but his mother always maintained that it was an

There are other examples of such accidents amongst EX military
intelligence people around that time.

At first Turing was working in Manchester for Newman without
pay (from Manchester).

 "...Thanks to ze efforts of some enlightened mediums who are
 knowledgeable about zis 'Internetz' of your modern era, selected
 of us restless departed souls have been granted limited browsing
 und e-mail privileges from ze great beyond. Zese mediums are
 automatically transcribing ze voices zey hear, vich means zat
 my missives vill probably sound like badly accented Tcherman,
 even zo in reality mein written English ist sehr gut."

 {Bunch of blah blah about his childhood and career snipped...
 can we just cut to the chase here, fella?}

 "...ze very first thing I typed into zis 'search maschine' was
 ze phrase 'Mersenne prime', und I haff subsequently spent many
 months vading sroo mostly tedious messages about 'Mein Komputer
 ist so much faster zen yoors' und 'mein Hard drive ist very big',
 but occasionally encountering an item of genuine interest, zo
 ze accompanying mathematics ist usually ganz falsch. Ze recent
 posting by Mr. P. Landon of Lucent Technologie vus very interesting,
 but I must state for ze rekord zat I vas avare of zis at ze time.
 After all, Newman vas really chust a persona I invented so I could
 obtain verk in England. Ze phrase 'Neu Mann' translates into 'New
 man' in English. Neumann/Newman - quite clever, nicht wahr?"

Well spotted that I work for Lucent TechnologIE GmbH.
All of my friends and colleagues do speak like that ;-)
Herr P. Landon
(a persona I invented to work for the Nürnberg Labs :-)

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Mersenne: (fwd)Looking for someone called BRET

2000-02-18 Thread Luke Welsh

Hi all--

At first I thought this was spam, but I suppose not.


Dear friend
This letter is sended from GREECE  ( THASSOS  Island ).
I am looking for someone who is called BRET, or
his name sounds like BRET, or his nick name is BRET.
The only I know about him is that he is involved somehow
with the search of mersenne numbers. He was talking frequently
about the GIMPS, may be he is a participant, I hope so!
If you have any idea about BRET, or if you know someone 
that you believe that is close to him, please sent him this letter.
BRET if you at last recieve this letter please respond at:

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Mersenne Digest V1 #695

2000-02-18 Thread Mersenne Digest

Mersenne Digest   Friday, February 18 2000   Volume 01 : Number 695


Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 22:24:08 +0900
From: "Kotera Hiroshi"[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kotera Hiroshi)
Subject: [none]

Hi all
Is a decimal 23-digit numbers 111  prime ?  
Could you tell me the answer with proof?

24-digit numbers  = 101*1100110011001100110011


phone : 0742-61-8521

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Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 22:27:19 +0900
From: "Kotera Hiroshi"[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kotera Hiroshi)
Subject: Mersenne: 23-digit numbers

Hi all
Is a decimal 23-digit numbers 111  prime ?  
Could you tell me the answer with proof?

24-digit numbers  = 101*1100110011001100110011


Hiroshi Kotera
1014-4 Tokujyo-cho 
Nara City 630-8144 JAPAN

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Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 08:24:48 -0600
From: "Chris K. Caldwell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mersenne: Re: 

At 10:24 PM 2/16/00 +0900, Kotera Hiroshi" (Kotera Hiroshi wrote:
Is a decimal 23-digit numbers 111  prime ?
Could you tell me the answer with proof?

Yes--this is small so you could divide by all integers to the square root.
See for faster ways.

If you use 317 or 1031 digits it is also a known prime.  49081 '1's gives a
probable-prime.  See

Chris Caldwell
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Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 09:45:06 -0600
From: "Robert G. Wilson v" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mersenne: Re: 

Yes it is.  In fact there are five numbers with this
characteristic.  (10^n -1)/9 is prime when n is 2, 19, 23, 317  1031.
See "The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences" sequence M2114, Neil J.A.
Sloane and Simon Plouffe, Academic Press, 1995.


Sequentially yours,

Robert G. 'Bob' Wilson v,
named my the authors as "our most prolific contributor on new

"Kotera Hiroshi (Kotera Hiroshi)" wrote:

 Hi all
 Is a decimal 23-digit numbers 111  prime ?
 Could you tell me the answer with proof?

 24-digit numbers  = 101*1100110011001100110011


 phone : 0742-61-8521
 URL :

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Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 17:23:53 +0100
From: Paul Landon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mersenne: Re:23-digit numbers

Hiya Kotera,

(10^23-1)/9 is prime!
[N-1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge] (digits:23)
Primeform: CHK:CE16CAB

You have correctly spotted patterns there.
(10^24-1)/9 is divisible by at least:-
111 = 3.37
 = 11.101
11 = 11.(3.37).91; 91=7.13
 = 11.101.10001; 10001=73.137
 = 111..900991; 900991=7.13.9901
(10^24-1) / (10^12-1) = 10^12+1

10^12+1 = 73.137.0001

(10^24-1) / (10^8-1) = 10^16+10^8+1
(10^16+10^8+1)/111 = 90090090990991
90090090990991 = 7.13.9901.0001

Clearly /11 = 10101010101
and /111 = 1001001001 etc.
showing that 2^ab-1 is divisible by 2^a-1 and 2^b-1
and can never therefore be prime, and the same for
other bases.

People who know more about this than me, forgive me
for jumping in first, but it is close to my level
of Maths.

Paul Landon
