Re: [meteorite-list] the ULTRA scam!

2007-01-06 Thread Paul Barford
This bozo must be extremely intelligent to have thought of such a money
making enterprise as this.

Its not entirely original, but Michael's tormentor upped the price...

I suspect though this will not be the last, as I imagine directed at
individuals of a nervous disposition but not so much intelligence, it may
well even work - or may have tragic consequences if the recipient believes
it but cannot find the cash. There are - believe it or not - still people
being caught out by the Nigerian scams, but this is WAY more harmful (as the
Nigerian scams were mostly about getting your hands on somebody else's
money, not saving your life).

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold (Chicago) what are you doing????????

2006-11-03 Thread Paul Barford
Ruben Garcia asks:
Steve Arnold (Chicago) what are you doing

The most charitable interpretation would be that he's helping make amends.
Obviously, the guy who sold it to him for $700, despite having already sold
it to you for less can now get it back from him and fulfil his obligations
to you as per the contract you entered through ebay.

Everybody will be happy, Steve that he got rid of some meteorites he was
already bored with, the original vendor that he is seen to be behaving more
honourably than two weeks ago, and you because you finally get what you've
already bought once. That is - assuming that after all this unpleasantness
you actually want this holed fragment in your collection.

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Gibeon query

2006-10-03 Thread Paul Barford
I am having trouble trying to find the law which apparently prohibits the
export of Gibeon meteorites from Namibia. This is mentioned as a buy now
while stocks last selling point on a number of meteorite dealers' websites,
but other sources suggest its interpretation is not that simple. Can anyone
tell me if this law exists and what it is called, and who would be
authorised (in theory) to issue a permit allowing it to be exported legally?
If the text is on the Internet that would be great.

I gather the law was introduced in 2003 (?) and I presume it does not work
retrospectively.Are there among us dealers who actually have the export
licence for the pieces in their stock, or does it all come from before the
introduction of the law?

This is not a trick/troll question, I am in dispute with a pseudo-dealer
over a recent transaction and would like to be surer of my ground when
discussing one of the items.

Is there a website collecting meteorite laws of different countries in one


Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Tool for addressing meteorite wannabe's on EBay

2006-09-12 Thread Paul Barford
 For addressing the hard core meteorwrong seller, I
 chanced across this on ebay which basically says that
 the seller is responsible for insuring the
 Authenticity of their item.

Interesting, thanks for that Elton. Does this mean they will remove items
using this type of phrasing every time it is reported?  Or are they just
trying to cover themselves? Has anyone any experience of this?

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] moon ring or pendant

2006-09-06 Thread Paul Barford
Francesco Moser writes:
 Hi folks, I'm looking for a ring 
The romantic in me suspects you promised a certain lady the moon, and now
you are going to fulfil your vow.  I wish some of my old promises to my
better half were so easy to fulfill.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members

2006-08-28 Thread Paul Barford
Concerning the inflammatory open letter to all list members which we all
recently received via meteorite-list, Dave Carothers writes:

 You're entitled to your opinion, as am I.  
But in joining this list, I was interested in opinions on meteorites and not
personal attacks on another list member. I dont know how many people on the
list find reading any of this sort of stuff edifying or even entertaining. I
suspect some (including those newbies you all seem so concerned about)
will find it rather off-putting, irritating and intimidating.

Dave continues:
 As to your comment: In any case the ebay ad does not read
 as Carothers reported. You are incorrect.  Steve made the
 alteration to his ad AFTER I informed him of the
well, no actually I am correct (now YOU are the one doing the
misrepresentation, see how easy it is?). I used the present simple tense.
At the time I checked to see what all the fuss was about, the ad already
read as you would have wished. I dont know (nor care) at what stage it was
changed, it may well have been immediately after Mr Arnold learnt that you
were unhappy about his phrasing and while you were writing your vicious
open letter. The point I was making was that you were using the list in a
private vendetta over a matter which when the message came from the List was
no longer an issue. It was your open letter which was misrepresentation,
since it assumed from the outset than no change would be made as a result of
your intervention –your assumption was obviously wrong. Any time any of us
spent checking the facts behind your ranting was wasted. Perhaps you would
have done better (and us a favour) to wait a while to see if the ad was
changed before trumpeting about somebody else's set of morals and other
such self-righteous nonsense.

While on the topic of morals though, you did not answer the point about
reposting to the whole list the contents of private emails in order to be
inflammatory. No doubt you will claim that in this too you were acting for
the greater good of the meteorite collecting community... Yeah, right.

In my opinion, you owe us (not to mention Steve Arnold) an apology.

Bill (joseph_town) writes:
 It's very good practice to correct an improper ad.  
Absolutely. But what is disturbing was the form in which the information was
imparted. What we all received in two messages in the space of a few hours
unequivocally had the form of a personal attack.

If the intention of the author of the open letter had been to inform
rather than attack, what would have been wrong with a simple and courteous
message containing the information? For example: This ad 
http://xxx for a fragment of the Warrenton, Missouri meteorite says
that there has never been any for sale, but in fact there are a number of
documented instances where specimens have been made available for sale or
auction, for example x,  and . Perhaps the vendor would consider
changing this unfortunate phrasing as it may mislead new collectors.

In any case, once the vendor had been made aware that the ad was badly
phrased, as we have seen, he did indeed change it, as is only proper.

Bill, why do you call the ad improper? You say you are a newbie, in this
case are you not making an assumption here based on the inflammatory wording
of this damaging open letter, in which case do you always rush to
judgement so quickly?

As I said, there is no reason why Mr Carothers could not have first made his
point off-list and waited to see what happened, rather than straight away
firing off a public personal attack and causing a lot of unpleasantness and
wasting our time when it turns out that in fact within a short time, the ad
had already been changed.

Dave Freeman continued the ill-mannered onslaught with name-calling in a
manner which further depreciates the tone of this list.

What is wrong with meteorite collectors? Whence all this pent-up aggression?

Paul Barford

(With apologies if this comes a second time, the first one sent a few hours
ago seems to have gone astray in the Web-ether)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members

2006-08-27 Thread Paul Barford
Dave Carothers warns:
 WE as a community have REAL problems. 
Dressing mud-slinging up in self-righteous verbiage about doing it for the
good of the community is just a smokescreen.
I think it is arrogant to think there is only one person here who can check
or comprehend what they read in an advert on eBay.

It seems to me that, despite denials, somebody here bears a grudge and are
expressing it in a most unpleasantly smug manner which hardly inspires
confidence in their motivation, character or judgement.

My feeling is that issues like this would be best restricted to off-list
correspondence. And whether or not Mr Arnold subsequently wishes to change
the text of his advert is surely up to him, he alone is responsible for his
own words. And anyway, caveat emptor.

Private emails have again been posted on the list (which I believe is
against the rules).

In any case the ebay ad does not read as Carothers reported. See

Carothers continues:
  I see Steve (Chicago) Arnold as a direct threat to this great
Hmm, rather an exaggeration isnt it? I rather think this constant bitching
and back-biting we find all too much of on this list is a greater direct
threat to the hobby. The repetetivity of this kind of exhibition will merely
make a laughing stock of the whole milieu.

 I've going to be your own personal Ralph Nader.  Every time
 you post a misleading/untruthful/fraudulent ad, I'm going to
 expose it... publicly. [...]   someone needs to expose you for
 what you are.”
It might be a novel idea to suggest, but perhaps we could use the list to
talk about meteorites and not persue private vendettas against other list
members? Please? You are really helping nobody here.

  I’m hoping the publicity and peer pressure will convince
 Steve (Chicago) Arnold develop a different set of morals.
Though yet another ungrammatical sentence,  that sounds awfully
self-righteous. I know nothing of Mr Arnold's morals, nor would I presume
to judge them from an eBay ad.

Mr Carothers, in future, please leave me off the list of addressees of such
open letters, I really dont want to receive any more such spam with filled
with pettiness and 'holier than thou' smugness.  And I would not be
surprised to find that I am the only list member who feels like this.  Thank

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD- ebay auction Lamb shape meteorite from theoutback of Kazakstan

2006-08-17 Thread Paul Barford
 Lamb shape meteorite from the outback of Kazakstan.
Looks more like a chunk of iron slag hastily put on sale to me. 

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Comet hit Britain in mid sixth century AD?

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Barford
A new theory suggests a comet impacting Britain in the mid sixth century AD
was responsible for the ascendency of the English  Comments anyone? Has
anyone read anything by the cited astronomers/astrophysicists on the topic
or is this a  case of when I suggested a comet to them the other day, they
did not say I was definitely wrong?

What sort of effects would we be talking about here?

Paul Barford

(BTW the genetic study he criticises is flawed, but for a different reason)

Sent: 20 July 2006 16:52


Ancient British history, the history of the Khumric people, is under
attack, says Alan Wilson, Britain's foremost expert on these matters.

A new genetic study by a team based at University College, London, under
Dr. Mark Thomas, is amateurish and fatally flawed because it ignores the
best historical evidence, Wilson adds. Thomas claims that invading
Anglo-Saxons gained a position of power within the British Isles through a
system of apartheid, supposedly explaining how, over a period of 300
years, the ancient British, numbering at least six million (the number given
in Salway's Roman Britain, 1981), were supplanted by Anglo-Saxons, numbering
in the tens of thousands.

But this is nonsense, says Wilson, co-author of seven books on ancient
British history and whose best-selling paperback The Holy Kingdom caused
uproar when published in 1997. Massive historical evidence points to much
of Britain being devastated by a cometary strike in the mid 6th Century.
Astronomers at Cardiff University agree with us, as do astrophysicists
including Dr. Victor Klube of Oxford University and dendrochronologists led
by Dr. Michael Baillie of Belfast. All agree that a comet hit Britain and
yet this research, and that of other scientists, has been completely ignored
by Dr. Thomas.


The destruction caused by the comet, is, Wilson says, the simplest, best,
most appropriate and only factual explanation for the growth of Anglo-Saxon
power from the 7th Century onwards. Subsequent Anglo Saxon invasions could
not have succeeded without this disaster. We are in trouble if academics
can ignore the best historical evidence we have, Wilson continued.
Clearly, as explained in Welsh historical records of huge integrity, the
comet struck causing massive devestation and the main victims were the
Khumric people.


One ancient Khumric record, the Brut Tyssilio, speaks of, a star of great
magnitude and brilliance with a single beam shining from it. At the end of
this beam was a ball of fire, spread out in the shape of a dragon...

Another, the Life of St. Teilo (who lived mid sixth Century), states, St.
Teilo received the pastoral care of the church of Llandaff to which he had
been consecratedbut could not long remain, however, on account of the
pestilence which nearly destroyed the whole nationit was called the
Yellow Pestilence because it occasioned all persons who were seized by it to
be yellow without blood and it appeared to men as a watery column of cloud
having one end trailing along the ground and the other above, proceeding in
the air and passing through the entire country like a shower going through
the bottom of the vallies.


These are but two examples of a multiplicity of historical sources pointing
in the same direction but which have been ignored by Dr. Mark Thomas. The
Anglo-Saxon invasion would have been impossible without the cometary
strike, argues Wilson, and you cannot ignore 99% of the historical
evidence and make effective progress, which is why genetic studies such as
this much-publicised recent effort are so flawed.


If we want the answers to important historical questions that are the basis
for the origins of the Welsh Dragon, and the real heritage and culture of
the Khumric and British people, then we need look no further than the
ancient records, says Wilson.

Dr. Thomas and his team at University College London have replaced
historical fact with modern-day fiction and they clearly have not done their


For more please visit, or


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re:Comet hit Britain in mid sixth century, AD?

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Barford
 Baileys comet impact hypothesis is quite contested, it certainly is not an
 accepted main stream hypothesis. So I was quite surprised by the tone of
 newspaper clipping that suggested so. The astrophysicist supporting it
are, by
 the way, astrophysicists with a known fetish for impacts as a source for
 historical change.

Thanks Marco,
In general, I think the theory is very dubious.  The guy was trying to
explain how small numbers of Anglo-Saxon migrants replaced a much larger
indigenous Celtic/British population both genetically and linguistically.
But if the Britons were dying off in the 530s because of poor crop yields
and cold nights or whatever caused by cometary dust in the atmosphere, then
the Anglo-Saxons would too.

Unless of course somebody postulates an actual impact which wiped out a
large part of the (British) population on the west side of the island, but
was survived by larger numbers on the east  which is where the Anglo-Saxons
were.  But then that's not a good model either, because Ireland is where it
would have hit... and there is no evidence of such an event from there.

Just as a matter of interest if someone has time to fiddle with it, what
parameters would such a hypothetical body have to have to kill people within
a radius of  300 km (so along the whole western coast of England and Wales)
but leave those beyond still alive? [I could not get the Arizona Earth
Impact Effects Program to give the
result I wanted - just curious].

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re:Comet hit Britain in mid sixth century, AD?

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Barford
 And not be recorded historically except in the most obscure and oblique
 fashion? And not leave any apparent geological or botanical effects? I'd
 the parameters you are looking for would be supernatural.

I think it pretty obvious that if something this size had landed on Ireland
in 530 AD, we would have heard about it from a lot further afield!!

Sorry, in an effort to remain brief, I was not making myself clear. As far
as I am concerned the sixth century comet/meteorite impact explanation of
the observed effect is not a good one (there is another much more basic
explanation, IMO everything suggests the genetic sampling at the core of the
problem was faulty). I posted it here to see whether list-members had any
comments on the idea as such. Some historians in the UK are discussing this
and last time I looked some of them were apparently taking it seriously.

My later question concerned the implications of the (IMO faulty) suggestion
that a meteor might have done it. Remembering the all-too-vivid Japanese
video we saw here a few weeks back (!) I was just curious what size body
would have had the effect these historians are apparently proposing in all

The Arizona earth-impact program tells us what happens if a body this size
and speed hits at such an angle? and so on... but I wanted to start from a
hypothetical kill-zone 300 km radius to work back to what size body these
historians would be imagining. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering
whether anyone here had an idea.

Paul Barford

Meteorite-list mailing list