[meteorite-list] Meteorite pictures : help me ;-)

2004-10-12 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

For my forthcoming french meteorite book, I'm searching for very high resolution 
pictures of the following meteorites (of course, I'll put a copyright notice under 
each according to your recommendation) :

- Nice Shirokovsky slice  (to illustrate meteor wrongs)

Nice slices or big fragments of :
- Alais 
- Aubres
- Aumieres
- Ausson
- Beuste
- Bouvante
- Charsonville
- Chitenay
- Esnandes
- Favars
- Galapian
- Granes
- Kerilis
- Kermichel
- Mascombes
- Mezel
- Montferre
- Montlivault
- Mornans
- Orgueil
- Quinçay
- St Caprais
- St Chinian
- St Christophe la Chartreuse
- Ste Marguerite
- St sauveur
- St Séverin
- Villedieu

I remind you I need high resolution jpeg files. You can send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I thank you a lot for your help.


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] New meteorite book

2004-10-06 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.

As some of you know, I'm writing a book about French Meteorites.  The title should be 
Les Météorites françaises - Guide pratique   (in english : French meteorites - 
Practical guide)

The good news is that it may be released before Christmas, making it a nice gift for 
any meteorite collector or scientist.  

Also it's in French, it might be of interest for any meteorite collector, including 
english-speaking people. For example, I'm not a german-speaking man and like to get 
old german documents (like Chladni's articles) about meteorites.

What will be included in this 460 pages book ?
- beginner's guide (for anyone beginning in meteorites collecting and hunting)
- complete and detailed classification
- how to recognize a meteorite ?
- all french meteorites (finds or falls, including the latest, Plancy-l'Abbaye and 
Alby-sur-Cheran) with unique pictures never seen before, old documents, old and latest 
analysis, museum distribution, bibliography, some maps.  Unique old documents which 
may lead to new meteorite finds in France !
- all french meteorwrongs
- most of the french observed meteors or observed falls never recovered (with hints to 
find them maybe !)
- french meteorite or pseudo-meteorite craters
- glossary
- useful websites
- complete Jean-Baptiste Biot text about the L'Aigle fall (1803)

I think this book will become a classic most of you will want to own in their library 
or meteorite collection !

Just write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you want to be contacted when the book 
is released (possibility to order it on the web). Price should be reasonable.

Pierre-Marie PELE
IMCA 3360
Member of the Confraternity of the Guardians of the Ensisheim Meteorite

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] New meteorite book (ooops)

2004-10-06 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello again to the List,

First of all, I'd like to thank again the people who contacted me to be informed of 
the release of my book, Les Meteorites francaises - guide pratique (French 
Meteorites - Practical guide).

I forgot to add the complete summary which will show you all french meteorites studied 
in the book, including rare texts providing useful information to find new french 
meteorites !

Follow this link to get the summary : http://www.meteor-center.com/sommaire.pdf

Anyway, just send me an email to be informed of the release, price, where to buy, ...


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - 38g Kilabo : Less than one day for it !

2004-09-30 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

here's a little reminder because the auction for my nice 38g fragment of Kilabo is 
still pending for less than one day now ! 

If you know the price of Kilabo, it's a real bargain you shouldn't miss. 

You can check this nice at this address : 

And remember : 10% off for any meteorite-list member !


Pierre-Marie PELE


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - 38g Kilabo for sale !

2004-09-28 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

here's a little reminder because the auction for my nice 38g fragment of Kilabo is 
still pending for two days. 

If you know the price of Kilabo, it's a real bargain. 

You can check this nice at this address : 

And remember : 10% off the end auction price for any meteorite-list member !


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Calculating a meteorite orbit

2004-09-23 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE

I'm searching for an Excel program or a document explaining how to determine the orbit 
of a meteorite fallen on earth according to the fact that we know the impact point, 
trajectory, altitude and speed, pictures of the bolide.
This technique of orbit calculation was used on Pribram, Lost City or Innisfree for 

I need your help ;-)


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Nice Kilabo fragment for sale

2004-09-21 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.

I just started to put on ebay a nice 38.1g fragment of the recent Kilabo fall. This 
LL6 chondrite is showing really nice black veins through a grey structure.

I'm making 10% off the Buy it Now price from now to friday (midnight) for the List 
members for the lucky winner.

Fragments this weight are not common so it's a bargain. Prices for Kilabo are up to 
$10 a gram.

Here's the link : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=6120443901
(item number is : 6120443901)


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Scale cubes in centimeters

2004-09-16 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

I'm searching for scale cubes but in centimeters scale.

Does anybody know where to buy some ?

Thanks a lot,

Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Histories

2004-09-14 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
This is a great idea which could help keeping tracks for successive owners.

But to keep a certain independance, there could be a website (with login access) where 
successive owners of a certain piece could register their ownership.

Here's a complete example (fictionous) :
1. A meteorite hunter finds an Allende individual. He wishes to sell it.
2. This meteorite hunter goes on the website, enters its login/password and creates a 
file (for example with the ID ALLENDE025). This ID will follow the meteorite from 
owner to another owner. The file is full with size, weight, presentation (individual, 
slice, fragment...), picture if any, ...
3. I wish to buy the Allende025 meteorite to the owner. I update the file Allende025 
by changing the name of the previous owner and by replacing it with my name. Of 
course, the previous owner name would be kept for tracking.
4. And the same if I buy the meteorite to a 3rd owner...

This database could be validated by IMCA.

As a meteorite collector and website creator, I'm able to build such a site.  That's a 
long work but it could be useful for anyone.
I could manage this list, with the acceptance of IMCA authority (I'm an IMCA member 

The cost of website hosting (ASP server, 200Mb, fast server, 20Gb transfer volume a 
month, 5 Access databases) is US$1200 a year with domain name.   Anyone wishing to be 
a member should pay for the service or the hosting could be paid by advertising.

Let me know what you think of all this !

Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Goodies to grab !

2004-09-12 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

If you're searching for meteorite related products, I'm starting along with the 
Company CafePress.com a line of meteorite goodies on the subject of The Meteorite 

The link to this web shop is : http://www.cafepress.com/meteorcenter

You'll find t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, mousepad, magnet, wallet, mugs, notebook.

That's a good way to show your interest in meteorites on the Field, at the mineral 
Shows, at home or at work !


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] The Zagami Game

2004-08-27 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

searching for Zagami information on the web, I found this Zagami Game that you can 
play on a standard chessboard. The story is comic : 

In 1962, on a quiet October afternoon in the middle of an African cornfield, a 
40-pound meteorite tumbled to the earth and planted itself in a two-foot hole in the 
ground. It landed ten feet away from a farmer, who was busy scaring crows away from 
his corn and so was not on the lookout for falling meteorites. The papers reported 
that the pressure wave from the impact knocked him flat on his back.

What the papers failed to report was that, immediately after the impact, a tiny 
Martian lifeform hopped off the smoldering rock and made its way, quietly, toward the 
dazed farmer. The changes that overtook him during the following weeks and months were 
slow and subtle to the eye. It was a long while before he, or anyone else, understood 
what he'd become. 

Zagami is a game of Martian microbial life for four players; it requires a standard 
chessboard and an Icehouse set. Each player controls a single-colored colony of 
microbes, which moves and expands across the small meteorite in search of food. 
Multicolored stacks begin to form - microbes eating microbes eating microbes. As the 
game progresses, each colony evolves enzymes which allow it to metabolize other 
microbes into energy to be used for growing, sporing, attacking, and escaping. Only 
one colony will survive the long journey from Mars to Earth. Will it be yours?

Here's the link to get the rules !http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Kory/Games/Zagami/


Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Susceptometer use for meteorites

2004-08-25 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List members,

I'm interested in buying a magnetic susceptometer like the one used by Pierre Rochette 
(CEREGE - CNRS) for his classification of meteorites by measuring the magnetism of 
meteorites. (for example the SM-30 by ZD Instruments)

With this portable instrument, he was able to determine the type of meteorites on the 
terrain. In that case, when you scan a stone, you're in most cases sure that it's a 
meteorite and not a terrestrial stone.

I would like to know if some of you already used such an instrument when hunting for 


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Unique : Laborel for sale

2004-08-25 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.

I'm selling a very rare Laborel fragment.   Laborel is a H5 chondrite fallen June 14, 
1871. Tkw is 2091 grams only.

Fragment size : 7mm x 2mm, with some crust and nice chondrules.  It is sold with a 
plastic box, label and the chapter in french of my upcoming book Les Meteorites 
francaises (The french meteorites.

Price (including postage worldwide registered mail) : 50 euros (or 60 dollars). 

Payment : with Paypal (account : [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Get it fast as it's a unique item for your collection !

Thanks in advance.


Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] New meteorite website : what do you think of it ?

2004-08-23 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

I just did a template for my new website, www.meteor-center.com.   It's still under 
development ...

I would like to know what you think of it and if you've got some suggestions. Ah, 
sorry, but it's in french ;-)

Here's the link : http://www.meteor-center.com/index2.htm

Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tunguska : a UFO struck by a comet...

2004-08-20 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Here are more information on the Tunguska discoveries. Without proven datas and facts, 
I let you think what you want of this strange history. (for me it's a fake).

Pierre-Marie PELE

AFP source
Russian researchers started again the debate on the mysterious cataclysm of Toungouska 
which has occurred in 1908 in Siberia, affirming to have found on the spot of the 
catastrophe of the stones supposed to be remains of an extraterrestrial vessel which 
would have been struck by a comet.  

June 30, 1908, an enormous flash crossed the sky above Siberia, follow-up of a 
powerful explosion equivalent to that of a thousand of atomic bombs which devastated 
taïga on hundreds of kilometers in the basin of the river Podkamennaïa Toungouska 
(area of Krasnoïarsk).  

The inhabitants of the Siberian villages felt like an earthquake:  men and animals 
collapsed, hustled by the shock wave, the windows of their izbas broke.  

Like one did not find remains of meteorite on the spot, the scientists concluded that 
it was about the explosion of a comet core or an asteroid.  

Engineer Iouri Lavbine devoted 12 years of his life to research of the traces of the 
meteorite of Toungouska and thinks of having thrown the light on one of the greatest 
mysteries of the XXe century, in spite of the skepticism of the scientific circles.  

Mr. Lavbine chairs the foundation Phenomenon space of Toungouska Krasnoïarsk, about 
fifteen enthusiastic -- geologists, chemists, physicists, mineralogists -- who 
organize regularly since 1994 of forwardings on the spot of the catastrophe.  

According to the assumption of Mr. Lavbine, a mysterious comet and machine flying 
entered in collision at an altitude of 10 kilometers, causing cataclysm.  

Mr. Lavbine and his team affirm to have found during a forwarding at the end of July 
on banks of Podkamennaïa Toungouska, between the villages of Baïkit and Poligous, two 
strange black stones, in form of regular cubes, 1,5 meter on side.  

These stones which are obviously not natural origin seem to have left the flames and 
their matter points out an alloy used for the construction of the space launchers, 
whereas at the beginning of the XXe century it had only plywood planes there!,  
exclaim Mr. Lavbine.  

The researcher estimates that they could be the remainders of a machine even stealing 
an extraterrestrial vessel.  He however recognizes that the examination of the stones 
did not start yet.  Another discovery made by Mr. Lavbine:  an enormous white stone, 
size of a izba, inserted in the top of a rock, right in the middle of devastated 
taïga.  the natives called it The Deer Stone. It is composed of a crystallized matter 
which is not typical for this area , entrusts the researcher, supposing that it is 
about a fragment of the core of comet of 1908.  

The importance of these discoveries is questioned by official science.  There are 
many amateurs who organize forwardings on the spot of the cataclysm of Toungouska.  In 
Siberia where work regularly of the oil geologists, one can find a mass of unspecified 
fragments of machines , affirms with irony Anna Skripnik, a person in charge for the 
Committee on the meteorites of the Academy of Science.  

But Mr. Lavbine is not discouraged by the comments skeptics.  Among the evidence 
advanced by the engineer, of the photographs of the area made by satellite.  

According to Mr. Lavbine, one sees there the prints of the flying machine -- marshes 
and lakes with the lengthened forms -- and those of comet:  devastated forest, damaged 
trees flarings and rocks.  

And on the supposed spot of their collision, one can observe a crater of a diameter of 
500 meters, raises it.

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] ebay sale ending soon

2004-07-27 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

I let you look at my ebay sales ending in a few days. They include some martian micros 
(DAG 735, NWA 856, LOS ANGELES, SAU 090), lunar micros (NWA 482, DAG 996), NWAs  (001, 
515, 323) and french micros (Bouvante, Orgueil, Agen)

My pseudo is moky99 or follow this link : http://members.ebay.fr/aboutme/moky99/


Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Book about french meteorites

2004-07-27 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello again to the List.

As some of you know, I'm writing a big book about french meteorites. It's nearly 
done so it may be published before the end of the year.   It will describe all known 
french meteorites, pseudo-meteorites, meteors observed in the sky from the 5th century 
to today, meteorites fallen in France but not yet recovered. It's a historical book 
with many ancient texts, exclusive pictures (Alby-sur-Cheran eucrite is wonderful...), 
strewnfield maps, bibliography, and much more !

My question is : as there won't be many customers (the subject is somewhat 
particular), will it be a disadvantage of not being translated into english (which 
would raise the selling price).Are foreign meteorite collectors, buyers, hunters 
willing to buy my book written in french ? 

I thank you in advance for your opinion.


Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Old meteorite books wanted

2004-07-26 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.

As a collector of french meteorites, I'm searching for old meteorite books related to 
the french meteorite falls. I'm especially looking for the J.B. Biot book (original 
edition) about the 1803 L'Aigle fall.

Does anyone have one for sale or a contact to get one ?

Thanks a lot.

Pierre-Marie Pele (Meteor-Center)

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] J.B.BIOT

2004-07-26 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello Steve,

Thanks for taking some time for searching J.B. Biot books. In fact, the original study 
about the L'Aigle Fall is entitled Relation d’un voyage fait dans le département de 
l’Orne pour constater la réalité d’un météore observé à l’Aigle le 26 Floréal an 11 
and was written in 1803.

It's nearly impossible to find but it's one of the most important book about 
meteorites. It's the first to describe precisely what a strewnfield is and is a model 
of serious study of meteorite fall.



Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Super meteorite sale

2004-07-18 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

I'm cleaning my meteorite collection and am selling some meteorites at low prices. 

Check the list and prices on my website at this address : 

There are many small US meteorites for sale, New Orleans, some NWA...  I think there's 
everything for anyone.

You can also get a look at my eBay auctions, ending soon... (with Bouvante, Agen, 
Orgueil, martian and lunar micros...) : http://members.ebay.fr/aboutme/moky99

Thanks a lot.

Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA CDROM : Special offer NOW !

2004-07-04 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List
Meteor-Center creates the 1st CD-ROM dedicated to NWA meteorites !
If you're lost in the jungle of NWA meteorites, this CD is for you ! It's also useful to meteorite dealers, collectors...
It contains :- the most complete source of information about NWA (up to number 3134)-many pictures- a search engine to find everything you wish on the CD- a selection of useful web links- a glossary- a complete classification table
The CD is in English and is readable on PC and MAC computers (witha standard webnavigator)
SPECIAL PRICES FROM JULY 3 TO JULY 10 2004- Europe (euro zone) : 20 euros (pp included) instead of 25 euros- Rest of the World (including USA) : US$ 24.95 (pp included) instead of $29.95
PAYMENT- Only with Paypal
HOW TO PREORDER THE CD-ROM ?- Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your email, complete address and country. You'll receive a mailon how topay the CD. 
DELIVERY TIME- Between 10 and 20 days after payment
Thanks to all.
Pierre-Marie PELEMeteor-center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Historical falls CDROM

2004-06-24 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List !
To keep up the work after my 2 CDs (NWA CD and forthcoming Dar Al Gani CD), I'm planing to make a CD about historical falls. It could contain many things about meteorite falls (complete description, analysis, old texts, Bulletin abstracts, pictures, maps...) from all over the world.
I've got some questions :- are all meteorite falls "historical falls" ? If not, what is the significiance of historical ?- how many falls are registered in the Meteorites from A to Z book or in the Grady NHM book ?- is this a CD you would like to purchase ?
At a long term, my goal is to publish an encyclopaedia of meteorites, with all meteorites finds and falls (including saharian) with pictures, old texts, analyses, bibliography,on DVDs. It looks like a crazy project but I think it would be useful to any meteorite collector.
Thanks a lot
Pierre-Marie PeleMeteor-Center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA CDROM : searching for US distributors

2004-06-09 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,
Meteor-Center has created the first CDROM dedicated to NWA meteorites. As we in France can only accept Paypal payments, some US customers can't pay us directly. So, I'm searching one or more US meteorite sellers who could buy a CD lot at a discounted price to sell them back in the USA.
The retail price is $29.95 but I can sell them by 10 at the price of $19.95each (that's $10 for you on each CD) (postage : $5 for the 10).
If you're interested, contact me at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Meteor-Center creates the 1st CD-ROM dedicated to NWA meteorites !If you're lost in the jungle of NWA meteorites, this CD is for you ! It's also useful to meteorite dealers, collectors...It contains :- the most complete source of information about NWA (up to number 3134 - includes MetBul 88 information)- tens of pictures- a search engine to find everything you're searching for on the CD- a selection of useful web links- a glossary- a complete classification tableThe CD is in English and is readable on PC and MAC computers (with a web navigator).Thanks to all.Pierre-Marie PELEwww.meteor-center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Hainaut-Bettrechies total kilo weight ?

2004-06-06 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.
I've got some misunderstanding about the total mass of the Hainaut / Bettrechies meteorite. 
The Grady book says 8425g. But R. Marliere, in 1934, presents the fragments recovered from some anonymous finders. He says the total weight of these fragments exceeds 10 kilograms.
What is the total mass and the estimated mass (considering some fragments may have been stolen) ?
Thanks a lot !
Pierre-Marie Pele--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] French meteorite collection list

2004-06-02 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List members,
You maybe know I write a book about french meteorites. It's still under development because there's always something to add to it and that my editor is taking its time... The book may be written along with the MNHN Paris ! That would be great.
I send this message to know if some members of the list own french meteorites in their collection ? Could you send me the detailed list (meteorite name + weight of each in your collection) ?
Thanks a lot.
Pierre-Marie Pelewww.meteor-center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ensisheim 2004

2004-05-31 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,
The Meteor-Center Team will be happy to invite you to see the main mass of a new fall we discovered (the name of the fall is still a surprise). 
It willl be shown in one of the room at the Ensisheim Show. That's the first opportunity worldwide to see it !
See you soon there !
Pierre (Meteor-Center team)--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Microscope best buy

2004-05-27 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
I'm interested in buying a microscope and would like to know your opinion.
What is the best deal (monocular, binocular), brand names recommended, good magnification, ... as I don"t want to pay more than 200 / 250 US$.
I thank you all in advance !
Pierre-Marie PELEwww.meteor-center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA CDROM : PREORDER NOW

2004-05-11 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List
Meteor-Center creates the 1st CD-ROM dedicated to NWA meteorites !
If you're lost in the jungle of NWA meteorites, this CD is for you ! It's also useful to meteorite dealers, collectors...
It contains :- the most complete source of information about NWA (up to number 3134)- tens of pictures- a search engine to find everything you're searching for on the CD- a selection of useful web links- a glossary- a complete classification table
The CD is in English and is readable on PC computers (with Internet Explorer navigator)
PRICES- Europe (euro zone) : 25 euros (pp included)- Rest of the World (including USA) : US$ 29.95 (pp included)
PAYMENT- Only with Paypal
HOW TO PREORDER THE CD-ROM ?- Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your email, complete address and country. You'll receive a mail to pay me. 
DELIVERY TIME- Between 10 and 20 days after payment
Thanks to all.--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Dealers lot for sale (US meteorites)

2004-05-06 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.
I'm selling a collection of US meteorites (mostly micros). I'm selling them at the price I paid for them. I sell the lot, not each individually. So, the total price is $238.00 including registered mail worldwide. The payment is with Paypal. You can see the pictures of these meteorites on my website : http://www.meteor-center.com/collection/index.htm
Here's the list :Anthony, Kansas : 2.76gBeenham, New Mexico : 0.24gBenjamin, Texas : 2.02gDawn (a), Texas : 0.912gDimmitt, Texas : 7.294gForestburg (b), Texas : 1.586gGalatia, Kansas : 0.55gGold Basin : 1.703gHarrison Township, Kansas : 0.56gHomestead, Iowa : 0.24gJohnson City, Kansas : 1.5gMacy, New Mexico : 0.7gMc Kinney, Texas : 1.678gMayfield, Kansas : 1.012gMorristown, Tennessee : 0.67g (Vatican Coll.)Ozona, Texas : 1.32gPotter, Nebraska : 0.4gRenfrow, Oklahoma : 1.83gSpringer, Oklahoma : 0.97gUmbarger, Texas : 0.83gUvalde, Texas : 1.76gWagon Mound, New Mexico: 3.5gWellman, Texas : 0.79g
Pierre-Marie Pelewww.meteor-center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Dealers lot (US meteorites for sale)

2004-05-06 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.
I'm selling a collection of US meteorites (mostly micros). I'm selling them at the price I paid for them. I sell the lot, not each individually. So, the total price is $238.00 including registered mail worldwide. The payment is with Paypal. You can see the pictures of these meteorites on my website : http://www.meteor-center.com/collection/index.htm
Here's the list :Anthony, Kansas : 2.76gBeenham, New Mexico : 0.24gBenjamin, Texas : 2.02gDawn (a), Texas : 0.912gDimmitt, Texas : 7.294gForestburg (b), Texas : 1.586gGalatia, Kansas : 0.55gGold Basin : 1.703gHarrison Township, Kansas : 0.56gHomestead, Iowa : 0.24gJohnson City, Kansas : 1.5gMacy, New Mexico : 0.7gMc Kinney, Texas : 1.678gMayfield, Kansas : 1.012gMorristown, Tennessee : 0.67g (Vatican Coll.)Ozona, Texas : 1.32gPotter, Nebraska : 0.4gRenfrow, Oklahoma : 1.83gSpringer, Oklahoma : 0.97gUmbarger, Texas : 0.83gUvalde, Texas : 1.76gWagon Mound, New Mexico: 3.5gWellman, Texas : 0.79g
Pierre-Marie Pelewww.meteor-center.com--Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr __
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA series question

2004-04-28 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.
I'ml searching any information for NWAs ranging from NWA 1957 to NWA 2999 and from NWA 
3010 to 3200.
Why is there no information about these in the Meteoritical Bulletin NWA Provisional 
List ? If you've got a PDF file or Excel list about these, I would be happy to get 
them. Thanks.

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Strange structure in L chondrite

2004-04-24 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE

I've got the fragment of a L6 chondrite which presents a strange structure, at the 
meeting point of 3 veins. 
I think it's a glassy structure resulting from the heat reaching the inner of the 
meteorite by the shock veins but I'm not sure.

The size of this structure is a bit more than 1cm. 

Can anyone tell me what it is ? 

The picture can be seen at : http://www.meteor-center.com/chondr1.jpg  or  

Thanks a lot,


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Classification question

2004-04-14 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List !

I've got a (stupid ?) question about the classification of the chondrites.

What is the difference between this kind of classification : For example L3.6, L3-6 or 

Is the sign - the same as / or . in this case  ?

Thanks a lot,


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA meteorites CD-ROM

2004-04-12 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List.

I'm starting an ambitious project to have a clear view on the NWA mess.

I want to create a CD where each classified or unclassified NWA would be detailed 
(Bulletin information), including one or more photos, pairing notification, ...

I see regularly on eBay some very nice pictures of NWA (Mike Farmer, Hupe brothers, 
etc...) that I would like to use for this CDROM. At the moment, I store them on my 
computer for further use.

I'm planing for a release in late 2004 at a low price (under 20$ probably). It would 
be an important tool for meteorite collectors who have some difficulties to get 
information on the thousands of NWA already named.

I you have got some wishes for this CD or accept that I use your pictures, just write 
me  in private.


Pierre-Marie PELE

P.S. See you in Ensisheim 2004 !

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite crater or crumbling of ground ?

2004-03-20 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the list !

During my prospecting trip to Spain hunting for the meteorite of the 4th january 2004, 
I saw once in a field this circular phenomenon. You can see the picture at this 
address : http://www.meteor-center.com/dossier/espagne2004/crater.jpg

The terrain contains no stones, only mud and grass. There's no track to reach this 
place. That's the only hole of this kind we found during our one week trip. Also, it 
is situated on the trajectory of the meteor.

According to you, what is this ?

I thank you in advance for your help.

Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Revolving plate

2004-03-17 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE

I'm searching for a cheap revolving plate (working with batteries or solar cells and 
supporting up to 2kg) to exhibit a meteorite. This way, people can see all the 
meteorite without touching it.

Do you know where I could buy on Internet this device ?   I think it's sometimes used 
in jewelry to present some objects.


Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list


2004-03-15 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Our recovery team went to Spain from 8th to 14th March 2004. We followed the estimated 
trajectory of the bolide observed over Spain the 4th January 2004. At the moment, only 
two small fragments have been recovered by a journalist on vacation in the area and 
several other stones by a Spanish recovery team.

We are the first meteorite hunters to have done a significient find. On the 10th March 
2004 in the afternoon, we found on a track a complete 1380 grams meteorite in the 
north of the Palencia District. 

It is classified as a H chondrite. Our museum quality individual is 98% covered with 
fusion crust. There's a small window showing the inside, with shock veins.

The first worldwide public show of this meteorite will be done by our recovery group 
at the Ensisheim Show, in June 2004.

You can anyway look at some pictures of our find on our website www.meteor-center.com

Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list


2004-03-15 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello again,

I did a little mistake in my announcement of our discovery. 

The meteorite is not a H but a L6 chondrite, according to some analysis.

Sorry for my mistake


Pierre-Marie PELE

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Taking pictures of meteorites

2003-11-28 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Many people (collectors mainly) are asking me how to take nice macro pictures of their 
meteorites. Which model of digital 
camera do you use ?   Have you got some tips to take clear and nice macros pictures of 
your meteorites ?


Pierre-Marie PELE
IMCA 3360

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite hunting question

2003-09-28 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello everybody in the list !

I'm planing to go hunting in the south of France on a two centuries old strewnfield. A 
shower of meteorites fell there. Some 
stones were classified as H chondrites. 

What are the chances to find some more specimens two centuries after the fall ? 
Does the humidity affect H chondrites and 
is it possible to find some with a metal detector ?

Thanks in advance !

Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list


2003-09-26 Thread Pierre-Marie Pele
Hello everybody, 

I'm creating a new french meteorite magazine. 

I'm searching for contributors who will be able to send me, monthly or from time to 
time, some articles
on expeditions, new meteorites found or fallen. I'll be able to do the translation.

The magazine will be entitled Les Meteorites and will incluse some regular chapters :
- News
- The monthly meteorite
- The collector of the month : an interview of a meteorite collector or dealer
- Learning meteorites : a part dedicated to beginners
- On the strewnfield : some great ideas of prospect or expeditions stories
- Event calendar : calendar of the meteorite shows in the world
- On the web : a selection of websites (dealers, collections, museum, science...)
- Classifieds : collectors will buy and sell
- Bibliography : a review of one or more meteorite books
- The Saharian Meteorites : a complete study of the classified NWA, DAG, SAH, ...
- Labels : each month 20 ready-made labels to cut for your collection
and many more to come...

The magazine will be free of charge for all subscribers. There are actually more than 
200 subscribers !

It will be published monthly and the first volume will be available in november 2003.

- regular contributors. You can send me your articles (at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) in 
english or expedition stories, meteorite discoveries...
- for each article published, you'll be able to put in the magazine a half page (= A5 
format) of advert (including, if you want, some meteorite prices)
- for one or more pictures published (out of an article), you'll be able to put a 
eighth page of advert !

That's the deal.

I hope you'll support my project.

Best regards,

Pierre-Marie PELE 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rust removers

2003-09-21 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,

I'm searching for rust removers. Here in France are sold two products called Oxalic 
Acid and Dithonite. Did you ever used these 
products on iron meteorites ?

Thanks in advance.

Check out soon my book Les Meteorites francaises. You can get information on my 
website www.meteor-center.com

Best regards,


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Willing French meteorites

2003-08-25 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List !

I'm interested in buying at a reasonable price some french rarities (micro only) :
Stable Mont Dieu (up to 100g slice), Aire-sur-la-Lys, Alais, Angers, Asco, Aubres, 
Aumieres, Ausson, Bacqueville, Barbotan, 
Bettrechies, Bouvante, Chantonnay, Charsonville, Chitenay, Jonzac, Kerilis, Kermichel, 
Kernouve, La Bécasse, La Caille, 
Laborel, Lancon, Le Pressoir, Les Ormes, Le Teilleul, Luce, Luponnas, Marmande, 
Mascombes, Montlivault, Mornans, 
Nicorps, Quinçay, Saint Aubin, Saint Caprais de Quinsac, Saint Chinian, Saint 
Christophe la Chartreuse, Saint Germain du 
Pinel, Sainte Marguerite, Saint Mesmin, Sainte Rose, Saint Sauveur, Salles, Sauguis, 

Let me know on my personal email your proposals.

Also, my book The french meteorites will be out in a few months. Let me know if 
you're interested in this reference book. It's 
written in french but it contains many hard-to-find old documents which give clues to 
find some fragments. It's the biggest book 
on this subject ever written. It may be up to 400 pages of really complete information 
with strewnfield maps, impacts, pictures, 
location of finds... ; there's a preface by Dr Alain CARION. You can be informed of 
the sale of the book on my website or by 
sending me an email so that I subscribe you to my free newsletter. 

Finally, I may be searching for a translator for my book, for someone fluent in modern 
and old french and of course of english 


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tatahouine strewnfield

2003-07-16 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to all members of the list.

I'm going to Tunisia in february and I would like to know the exact location of the 
Tatahouine strewnfield. I already know the GPS 
position from the Catalogue of Meteorites and that it's at 2.5 kilometers from the 
town center.

So I would be very happy to receive the 1932 report made by the tunisian army or an 
exact GPS location.

I thank everybody in advance. 


IMCA 3360 

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Writing a book called Meteorites of France

2003-07-04 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello eveybody in the list,

I'm writing a book about all the found and fallen meteorites of France (sorry, it'll 
be in french), but I still need some information 
(circumstances of find or fall and others than those written in Catalogue of 
Meteorites or the Bulletin) of some meteorites : Aire-
sur-la-Lys, Asco, Aubres, Beuste, Chateau Renard, Favars, Granes, Ste Marguerite, St 
Sauveur, Toulouse

Do you have some documents about these meteorites, to send me by mail ?

I think you in advance.

Best regards,

Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] your opinion on this meteorite

2003-02-06 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello everybody !

I need your advice on this eBay auction.

It's sold as a french meteorite with the label France Via C. Foster 1962. It weighs 
180g. In my opinion, it's not a meteorite 
(looks like a volcano stone). Can you give me your advice, it would be fair.

Here are the links for the pictures : 

Thanks a lot !


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] In 2003, redesign your meteorite website !

2003-01-04 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello and happy new year to the members of the list.

I'm Pierre (from France). I'm new to this list but some of you know me as I'm a 
meteorite collector and hunter and I also buy 
many meteorites.

My occupation is webmaster and website designer. As you know, meteorites are expensive 
for a collector so I'd like to make 
you a proposal.
Many of you may have an oldish website or even no website at all !  In return for 
rebuilding or making a brand new website, you 
could give me meteorites that I could choose in your inventory.
My rates are in any case a lot smaller that those of a web agency.

Don't forget that a website is your brand image for your customers and that a 
well-designed site will provide you more sales.

Thanks a lot !   By reason of privacy, each instance will be studied out of this list 
and will be rated with its person in charge. So, 
write me directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Visit some of my websites : www.meteor-center.com   /www.pariscapnord.com/ 

Yours faithfully,

Pierre-Marie PELE
IMCA 3360

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

Meteorite-list mailing list