[meteorite-list] The Ensisheim Show

2017-04-08 Thread Anne Black via Meteorite-list
Hello everybody,

I know this is only April but June will be here much sooner than you think, and 
with it the Ensisheim Show. So if you are thinking about going, it is time to 
stop thinking and actually plan for it. And since I am now official helping the 
Association des Amis de la Meteorite de Ensisheim, here is the officially flyer 
with all the information available. Enjoy.

 And if you still have some questions, please do contact me directly by email. 
Thank you.


Thanks, and see you all there!

Anne M. Black


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[meteorite-list] AD Ensisheim Show, here I come !

2014-06-16 Thread Pelé Pierre-Marie via Meteorite-list
(first free AD)

I will be happy to meet all of you at the Ensisheim Show at the end of the week.

Clear sky and nice temperature are expected.

I will display on my table many cool specimen including : Ensisheim, Juvinas, 
Mont-Dieu, Orgueil, Ornans, Draveil, NWA 7325 (Mercury), NWA 7397 at 
reasonable prices, Beni-M'hira of course (the last ones so be quick), a new L3 
and a new monomict eucrite from Morocco (including main masses for sale), and 
many more cool stones !    I already enjoy meeting you there !

Pierre-Marie Pelé 
Météorites : achat - vente - expertise - expéditions - recherche 
IMCA 3360 

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[meteorite-list] The ENSISHEIM Show

2014-01-24 Thread Anne Black


Zelimir Gabelica is having some computer-related problems, so he asked 
me to forward his announcement regarding the Ensisheim show, less than 
5 months away, to all of you.


Anne M. Black


(January 24, 2014)

Dear meteorite friends  Meteorite-Central List,

Please find here down preliminary news concerning the 15th edition of 
our meteorite show “Ensisheim-Meteorite 2014”, a very special event.

Indeed, this year, we will celebrate the dual 15th anniversary of our 
show and the 30th anniversary of our Brotherhood (Confraternity) 

This info anticipates (end completes) the official flyer expected to be 
finalized in a few weeks (days ?) that will be soon included on our web 
site (www.ville-ensisheim.fr) and that I will be glad to forward you 
individually, upon request.

Further show short news will be also sent to the List when appropriate, 
as every year. This first announcement is for those wishing to attend 
the show, book tables or foresee other related specific arrangements.

I expect this message will reach you in time before your gathering at 
the next “Tucson blast”.


Saturday June 21 (9:30-18:00) and Sunday June 22 (9:30-16:00), 2014 (as 
always, the weekend preceding the “Mineral  Gem Show” that is held in 
Ste Marie-aux-Mines, relatively nearby).

The show location is, as last year, in the Regency Palace in “downtown 
Ensisheim”, next to the main church.

The Palace reconstruction is again postponed to some “near future”. 
Maps and traveling indications could be found soon on the following two 
web sites:

* Ensisheim City: www.ville-ensisheim.fr

* The “St Georges Confraternity”: 


Despite the ever increasing demand, the total number of dealer tables 
must remain limited to about 55 (currently about 45-60 dealers). All 
tables are equal in size (160 x 80 cm). Price is per table, NOT per 

This year the table price had to be increased by about 10% for various 
obvious reasons. The new prices are: 1 table: 155 euro; 2 tables: 300 
euro; 3 tables: 430 euro; 4 tables: 560 euro….

Please plan your own lighting if needed (strictly limited to 250 
W/table !).

All past dealers/guests have full priority to reserve their last year 
table(s). Those who did not come last year (2013) had lost their 
priority and should be considered as “newcomers”.

For the 2014 booking, we urgently encourage our regular guests to do 
that ASAP, preferably before the end of April 2014 (slightly flexible 
deadline). Even if you already had reserved “implicitly” or “think that 
you have reserved”, please apply again and confirm (or cancel) your 
table. This is not to bother you further but to make sure our 
computerized files are updated for 2014.

As per today January 24, nothing is considered as booked for anyone, so 
from now on, the reservations can start! It is better to hurry to 
reserve if you want to come again, as we already have newcomers on a 
waiting list!

After April 30, we will consider a re-attributing of the last year 
guest’s former places.

The organizers will attribute to the newcomers the layout of places 
within any of the 3 halls in the most appropriate way so as to meet as 
many wishes as possible.

Note that the “Regency”, “Egloff” and “Pas Perdus” halls are all 
equivalent, as the public must inevitably walk through the 3 halls.

Important for table attribution to newcomers: as always, “first come, 
first served”!

Please if you are a regular guest but can’t come this year, be kind and 
notify us ASAP for your canceling.

For the reservation, just write me! (E-mail is the most reliable 
contact, phone being not at all recommended as I am running “here and 
there” in erratic hours and days). My mail remains unchanged:

“Zelimir” zelimir.gabel...@uha.fr

To avoid money transfer complications and bank fee, we accept you pay 
the table renting cash to the treasurer on Saturday morning.

Since we don’t require pre-payment, it would be very fair if, in case 
of cancellation, you notify us enough in advance so that we can rent 
your stall to those who are on a waiting list.

All dealers must specify the names of ALL persons occupying their table 
(ideally 1 person per table, though 2 persons can be allowed for only 
one table reserved).

Names are needed for us to write the corresponding badges that are 
limited as follows: 1 table reserved, 1 or 2 badges attributed; 2 
tables, up to 3 badges; 3 tables, up to 4 badges, etc.

People without badges are not considered as dealers, can’t occupy 
tables, nor are allowed to sell meteorites elsewhere within the 
buildings or on the main square.

Friday June 20 is the DEALER’S DAY devoted for tables/booth set up.

The Regency halls are exclusively open to dealers (14:00 - 18:00), and 
NOT to the public.


[meteorite-list] AD Ensisheim Show 2005

2005-06-05 Thread Pelé Pierre-Marie
Hello to the List Members.

I'll have a table at the Ensisheim Show on june 18 and
19. I'll be selling CDROMs, my book Meteorites de
France, and many small meteorites (micros mostly).

You can check the complete list of meteorites for sale
and if you are interested, just come to meet me at
Ensisheim and give me the IDs.

Here's the link for my list of sales :

Best regards,

Pierre-Marie PELE

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Ensisheim show

2002-06-12 Thread Nick Gessler

another note, I will be leaving Sunday for Europe and will be visiting
the Vienna Collection before attending the Ensisheim meteorite show. Who
else on the list will be attending? 
Mike Farmer
I plan to be there too.
Nick Gessler

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