Lets Get'er done. Write your Bill and email to me.

2009-03-23 Thread larmelton3
March 22, 2009
Mr. Melton will introduce the following bill; which will be referred to the 
Committee on the Judiciary: The House; The Congress; The Senate and the 
President of the United States.   

BTITLETo grant immunity from civil liability to any person who voluntarily 
notifies appropriate security personnel of suspicious activity believed to 
threaten transportation safety or security or takes reasonable action to 
such a  
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States 
of America in Congress assembled,
(a) In General- Any person who, in good faith, makes, or causes to be made, a 
voluntary disclosure of any suspicious transaction, activity, or occurrence 
indicating that an individual may be engaging, or preparing to engage, in an 
action described in section 3 to any employee or agent of the Department of 
Homeland Security, The freedom of any American, or against the Constitution as 
is written or the Department of Justice, any Federal, State, or local law 
enforcement officer, any free American, or any employee or agent of the Union 
the Untied States shall be immune from civil liability to any person for such 
disclosure under any Federal, State, or local law.
(b) False Disclosures- or out right lies or UN Constitutional activates in 
open or closed meetings with any American or Foreign person or leader of any 
other Country pertaining to - Subsection (a) shall not apply to any statement 
disclosure that the person making the statement or disclosure knows to be 
false at the time it is made. Any Potation that supports any legislation that 
against the Constitution as it is written.
Any person in receipt of a report described in section 1 who takes reasonable 
action to mitigate a suspicious action against the people of America or their 
Constitution described in section 3 shall be immune from civil liability to 
any person for such action under any Federal, State, or local law.
The actions described in this section are possible or attempted violations of 
law relating to--
(1) A threat to the Union or any Constitutional law as written today or the 
safety or security of its passage; cost to any American in any tax or levy: or 
to harm or retain any not for profit origination that is with in the laws of 
the Constitution: or any Church or School in the United States; That is not a 
public school.

(2) An act of terrorism (as defined in section 3077 of title 18, United 
States Code) that involves, or is directed against, an American or the Union or 
laws as written today.

Any Repasentative,Congressman or Senator who is named as a defendant in a 
civil lawsuit for making a voluntary disclosure described in section 1 or for 
taking an action described in section 2, and is found to be supporting and 
or law against the Constitution shall be found immune from civil liability 
under this Act, shall not be entitled to recover from the plaintiff all 
reasonable costs and attorney fees allowed by the court in which the lawsuit 
decided. The State or the Federal Government shall not pay for the defense of 
Representative found guilty of any action or supporting any action against the 
Constitution of America as it is written today.
This Act shall take effect on April 15, 2009, and shall apply to all 
activities and claims occurring on or after such date.

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

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for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
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Fw: Founder's Quote Daily

2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison

--- On Mon, 3/23/09, PatriotPost.US no-re...@patriotpost.us wrote:

From: PatriotPost.US no-re...@patriotpost.us
Subject: Founder's Quote Daily
To: fbelli...@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, March 23, 2009, 5:02 AM

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It will not be denied that power is of an encroaching nature and that it ought 
to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it. After 
discriminating, therefore, in theory, the several classes of power, as they may 
in their nature be legislative, executive, or judiciary, the next and most 
difficult task is to provide some practical security for each, against the 
invasion of the others.
--James Madison, Federalist No. 48

You have received this email because you are subscribed to Founder's Quote 
Daily, a service of The Patriot Post, the conservative journal of record. 

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My New Address

2009-03-23 Thread Charity Angel
For those who want to know, my new Mailing Address is:

Charity Angel Davis
105 S. State St. #208
Orem, Utah 84057

This is not my physical address, my mother has asked I not share that.
Also, for as long as I can keep the bill paid, I will have my same cell
number 417-569-0475

Thanks for everything, and I hope to stay in touch.


“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold
it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's
true strength.”

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“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold
it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's
true strength.”

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A Suicide-Inducing Congress? (Paul Jacob on the AIG bonuses and congressional death wishes)

2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison


March 23, 2009 
A Suicide-Inducing Congress? 
Say you are president. You thunder about how your predecessor's bailouts let 
corporate execs keep big bonuses at taxpayer expense. That won't happen on your 
And then it does. AIG bigwigs take $165 million. 
So you are angry at yourself, for signing that stimulus bill with its specific 
language permitting TARP recipients to pay bonuses if bonuses were part of 
contracts made before February of '09. 
Maybe somebody should have read the legislation. So who has that job? Besides 
you . . . I mean the president himself. Why, Congress, of course! 
Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley said he would at least feel better were AIG 
executives to apologize and then either resign or go commit suicide. 
Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer advocate 
passing a special tax to confiscate all the bonus money ex post facto. 
Dodd didn't mention that he had authored the provision specifically permitting 
the AIG bonuses. He has now said he'll return the $280,000 in donations he's 
received from AIG executives. Schumer was mum about his $112,000 from those 
same execs. 
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar said, We've got to do whatever it takes to make 
sure people that basically ripped off the American people weren't able to 
profit from it. 
So is she talking about AIG . . . or Congress? 
This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 


Paul Jacob is President of Citizens in Charge and the Citizens in Charge 
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense and Paul's weekly Townhall Column. 
The opinions expressed in Common Sense are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizens in Charge or the Citizens in Charge Foundation.


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Fw: Everyone is wrong about the AIG bonuses

2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h 

Quote of the Day: "There are a thousand striking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." -- Henry David Thoreau

Subject: Everyone is wrong about the AIG bonuses

Democratic Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut inserted language into the scam-stimulus bill permitting the AIG bonuses that everyone is now bloviating about.He did so at the request of the Treasury Department. A Congressional majority then voted for the Dodd proposal, and President Obama signed it into law.

Those upset about the AIG bonuses should focus on the fact that Congress authorized them. All the Congressional grand-standing about how bad the bonuses are is rank hypocrisy. One of two things is true . . 

Either those who voted for the scam-stimulus bill knew about the bonus provision, in which case they ought to be "falling on their own swords," instead of castigating the government-appointed CEO of AIG, or . . . 
They didn't know about the bonus provision, in which case they ought to introduce DownsizeDC.org's "Read the Bills Act," so they'll know what they're passing before they cast their votes. 

But the politicians aren't the only guilty parties in this stupid controversy. The American people are also at fault. Here's why . . .

We're constantly told that Congress doesn't respond to public pressure and that, therefore, what DownsizeDC.org is trying to do won't work. And yet, we see Congress respond to public pressure repeatedly. The only problem is that it's always pressure about the wrong things!

The way to prevent problems like the bonus-authorization provision is to pass the "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA). RTBA is the RIGHT THING about which to pressure Congress!

Had RTBA been in effect then a quorum of both the House and Senate would have heard the bonus-authorization provision read, and that reading would have been broadcast on C-SPAN.


If the American people want to rage about something meaningful then they ought to rage about the fact that Congress doesn't read the laws it passes. If the same pressure that's been applied on this trivial bonus issue had been applied on behalf of RTBA then we might already be close to passing RTBA.

I'm going to be blunt, because blunt talk is easily understood. The American people need to stop being immature twits. We need to stop getting worked up about symbolic trivia and start getting worked up about REAL ISSUES.

Making Congress read the laws they pass is a REAL ISSUE.

If you don't like the AIG bonuses Congress authorized then please use our quick and easy Educate the Powerful System to tell Congress to pass the "Read the Bills Act." 

You can use your personal comments to point out that RTBA would have exposed the Dodd-Obama bonus authorization to public scrutiny BEFORE it was passed into law.

In addition, if you know someone who's been emoting about the AIG bonuses then you might want to forward them this message and politely suggest that they do something MEANINGFUL, like using our system to ask Congress to pass the "Read the Bills Act." 

Am I being too blunt? I don't think so.

Jim BabkaPresidentDownsizeDC.org, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c his the official email list of DownsizeDC.org, Inc.  Downsize DC FoundationNormally published 3 - 6 times per week. 

CONTRIBUTE in support of the "Educate the Powerful System" 
http://www.DownsizeDC.org is sponsored by DownsizeDC.org, Inc. -- a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government. Operations office: 1931 15th St. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202.521.1200

IF you have difficulties or inquiries, simply hit reply to this message. We're eager to help, including with requests to unsubscribe.The Downsize DC Team would like to thank you for subscribing to the Downsizer-Dispatch, which you did by going to http://www.downsizedc.org/page/newsletter or by using our Educate the Powerful System to send a message. 
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2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison

Also requires new evaluation of ‘mandatory’ service for allBy Bob Unruh
The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a plan to set up a new “volunteer corps” and consider whether “a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people” should be developed.
The legislation also refers to “uniforms” that would be worn by the “volunteers” and the “need” for a “public service academy, a 4-year institution” to “focus on training” future “public sector leaders.” The training, apparently, would occur at “campuses.”
The vote yesterday came on H.R. 1388, which reauthorizes through 2014 the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, acts that originally, among other programs, funded the AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service Corps.
It not only reauthorizes the programs, but also includes “new programs and studies” and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Many, however, are raising concerns that the program, which is intended to include 250,000 “volunteers,” is the beginning of what President Obama called his “National Civilian Security Force” in a a speech last year in which he urged creating an organization as big and well-funded as the U.S. military. He has declined since then to elaborate.
WND reported when a copy of the speech provided online apparently was edited to exclude Obama’s specific references to the new force.
The video of his statements is posted here:
The new bill specifically references the possibilities “if all individuals in the United States were expected to perform national service or were required to perform a certain amount of national service.”
Such new requirements perhaps, the legislation notes, “would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.”
No one, apparently with the exception of infants, would be excluded:
“The means to develop awareness of national service and volunteer opportunities at a young age by creating, expanding, and promoting service options for elementary and secondary school students, through service learning or other means, and by raising awareness of existing incentives.” 
According to a report by Canada Free Press, “‘volunteerism’ that kept America running since the days of its founding” would be “wiped out with the stroke of a pen.”
“It becomes forced labor and like the practice of another era, presses American citizens of all ages and creeds, unknowingly into military service,” the commentary said.
“On paper, H.R. 1388 is the ‘Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act’; the more innocuous sounding ‘The Give Act,’ for short.
“The Give Act puts the finishing touches to Public Allies New Leadership for New Times, modeled after Saul Alinsky’s ‘Peoples Organizations’ and operating under Michelle Obama,” the commentary said.
“Michelle was also a pioneer in the social entrepreneur movement – leaders who create new approaches and organize to provide new solutions to social problems. Like most things Saul Alinsky, H.R. 1388 sounds noble in stating why wide-sweeping change is necessary,” the commentary said.
“H.R. 1388 goes straight to the heart of volunteerism in America , impacting everything from the lemonade stands of neighborhood children, to the residents of senior citizens homes. … The Give Act puts tow-headed school children and silver-haired seniors in the official uniform of the new State, and encompasses every walk of life in main-street America ,” the commentary said. “Whether you are young or old, or firmly believe that volunteering means you are offering your time to the good of community work, you will be pressed into Obama’s National Civilian Community Corps.”
Groups of such “volunteers,” would, under the legislation, be “grouped together as appropriate in campuses for operational, support, and boarding purposes. The Corps campus for a unit shall be in a facility or central location established as the operational headquarters and boarding place for the unit. … There shall be a superintendent for each camp.” 
The plan generated this concern from Resistnet.com: “This is the equivalent of brown shirts.” 
Another portion of the bill talks about a “service learning” plan that will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.” 
A forum participant noted, “I wonder what’s going to happen to those who refused to ‘volunteer.’ Maybe they will be put into a different ‘campus.’ I guess we will soon find out.” 
Formal announcements about the plan suggested something far different, picking a provision far down in the 200 pages of legislation to highlight.
According to a Business Wire statement released by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the bill “would formally authorize federal support for 

Second Reading - Council Bill 2009-041

2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
I would like to encourage you to support the recommendation of the Planning and 
Zoning Commission by voting against Council Bill 2009-041 which would allow 
Locust Street to be closed which is an important access for businesses in this 
Fred B. Ellison
1315 N. Broadway Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
25. COUNCIL BILL 2009-041. (Whayne) A special ordinance vacating the public 
right-of-way and reclassifying Locust Street between Campbell and Boonville 
Avenues, and the adjoining alley between Locust and Court Streets. (Planning 
and Zoning Commission recommends denial and staff recommends approval.)

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
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learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.

Fw: God Bless The Dutch - Horrifying

2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison



   America as the last man standing

'In  a generation or two, the  US will  ask itself: Who lost  Europe?'

Here  is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman,  Party for Freedom, the 
Netherlands, at the E Four Seasons, New York, introducing an Alliance of 
Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem.

The  speech was  sponsored by the Hudson Institute on  September  25.

Dear  friends,

Thank  you very much for  inviting  me.
I  come to  America with a  mission. All is not well in the  old world. There 
is a tremendous danger looming, and it  is very difficult to be optimistic. We  
might be in the  final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This  not  only is 
a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself,  it is a threat to 
America and the sheer survival of the West. The United States as the last 
bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe.
First  I will describe  the situation on the ground in  Europe.   Then, I will 
say a few things about Islam.  To  close, I  will tell you about a meeting in   

The   Europe you  know is changing. You have probably seen the  landmarks. But 
in all of these cities, sometimes a  few blocks away from your tourist  
destination, there is  another world. It is the world of the parallel 
society created by Muslim mass-migration. All  throughout Europe a new reality 
is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside 
or are even seen. And, if they are, they  might regret it.  This goes for the 
police as well. It's the world of head  scarves, where women walk around in 
figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands,  
or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three  steps ahead. With mosques on many 
street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be  
hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim ghettos controlled 
by religious fanatics. These are Muslim neighborhoods, and they are 
mushrooming in every city
 across Europe. These are the building-blocks  for territorial control of 
increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street, neighborhood by 
neighborhood, city by city.

There  are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. With larger 
congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are 
plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region. 
Clearly, the signal is: we rule.
Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just  take  Amsterdam, 
Marseille and Malmo in Sweden.  In many cities the majority of the under-18 
population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of 
Muslim neighborhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many 
cities. In some elementary  schools in  Amsterdam the farm can no longer be  
mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be 
an insult to Muslims. Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve 
halal food to all pupils.  In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up 
almost exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear 'whore, whore'. 
Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in the 
country of origin.  In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors 
deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; the same is 
increasingly true of Darwin.  The
 history of the Holocaust  can no longer be taught because of Muslim 
sensitivity. In England sharia courts are now officially  part of the British 
legal system..
 Many neighborhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves.  
Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by  Muslims in Brussels, 
because he was drinking during the Ramadan. Jews are fleeing France in record 
numbers, on the run from the worst wave of anti-Semitism since World War II. 
French is now commonly spoken on the streets of Tel Aviv and Netanya, Israel.  
I could go on forever with stories like this. Stories about Islamization.

A total of fifty-four  million Muslims now live in Europe.  San Diego 
University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population 
in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernhard Lewis has predicted a 
Muslim majority by  the end of this century.

Now these are just numbers. And the numbers would not be  threatening if the  
Muslim-immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are  few signs 
of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see their 
loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France.  One-third of French  
Muslims do  not object to suicide attacks.
 The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of 
British Muslim students are in favor of a worldwide caliphate.  Muslims demand 
what they call 'respect'. And this is how we give them respect. We  have Muslim 
official state holidays.
The Christian-Democratic attorney 

Second Reading - Council Bill 2009-044 Solid Waste Agreement

2009-03-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
The proposed aggreement between the City of Springfield and Allied Services and 
Waste Corporation is a sellout of the citizens of Springfield. You know it and 
the citizens of Springfield who are paying attention know it. This agreement 
completely ignores the fact that single-stream, curbside recycling is a 
priority of 80% of the citizens of Springfield. This agreement will ultimately 
lead to a less competitive market by puttting smaller companies out of business 
and forcing citizens to pay higher rates for service.
If the Mayor or any member of City Council has a conflict of interest related 
to this matter, they need to publicly acknowledge that fact and recuse 
themselves from the discussion and vote, not just absent themselves from 
chambers during consideration.
Fred B. Ellison
1315 N. Broadway Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
28. COUNCIL BILL 2009-044. (Deaver) A special ordinance approving “put or pay” 
agreements with Allied Services, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and 
Waste Corporation of Missouri, Inc. a Delaware corporation, for the delivery of 
solid waste to the city landfill and directing city staff to submit to the 
Planning  Zoning Commission an amendment to the zoning ordinance and to the 
Missouri Department of Natural Resources amendments to the Integrated Solid 
Waste Management Plan of the City and amending the budget for the fiscal year 
2008-2009 of the Solid Waste Division of Public Works.

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
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learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.

Re: My New Address

2009-03-23 Thread larmelton3
Love You Charity !
Larry Melton
In a message dated 3/23/2009 11:31:54 AM Central Daylight Time, 
darlingdavisfam...@gmail.com writes:

For those who want to know, my new Mailing Address is:

Charity Angel Davis
105 S. State St. #208
Orem, Utah 84057

This is not my physical address, my mother has asked I not share that.  Also, 
for as long as I can keep the bill paid, I will have my same cell number 

Thanks for everything, and I hope to stay in touch.


**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

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for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.

I will include your language in the bill if it fits.

2009-03-23 Thread larmelton3
If anyone has the time to help me write this bill please rewrite your idea 
for the bill and send it to me.
  I will include your language in the bill and you can be part of a bill that 
will stop Congress from writing un constitutional laws.
 We also need to name the Bill.
 We could call it the Bob up and kiss my as soon as you can Bill.
I don't care. You may send your ideas.
  To get the support for this bill form Reps and Congress will not be easy.
We will have to find a few good men.
Larry Kiss My Melton 
March 22, 2009
Mr. Melton will introduce the following bill; which will be referred to the 
Committee on the Judiciary: The House; The Congress; The Senate and the 
President of the United States.   

BTITLETo grant immunity from civil liability to any person who voluntarily 
notifies appropriate security personnel of suspicious activity believed to 
threaten transportation safety or security or takes reasonable action to 
such a  
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States 
of America in Congress assembled,
(a) In General- Any person who, in good faith, makes, or causes to be made, a 
voluntary disclosure of any suspicious transaction, activity, or occurrence 
indicating that an individual may be engaging, or preparing to engage, in an 
action described in section 3 to any employee or agent of the Department of 
Homeland Security, The freedom of any American, or against the Constitution as 
is written or the Department of Justice, any Federal, State, or local law 
enforcement officer, any free American, or any employee or agent of the Union 
the Untied States shall be immune from civil liability to any person for such 
disclosure under any Federal, State, or local law.
(b) False Disclosures- or out right lies or UN Constitutional activates in 
open or closed meetings with any American or Foreign person or leader of any 
other Country pertaining to - Subsection (a) shall not apply to any statement 
disclosure that the person making the statement or disclosure knows to be 
false at the time it is made. Any Potation that supports any legislation that 
against the Constitution as it is written.
Any person in receipt of a report described in section 1 who takes reasonable 
action to mitigate a suspicious action against the people of America or their 
Constitution described in section 3 shall be immune from civil liability to 
any person for such action under any Federal, State, or local law.
The actions described in this section are possible or attempted violations of 
law relating to--
(1) A threat to the Union or any Constitutional law as written today or the 
safety or security of its passage; cost to any American in any tax or levy: or 
to harm or retain any not for profit origination that is with in the laws of 
the Constitution: or any Church or School in the United States; That is not a 
public school.

(2) An act of terrorism (as defined in section 3077 of title 18, United 
States Code) that involves, or is directed against, an American or the Union or 
laws as written today.

Any Repasentative,Congressman or Senator who is named as a defendant in a 
civil lawsuit for making a voluntary disclosure described in section 1 or for 
taking an action described in section 2, and is found to be supporting and 
or law against the Constitution shall be found immune from civil liability 
under this Act, shall not be entitled to recover from the plaintiff all 
reasonable costs and attorney fees allowed by the court in which the lawsuit 
decided. The State or the Federal Government shall not pay for the defense of 
Representative found guilty of any action or supporting any action against the 
Constitution of America as it is written today.
This Act shall take effect on April 15, 2009, and shall apply to all 
activities and claims occurring on or after such date.

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.

FW: Libertarians are not Terrorists

2009-03-23 Thread Glenn Gohr
I just received the note below from the Southwest Missouri Libertarian
YahooGroup regarding the MIAC statement.


The text of John Britt's letter is included in the Life of Jason Blog:






From: southwest_missouri_libertarian_pa...@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:southwest_missouri_libertarian_pa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:57 PM
To: southwest_missouri_libertarian_pa...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [southwest_missouri_libertarian_party] Libertarians are not
Terrorists (Except Doug)


The Missouri Libertarian Party and 2008 Presidential Candidate Bob Barr, and
other Third Party Candidates got a apology from the director of the Missouri
Department of Public Safety on March 23,2009.The report listed many third
party's and their candidates supporters as possible (Extreme Right Wing
Militia Members).Thanks to the Missouri Libertarian Party and their
spokesman Mike Ferguson who spearheaded the effort Libertarians across
Missouri can be assured that they will not be profiled as possible
terrorists in the future. We would also like to thank the Missouri
Constitution Party and especially Cindy Redburn, Secretary of the Missouri
Constitution Party for her help coordinating there party's response. Keith
and I will be doing a show tomorrow night March 24, at 9 pm to clear up any
unfinished business concerning this matter. Feel free to listen to our show
or call in. www.blogtalkradio.com/showmelibertarians 
the call in number is 347-215-8507.

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