On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 09:41:29AM -0500, Jay Lawrence wrote:
> From: "Sam Vilain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > You can specify package dependancies with MakeMaker, including version
> > numbers of required packages.  Surely that is enough information to build
> > up necessary depends: relationships?
> The *only* beef I have about PREREQ_PM is that it "use"es the prereq modules
> to see if they are there are installed. This unfortunately does not work in
> certain situations,

I have two issues:

1) The PREREQ_PM facility informs the user of missing modules, but not where
to find them.  Not every module (in the Perl sense) comes in a module (in the
CPAN sense) of the same name.

2) There is no handling of required executables.


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