Fwd: Problem brewing w/tar?

2013-11-11 Thread Linda A. Walsh

Thought this might better belong here...

Seems more recent versions of tars include various extensions that
can confuse older versions of tar.  I wasn't even aware that my gnu
tar defaulted to POSIX 2002 headers (pax) until someone told
me their build used ARCHIVE::TAR, that doesn't understand them.

Problem has been temporarily glossed over by adding flags to my build
(dist= { TARFLAGS= 'c --format=v7 -f' },)
but this bothers me -- alot! Since if someone else tries a make
tardist -- it will fail if their tar doesn't understand those flags.

So it looks like that might not be a very good solution.

Ideas... How can I specify a tar that will work for others that
will work for others if they build?

FWIW -- I first encountered this when *my* tar (gnu) complained
about star (schelly) headers in a CPAN file...  I reported it as a minor
bug .. HA, talk about instant karma...  But I'm not seeing a great solution.

Too bad Archive::Tar isn't up-to-date with a 10+year old standard.

Maybe it should be dropped from new distros? (which still doesn't
solve the problem)...

Module naming collision Or mirage?

2013-11-11 Thread Linda A. Walsh

When I look up Math::Simple, I find a module under
which seems to hit the index as Math::Simple

So if I wanted to add Math::Simple.pm,  How would it show up
and/or how would they be differentiated?

It's also the case that Math::Simple::Simple.pm looks like it is
a demo case for Inline (I.e, it's not a real perl module, but an
example using Inline).  Should it even be listed as a module?