Re: bag-o-code release?

2003-11-20 Thread Eric Wilhelm
 The following was supposedly scribed by
 Corwin Brust
 on Wednesday 19 November 2003 10:42 am:

Eric Wilhelm wrote:
It's been over a month now since I've felt that the CAD::Drawing module is
ready for release but I still cannot get the time to figure out how to
 setup a makefile and get everything to install automagically.

I'll be happy to wite up a make file for this.  Send me the file or a
URL, if you like.

Thanks for offering to help.  I've been working on compiling the licensing and 
getting a fairly automatic copy mechanism setup for most of the day.  I 
maintain these modules without any distribution info so that I can write that 
in only one place and tack it on before distributing.

The complete set is 14 modules (but this leaves out Math::Vec)  I would have 
posted these to pause, but it seems to be down.

Everything under the CAD::Drawing tree could reasonably be distributed as one 
module, but I have plans to eventually remove the dependency on the 
non-gpl-compatible OpenDWG toolkit used by CAD::Drawing::IO::DWGI and most of 
the other modules under CAD::Drawing::IO should be optional (but it seems 
like this means re-writing the code on installation to remove the 'use' 

I could see distributing it as 14 separate modules, but I fear that this could 
make installation a total pain (is there some way to allow interactive 
options during install?)  It seems that the h2xs makefile would work for all 
of the pure-perl modules, but the one which is giving me trouble is the 
Inline-based CAD::Drawing::IO::DWGI.  Note that to build this you will need 
to get the OpenDWG toolkit and set the location of their ad2init.dat (some 
kind of binary startup file) in the functions.c file.

If you decide that this is more than you want to get into, I'll understand, 
just let me know.  I've posted the packages at the link below.


Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many 
rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
--Ronald Reagan

Re: bag-o-code release?

2003-11-20 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
At 19:47 -0500 11/19/03, James E Keenan wrote:
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:57:08 -0600, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 Should I just put everything in a tarball and upload it to CPAN
 with the hope that someone else could write a makefile and test
 What happens when the auto-tester finds no tests?
At the risk of making the test mavens gag, you could upload a test suite
that simply tests whether the object the module creates was constructed,
i.e., a simple ok() on the constructor.  This of course assumes the file
is OO.  If it's not, just run h2xs and use its test file which contains
a single ok().
The minimal test-suite in my opinion does:

use Test::More tests = 2;
use_ok( 'module');  # checks for compile errors
can_ok( 'module',@subnames);  # checks whether there's nothing 
missing from the API
