[Mongrel] Configuring Mongrel logging

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Butcher
Is there any way to configure Mongrel's logging? Specifically, I'd like to
get it to output to syslog. Our Rails apps already do this (via
SyslogLogger) - is there any way to persuade Mongrel to do the same?



Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
Who says I have a one track mind?

AIM: paulrabutcher
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Re: [Mongrel] Recommentation: Sessions and PStore

2006-09-03 Thread Paul Butcher
Zed wrote:
 * Using the mysql.rb instead of installing the actual mysql compiled
 gem.  The mysql.rb is just for development, and it sucks horribly.

Please forgive the stupid question, but how does one tell whether one is
using the mysql compiled gem or not? I've installed it, apparently
successfully, but I'd feel happier if I could be certain that Rails was
using it...



Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
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AIM: paulrabutcher
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Mongrel-users mailing list

[Mongrel] Why Rails + mongrel_cluster + load balancing doesn't work for us and the beginning of a solution

2006-09-20 Thread Paul Butcher
We have been searching for a Rails deployment architecture which works for
us for some time. We've recently moved from Apache 1.3 + FastCGI to Apache
2.2 + mod_proxy_balancer + mongrel_cluster, and it's a significant
improvement. But it still exhibits serious performance problems.

We have the beginnings of a fix that we would like to share.

To illustrate the problem, imagine a 2 element mongrel cluster running a
Rails app containing the following simple controller:

  class HomeController  ApplicationController
def fast
  sleep 1
  render :text = I'm fast

def slow
  sleep 10
  render :text = I'm slow

and the following test app 

  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/boot'
  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'

  end_time = 1.minute.from_now

  fast_count = 0
  slow_count = 0

  fastthread = Thread.start do
while Time.now  end_time do
  Net::HTTP.get 'localhost', '/home/fast'
  fast_count += 1

  slowthread = Thread.start do
while Time.now  end_time do
  Net::HTTP.get 'localhost', '/home/slow'
  slow_count += 1


  puts Fast: #{fast_count}
  puts Slow: #{slow_count}

In this scenario, there will be two requests outstanding at any time, one
fast and one slow. You would expect approximately 60 fast and 6 slow
GETs to complete over the course of a minute. This is not what happens;
approximately 12 fast and 6 slow GETs complete per minute.

The reason is that mod_proxy_balancer assumes that it can send multiple
requests to each mongrel and fast requests end up waiting for slow requests,
even if there is an idle mongrel server available.

We've experimented with various different configurations for
mod_proxy_balancer without successfully solving this issue. As far as we can
tell, all other popular load balancers (Pound, Pen, balance) behave in
roughly the same way.

This is causing us real problems. Our user interface is very time-sensitive.
For common user actions, a page refresh delay of more than a couple of
seconds is unacceptable. What we're finding is that if we have (say) a
reporting page which takes 10 seconds to display (an entirely acceptable
delay for a rarely-used report) then our users are seeing similar delays on
pages which should be virtually instantaneous (and would be, if their
requests were directed to idle servers). Worse, we're occasionally seeing
unnecessary timeouts because requests are queuing up on one server.

The real solution to the problem would be to remove Rails' inability to
handle more than one thread. In the absence of that solution, however, we've
implemented (in Ruby) what might be the world's smallest load-balancer. It
only ever sends a single request to each member of the cluster at a time.
It's called HighWire and is available on RubyForge (no Gem yet - it's on the
list of things to do!):

  svn checkout svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/highwire

Using this instead of mod_proxy_balancer, and running the same test script
above, we see approximately 54 fast and 6 slow requests per minute.

HighWire is very young and has a way to go. It's not had any serious
optimization or testing, and there are a bunch of things that need doing
before it can really be considered production ready. But it does work for
us, and does produce a significant performance improvement.

Please check it out and let us know what you think.


Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
Who says I have a one track mind?

AIM: paulrabutcher
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbutcher

Mongrel-users mailing list

Re: [Mongrel] Why Rails + mongrel_cluster + load balancing doesn't work for us and the beginning of a solution

2006-09-20 Thread Paul Butcher
Zed Shaw zedshaw at zedshaw.com wrote
 But, if your interface is time sensitive then why does it have actions
 that take too much time?  See the conundrum there?

I was kinda expecting that response, Zed, but I didn't want to rob you of
the pleasure of saying it ;-)

We are in fact using backgroundrb for a number of long-running actions. It's
fantastic, but it isn't ever going to solve the problem for us completely.
There are a whole bunch of reasons, which may be specific to our particular
application, but I doubt it.

First the less convincing arguments:

1) We're lazy (in a good way). Our application is used by hundreds of our
employees, 24 hours a day. We, correctly, invest a great deal of time making
sure that the things that they do over and over again are as efficient as
they possibly can be. We don't, however, believe that it's appropriate for
us to spend time optimising things which are only used by one or two guys
once or twice a day. It's not as if we have a lack of things to spend our
time on, and we'd rather spend that time on things that really matter,
rather than optimising things which only need to be optimised because the
performance characteristics of Rails mean that one poorly performing action
results in *all* actions performing poorly.

2) We're not infallible. Sometimes we screw up and release a version of the
software where one of our actions takes longer than it should. This is bad
if it only affects the action we screwed up, but if that's all it does then
it's not a disaster. If one slow action screws up *all* the actions,
however, that is a disaster.

3) Even if we spend all of the time we possibly can optimising actions,
different actions will always take different amounts of time to execute.
It's not as if there's one true execution time for an action. The bad
effects become apparent whenever you have any two actions which take
noticeably different amounts of time to execute. Yes, in the example that I
gave it was 1 second and 10 seconds. But the same basic effect would be
there if we were talking about 1ms and 10ms. 

Those arguments would be enough, I believe. But in our case there's one much
stronger argument which trumps all the above IMHO:

4) It's not possible to predict the time that an action, even a heavily
optimised one, will take. The vagaries of cacheing, swapping etc mean that
this is simply out of our hands. In our case, for example, many of our
actions involve fulltext searches of the database (we have no choice about
this - it's fundamental to the nature of what we do). The performance of a
fulltext search is *extremely* unpredictable (in MySQL anyway). There can be
occasions where the first time a particular search is done, it takes 10
seconds. The second time, because the database has got the idea, it can
take a few milliseconds. Backgroundrb cannot solve this problem - if we sent
all of these actions to backgroundrb, pretty much *every* action would end
up being sent to backgroundrb and then we end up with a very similar load
balancing problem - it just becomes a problem of load balancing to
backgroundrb instead of to mongrel.

Make sense?


Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
Who says I have a one track mind?

AIM: paulrabutcher
Skype: paulrabutcher
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbutcher

Mongrel-users mailing list

Re: [Mongrel] Why Rails + mongrel_cluster + load balancing doesn'twork for us and the beginning of a solution

2006-09-21 Thread Paul Butcher
 Have you ever use haproxy http://haproxy.1wt.eu/ ?!

In a word, no :-)

 He have the following feature which can help you:

Thanks - sounds interesting. We'll give it a go!


Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
Who says I have a one track mind?

AIM: paulrabutcher
Skype: paulrabutcher
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbutcher

Mongrel-users mailing list

Re: [Mongrel] Design flaw? - num_processors, accept/close

2007-10-16 Thread Paul Butcher
On 16 Oct 2007, at 06:49, Zed A. Shaw wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 16:43:34 -0700
 Brian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We recently ran into exactly this issue.  Some rails requests were  
 external requests that were taking 5 minutes (networking issues  
 out of our

 Now that's a design flaw.  If you're expecting the UI user to wait  
 for a backend request that takes 5 minutes then you need to  
 redesign the workflow and interface.  Do it like asynchronous email  
 where the use sends a request, awaits a reply, reads the  
 reply, and doesn't deal with the backend processing chain of events.

Zed, you're being obtuse. Of course that isn't what Brian means. What  
he's doing is giving a pathological example to illustrate just how  
badly the mod_proxy_balancer/mongrel/rails combination behaves when  
things go wrong.

Yes, you can mask the problem to some extent by mucking about with  
your application (and in fact that's what we've done here), but  
that's missing the point.

It is not unreasonable to expect that some actions performed by an  
application are fast and some are slow. It's further not  
unreasonable to expect a very large difference between the fastest  
and the slowest actions (if one action takes 10ms and another takes  
1s, that's not unreasonable - but it is a 2 order of magnitude  

With the obvious setup, fast actions will be delayed behind slow  
actions. This is a Bad Thing.

Furthermore, people are fallible. If I happen to accidentally  
introduce an action into my system which takes 10s, yes I've screwed  
up and should fix it. But is it reasonable for the fact that I have a  
single (possibly very rare) action which takes 10s to mean that all  
the other fast actions are affected? Even when most of my mongrels  
are idle?

Of course, this isn't really a problem with Mongrel. It's a problem  
with Ruby (which doesn't know what the word thread means) and Rails  
(which doesn't even manage to successfully make use of the brain-dead  
version of threading which Ruby does support).


Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
Who says I have a one track mind?

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbutcher
AIM: paulrabutcher
Skype: paulrabutcher

Mongrel-users mailing list

Re: [Mongrel] Workaround found for request queuing vs. num_processors, accept/close

2007-10-16 Thread Paul Butcher

On 15 Oct 2007, at 21:52, Robert Mela wrote:
I've discovered a setting in mod_proxy_balancer that prevents the  
Mongrel/Rails request queuing vs. accept/close problem from ever  
being reached.

Thanks for that, Robert. We've hit exactly the same issue in the  
past, but have been unable to find a way to persuade  
mod_proxy_balancer to do the right thing. I posted about this issue  
here a year or so ago:


But was unable to get anyone to take it seriously :-(


Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park...
Who says I have a one track mind?

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbutcher
AIM: paulrabutcher
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