This is the last week or so of summer vacation and then the startup of fall
classes. Some of you have already started school. Typically this is
represented by fewer messages and threads to the list.

If you wonder whether the list is working, please do *not* send a test
message to the list. Just go to the archive at where you can check on the recent posts to
the list. 

As always, if you have questions about membership, if the list is broken, or
things related to the list, please contact me personally -

Another reminder is that you PLEASE trim your replies. 

We have a large number of replies that include entire quotes and quotes and
pages and pages of previous messages. This is a problem for many members
(esp. digest) and can also cause problems with email providers. Providers'
servers often think we are sending out spam due to excessive links to our
website and archives. These links come from members that are not trimming
their replies. 

I am going to remove the emergency moderation that has been used in the last
few weeks. As I do this, I want to remind everyone to think before they hit
the send button (and take a deep breath and think again?). The "thanks",
requests for materials, "me too", etc. messages are sent to thousands of
people. Please send these types of messages to the individual and *not* the
entire list.

Best wishes to all who are working on getting things ready for the new
school year.


Keith Mack
Web Administrator for Mosaic List

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