[mou-net] Carver County

2010-10-10 Thread John Cyrus
Yesterday's(Sat.) count at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Sedge Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 7
Hermit Thrush 6
Orange-crowned Warbler 4
Cape May Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 10
Clay-colored Sparrow 1
Fox Sparrow 8
Lincoln's Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 24

Today's count at Rapids Lake MVNWR (only covered a small area closed to hunting 
and not flooded)

Belted Kingfisher 1
Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 9
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 11
Orange-crowned Warbler 4
Nashville Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 6
Lincoln's Sparrow 3
Swamp Sparrow 2
Savannah Sparrow 8
White-crowned Sparrow 3

On Lake Waconia there were Franklin's, Bonaparte's, Ring-billed, Herring Gull, 
3 Common Loons, 4 Horned Grebes, and a couple small flocks of Ruddy Duck flying 
back and forth.   At Chevalle wetlands there were 5 Bufflehead yesterday and 
today, and today there were 2 singing Eastern Meadowlark along with quite a few 

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[mou-net] Summer Tanager McLeod Cty.

2010-10-10 Thread Hoeger/Lerdal
A SUMMER TANAGER (female) and a MOCKINGBIRD were found on Friday, Oct. 8, by 
Berniece and Earl Hall in the backyard of their home in Hutchinson.
The Summer Tanager has been a regular visitor since then to the peanut suet 
feeder, and was seen again this morning (Sunday) around 9:30.
(The Mockingbird has NOT been seen since Friday).
The Halls are with other birders at the Meeker Cty. Big Sit all day today 
(Sun.) but welcome callers and visitors anytime---call for directions and let 
yourself in to their backyard porch with a perfect view of the feeders, and 
their lovely backyard gardens.

ph. 320-587-8122
or call my cell ph. 320-282-5143 for directions.

Pete Hoeger, Hutch

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[mou-net] Tanager / Mockingbird refound

2010-10-10 Thread Hoeger/Lerdal
Today, Sunday, from 5:30-5:45 pm, the female Summer Tanager (eastern plumage) 
and now again the MOCKINGBIRD (juvenile) were seen again in Hutchinson.
Bernice and Earl Hall
665 Hillcrest Rd NE.
Take MN Hwy. 7 into Hutch to the large 4-way stoplite intersection at Bluff St.,
and turn north (right if coming from the Cities). Go about 4 blocks to Ridge 
Ave. which only goes left (west), then turn south again on Hillcrest, about 2 
houses to 665.
They welcome visitors.
We believe the Summer Tanager is a McLeod Cty. record.

- Original Message - 
From: Hoeger/Lerdal 
To: mou 
Cc: mnbird 
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 1:32 PM
Subject: Summer Tanager McLeod Cty.

A SUMMER TANAGER (female) and a MOCKINGBIRD were found on Friday, Oct. 8, by 
Bernice and Earl Hall in the backyard of their home in Hutchinson.
The Summer Tanager has been a regular visitor since then to the peanut suet 
feeder, and was seen again this morning (Sunday) around 9:30.
(The Mockingbird has NOT been seen since Friday).
The Halls are with other birders at the Meeker Cty. Big Sit all day today 
(Sun.) but welcome callers and visitors anytime---call for directions and let 
yourself in to their backyard porch with a perfect view of the feeders, and 
their lovely backyard gardens.

ph. 320-587-8122
or call my cell ph. 320-282-5143 for directions.

Pete Hoeger, Hutch

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[mou-net] McLeod County Yellow Rail, Sibley County Golden-Plovers

2010-10-10 Thread Doug Kieser
McLeod county must have been the place to be birding today.
This morning I flushed a Yellow Rail at Schaefer Prairie southeast of Brownton 
(Nature Avenue about 1 mile south of hwy 212).  It flushed at around  5 feet, 
it's white secondaries were conspicuous as if flew below eye-level to a spot 20 
yards away.  Of course, it couldn't be relocated or re-flushed.  It flushed 
from very dry, fairly short grass, although wetter habitats weren't too 
distant.  Besides the rail, 90 minutes of slogging through the grass here 
produced a grand total of 3 Savannah Sparrows, 1 Song Sparrow and a few Swamp 
Earlier I made a stop at the Glencoe wastewater ponds.  Over 2000 Canada Geese, 
200 Cackling Geese, and 7 Snow Geese were present, along with many American 
Pipits, Brewer's Blackbirds, and Lapland Longspurs.
This afternoon, there were 140 American Golden-Plovers in a flooded field east 
of the Gaylord sewage ponds.
I counted 60 on my first pass through, but as I was counting heard more calling 
overhead - and counted 140 after the second flock landed.  One Dunlin came in 
the the second flock.
A final highlight was provided by a stunning first-year Krider's Redtailed Hawk 
north of Gaylord.
Doug Kieser

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[mou-net] Sherburne Big Sit Results

2010-10-10 Thread Betsy Beneke
Thanks to Doug Stucki, Joe Conelly, Tom and Elizabeth Bell, young Kyle, and 
others (17 counters total) who stopped by to visit and take part in The Big Sit 
at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge today.  Our count circle was the 
observation deck at the beginning of the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive/Oak 
Savanna Trail.  A total of 43 species were observed - we were thrilled with 
number!  Here's the list:

Canada Goose
Trumpeter Swan
Wood Duck
American Wigeon
Blue-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Ring-necked Pheasant
Wild Turkey
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk
Sandhill Crane
Mourning Dove
Red-bellied, Downy, Hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers
Eastern Phoebe
Blue Jay
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Golden  Ruby-crowned Kinglets
Eastern Bluebird
Hermit Thrush
American Robin
Cedar Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Palm Warbler
Vesper, Fox, Song, Lincoln's, Swamp  White-throated Sparrows
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-winged Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
American Goldfinch

It was interesting to note that the MOST bird activity was right at dawn - 
everyone was singing and moving around for about 10 minutes... birds, I mean.  
observed this same thing when doing the Big Sit in Utah last year - when it was 
just getting to be light out, there was lots of noise and activity - before the 
light was good enough to really see the birds.  Although the first couple of 
hours were by far the best, and we saw quite a bit of activity until about 
10:30, we did manage to add 10 species during the rest of the day.  I thought 
I'd see another flurry of activity at dusk, be it didn't happen.  All birds 
recorded were seen by 4:30pm.

Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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[mou-net] Cliff Fen Park/Duluth

2010-10-10 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Had good numbers of sparrows at Cliff Fen Parktoday... Harris, Swamp, White
Crowned, White Throated and Juncos. The fiance and I were in Duluth/Superior
yesterday. The wind was pretty fierce by the lake. On the Wisconsin Point we
saw Am. Tree Sparrows. Duluth side we had Rusty Blackbird, Common and Red
Breasted Mergansers, a lone Bufflehead, Lapland Longspurs, White Crowned,
White Throated Sparrows. We also had one Franklin's Gull hanging with a
hundered or so Ring-billed Gulls. Hawk Ridge was pretty quiet when we
stopped by. We did have a Common Raven fly over, and we spotted a banded
chickadee along the road.

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

In wildness is the preservation of the world. - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Camera Question

2010-10-10 Thread Williams, Bob
I have inherited an Olympus C-765 Ultra Zoom.  I am a complete novice
when it comes to digital photography.  If anyone has used this camera
for photographing birds, I'd like to hear about your experiences.
Please reply offline.

Bob Williams

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[mou-net] Jackson Co. Shorebirds

2010-10-10 Thread Jason Caddy
I was driving back from Iowa today when a few egrets caught my eye from the 
road and I pulled off to observe. 
Here is what I found:
American Golden-Plover- 45 Probably the most I have seen at one time.
Long-billed Dowitcher- 1
Lesser Yellowlegs- 2 or more
Pectoral Sandpiper- at least 10
Great Egret- 3 One eating a large frog.
Franklin's Gull- 7-10
Killdeer- Many
Pied-billed Grebe-3
Ring-billed Gull- many
There was a small flock of what were likely teal that I was too far to identify.
There may have been other species of shorebirds and certainly far more 
individuals than listed above but a scope would be required to observe the far 
end of the wetland. There is a sign showing that this is a protected wildlife 
The location is two miles west of the town of Heron Lake on the north side of 
Hwy. 60. It is a two lane highway here because of road construction that starts 
about two miles to the east of the site.
Good Birding,
Jason Caddy
South Minneapolis

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