[mou-net] a flock of sparrows and a poem by Wm Stafford

2011-05-01 Thread G Andersson
This afternoon I drove down Randolph in St Paul across Shepherd Rd to look
at the osprey platform.  It is right across a backwater from the High Bridge
Xcel EGU. The road goes past the power plant.  Right away I saw a lark
sparrow in a small tree, then a savanna on the ground, then a couple
white-crowned in shrubs.  At one time I saw two larks, a song, a savannah,
and a chipping in my view in the median between the two paved trails.  A
jogger flushed a flock of about 10 birds from about 30 ft on and next to the
pavement that included larks and others.  He jogged on without breaking
stride.  I also got a glimpse of one swamp below the walkway in the thicket
above the river. Before I left there were 4 larks foraging together.  I
never saw more than one savannah at one time but there may have been more.
The one had a very yellow face--- lores, ear patch, and supercilium.  This
was all in the 150 yds of turf grass next to the walk and road, and the
trees/shrubs below the walk.  In addition there was a solitary sandpiper and
I believe a spotted sandpiper, but need to confirm the flight call.  There
were usually yellow rumped in view. 

The osprey nest is being used.  Happy May (for 17 minutes now)



St Paul



News Every Day


Birds don't say it just once.  If they like it

they say it again.  And again, every morning.

I heard a bird congratulating itself

all day for being a jay.

Nobody cared.  But it was glad

all over again, and said so, again. 


Many people are fighting each other, in the world.

You could learn that and say, Many people

are fighting each other, in the world.

It would be true, but saying it wouldn't

make any difference.  But you'd say it. 

Birds are like that.  People are like that.


--- William Stafford

in Passwords (1990)


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[mou-net] May Day Marsh Wren

2011-05-01 Thread deanne.endri...@juno.com
I took my dog out this morning and saw a mousy-like bird scamper from under my 
deck to a shrub nearby.  I was able to get rather close and observed the bird 
for about 3 minutes.  I identified the bird as a marsh wren.  This was a new 
yard bird.  Great way to start May.

Deanne Endrizzi
Burnsville, Dakota Cty.

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[mou-net] Rice Co. Common Moorhen Photo

2011-05-01 Thread danerika
Hi All--

Erika and I found the Common Moorhen reported yesterday at River Bend Nature
Center in Faribault.  We got there around 4:30 pm and found the bird fairly
quickly as it swam in the pond near the parking lot at the Center
headquarters, as per instructions from Dave Bartkey.  I was able to get an
OK photograph, posted on my blog:


We did not see the Mockingbird that was also seen there earlier.

This morning,  1 May 2011, I banded a Hooded Warbler at my home in
Northfield.  I will publish a photo of that bird tomorrow on my blog.


Dan or Erika Tallman
Northfield, Minnesota

 the best shod travel with wet feet
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes --Thoreau

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[mou-net] Carver County

2011-05-01 Thread John Cyrus
With one last taste of winter this morning with a few flakes of snow falling 
and the gusty winds, birds at Carver Park were around but in clumps in more 
protected areas or feeding along roadsides(sparrows).  I also saw a Mink 
dragging a roadkill Opossum off a road at the park.   Morning count:

Sandhill Crane 2
Brown Creeper 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 26
Hermit Thrush 2
Nashville Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 88 (~60 of these were in flock together feeding on the 
Palm Warbler 8
Black and White Warbler 3
Clay-colored Sparrow 4 (roadsides)
Savannah Sparrow 1
Lincoln's Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow ~30
White-crowned Sparrow 2
Dark-eyed Junco 5
Eastern Meadowlark 1

In rural areas of the county there were Trumpeter Swan, Gadwall, Northern 
Shoveler, Green-winged Teal,  Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Ruddy 
Duck, Greater Yellowlegs,  Wilson's Phalarope, and Brewer's Blackbird.


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[mou-net] Lake Byllesby late Saturday

2011-05-01 Thread Gerald Hoekstra
*Lake Byllesby, Saturday late afternoon*:

Yellow-rumped Warblers

Palm Warblers

Black  White Warbler

Forster’s Terns (lots)

Franklin’s Gulls

Bonaparte’s Gulls

Ring-billed Gulls

Lesser Yellowlegs (12)

Greater Yellowlegs (2)

Long-billed Dowitchers (3)

Snow Geese

Canada Geese

Blue-winged Teals

Northern Shovelers

White Pelicans

Great Blue Heron

 *Back yard today:*  White-crowned Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows

Last year at this time Byllesby was loaded with shorebirds. Maybe they're
just a little later this year. It was good to see the Dowitchers.

Gerry Hoekstra

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[mou-net] 8 1/2 Warblers - Anoka Co.

2011-05-01 Thread Joe Conley
Went to Loche Park, in Fridley this morning and saw 12 FOY birds.  
 Black Throated Green, BW, Palm, Nashville, N. Waterthrush,
Orange-Crowned, Ovenbird and a Brewster's Warblers.
And of course, Yellow-Rumps.
Also saw Yellow-Throated Vireo  Blue Headed Vireo, 
 Swainson's Thrush and White-Throated Sparrow.
 Now home to  get more layers on and go back out and see if I can find the
Chestnut-sided I heard.
Why does it have to be snowing when I'm looking at warblers ?
Joe Conley

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[mou-net] Prothonotary Warbler - Mpls

2011-05-01 Thread Paul Budde
One was at T S Roberts this morning, at the pond immediately in front of you 
upon entering through the Rose Garden entrance. A good variety of other 
warblers and sparrows were also present. 


Paul Budde | Aon Benfield
Aon Benfield Analytics
t: +1 952.886.8119
m: +1 612.810.3172
e: paul.bu...@aonbenfield.com
(Sent from BlackBerry)

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[mou-net] Migrant sparrows, first Yellow-rumpeds, Anoka County - and a question

2011-05-01 Thread Erika Sitz
Had my first Yellow-rumped Warblers, along with small flocks of
White-throated Sparrows and Chipping Sparrows (first singletons last week),
and a single Junco (last one seen a week ago).   Also had a Cooper's Hawk
swoop in to try for one - think it missed.  


Question:  in scanning the yard for spring migrants, I look past the hanging
sunflower chip feeder with the ever-present four Pine Siskins.  I see on the
MOU Occurrence Maps that they are listed as Occasional in summer in Anoka
County and there are nesting records.  Anyone have any more details on them?


Erika Sitz

Ramsey, north Anoka County

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[mou-net] Banding at Ritter

2011-05-01 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all!

We had our banding program at Ritter in Lakeville today and spent most of it
fighting some really irritating winds. We didn't have many birds in the nets
but we had a ton of FOY stuff flying about. Here are the notables;

Yellow-rumped Warbler - tons of em
Palm Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Black and White Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Least Flycatcher (probable)
House Wren
Clay-colored Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Barn Swallow
Eastern Towhee
Ruby-crowned Kinglets - good numbers and two in the nets!

Most of the warblers were feeding on floating vegetation near the shore of
the little lake/pond. It was interesting to see the butter-butts belly deep
in the water. Not a great day for banding but an awesome day for birding!

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

In wildness is the preservation of the world. - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Laughing Gull near Wisconsin Point

2011-05-01 Thread Kim R Eckert
Frank Nicoletti just called to report he saw an adult Laughing Gull  
this afternoon flying W past Gull Bluff in WI, presumably heading to  
the Superior landfill or Allouez Bay at the base of Wisconsin Pt. This  
is probably the same individual which was at Park Point and Canal Park  
in Duluth on Thursday  Friday, but apparently not found by anyone  
yesterday. So, it's still possible this gull may reappear back on the  
MN side of the Duluth-Superior harbor.  Kim Eckert

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[mou-net] Old Cedar Ave. Bridge, Lake Harriet, Lake Calhoun

2011-05-01 Thread Scott Loss
Gopi Sundar, Swatti Kittur, and I braved the cold, wind, and snow flurries to 
search for migrants today. Bird activity was way better than the weather would 
indicate, including 9 warbler species. Highlights below:

Old Cedar Ave. Bridge - Bloomington: marsh is still mostly underwater, but 
passerine migration was good, especially at the boardwalk just past the side 
trail to the marsh observation deck.

Trumpeter Swan
Lesser Scaup
Ruddy Duck
Blue-winged Teal
N. Shoveler
Sora (heard)
Broad-winged Hawk (2)
Franklin's Gulls (30+)
Swallows (all except Purple Martin)
Marsh Wren
Hermit Thrush
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Orange-crowned Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
White-throated Sparrows (dozens)
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow (dozens)
Pine Siskin

Lake Harriet:

Common Loon
Horned Grebe (~30)
Ruddy Duck
Red-breasted Merganser

Lake Calhoun: big raft of water birds at the SW corner of the lake (ie the 
calmest part of the lake).  Nashville, Yellow, and Yellow-rumped Warblers were 
feeding on the ground on mowed grass in this area as well.

Common Loon (4)
Horned Grebe (~20)
Red-necked Grebe
Red-breasted Mergansers (dozens)
Ruddy Duck
Nashville Warbler
Yellow Warbler

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[mou-net] McLeod Cty Marbled Godwit

2011-05-01 Thread Hoeger/Lerdal
Lone Marbled Godwit today, May 1, in freezing blustery 35 degree weather, 
surrounded by scores of Lssr. Yellowlegs and 12-14 Dowitchers 
(L-B this time of year?) in flooded farm field in west central McLeod Cty.

Also several Wilson's Phalaropes, Solitary Sands., and dozens of Yellowlegs 
(Gr. and Lssr.) in almost every flooded field all over northwest McLeod.

3 Lark Sparrows along a country road,
amid the amazing sparrow invasion today
(80+ White-throated Sp. in my small urban yard alone, with Wh-Crowned, Harris, 
Lincoln, and an Ovenbird trying to fit in)

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[mou-net] Becker County today

2011-05-01 Thread Beau Shroyer
FOY birdsfor me today after the snow last night:
Hermit thrush
vesper sparrow
savannah sparrow
y.h. blackbird
w. meadowlark
lark sparrow
If anybody needs a n. cardinal for their Becker County list, there have been a 
couple males singing in my neighborhood the last week or so.

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[mou-net] Spotted Towhee - Lyon County

2011-05-01 Thread Roger Schroeder
Observed Sunday eve. at Camden SP, in the Brawner lake area (picnic
ground, and causeway). Local weather calls for NW wind through Monday eve.
Roger Schroeder

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[mou-net] black-throated green warbler, minneapolis

2011-05-01 Thread John Petroskas
I was surprised and delighted to see a beautiful Black-Throated Green
Warbler in a yard near Franklin and Pillsbury in south Minneapolis on
Saturday afternoon.  What a treat!

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[mou-net] Ovenbird

2011-05-01 Thread Thomas P. Malone
At 1500 hours on Sunday I saw an Ovenbird at Westwood Nature Center in St Louis 
Park. The bird was seen by the parking lot adjacent to the path leading up to 
the Center building- on the left side about 50' in from the parking lot. That 
area is proving to be a hot spot that seems to attractive to a variety of 

I also saw a Swainson's thrush at the same place and time. It landed about 5 
feet from my motionless self, looked at me, saw what I was, kicked itself for 
carelessness and flew off. 

[mou-net] bird fallout (?), Lake Calhoun

2011-05-01 Thread Steve Greenfield
I had given up birding this morning given the grim conditions, so was startled 
when running around Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis after 5:00 to find birds 
littering the southwest corner of the lake and surrounding lawns.  (I didn't 
see the report by Scott Loss until later.)  Birds feeding on the grass at close 
distances included a Northern Parula and Blackburnian among 6 species of 
warblers, and in the lake 5 Canvasback and 8 Ruddy Ducks, plus a Red-necked 
Grebe among the Horned and Pied-billed.  This area was protected from the stiff 
winds, and there's nothing to eat in the trees...



Stephen Greenfield




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[mou-net] Waseca County birds

2011-05-01 Thread Barbara andSue
Highlights of today in Waseca, Waseca Cty include:
Loggerhead Shrike
Baltimore Oriole
Northern WaterthrusH
Swamp Sparrow
Palm Warbler
Pectoral Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Ruddy Ducks (many)
White-throated Sparrows
Chipping Sparrows

Very windy, but good birds.

Barb McGregor
Sue Bergman

 Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 09:42:54 -0700
 From: azvegas...@gmail.com
 Subject: [mou-net] WESTWOOD BIRD WALK
 I will be leading a bird walk at Westwood hills Nature
 Center Thursday May 5th at 8am. If the weather is inclement well  do it
 on Friday the 6th. We will be looking for spring migrants.WWhills nature
 center is in St Louis Park on Franklin and Texas Ave between Cedar lk rd and
 Hwy 394. We will have coffee and rolls before and or after the walk.Look
 forward to seeing you there!!! Bring binos and scope if you have them.
 Should be done by 11am.
   Vic Lewis ( a spring migrant
 from AZ)
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