This case is quintessential in describing what most business operators hate
about Mpls.

1. If this doesn't define highhandedness, unabashed naked abuse of power.
Chose your
    clever phrase.

2. One party rule, boss of the council.

3. If the lawyers at city hall were any  good they would work for Fagre and
Benson. If they
    had any class they would have refused to argue the case. They would have
    They could have sued the city for "forced misrepresentation".

4. Anyone who takes the city's side on this one does not have the sense god
gave a
    doughnut. Jackie Cherryhomes was out to destroy a business and it's
human being
    owner. She didn't care how much she abused her office, the constitution,
the taxpayers
    purse. None of that mattered. And she held what most considered the most
    job in town. Thank the heavens for Natalie Johnson-Lee.

5. If the barriers are still up at noon today, the city needs to lose 10
million. Thank
     someone for paying the lawyers who won this case, and the one for
American Iron.
    The city has lost it's willpower to do good. Doing wrong pays more.

6. The sad thing about all of this is this: Before 12:00 noon today it will
have happened again to another small business owner who doesn't have the
muscle to fight back.

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite

> Street barricades unfairly harmed business; Supreme Court rejects city's
> appeal; Cherryhomes pushed through the policy over staff objections;
> damages may be in hundreds of thousands of dollars...
> David Brauer
> List manager
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