Forwarded for St. Paul School Board Member Anne Carroll.
Contact Anne at:
Phone: 651-690-9162      School Board: 651-690-9156

Hi, all, Anne Carroll here...

I'm teaching a course this semester for graduate students at the
Humphrey Institute on participatory management and public involvement
(more on that if you're interested). As the kickoff project, students
will observe and report on a meeting of an elected or appointed
governmental entity that includes some public participation. The purpose
is to begin to understand how meetings work, the role of the public, and
group interaction. They will be documenting baseline organizational
information; meeting flow and group dynamics related to group members
and the public; role functions in the group; and room layout and
dynamics relative to group interaction.

It would be TREMENDOUSLY HELPFUL if any of you could forward either
meeting schedules or links to such schedules to me before Wednesday
noon. Examples include regular/ committee/ subcommittee/ citizen
committee/ etc., meetings of groups such as neighborhood/district
councils, county bds, city councils, legislative commissions, Met
Council, school boards, township boards, charter commissions, watershed
district/boards, state boards and commissions, school site councils, ad
infinitum. These students live and work all over the greater Mpls/St.
Paul area, so I'd appreciate any information you have. Please remember
that the meeting must include public participation of some kind.

While there are certainly hundreds of these going on, I'm particularly
interested in your advice about meetings that may include some
participatory dynamics that are especially worth watching.

The due date for this project is September 25, so at least one meeting
must occur before then. Any schedule through the end of November is
helpful, however, since they will be doing field work for their other
projects, too.

Thanks very much for any help you can provide!

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice,
but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.
- Elie Wiesel, writer and Nobel laureate

There is no freeway to the future, no paved highway from here to there.
There is only wilderness, uncertain terrain. There are no roadmaps,
no signposts. So pioneering leaders rely upon a compass and a dream.
- James Kouzes and Barry Posner

Anne R. Carroll
Carroll, Franck & Associates
Strategic planning and communications consulting
1357 Highland Parkway
St. Paul, MN  55116   USA
Phone: 651-690-9162      School Board: 651-690-9156
Tim Erickson    
St. Paul, MN - USA                   651-643-0722
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   ICQ: 105978430

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