Re: [Mpls] Police Cut The Lines of Communication on National Night Out

2003-08-14 Thread Dennis Plante

On an interesting side note.  For better than a year, some of us tried 
unsuccessfully to shut-down an ongoing gambling operation that occurred 
basically nightly in a garage not too far from where I live.

The reason we weren't successfull?  The offenders had a scanner in their 

Dennis Plante
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Re: [Mpls] Police Cut The Lines of Communication on National Night Out

2003-08-14 Thread Russell Sasaoka
Ok, just to play the other side, what kind of research do you have to back your 
argument?  From what I understand, one of the main reasons for going to an 800 mhz 
digital system was to be able to communicate with State Patrol, Hennepin County and 
other departments that have moved to that system in case of a Major emergency occurs 
where more than one agency will be involved.

Also, I don't think that distance will be a problem due to the many repeater towers 
that are all over the place.  I knew someone that used the same radio that the MPD has 
and was still able to very clearly hear the radio traffic, and at the time, MPD was 
still using the VHF or UHF system...

Sure, maybe now those who have scanners will have to shell out the money to get a new 
$500 scanner, but I believe that there are those that don't need to know what kind of 
call an officer is going to or to give away the fact that an officer is responding to 
the very location that the bad guy is at.

Russell Sasaoka
Coon Rapids 
(Formerly of Loring Park)

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[Mpls] Police Cut The Lines of Communication on National Night Out

2003-08-06 Thread Dyna Sluyter
	As National Night out began yesterday Minneapolis Police slammed the 
receiver down on citizens. The traditional UHF communications system 
that has served this city so well for decades was replaced monday night 
by an unproven and overpriced new digital trunked communications 
system. And so we citizens who paid for this subsidy to the 
communications industry were further cut out of the information loop by 
the Minneapolis Police.

	These new digital trunked radios cost thousands of dollars apiece and 
we taxpayers are paying for new ones for every squad and officer in the 
city. And while their new and shiny, they don't have the range of the 
units we're dumping, are way more complex to repair, and can't be 
readily replaced if needed like our old radios. And the money that went 
to pay for those fancy new radios could have gone to fully staff a 
department that barely avoided layoffs instead.

	Worse yet, we pretty much can't hear them. With the old units any 
citizen with an under hundred dollar scanner  could keep up on local 
police activity. This allowed good citizens to keep an eye out for and 
alert police to where the miscreant the were looking for was hiding. It 
also allowed us to size up the situation when we saw the neighborhood 
was swarming with squads- it's helpful to know and respond accordingly 
if the police are looking for a missing child or an armed assailant.

	But it appears that Minneapolis Police may not want us to know what 
there up to. Certainly, the only advantage, and a questionable one at 
that, of the new system is that you need a new $500 scanner to hear our 
police. This assures that low budget operations like KFAI, the 
Spokesman-Recorder, peace activists, and the average citizen won't know 
what possible mixups or mischief MPD is up too.

	Worse yet, with the new radios Minneapolis Police often won't be able 
to talk to other cops either. After years of having a common frequency, 
Minneapolis and St.Paul police can no longer directly communicate. 
Neither can Minneapolis police communicate with local departments when 
a chase ends up in Buffalo, etc.. In fact, the cost of converting the 
rest of Minnesota's Police and Fire departments to the new digital 
trunked radios is estimated at over $200,000,000... I don't think 
that's gonna happen real soon. And with the reduced range on the new 
frequencies, they probably won't be able to reach the repeater and talk 
to each other either.

	Sorry to not bring any better news as National Night out draws to a 

		from Hawthorne, new home to Jordan's displaced criminals.

			Dyna Sluyter


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