Hi all,

I've implemented support for OpenMP based multithreading for the current
(Python-based) surface backend. Because the backend calls into the Python
interpreter to get tile data, this whole section is synchronized using the
OpenMP "critical" directive[1].

On the brushlib benchmarks, this gives excellent speedups on my 2 core
Intel Core i5 M520: up to 65% increase for large brushes and less than 10%
slowdown for tiny brushes (where performance is not an issue anyway). This
is very close to what I get using the GEGL backend, which does not need to
do so much synchronization when fetching tiles.

However, using the GUI performance tests I get very mixed results.
In one set of test runs:
scroll_zoomed_out_2x_onelayer: 8.800000 (780%)
paint_zoomed_out_5x: 1.172571 (17%)
layerpaint_zoomed_out_5x: 1.156669 (16%)
brushengine_paint_hires: 1.091002 (9%)
... rest unchanged ...
scroll_nozoom: 0.972973 (-3%)
scroll_zoomed_out_5x: 0.970874 (-3%)
layerpaint_nozoom: 0.950122 (-5%)
paint: 0.948916 (-5%)
paint_rotated: 0.940476 (-6%)
scroll_zoomed_out_1x_onelayer: 0.800000 (-20%)
scroll_nozoom_onelayer: 0.750000 (-25%)

And in another:
scroll_nozoom: 25.666667 (2467%)
paint_zoomed_out_5x: 1.088084 (9%)
layerpaint_zoomed_out_5x: 1.060632 (6%)
.... rest unchanged ...
brushengine_paint_hires: 0.933682 (-7%)
layerpaint_nozoom: 0.801448 (-20%)
paint_rotated: 0.782366 (-22%)
paint: 0.780457 (-22%)
scroll_nozoom_onelayer: 0.600000 (-40%)
scroll_zoomed_out_1x_onelayer: 0.500000 (-50%)

I will investigate these things further, but in the meantime it would be
good to see what kind of results others get.

# To test
scons enable_openmp=true

# To run GUI perf tests. Note: takes about 5 minutes, should not be
disturbed while running
python2 tests/test_performance.py -a

Just copy paste the SUMMARY section for each run (with and without
enable_openmp=true) into the mail.


Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com
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