And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 23:48:48 EDT
via LISN
(list snipped)


I'm on AIROS "Different Drums" tonight (4AM), 5 PM Sat, 4am Sun, 5 p
Sun....double check these...they're Eastern Time (ET)  Click on <A

Are you sending off that message of mine into cyberspace?  Thanks for all
your help, Beth.  There's still almost no media coverage of the book, I'm
sorry to say. Not a single metro daily--to my knowledge--has reviewed or
even mentioned it. They're building a WALL OF SILENCE around it.  I see
now, that's their strategy:  keep the book away from the American public at
large; see that it's sold only at the fringes and periphery.

Ask people--how can we tear down that WALL OF SILENCE--as political and
evil, to my mind, as the BERLIN WALL.  I believe the Internet's the place
to do well as the streets where the books are sold.  Why is the
Washington POST not being picketed?  Their silence for years on Peltier
SCREAMS for a public outcry.  One thing's for sure, to use a slight wrinkle
on the Washington POST's own slogan,

"IF YOU GET IT (the Washington POST), YOU DON'T GET IT (the REAL news of
Leonard Peltier and what's really going on in the country.)

The major papers and media outlets of this country are apparently all
complicit in this spineless silence.  Leonard's poem "The Message," from
his book PRISON WRITINGS, reads almost prophetically:

   Silence, they say. is the voice of complicity.
   But silence is impossible.
   Silence screams.
   Silence is a message,
   just as doing nothing is an act.

Beth, any way you can help break through or down or leap over or tunnel
under this WALL OF SILENCE, please do--and encourage EVERYBODY to do the
same!  We must each be an Army of One in Leonard's behalf until they come
to their senses, end this ongoing "ethnic-cleansing" against Indian People,
and give our brother back to us--and by "us" I mean the whole of humanity.

I see the media's silence on Peltier and many other crucial issues as "A
CONSPIRACY OF IGNORANCE"--nobody's TELLING them not to publish; they're
just afraid if they publish the truth somebody WILL give them a hard time.
It's my belief the FBI, DOI etc would just as soon let Leonard quietly out;
politically they can't say so, can only mouth the old lies, but they of all
people know what REALLY happened and they know LEONARD was framed and
kangarooed in a manner worthy of the KGB.  Louis Freeh and the others would
just as soon put this travesty behind them.  Millions have demanded they do
so. Why drag this baggage from the darkest days of the Cold War into a new
Millennium? The time to free Leonard is NOW!!!  I'm putting my prayers on
the FBI doing the right thing and whispering to Bill, even as you read
this, to sign Leonard's executive clemency appeal.

It will be the noblest moment in any of their lives!

/Harvey Arden

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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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