Re: [NetBehaviour] this code is not my own

2008-09-28 Thread benjamin
this work is not my own. it is not my own because i have not  

i did not create the connection between these keys and the virtual
memory with which they interact; nor did i create the manner in which
these words will be understood.

Nor did you create the category of art or the genre of But  

does not mean that your work would exist if you did not make it.

our work is work though our work is not our own; it lives in temporal  
memory, in the senses and in the contemplation of those who come  
across it.

a painter who paints did not create the paint with which they  
work; if
so, they did not create the paint's pigment; if so, they did not  
the canvas; if so they did not cut the wood from which the canvas  
has been made; if the wood had not been cut straight, then the  

would not be a rectangle.
the picture is not a rectangle anyway.

And yet, they paint.

they paint and paint and how disgusting their works are!

This can be contrasted with the postindustrial/outsourcing/offshoring
approach of Kostabi, Koons and Hirst.

(Or with a traditional artist's studio where an assistant would paint
the clothes or the hands.)

how the industrial revolution has put an end to our beautiful notions  
of gothisism.

through my work with coding i have come to see that no ones work is
their own, we can simply make manifest with the materials we have
learned to control.

There comes a point at which that which one is controlling, is the  
people who

are tangibly controlling the materials. At that point one's materials
are human beings, and the art is management not code.

our management is not our own; it lies within interactions between  
nodal points, charged towards putting the purpose upon their routes.

At that point the potential of code to resist its exploitation by
manageralism collapses and the artist simply reflects the ego of
corporate information culture.

our purposes are not our own; they are programmed into us and we,  
running along wires and lucid configurations of plastic, reformable  
space, imagine how the architecture surrounding us must have been  
necessary for some reason or another.

Harold Cohen's talk at the Tate a few years back (available to stream
default.jsp )

mentions the idea of code as craft.

our craft is not our own; we exist to configure, shape and forge  
materials for the reasons we may come to comprehend.

- Rob.

thanks rob!

NetBehaviour mailing list

Benjamin R Bailey de Paor
Arts industries professional

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] THE CSSNAKETRIX/ this text is not my own

2008-09-28 Thread benjamin
this text is not my own; my impluse drives the discourse.this  
discourse is not my own it is sedimented within my capacity for  
understanding and seeing; i have been programmed to be this way.this  
way is not my own; i share it with the others who cross, traverce and  
transcend through our memeterrain; i share it with my housemate from  
the other side of the world, whoes parents met at the same place as  
mine, though from the other side of the world and who was conceived  
at the same time as housemate is not my own though we share  
some of the same source code.

On 28 Sep 2008, at 11:24, james jwm-art net wrote:


A new online semi-net-art-but-not-really-but-could-be-up-to-you
  (it has user interaction and a gallery woo)
/*it's 1130 now been coding since 1430 yesterday to finish this*/


THE CSSNAKETRIX is a new work created by me, not entirely
original. It's a text-focused work abusing CSS and layering
oodles and oodles of text in different colours and positions
into your web browser.

To begin with it has 8 examples, but you can modify these
and tamper with them and then save them to THE CSSNAKETRIX
GALLERY - but hurry, save spaces are limited to a hundred ;-)


ThE arRANGEment of tha C0d3 i5 m.y::own, i think,
atleast - I cut my own wood for it.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Benjamin R Bailey de Paor
Arts industries professional

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] THE CSSNAKETRIX/ this text is not my own

2008-09-28 Thread james jwm-art net
Yes, but for normal everyday life it's my (cough expletives) own.

On 28/9/2008, benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

this text is not my own; my impluse drives the discourse.this
discourse is not my own it is sedimented within my capacity for
understanding and seeing; i have been programmed to be this way.this
way is not my own; i share it with the others who cross, traverce and
transcend through our memeterrain; i share it with my housemate from
the other side of the world, whoes parents met at the same place as
mine, though from the other side of the world and who was conceived
at the same time as housemate is not my own though we share
some of the same source code.

On 28 Sep 2008, at 11:24, james jwm-art net wrote:


 A new online semi-net-art-but-not-really-but-could-be-up-to-you
   (it has user interaction and a gallery woo)
 /*it's 1130 now been coding since 1430 yesterday to finish this*/


 THE CSSNAKETRIX is a new work created by me, not entirely
 original. It's a text-focused work abusing CSS and layering
 oodles and oodles of text in different colours and positions
 into your web browser.

 To begin with it has 8 examples, but you can modify these
 and tamper with them and then save them to THE CSSNAKETRIX
 GALLERY - but hurry, save spaces are limited to a hundred ;-)


 ThE arRANGEment of tha C0d3 i5 m.y::own, i think,
 atleast - I cut my own wood for it.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

Benjamin R Bailey de Paor
Arts industries professional

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] THE CSSNAKETRIX/ this text is not my own

2008-09-28 Thread james jwm-art net
On 28/9/2008, benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

this text is not my own; my impluse drives the discourse.this
discourse is not my own it is sedimented within my capacity for
understanding and seeing; i have been programmed to be this way.this
way is not my own; i share it with the others who cross, traverce and
transcend through our memeterrain; i share it with my housemate from
the other side of the world, whoes parents met at the same place as
mine, though from the other side of the world and who was conceived
at the same time as housemate is not my own though we share
some of the same source code.


I believe you left this in my head:

the loner
- - - - -

if you are priviledged to be in the situation you want to be in, doing
as your profession that which stimulates you, take pity on the outsider
trying from afar to enter into your field in the only way an outsider
can: alone, from outside.

the outsider may not work with people in the field, nor have friends
around him or herself with which to talk indepth and exchange ideas.

the professional on the other hand, his/her daily reality encompasses
discussion of the concepts within the the field. their position is
enviable to the outsider, not only from the financial but from the
point of view of further learning, guidance and support.

the outsider sees big holes is his/her work, always. gaps in their
knowledge are heightened by:

  a)the outsider having an intention and goal, borne of who knows what
intuition or one time awareness, which specified he himself (or
her herself) is the tool of production, the core component - make
as much good of this as possible. but it can seem as if this
very attitude is entirely at odds with the professionals.

  b)the professional field, particularly toward the corporate and
institutional levels, in the perception of the outsider, is
accelerating away in the other direction.

  c)resistance to the professional field: stubbornness from frustration
with it, becomes ingrained, causing further separation.

the outsider is alone only with his/her own experience for guidance in
the field. the outsider looks for holes and creates work to fall through
them, but by doing so, merely serves the professionals further in their
wall building against loner types.


the professionals advance always in their field. they love to mock the
past and those left behind. the outsider entropies, until all that is
left is the core component that can see we're all just people really.
the outsider says
we can all live our ways but our ways have to change because this is
depressing again. the professionals are right because they know they are.
the outsider is just fucked off with it all.

On 28 Sep 2008, at 11:24, james jwm-art net wrote:


 A new online semi-net-art-but-not-really-but-could-be-up-to-you
   (it has user interaction and a gallery woo)
 /*it's 1130 now been coding since 1430 yesterday to finish this*/


 THE CSSNAKETRIX is a new work created by me, not entirely
 original. It's a text-focused work abusing CSS and layering
 oodles and oodles of text in different colours and positions
 into your web browser.

 To begin with it has 8 examples, but you can modify these
 and tamper with them and then save them to THE CSSNAKETRIX
 GALLERY - but hurry, save spaces are limited to a hundred ;-)


 ThE arRANGEment of tha C0d3 i5 m.y::own, i think,
 atleast - I cut my own wood for it.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

Benjamin R Bailey de Paor
Arts industries professional

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] The Jeremy Bailey Interview on the Netbehaviour.

2008-09-28 Thread marc garrett
Hi Jeremy  all Netbehaviourists,

A warm thank you to Jeremy, for finding the time to take part in the 
interview on the Netbehaviour list.

I hope those who specifically joined the list for the discussion, as 
well as regular subscribers, enjoyed the interview as it progressed.

For those who still wish to visit The Jeremy Bailey Show:
It will be at HTTP until 19 Oct 2008

I have been away in Sheffield this last week, but have heard there has 
been plenty of visitors since the opening. We will be putting photos up 
of the opening night this week coming.

There will also be a cleaned up version of the interview with Jeremy, 
available on site by the end of this week, with new 

 thanks to all those that came out on friday,
 especially to all the HTTP staff, I really
 enjoyed my time in London and met so many nice
 people I might have to consider returning
 sometime very soon,

Thank you for the kind words Jeremy  (of course) for your patience - 
especially in regard to whenever a glitch occurred with tech - testing 
our resolve ;-)

wishing all well.


 Hi Marc,

 Friday's performance went really really well,
 great turn out and amazing audience, who of course were integral to
 the performance,

 for those who are just checking in, I wrote a new piece of software
 called WarMail that lets groups of people work together on an email
 using an asteroids like interface. The premise being that in the
 future we will colonize space but will be spread so thin that everyone
 will  have to have a certain military readiness to defend our
 intergalactic borders. We'll also want to keep in touch with loved
 ones, WarMail, represents a multitasking approach to this problem. It
 provides both military training and communication with loved ones. As
 an added bonus it requires you to do so in public with a group of
 strangers (collaborative team building!). On friday we composed an
 email to my mother using glowsticks and our voices to navigate a ship
 and attack clusters of letters that represented an alien army. The
 movement of our glowsticks rotated the ship, and our voices(in song)
 created thrust.

 Together we fired at letters to compose a message which, after much
 effort, read, goddd. I originally wanted something longer but the
 group was a bit disorganized and had trouble working together. We
 started things off by accidentally hitting the letter 'g', this is why
 we chose to start with god. It then took so long to get 'o' that I
 decided one word would be sufficient. Hitting the final letter 'd'
 resulted in much excitement and cheering which caused an accidental
 misfire and then laughter that triggered a second misfire, and thus
 the misspelling.  I spoke to my mother today and she had received the
 email but was slightly confused and worried that I she had upset me

 The most interesting part of Friday's performance were the moments
 when individuals decided to act independently of the group. For
 instance at one point a lone clapper attempted to fire at the final
 'd' as it was drifting past our sights. I was also surprised by the
 willingness of the audience to sing, in fact it seemed they enjoyed it
 a little too much, often over thrusting the ship past our target. They
 also sometimes sang overtop of my voice, missing crucial instructions.

 Overall it was really exciting for me to mesh my performance with a
 live audience and I learned a lot about how groups of drunken
 strangers interact with each other,

 for those interested, documentation of the performance (the actual
 screen capture video of the audience in the interface) can be seen at
 the gallery now. It's also secretly posted online, but I think I'll
 wait for the exhibition to expire before I publish the link.

 thanks to all those that came out on friday, especially to all the
 HTTP staff, I really enjoyed my time in London and met so many nice
 people I might have to consider returning sometime very soon,


 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:42 AM, marc garrett
 Hi Jeremy,

 Before we wind this interview down - could you explain to those who were not
 present at the HTTP Gallery for your performance, what you did and how you
 feel it went, along with any other observations that you feel worth


 Hey Marc,
 sorry for taking so long to reply, last minute business in prep for friday,

 Much of your work involves a GUI (Graphic User Interface). User
 interfaces as we generally experience them, provide components for users
 to communicate with a computer. The interface defines the boundary
 between software, the hardware device or a user. What is interesting is
 that you are actually within the interface as well, performing in these

 Could you talk about the relationship between you as the software
 developer and the software itself, within your performances?
 It has always been very important 

Re: [NetBehaviour] this code is not my own

2008-09-28 Thread Rob Myers
Hash: SHA1

benjamin wrote:

 how the industrial revolution has put an end to our beautiful notions of

JODI's 404 was informational picturesque desolation, and so is much of
the nomination-for-semiopsy of surf clubs or pro surfers, so I think
there's life in the old genre yet.

 our management is not our own; it lies within interactions between nodal
 points, charged towards putting the purpose upon their routes.

Management aspires to creating a conscious productive order out of an
unconscious unproductive disorder. In practice, it is rarely anything
other than taking credit for not getting in the way too much. ;-)

 our purposes are not our own; they are programmed into us and we,
 running along wires and lucid configurations of plastic, reformable
 space, imagine how the architecture surrounding us must have been
 necessary for some reason or another.

You don't need history under historicism...

 our craft is not our own; we exist to configure, shape and forge
 materials for the reasons we may come to comprehend.

We are unlikely to realise our own subconscious through the labour of
others. If we do we are probably a King rather than an artist. Now that
*is* pre-industrial. ;-)

- - Rob.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] THE CSSNAKETRIX

2008-09-28 Thread dave miller
hi james

I think this is a great work - I really enjoyed playing around with
the controls- I got the hang of playing around with it quickly - it's
very intuitive. The pictures generated have a lovely aesthetic to
them. I find there's always an excitement with net art when the output
is really interesting, then I find myself wondering how it could exist
outside of the screen. I suppose it doesn't need to, that's the point,
and it wouldn't make any sense anyway outside of the screen.

anyway, really like it


2008/9/28 james jwm-art net [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 A new online semi-net-art-but-not-really-but-could-be-up-to-you
  (it has user interaction and a gallery woo)
 /*it's 1130 now been coding since 1430 yesterday to finish this*/


 THE CSSNAKETRIX is a new work created by me, not entirely
 original. It's a text-focused work abusing CSS and layering
 oodles and oodles of text in different colours and positions
 into your web browser.

 To begin with it has 8 examples, but you can modify these
 and tamper with them and then save them to THE CSSNAKETRIX
 GALLERY - but hurry, save spaces are limited to a hundred ;-)


 ThE arRANGEment of tha C0d3 i5 m.y::own, i think,
 atleast - I cut my own wood for it.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] spaced

2008-09-28 Thread Alan Sondheim


O Julu T when will you leave this awful place
O Nikuko D. when will you show your real face
O Alan S. the real is always erased
O Jennifer what's erased is displaced, effaced
O Julu what's effaced has no body and no face
O Nikuko what's debased untraced is not replaced
O Alan S. what's debased is not the case or face
O Julu Nikuko Jennifer Alan entwined
No calling forth the base of absent mind!

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] oo skipping oo

2008-09-28 Thread Alan Sondheim

oo skipping oo

girl skippingshe jump a.oo oo oo oo oo:oo:oo girl
girl: oo, oo oo girl oo:oo:oo -girl
girl: oh boy girl skippingshe jump a.oo
oo: girl skipping skippingoh boy.oo
oh boy: oo: girl

oh boy girl, oo oh boy oo girl she jump a.  oh boy girl girl
oo  girl oo girl oh boy oo oh boy girl  oo oo oo oo, girl oo
skipping skipping..
girl girl,

girl skipping girl:

   ' girl oo. oo'oo skipping skipping, girl oh boy

   girl -

   oo oo, oo oo girl, oh boy girl girl:

 oo oh boy girl oo oo girl' girl oo
 girl, oo oo oo girl girl oo oh boy
 girl girl oo oh boy oo oo skipping.  oo
 girl  oo oo girl oo oh boy oh boy oo
 girl she jump a
 oo oh boy girl oo girl girl oo oh boy.
 ' girl...oo girl oo skipping

 girl skipping girl:

   girl oh boy girl. oo oo oo oo
   oo girl girl oo oh boy oo oo
   girl/ she jump a/skipping - ..
   oo/oh boy/girl/girl, girl girl
   oo  oo girl. oo oo oo oo oo
   oo oh boy oo girl oo oh boy
   girl oo girl oh boy, oo oo
   oo oo girl oo oo girl oo oo
   'girl oo.' oo oo girl oo
   she jump a, oh boy oo oo girl
   girl oo oh boy girl oo.  girl
   oo oo girl oo oh boy oo girl oo
   girl oh boy. oo oh boy girl
   girl oo oo oo oo oo oh boy
   (oo oh boy girl) girl - oo
   oh boy oo girl oo oo oo oh boy,
   oo oo oh boy girl girl oo girl.

   oh boy oh boy! - girl

   oo oo, oo oo girl, oh boy girl

  oo skipping oo oo
 girl girl oh boy,
 girl oh boy oh boy
 girl girl oo girl,
 girl she jump a oo
 oh boy girl...
  girl girl girl
 girl oo oo girl
 girl oh boy
 girl...oo oo girl
 oo oo girl
 girl girl,

 girl skipping girl:

   ' oo
   oh boy
   girl oo
   oo -

   oo oo,
   oo oo
   oh boy

 oh boy




   oh boy


 oh boy


   oh boy

Re: [NetBehaviour] THE CSSNAKETRIX

2008-09-28 Thread james jwm-art net
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the comments, glad you like the piece. Some of the examples
it has produced suggest Christmas card designs, or maybe posters. So
during development of it, a CSS rule was added to the stylesheet to
prevent the grey information box being sent to print.


On 28/9/2008, dave miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi james

I think this is a great work - I really enjoyed playing around with
the controls- I got the hang of playing around with it quickly - it's
very intuitive. The pictures generated have a lovely aesthetic to
them. I find there's always an excitement with net art when the output
is really interesting, then I find myself wondering how it could exist
outside of the screen. I suppose it doesn't need to, that's the point,
and it wouldn't make any sense anyway outside of the screen.

anyway, really like it


2008/9/28 james jwm-art net [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 A new online semi-net-art-but-not-really-but-could-be-up-to-you
  (it has user interaction and a gallery woo)
 /*it's 1130 now been coding since 1430 yesterday to finish this*/


 THE CSSNAKETRIX is a new work created by me, not entirely
 original. It's a text-focused work abusing CSS and layering
 oodles and oodles of text in different colours and positions
 into your web browser.

 To begin with it has 8 examples, but you can modify these
 and tamper with them and then save them to THE CSSNAKETRIX
 GALLERY - but hurry, save spaces are limited to a hundred ;-)


 ThE arRANGEment of tha C0d3 i5 m.y::own, i think,
 atleast - I cut my own wood for it.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list