Re: nettime Nettime-bold is bleep

2003-05-31 Thread Eduardo Navas
  As an experiment, Nettime-bold was a failure, but a revealing one.
  First, there was very little interest in it. At its best,
  nettime-bold had about 130 subscribers, which, at the time, was 5%
  the subscribers nettime-l had.

 I think these figures serve no useful purpose.
(you know the rest from the thread...)


My response:

The key to this dilemma is time.  Nettime bold is not successful due to
the amount of time it takes to filter all of the submitted material.  In
an ideal world, all nettimers would have the time to look over every
e-mail sent to the bold list, but this is not possible as everyone is
attached to some sort of obligation that takes time away from full
immersion in possible meaninglessness...

I think if the time were available bold would be very successful, but the
truth is that most decent publications need editors -- I do not care how
decentralized the net may become, this will always be true to some degree.
Editors have been around for quite some time in order to subsume noise.
Unfortunately, editors (by default) hold a certain priviledged position
within the intellectual power structure -- Nettime volunteers are no
different.  Let us be honest about this and move on.  Though I do think
the bold list should be made available in some form -- even as messy
garbage... who knows, maybe someone could appropriate it as a decadent
state of overproductive awareness.

Keep on editing, but find some way to leave some (that is where the real
challenge is...)

Eduardo Navas

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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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nettime Nettime is dead

2003-05-31 Thread anna balint
Dear mod squad,

i thought the contrary, that nettime is exactly the only list that failed
to remain open in the new media criticismart lists environment,
every other list came up with an idea...

I am one of those persons whose mails normally don't hit the nettime
quality standards or does not fit in the policy, and this also makes 
me even more than oppose moderation, 
but besides that, i think nettime failed exactly because of moderation
or bad moderation in several respects:

- it lost the intimacy of personal communication and personal culture
as opposed to commercial and largely spread push content and academic culture
- it failed to cover both Western and Eastern underground culture,
largely based on the aesthetic of the imperfect *West* or on formal perfection
*East* [just think to nettime's resistence to ASCII art and culture, law-fi, 
or compare this mail of the mod sqaud with a former  mod mail]
- the list suppressed or neglected among others criticism concerning female 
participation, race politics, multiple cultures, information and network culture 
- together with the increasing number of subsribers the list gave up somewhere 
to found the Neue Frankfurter Schule, but it also failed to concentrate on
research both in the field of art and media. Somehow first it became a 
dog driven by the tail of media activism, a term originally coined by Toshia Ueno
to describe the task of including subcultures and counter cultures in an interface
remaking and changing the public sphere - now look, nowadays even online activism is 
for saving curators of the elite. Meanwhile, together with establishing, 
the list also became one of the many lists...
- moderation is a good ground for abuse, it may exclude alternative views,
and favour unjustly other ones, ex aequo et bono it does, and so does
nettime's moderation model - just to mention the example of nettime's influence
on the syndicate list once started to encourage East and West European art and 
exchange, where the two West European moderators failed to recognize a subscriber's 
East European
attitude and identity, and kicked it off the the list without the community's
approval, without discussion, and even without letting known the unsubscription.
Problems with the nettime moderation started with the rejection of posts that could 
have been relevant for the list content, goal and manifesto, and ends with the
complete change of the character of the list.
- Pit Schulz was sighing from his boots in 1996 that there is need of a software
for a list, I don't know what happened since than, where is that software?
Why did the nettime bold include all the spam, why the list was not set to reject
non-subscriber's mail? 
Even a small list like syndicate, that has no instutional
support except for hosting the list on a safe server,
experiments much more in the field of information exchange,
with the KKnut project for example, that allows direct interaction
of URL, text, and a mailinglist. Have a look at
- if once the nettime meeting took place as a 'let's also do something' alibi
when I wanted to go to Venice in 1995, and since i did not get the visa for Italy,
i got the nettime list instead of Venice, now, together with the dead of nettime bold,
i state that I don't need it anymore, this year I'll make it to Venice,
and i am one of the five guards who keep alive the fire of openness at the syndicate

Anna Balint

2003.05.28. 19:17:40, the nettime mod squad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Nettimers,

We are closing nettime-bold.

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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and info nettime-l in the msg body
#  archive: contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nettime Fascism in the USA?

2003-05-31 Thread Brian Holmes

What does it mean for the average citizen to be a fascist?

I do not have a certain answer to this question. Anyone with a more
precise understanding should help here. It seems clear that, at least in
the early phases, the average citizen carries out no directly repressive
or murderous actions. Rather, it would seem that in a fascist society,
s/he watches others do so without protesting, participates in collective
national rituals without asking about the repressive and murderous actions
being fulfilled by police or soldiers in the nation's name.

At what point would one then have to conclude that the United States - and
not just its current government - has become effectively fascist?

The conditions may be gathering right now for that question to be
answered. Three pieces of news have appeared at roughly the same time.
They are:

a. Rumsfeld's careless admission that Iraq may have destroyed its weapons
of mass destruction before the war. Meaning that the war was unnecessary.

b. Wolfowitz's even more shocking declaration, in a recent Vanity Fair
interview (quoted today in Le Monde), that the issue of weapons of mass
destruction was chosen for bureaucratic reasons, i.e. as the only issue
that could generate sufficient consensus in Washington to go ahead with
the attack.

c. The revelation, by the BBC's investigative reporters (relayed in The
Nation), that the heroic media spectacle provided by US Army reporters of
the rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch was entirely staged, having taken place
in reality after the hospital in which she was being held had been
abandoned by Iraqi forces.

The first and and above all the second items strongly suggest that
distorted intelligence was deliberately used to justify the war and
thereby make it possible. The third item baldly shows the extent to which
the US Army is ready to fabricate propaganda for domestic consumption, and
the news networks such as Fox and CNN, to relay that propaganda.

In Great Britain, a former member of Blair's cabinet, Robin Cook, who left
the government in protest over the war, is now part of a move to demand
investigation of similar falsifications, particularly the statement
concerning Iraq's capacity to strike at Britain within forty-five
minutes, which was attributed to British intelligence services.

If in the United States no serious and deep public questioning arises
concerning the use of false intelligence and reporting to justify the
declaration and pursuit of war, if such questioning is not accompanied by
formal political and legal investigation, then I think we would have to
face the disastrous reality that significant sectors of the world's
wealthiest and most technologically advanced nation are willing to be lied
to by their leaders.

I'm not saying this is necessarily the case. I'm saying this looks like a
real test. If a majority, or even a preponderant minority of American
citizens are collectively willing to go through all the rituals of
bellicosity and superpatriotism, but unwilling to demand investigation
into the facts which are supposed to have made those rituals necessary,
then one would have to very seriously ask the question whether a fascist
society is not emerging in the USA.

And given the interlinked nature of power in the world today, one would
have to look around, not only in Britain but everywhere in the developed
countries, and assess the level of functional agreement with this American
fascism. Not to do so, and not to argue publically against these trends,
would be to participate in their development.  It would become extremely
unwise, for instance, to wait for a more convincing test: Bush's
reelection. My opinion is that if Bush is reelected, the US will have
become, without any more doubt, a predominantly fascist society.

While nervously awaiting that moment of truth, I'd appreciate it if people
currently inside the US could give their observations on the way this
first test unfolds.

Brian Holmes

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