nettime from today's

2003-12-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

nettime's not famous for its humor but google's automatically-generated
portal news page produced the following today -


425m-year-old penis found - 2 hours ago
A 425-million-year-old fossilised penis, the oldest one yet recorded, has
been discovered by scientists.
See loads more girls on our super cyber site The Sun
Fossil Find Hailed as World's Earliest Recorded Male New York Times
CBC News - Independent - Reuters - SciScoop - and 43 related

- Alan


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nettime The most interesting WSIS document

2003-12-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The A list excludes Princesses

One of the most interesting documents to come out of the World Summit on
Information Society (WSIS) is not one of the many drafts of principles or
action plan for 
Tunis 2005 nor any of the manifestos, white papers, petitions, background
studies, or 
visionware (the latter refers to forecasts setting forth the world as it
might be: all 
children will be using camera phones to construct their own learning
every school will be connected to the Internet; every farmer will have
access to market 
prices; all government information will be...and so on).

The document in question is the draft list of participants who will be
admitted to some, 
not all, events in this carnival.  The 229 page document cautions This
list does not 
include VVIPs (Heads of State, Heads of Government, Vice-Presidents, Crown 
Princes and Princesses) but it contains a fascinating look at who has been
chosen to 
represent your nation at the summit.  More than half then entries are for
non-profits or 
NGO's which are said to constitute the Civil Society. The uncivil society
will be in 
Geneva; they will also be taking part but outside the highly guarded walls
of Geneva's 
Palexpo and other conference venues, and they are not on the list.  There
are also 
large numbers of UN  attendees from all the related divisions and
agencies: ILO, UNIFEM, UNDP, etc, a few other international organizations
like the 
development banks, and then commercial firms. Here's the breakdown:

There are about 40-60  names per page.  

State representatives: 61 pages
UN and specialized agencies: 24 pages
Other Intl. organizations: 5 pages
NGOs: 122 pages
Business: 17 pages
Total: 229 pages

I know a few people who are attending, so I began looking at the country
lists.  The 
US has 53 delegates, all but one from government agencies. I found the
and USAID employees I know. Most of the small nations have small
not all.

No official reps. from North Korea, Somalia, Guinea, Sierra Leone.
LAO P.D.R. has one rep.
Maldives has two.
Timor has one
Tonga has two 
Malta has nine
Kyrgyzstan has 33 reps including two presidential photographers
Malaysia tops the list with 129.
Canada is close behind with 94 plus dozens more flying under the government-
funded IDRC banner.

There are some special organizations that have quasi-government status like 
Palestine (7)
Knights of Malta whose geographic domain is about 3 acres (1+ hectares) has
5 reps.
l'Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie: 35 (they promote French
and language in France and former colonies)

However, the long list of NGOs makes me wonder, What do these groups do
day to day?  Some might ask that of the government reps too.

I can recognize some but many others are obscure. I found many
providing a flag of convenience  for attendees from other foundations,
the street who needed to have some official affiliation in order to take

A sampling of the NGOs:

Cameroon Assn. of Women Engineers
African Youth for Transparency  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AmitiƩ Pologne Congo
Amnesty International
APRIL - Association for Promotion and Research in Libre Computing
Article 19
Art-Law Foundation
Axe Formation
Benfam Institute of Natural Living (with 50+ 'reps' with Iranian surnames
[EMAIL PROTECTED])  Anyone know what they do?
Forum of the Friends of the Net
Institute for Planetary Synthesis
International Possibilities Unlimited
Internet Society Wallonie
Les indigents et les avocats face aux procedures judiciaires devant la cour
de justice
Molecular Diversity Preservation International
Oppressed Society Deliverance Organization
Temple of Understanding
Terre sans frontieres
Transnational Radical Party
Utmost Caring World

The largest delegation  of all was from the World Electronic Media Forum
with more 
than 550 attendees!

What was surprising was the small size of the business sector --Hitachi,
Cisco, Intl. Chamber of Commerce.   Microsoft was not represented but I'm
sure the 
World Bank was please to sponsor an African listed as

Mr Jacques BONJAWO, Chairman Board of Directors, Microsoft

So perhaps the influence of the business sector will not be that great if
they are this 
disinterested in the event. In any case, you can follow the action via, 
a web log sponsored by the British Council.

Steve Cisler

Go here to search for someone by name, organization, or country:

You can also download the 564 Kb pdf file. Adobe web site has a tool if you
want to 
convert it to html. The  cached html version on Google did not display well
on my 
browser. Nigerian 419 authors and unsolicited electronic mail experts will
no doubt 
extract the names and emails from the document.  Look for some new and
offers in your mailbox if you are on this list.


nettime Geneva03 calling x2 [jamie king, jo van der spek]

2003-12-05 Thread nettime's_digesta

   geneva03 WSIS library   
 jamie king [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Geneva calling  
 jo van der spek [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 13:36:02 +
From: jamie king [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: geneva03 WSIS library  

Hash: SHA1

Hi nettimers,

Geneva03 ( is over the next days compiling a wiki library
of articles and papers relevant to the World Summit On Information
Society (WSIS). We will use this wiki library to create an infopoint in
Geneva where ppl can get hold of texts w/ alternative views of the
'information society' and related issues.

The wiki library is at:

Add or link to texts and we'll do our best to add them to the print
library -- or just use the library as a way of finding out about WSIS.


- - --  follow WE SEIZE! events at:

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian -



Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 00:18:31 +0100
From: jo van der spek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Geneva calling


list members working in the field of gender issues, open publishing, or 
privacy matters
AND are gonna be at WSIS in Geneva
are invited to contact me
in order to exchange with some journalists from the Middle East

I will be their coach from 7 until 13th of december

Jo van der Spek,
radio journalist  tactical media consultant
current project: Radio Reed Flute

H. Seghersstraat 46
1072 LZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands
tel. +31.20.6718027
mob. +31.6.51069318

better a complex identity than an identity complex


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