nettime The Dean campaign and the Internet

2003-12-11 Thread Michael H Goldhaber

Howard Dean , by the current looks of things, has done something amazing
in American political history . Without being President or Vice
President he apparently has sewn up a major-party nomination before the
start of the election year. Things could come unglued, and part of the
earliness of his  success  may simply result from campaigning starting
earlier and earlier in successive election cycles. Still,  considering
Dean's  having come  out of nowhere (well, Vermont) much of his success
seems to be based on his highly sophisticated use of  the Internet:  as
an organizing  tool; for building support; as an extremely successful
means of fundraising; and to hold his supporters together.

Further, as the New York Times Magazine ( ) points out, his
campaign has a sort of technological coordinator who has volunteers
writing new kinds of software for new modes of Internet  connection.
This has apparently helped him develop a  far more flexible, complete
and complex organization in early primary states than any predecessor or

For non-Americans, I should add that the primary system as it now exists
is extremely weird, unrepresentative, and dominated by  a handful of
small states. It is generally thought that if one candidate wins both
the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary,  this candidate is
essentially guaranteed nomination. However, a front-runner who somehow
does not do as well as expected, especially in New Hampshire, can
sometimes be viewed as the loser even if actually ahead in the vote
there. The guess is though that Dean's support is so much stronger and
deeper in both places than anyone else's that such a turn around is
quite unlikely. He also seems to be ahead among Democrats in South
Carolina, even topping the charismatic Senator Edwards from neighboring
North Carolina.

I bring all this up in the hopes that nettimers will discuss this model
of politics via the Internet and what it might portend/teach.


Michael H. Goldhaber

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nettime WSIS security hacked and exposed

2003-12-11 Thread jo van der spek

A group of hackers has succeed in entering unauthorized in the precinct 
where the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is being 
celebrated, thus demonstrating and ridiculing the rudimentary security used 
to control access to the delegates and other participants and invitees.

The system consists of a plastic card containing a chip able to transmit 
the personal identifier as well as the location of the participant in the 
precinct., thanks to some sensors of presence that can be mounted anywhere: 
softdrink selling machines, conference rooms, entries and exitsÂ… in this 
way the system cann detect where each individual person is at any moment, 
in which sessions s/he took part, what contacts were made, with whom time 
was passedÂ….

This system not only violates the laws protecting data, since the 
participants have not been informed of the existence of this database, nor 
of the possible ways in which these data  can be stored and at a later 
stage processed without their permission.

But the most interesting is that this advanced security system has managed 
to become vulnerable and neutralized, which brings up the question not only 
its legality, but also its effectivity when controlling accesses.

You may find pictures of the non-registered people in the conference at 
this web site:

more on:

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nettime The Dean campaign and the Internet

2003-12-11 Thread Mitch Pellecchia
Michael H. Goldhaber has this to say concerning Dean and the 

I bring all this up in the hopes that nettimers will discuss this model 
of politics via the Internet and what it might portend/teach.

What is really astonishing is how much money the Dean has raised over 
the Web. However, I still have yet to receive anything via the Internet 
asking for a donation, and I'm on a million mailers. What also amazes me 
is that Dean is no better a public speaker than Bush, yet he remains the 
Democratic front-runner. I would just hate to see the Internet create 
the same political environment as television advertising - It reaches 
out to groups who are more or less uninformed of the issues and 
vulnerable at every turn.

Mitch Pellecchia

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