Re: nettime Re: Images and Official Language: The Gap or How not to Know

2004-06-02 Thread ed phillips

Thanks for responding, Alan.

I was hoping that someone would remark on the intentionally naive
questions i asked at the end of my post. But I must confess that I
don't understand what your response is about, sorry for being
horribly circular here, but you did bring up the dread ghost of

 'About' implies cause and effect and representation - this painting is
 'about' the natural order of things, this war is 'about' oil. And such is
 a peculiarly occidental approach, I believe, this aboutness which insists
 on causation in relation to ethos, which insists on origin insead of,
 perhaps, taint. The war is unjustifiable, cruel, and in many ways 'about'
 America, in the sense of implication. America is responsible; reasoning
 and reasons are left in the shadows, and there are as many as there are
 shadows and they are as indistinct as shadows are. The darkness of the
 photographs throw a little light on the subjects: it's the captors who
 stand out, who make sure they are _named_ and _visible,_ while the
 prisoners are hidden, faceless bodies, hooded.

I want to thank you for pointing out the oddness of the word about,
which in the phrase this war is about oil surely implies oil is a concern if
not outright cause of this war, which it surely is. Political
commentators on the right were quick to point out that the war was not
about oil because it is the rest of the G7 that are much more
dependent on Middle East Oil than the U.S.  Obviously, the war is not
simply about oil, as if oil were ever a simple thing itself, but it
just as surely concerns oil, and the markets in oil, both official and black.

Your pointing out that an attempt to understand more structural causes
and reasons for this extremely bold gambit on the part of a
particular U.S. administration, is occidental in its concern for
cause and effect seems to me without meaning. Surely, you must think
that the policy makers and war planners had reasons for taking what
even they knew was an extreme gamble. The point of the naive
questioning was to begin to look at what the interests of both global
capital more largely and american empire in particular were and are
that are at stake in invading and occupying Iraq. And to begin to ask
those questions, I think it does help to clear the air of such psuedo
causes as daddy, or wmd, or even that the war was and is about 
particular individual idiosyncracies. But I don't think it helps to
throw out the very idea of interest or cause. It's not like pointing
out the history of the failure of the sanctions process, and the
growing black market in oil flowing out of Iraq, is some search for a
lost or trascendental origin. It is more humbly, getting at the story.
Which, by the way, I don't think I have, yet.

And this reference to the notion of cause and effect as merely
occidental seems to me at least to invoke some chimera of an east or
an outside of global capital, as if there were a part of the globe
that was not subject to the laws of capital or cause and effect.

 Finally it might even be added that 'about' implies some justification,
 however minimal. If this is 'real'ly 'about' oil, perhaps the oil will
 save lives elsewhere, But there is none of this, no balance, no reason.

I would counter that we should be willing to ask the about question,
not because we risk justification, but to attempt to understand
precisely the reasons and reasoning of those in power, and not just in
the United States, but in the entire G7. We can also ask how the populations in
those countries more or less are complicit in what their governments
are doing. But to say that all this is without reason is in my opinion
to let the policy makers, global capital, and the citizens of the
putative democracies off the hook.

Thanks again, I found your post poetic is not quite comprehensible.

On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 04:55:10PM -0400, Alan Sondheim wrote:
 I think to be fair here, that there is a process of contamination going
 on, which is becoming more and more evident; that the images by their very
 overdetermined nature, are a form of speeage that will not be contained,
 will not be defined by any particularization, whether it be a group of
 seven soldiers or the prison system itself. Hopefully the contamination
 will spread. Even so I agree, and what is appalling to me, even more, is
 the over two million in the US prisons today - a system where in Jeb
 Bush's Florida, there is a 30 percent incarceration rate for black males.
 Returning briefly to Iraq, I think stating what the war is 'about' misses
 the point - that the word 'about' must be deconstructed, that there is no
 'about' - which 'systemics' perhaps implies as well. The war is not
 'about' Daddy nor 'about' oil nor 'about' jeffersonian democracy' nor
 'about' Saddam nor 'about' torture etc. etc. It certainly isn't 'about'
 9/11. One might say it is 'about' those who ordered the war and managed
 it, but this hits a psychoanalytical deadend.

nettime International Support Letter for Steven Kurtz / CAE

2004-06-02 Thread Eric Kluitenberg
Dear friends,

Is anybody already working on a support letter for Steven Kurtz?

Maybe we orverlooked the most obvious way to help at this point, 
which is to provide an international letter, signed by a list of 
internationally acclaimed curators, writers, critics, artists, and 
anybody else out there who has a direct and professional relationship 
to the work of Steven Kurtz and the Critical Art Ensemble.

More information on the support campaign can at this point be found 
at the following web page:

How do we write the letter - do we circulate a draft letter 
publically, or in small committee?

Best wishes,

Eric Kluitenberg
De Balie - Centre for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam


May 25, 2004

Feds Unable to Distinguish Art from Bioterrorism
Grieving Artist Denied Access to Deceased Wife's Body


Steve Kurtz was already suffering from one tragedy when he called 911
early in the morning to tell them his wife had suffered a cardiac arrest
and died in her sleep.  The police arrived and, cranked up on the rhetoric
of the War on Terror, decided Kurtz's art supplies were actually
bioterrorism weapons.

Thus began an Orwellian stream of events in which FBI agents abducted
Kurtz without charges, sealed off his entire block, and confiscated his
computers, manuscripts, art supplies... and even his wife's body.

Like the case of Brandon Mayfield, the Muslim lawyer from Portland
imprisoned for two weeks on the flimsiest of false evidence, Kurtz's case
amply demonstrates the dangers posed by the USA PATRIOT Act coupled with
government-nurtured terrorism hysteria.

Kurtz's case is ongoing, and, on top of everything else, Kurtz is facing a
mountain of legal fees. Donations to his legal defense can be made at


Steve Kurtz is Associate Professor in the Department of Art at the State
University of New York's University at Buffalo, and a member of the
internationally-acclaimed Critical Art Ensemble.

Kurtz's wife, Hope Kurtz, died in her sleep of cardiac arrest in the early
morning hours of May 11. Police arrived, became suspicious of Kurtz's art
supplies and called the FBI.

Within hours, FBI agents had detained Kurtz as a suspected bioterrorist
and cordoned off the entire block around his house. (Kurtz walked away the
next day on the advice of a lawyer, his detention having proved to be
illegal.) Over the next few days, dozens of agents in hazmat suits, from a
number of law enforcement agencies, sifted through Kurtz's work, analyzing
it on-site and impounding computers, manuscripts, books, equipment, and
even his wife's body for further analysis. Meanwhile, the Buffalo Health
Department condemned his house as a health risk.

Kurtz, a member of the Critical Art Ensemble, makes art which addresses
the politics of biotechnology. Free Range Grains, CAE's latest project,
included a mobile DNA extraction laboratory for testing food products for
possible transgenic contamination. It was this equipment which triggered
the Kafkaesque chain of events.

FBI field and laboratory tests have shown that Kurtz's equipment was not
used for any illegal purpose. In fact, it is not even _possible_ to use
this equipment for the production or weaponization of dangerous germs.
Furthermore, any person in the US may legally obtain and possess such

Today, there is no legal way to stop huge corporations from putting
genetically altered material in our food, said Defense Fund spokeswoman
Carla Mendes. Yet owning the equipment required to test for the presence
of 'Frankenfood' will get you accused of 'terrorism.' You can be illegally
detained by shadowy government agents, lose access to your home, work, and
belongings, and find that your recently deceased spouse's body has been
taken away for 'analysis.'

Though Kurtz has finally been able to return to his home and recover his
wife's body, the FBI has still not returned any of his equipment,
computers or manuscripts, nor given any indication of when they will. The
case remains open.


A small fortune has already been spent on lawyers for Kurtz and other
Critical Art Ensemble members. A defense fund has been established at to help defray the legal costs which
will continue to mount so long as the investigation continues. Donations
go directly to the legal defense of Kurtz and other Critical Art Ensemble
members. Should the funds raised exceed the cost of the legal defense, any
remaining money will be used to help other artists in need.

To make a donation, please visit

For more information on the Critical Art Ensemble, please visit

Articles about the case:

Re: nettime Re: Images and Official Language: The Gap or How not to Know

2004-06-02 Thread Michael H Goldhaber

The Iraq war, I have thought all along, was begun by Bush as a matter of
spin, chiefly to look good (ie.e. successful and tough) and manly. Iraq is
far away, and still confused in the American mind not only with bin Laden but
with Iran.

Recall that the last real photo op was supposed to be Bush prancing in his
flight suit. When that wasn't enough, we got Bush in Iraq with a cardboard
turkey (not the best possible metaphor) and then a bedraggled,
confused-looking Saddam, hardly the scowling villain Rove would have ordered.

The Abu Ghraib images were unwelcome because unplanned, with low production
values, etc. Had they been spun right, surely they would have been touted as
showing the pluck and ingenuity of American GIs up against dastardly terror
suspects. But it turns out the best spinners in the world can't spin an
entire war and occupation of real people with real feelings and desires. They
did come scarily close, however.

Michael H. Goldhaber


Alan Sondheim wrote:

 Returning briefly to Iraq, I think stating what the war is 'about' misses
 the point - that the word 'about' must be deconstructed, that there is no
 'about' - which 'systemics' perhaps implies as well. The war is not
 'about' Daddy nor 'about' oil nor 'about' jeffersonian democracy' nor
 'about' Saddam nor 'about' torture etc. etc. It certainly isn't 'about'
 9/11. One might say it is 'about' those who ordered the war and managed
 it, but this hits a psychoanalytical deadend.

 'About' implies cause and effect and representation - this painting is
 'about' the natural order of things, this war is 'about' oil. And such is
 a peculiarly occidental approach, I believe, this aboutness which insists
 on causation in relation to ethos, which insists on origin insead of,
 perhaps, taint. The war is unjustifiable, cruel, and in many ways 'about'
 America, in the sense of implication. America is responsible; reasoning
 and reasons are left in the shadows, and there are as many as there are
 shadows and they are as indistinct as shadows are. The darkness of the
 photographs throw a little light on the subjects: it's the captors who
 stand out, who make sure they are _named_ and _visible,_ while the
 prisoners are hidden, faceless bodies, hooded.

 Finally it might even be added that 'about' implies some justification,
 however minimal. If this is 'real'ly 'about' oil, perhaps the oil will
 save lives elsewhere, But there is none of this, no balance, no reason.

 Stare into the face of evil, and there's surprisingly little detail. Evil
 manages the news.

 - Alan
 Trace projects

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nettime fmedia forum

2004-06-02 Thread Milo¹ Vojtìchovský

Meeting of European Free and community Media initiatives in Prague (Cz) and
Freistadt (A)

Press Conference: Monday, June 7th, 13.00h. NoD. Experimental Space, Dlouha
33, Praha

The accession of ten further states to the European Union on the 1st of May
is a significant historical moment. With the enlargement of the EU a picture
of a coalescending Europe, a place of peace and cooperation is evoked. But
intercultural exchange and cross-border communication between citizens of
neighbouring regions still lag behind the general developments.

Free independent media initiatives - radio, TV, internet, press, publc
campaining, cultural, human rights, environmental, etc-particularily foster
communication in local frameworks, but also between and within various
societal and linguistic communities. In the time between the 10th and the
13th of June the [EMAIL PROTECTED] Forum in Prague and Freistadt wants to bring forward
the exchange and collaboration of various community media between East and
West including also regions beyond the borders of the enlarged EU.

Free, independent community media complement and correct information which
is produced by mainstream media. Nowadays, they constitute an essential
component in the democratic develpment of our societies. Between the various
regions of the new Europe the working conditions for independent media
vary substantially on the political, economic, legal and societal defaults.
The [EMAIL PROTECTED] Forum shall assist in developing strategies, which support a
general appreciation of Free Media and secure their involvement in the
policies of the European Union.

The expected participants of [EMAIL PROTECTED] in Prague and Freistadt come from very
different media spheres and sectors of cultural, social and civic societal
dedication. On the first two days an analysis of the developments of the
national and European media landscapes, the composition of a survival kit
for independent media and reflections towards sustainable exchange of
programmes and content will be on the agenda. In Freistadt, on the 12th of
June the significance of cross border media activism as a contribution to
autonomous regional developments will be discussed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is an open forum for the formulation and discussion of strategies for
a European network of Free Media.

More information about [EMAIL PROTECTED] is available on

online broadcasting:
Venues:Prag:  NoD. Experimental Space
Dlouha 33 Praha 1, Old Town

Freistadt: Salzhof  4240 Freistadt
Salzgasse 15

Organised by:
European Civic Forum, Austria
Federation of Austrian Free Radios
Radio Jeleni, Prague
Radio Corax, Interaudio, Halle
Econnect, Prague
Radio Z, Nurenberg
Center for Contemporary Art, Prague
NoD. Experimental Space, Prague
Radio FRO, Linz

Supported by: sterreichisches Kuratorium fr Presseausweise
Grne Bildungswerkstatt, Austria
Renner Institute, Austria
RTR Broadcast- and Telecom Regulation ltd., Austria
European Cultural Foundation
Austrian Cultural Institute, Prague
Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology
Ecconect s.r.o.Prague
British council Bratislava

Organiser - Contact:
Verband Freier Radios Osterreich
c/o Thomas Kreiseder
Kirchengasse 4
4040 Linz

Local coordination:
Prague: Milos Vojtechovsky (Center for Contemporary Art, Radio Jeleni, Prag)

Freistadt: Otto Tremetzberger (Radio Freistadt)

list of participants:

Participants List
Marc Gruber, Fr,International Journalist Federation Europe)

Marius Dragomir, Cz,(Open Society Institute, Budapest)

Ales Ancipienka, Belarus (Belaruskie Kolegium)

Robert Horvitz, Prague (Internet policy)

Ricardo Feigel (Medienkompetenzzentrum, Sachsen Anhalt, D)

Eva Thun, (Civil Radio, Hu)

Agnese Trocchi, (Candida TV, Italia)

Menno Grootveld,(Proxivision N5M, NL)

Antonio De Michele (PARK 4DTV, NL)

Helmut Peissl, (European
Civic Forum, Federation of Austrian Free Radios),

Eric Kluitenberg, NL (DeBalie)

Mihai Pedestru,
Andrei Costina,
Joanne Richardson (Romania)

Elina Racholova, Bulg (Bluelink)

Ivan Vesely, (Sdruzeno Dzeno, Cz)

Iveta Demeterova (RadioRota, CZ)

Norbert Brazda ( Slovakia

Pierre de Jaeger, Belgium (Radio SWAP)

Guy van Belle, (Society for Old and New Media, dewaag, NL)

Danijela Babic,
Koraljka Dilic,
Sandra Oskorus,
Toni Gabric
(ZamirNet, Cro)

Saul Albert,(UK)
Michael Weinkove (UK)

nettime PAPER: Portugal, colonial laws, and today's reality

2004-06-02 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)


Indo-Portuguese History and Global Trends

Seventh Century Portuguese Legal Regime and Twenty First Century Global
Trends: A Comparative Analysis

By Carmo D'Souza 


There is a close resemblance between the Sixteenth-Seventeenth  century
problems faced by the Portuguese power in the Indian Ocean and the present
day problems faced by US and allied powers post 11 September events 1in the
international field. Strangely there is some parallel between the measures
that the Portuguese power adopted in order to keep its hold, and the
measures adopted by US and its allies especially in the wake of Afghanistan
and Iraq wars2. It appears that History has repeated itself on the failure
of international community to realize the importance of having binding
international documents and authorities with moral and legal power. The
world is still struggling within the tight jacket of National Sovereignty.3
The same blind race that was witnessed in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries in the Indian Ocean is taking place today at a global basis,
amidst criticism and counter criticism, with public opinion wavering as per
events. There is even lack of proper criteria to enable the international
community to objectively assess the political situation. The international
law seems to be nascent at present to some extent, as it was when the
Portuguese rounded the Cape of Good Hope. The present paper will concentrate
on this dimension of international relations.

Indian Ocean in Sixteenth -Seventh Century:

The Sixteenth century changed the existing situation in the Indian Ocean on
the wake of the rounding of the Cape of Good Hope by the Portuguese. The
existing Arab trade stood threatened with the presence of the Portuguese in
the Indian Ocean, thus giving rise to conflict. Conflict resolution
strategies had not been enunciated then as they are today. The Portuguese on
the other hand claimed the right to free trade in the East. The Portuguese
felt that a threat lay to their trade from the Arabs as well as the pirates.
Thus the positioning of the opposite powers and subsequent rearrangement of
other powers aided with religious misunderstandings gave rise to stress and
tensions in international relations. Mutual distrust led to local flair ups,
which in turn led to greater conflicts. The Portuguese with their firepower,
realized in the sixteenth century that they could control to some extent the
trade on the spice route. So naturally all policies as well as the legal
concepts and regime developed was to safeguard the defacto position acquired
thus far through the barrel of the gunboats4.  A very similar positioning is
noticed in the twenty first century with a mention of a war between
civilizations. However to a great extent the policy is to hold to economic
and political power, which is threatened due to changing circumstances.
The Portuguese Sea Power5

There were favourable conditions in the Indian Ocean that helped the
Portuguese to build their maritime power on their entry in the Indian Ocean.
C. R. Boxer among other things mentions the following points as regards
Portuguese Sea Trade:

a) The Emperor of Egypt, Persia and Vijayanagar had no armed shipping in the
Indian Ocean

b) Wealthy entrepots  of Ormuz and Mallaca did not possess Ocean going

c) The Arabs, Gujerathis , and other Muslims who dominated the trade of the
Indian Ocean had large ocean going vessels as well as small coastal ships,
but even the largest were not provided with artillery and no iron was used
in the hull construction.

d) Portuguese took control of the strategic points in the spice trade
routes. They controlled , Goa, Ormuz, Mallaca and these were supplemented by
many other fortified coastal settlements and trading posts (feitorias ) from
Sofola in north-east Africa to Ternate in Moluccas.

e) The domination of the seaborne trade of the Indian Ocean , first by the
Arabs and later to a large extent by Muslims of Indian origin chiefly
Gujeratis , was achieved in both cases quite peacefully.

f) Many Asian rulers shared the conviction of Bahadur Shah, the King of
Gujerat , that 'wars by sea are merchants' affairs , and of no concern to
the prestige of Kings' 6.

Thus there were  favourable historical conditions that helped the
Portuguese to a certain extent to hold a defacto control of a section of the
Indian Ocean i.e. mainly the Arabian Sea.7.

From the above, it can be inferred  that unipolar system existed in the
sixteenth century soon after the entry of the Portuguese , as far as a
section of Indian Ocean was concerned.  At least during the first fifty
years Portuguese took control of the sea routes by taking hold of strategic
positions all along the coast. As a result if one ignores the land control,
we can have a model of Portuguese being unchallenged in the seas and an
unipolar system developing in International field. The Portuguese lost this
control on 

Re: nettime R.I.P.: The Counterculture Aura of Linux

2004-06-02 Thread Radek Zajkowski
I think they're grieving an irrelevant issue here. SCO lawsuit is specked with
uncertainties in regards to their claims and even motives for that matter. If
they want to get properly informed they should read the May issue of Fortune,
they seem to have a proper skinny on the matter.

As for the counter culture aura of Linux, I truly don't understand the appeal of
the counter here. Would you rather have a hacker owned system that nobody
understands and pay for Windows so your kids can finish their homework?

Don't forget, there are many flavours of Linux, if you feel like f***ing off
just use slackware or build your own with Linux from scratch project.


 -- Forwarded Message
 From: Martin Hardie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Martin Hardie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 14:43:28 +0200
 Subject: nettime R.I.P.: The Counterculture Aura of Linux
 I was sent this article last week, it appeared in the NT Times and it may
 be of interest to you all. On my copy I have written - capture, control,
 command, constituted, external causes as notes when I go back to it to
 reread it and see what I can make of it...

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Re: nettime linux is dead

2004-06-02 Thread Novica Nakov
 Let's face it, when has a company that violated the GPL been properly

They haven't been punished because they have admitted their mistake and 
released the code which some might say is more valuable than money to the 
free software community. This has happened with every company that has been 
in violation that I know of.


And now you have Cringely saying that WRT54G is a disruptive technology.


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#  archive: contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-06-02 Thread CAE Legal Defense Fund
 the Task Force would realize that its
initial investigation of Steve Kurtz was a terrible mistake, the
subpoenas indicate that the feds have instead chosen to press their
case against Kurtz and possibly others.

To donate to the CAE Defense Fund, and for up-to-date information on
the case, please visit

For more information on the Critical Art Ensemble, please visit

To join a list about the case, please visit

Articles and television stories about the case:,0,3539235.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire

On advice of counsel, Steve Kurtz is unable to answer questions
regarding his case. Please direct questions or comments to

profile will become known to everyone.)


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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and info nettime-l in the msg body
#  archive: contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nettime International Support Letter for Steven Kurtz / CAE

2004-06-02 Thread Eugene Thacker
Hi all,

Great idea Eric. It seems that word has been slow to get around. Perhaps Carla 
Mendes, the CAE spokesperson, already has a letter of support, or is the 
person to draft one?

Another suggestion. Several colleagues I've talked to seem to have gotten the 
impression that the bio-art project 'caused' the death of Kurtz's wife. In 
order to prevent misunderstanding, the support letter could also reiterate a 
few points of clarification:
- That no connection between Kurtz's wife and CAE's equipment has been 
established (have FBI/Homeland Security officials made this clear?);
- That the CAE project in question (Free Range Grain) had, as one of its aims 
the creation of environmentally and medically safe testing procedures;
- That CAE has consistently consulted with and collaborated with those in the 
scientific community;
- That much of the so-called 'suspicious' equipment used by CAE can be ordered 
online or via telephone from life science supply catalogs (and many of them 
are routinely used in high school and college education) 


Eugene Thacker, PhD
Literature, Communication,  Culture
Georgia Institute of Technology

Quoting Eric Kluitenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Dear friends,
 Is anybody already working on a support letter for Steven Kurtz?

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