Re: nettime A Progressive Response to Katrina

2005-09-08 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Thanks Eric, for these clarifications. I agree wholeheartedly that 
nettimers could make a real contribution to , and above all, that we 
progressives must put forth constructive and detailed proposals and 
plans now!


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Re: nettime A Progressive Response to Katrina

2005-09-08 Thread E. Miller
Hi Michael (and Nettime),

I'll keep this relatively short after my epic email earlier this week.  Just
a few points:

-- By no stretch of the imagination would I assert that FEMA and the Bush
administration shouldn't be held accountable.  As bad as some of the local
failures were, the Feds were the only ones in a position to really make a
difference.  They failed miserably.  And their failure was even more
egregious given that it wasn't that they didn't have the resources (like the
local officials) but that they bungled planning, management, initiative,
response, you name it.  Absolutely inexcusable, and we can definitely lay
the blame for that on the Bush administration and what they've done to FEMA
through spending cuts and ideology.

-- I would differentiate between the act of rebuilding community and
restoring the built environment.  I absolutely agree that we owe it to those
underprivileged communities to do the former, especially given that we had
essentially abandoned those communities to fend for themselves for decades.
My point was that the built environment that housed these communities was
ecologically unsound, dangerous, and was part of the segregationist
infrastructure of New Orleans.  I think that we have to realize that exact
replicas of many pre-hurricane New Orleans neighborhoods would simply be
re-creating institutions of southern poverty and racism.

-- And finally, on the appropriate response from the progressive left.  My
apologies for the flippant 'study groups' comment, it was a bit much on the
rhetorical side.  I would just say that we need to put forth clear and
authoritative ideas that inspire, that show leadership, that give the
electorate and the citizenry some intellectual traction so that they can
believe that we are able to lead the nation in the right direction.  Not
half measures, not negative complaining, not equivocating, not just Lakoff's
framing debates semantically, not lamenting Carter-ish 'malaise', not
calculated Clinton-ish triangulation, not wallowing in the grey areas on
every issue.  Lead.  And we need to do it now.

Nettime is full of incredibly smart people.  I'm regularly amazed by what I
read from you folks.  So that's my challenge to this group: help give us
progressives a framework, a clear articulation of ideals, a clear and
pragmatic progressive vision unrestrained by dogma, that we can contrast
against the clearly articulated vision of the conservative movement.  Give
us the vision of JFK, not the muddle of Foucault.  We need it now.



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nettime Endless, multilayered, super-fast and infinitely complex boredom: hooray

2005-09-08 Thread matthew fuller

Endless, multilayered, super-fast and infinitely complex boredom: hooray

Matthew Fuller

What makes software jump?  What words, what 
styles of thought do we need to understand 
running code and the multi-layered compositions 
it is part of, and how, if at all, does software 
establish relations with what might termed 
freedom?  Such questions, of how to act in and 
understand complex technologies and live 
situations are not unique to technology, and for 
a figure by which to understand them, it is often 
useful to start from the wrong place, not with 
software, but with a frog.  In his book Lifelines 
the biologist Steven Rose describes the way in 
which a number of his workmates might, whilst 
sitting at the edge of a pond, compete to 
describe the leap of a frog. By trade, they are a 
physiologist, an ethologist, a developmentalist, 
an evolutionist and a molecular biologist.  Each 
sets their particular disciplinary scale of 
perception against those of the others.  The 
frog, responding not to the nattering of the 
knowledge workers but to a snake spotted on a 
nearby tree splashes elegantly into the safety of 
a pond. The representatives of their disciplines 
each in turn ascribe the 'jump event' to: the 
interaction of nerves, muscles and bones 
containing and releasing structured patterns of 
energy and movement; learned or grown behavioural 
responses;  the result of the particular pattern 
of growth of the organism; the action of an 
inherited genetic imperative; or the biochemical 
properties of its muscles.

As the ripples in the pond spread and interact 
with other movements in the water,  Rose's 
argument is to encourage equally multivalent ways 
of thinking a non-reductive biology of 
life-patterns.  Whilst, in his experiments on the 
physiology of memory, there can be few people in 
the world who have scissored as many heads off 
hatchling chicks, Rose's appetite for a wet, 
complex, living biology is something from which, 
with all necessary irony,  our understanding of 
software can learn.  The trick for biology as a 
whole, he suggests, is to find a way of engaging 
both the volition to detail entrained by 
disciplinary approaches, which are in turn geared 
to particular constituent scales of reality, 
those of the gene, the molecule, the organism and 
so on, whilst at the same time recognizing the 
radical interweaving of such scales.

If we talk about freedom in relation to 
software, and after having spat a few times to 
clear our mouths of a word so enduringly soured 
as freedom,  a word that still however makes our 
mouths water and tongues wag,  perhaps then we 
can suggest that a similar set of scales might 
pertain to software.  Imagine a group of people 
watching a computer.  One holds that what it does 
is determined by the hardware, that the mineral 
architecture of computing is that which sets what 
is possible.  Another looks to the history of 
languages.  They say that software is determined 
by the kinds of syntaxes buildable,  by logical 
structures that are available in each different 
environment.  The third works through a critique 
of the political economy of software and suggests 
that what is possible in software is engineered 
by the relations of property embedded in and 
circulating through it.  This person might 
emphasize the insights of the Free Software 
movement.  Lastly, the fourth figure suggests 
that software can only be understood by an 
analysis of the user interface, by an 
ethnographic querying of the signifying processes 
of the machine and of its uses.  What people do 
with it is what establishes its quality of 
freedom.  Whilst these figures do not exist in 
any 'clean' sense, they do represent existing 
tendencies in the understanding of software and 
also divisions of labour in its production.

In an aside in a classic essay in the 
Actor-Network tradition, a current in sociology 
emphasizing the interaction of elements in 
socio-technical assemblages, Madeleine Akrich 
describes the possibilities for developing an 
analysis of the car.  She suggests that such a 
study has its natural scale. Doubtless it could 
be satisfying to paint on a broad canvas, 
starting with nuts and bolts, pistons and cracks, 
cogs and fan belts, and moving on to voting 
systems, the strategies of large industrial 
groups, the definition of the family, and the 
physics of solids...  ...On what grounds would 
the analyst stop - apart from the arbitrary one 
of lassitude?  Quite apart from the indefinite 
amount of time such a study would take, there is 
also the question as to whether it would be 
interesting. Mapping the way in which every part 
of such a complex technical object simultaneously 
embodies and measures relations amongst 
'heterogeneous elements' might be even more 
draining in the case of software.

Do we need to make this voyage through boredom? 
What would it involve?  A phrase which has passed 
into the everyday understanding of computing,