nettime oh New Orleans...

2005-09-19 Thread brian carroll
  [i am sending this to nettime to pose a question about the
  role of the .US constitution as code, and how it may relate
  to hurricane Katrina, before, and reconstruction efforts after.
  it is based on a series of posts relating people to transistors
  which is linked at the end, based on some previous writings.
  this is more of a rant than anything else, yet i send it out in
  case others have comments or ideas about this aspect... it
  is part of the electronetwork site and a
  which was were this post originated, forwarded here. brian]

  i've been wanting to write something hopeful about the
  most recent cataclysmic disaster in New Orleans, yet it
  has been hard to sustain hope, the deluge is complete.
  it would seem that there are so many problems of such
  a scale, and in my opinion - no one - in government or
  public life who is capable of handling any one of these,
  less the dozens that concurrently are going on at once.

  they all relate to policy, in one way or another, decision-
  making and ideas of planning. excepting that 'planning'
  is considered rather retrograde for the current managers
  of the machinery of state, the political 'managerial' class
  has a different philosophy about how things really work,
  which may be split from a reality others may share, live.
  in other words, ideologies do not match issues we face.

  [**correction: the following is a misstatement/mistaken way
  of trying to say: that energy policy (in the .US) is unrelated
  to economic policy, is unrelated to transportation policy,
  is unrelated to housing policy,... national security,... etc.]

  for instance, in policy many are compartmentalized into
  industrial methodologies, which are unconnected with
  other areas in which these same things interact: such as
  with energy policy and its role in inflation or raising costs
  of living, in turn, bankruptcy of industries not adapting to
  changing patterns (airlines), else raising of fees (UPS),
  else the cost of some smoked almonds at a grocery store
  and running machinery, materials, packaging, shipping.

  there is so much that could be approached through this
  situation and yet words are almost too difficult a way to
  frame ideas which are so vast. i was going to draw the
  bubble diagrams in an attempt to enter into aspects of
  perception, reality, media, representation, cyberspace,
  and then issues of race, logic, language, psychology-
  and to reference why, when this is happening in New
  Orleans it is perceived as different from elsewhere in
  the world, such as Africa, which have been in states
  of despair for decades. what is going on with issues
  of representation? why is the crisis and responsibility
  perceived one way in one instance, and another in
  another instance? i believe it is another indication of
  the role of a conceptualization of how we are trained
  to think about things (perceiving, judging reality, even)
  that goes to the core of 'the constitution' of the self, in
  the sense previously written about on list, with regard
  to the individual as a state and a state of individuals.

  if one looks at the 'source code' which in the .US has
  been programming relations between individuals in
  this state, it was composed by minds which were, in
  the time of its writing, slave owning white americans
  who, as a public group of men, decided to declare a
  common public which could be open to evolving of
  the principles beyond their limitations, including the
  ideas of equality, rights, justice, liberty, privacy, etc.
  the .US constitution created a framework with bugs,
  which are evident in any .US city and which has often
  been ignored or disregarded as a structural necessity
  to keep and maintain the current system working as is.
  that has been an accepted 'moral' and 'ethical' lapse of
  a utopic vision, which if only everyone followed ideas
  of certain political managers, all would be redeemed
  and it is the people who are imperfect, not the ideas.

  no need to demythologize issues of race or class in
  relation to the issues New Orleans, in relation to the
  issues of policy - programming of how individuals are
  interacting in making the larger state function, how and
  why, where and who-for. it is only limited by imagination
  how things could work, for what purpose, by reasoning.
  thus why after 200 years of a constitution could there be
  such a difference between what is said to be real, and
  what actually exists? how can there be multiple views
  of what is going on, and yet no agreed upon 'reality'?

  the news media  (at least this once) brought multiple
  perspectives to bear upon a situation in which aspects
  of the panoptic prison of media representations finally
  had to square with views outside agreed-upon constructs.
  it is one of the few times when having multiple television
  news organizations 

Re: nettime Katrina: The Spectre of a Soviet-Style Crisis in the U.S.

2005-09-19 Thread Michael H Goldhaber

If you want statistics, start with the state of education in this country 
with other industrialized countries or even China.  Look at the growing general
state of ignorance re news, the decreasing number of voters, growing income
inequality, etc.

You seem to think advances in logistics and supply-chain management operate
independently of other societal factors, but the point is that they don't.
Knowledge that used to remain in a community is now partly lost, and partly 
up the management chain. while there is real upward mobility for a small sub-set
of people, our society is much less upwardly mobile as a whole than it used to 
Small business people replaced by Wal-Mart were not at the bottom or an
organization, more likely they were at the top. They remained in the community;
they often gained knowledge of the community, and though they never had much
chance of becoming rich, they helped keep many a community together, serving a
wide variety of integrative functions not served by Wal-Mart. Their few workers
were often also there for life, and similarly were essential to the communities
they served.

If all you ever want is a standardized product that others want too, it will be 
Wal-mart as long as they want to carry it, but if they don't, you won't find it
anywhere in many communities. And if you want something different from what is
standard, and everybody does at times, don't look to Wal_mart to carry it.
(Wal-mart's censorship is well known). Further, if something is always on 
it may never occur to you that someone somewhere produces it, that in some way
natural resources are involved, and that you are part of a world larger and more
complex than W-M seems to make it. Evidently, in W-M, there is no such thing as
global warming, hurricanes, strikes, difference, a sense of place. A Brave New
World without soma, even.

In the red states of the country, where Wal-mart is strongest, young people also
(coincidentally?) have the fewest options. There, men fighting, no-holds barred,
in cages, is becoming a popular entertainment. It's also the zone where Meth use
is on the rise. And the anti-abortion movement.  Ask your friend in the field of
domestic violence prevention what effect all that has. And while we are on the
subject of violence, the only Wal-mart I've ever been in had guns prominently
displayed, right in with the underwear and cantaloupes. I haven't checked, but I
feel certain that Wal-mart supports Bush heavily; he is in line with its 
values. I
am sure the Pentagon has excellent logistics and supply-chain management, which
allowed it to attack Iraq without need and without one whit of understanding. 
Coincidence? I'd need to see the statistics to believe that.


On Sep 17, 2005, at 12:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for the thoughtful response which I'm still having trouble
 entirely agreeing with.


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