Re: nettime Gender and You

2006-10-13 Thread John Young
Feminism is not the same as women, maybe not about most of
them either. It addresses a fairly small set of some women's
interests, and some of those women extrapolate their interests to
women in general. And a small number of men use this as a
means to presume to know what women are and, to be sure,
want, that is, they want to be a certain kind of men pretending 
to be women of a certain kind, most often brainy show-offs.

Similarly malism, or masculism, is not the same as men, and 
definitely is not about most men, but addresses the interests of
a few men who extrapolate their interests to men in general.
A small number of women use this as a means to presume to
know what men are and, to be sure, want, that is they want to
be kind of women pretending to be men of a certain kind, most
often brainy show-offs.

An even smaller number of women and men toy with becoming
faux men and women, pretending like mad, utilizing narrow interests 
and perceptions abstracted from real women and real men in general 
which cannot be known in their generality but only by selective 
abstract positings based on limited direct acquaintance -- customarily 
only familiarity with a few hundred actual experiences and maybe 
ten to a hundred times that amount by way of study of the 
gender topic (once lumped as the humanities, oh the humanities).

Queerism attempts to surpass all too easy feminism and
masculism -- which incorrectly identify feminism with women 
and masculism with men. The vagina and the phallus are
conjoined in the anus ashitting during penetration, abirthing
congealed philosophy, or art, aboriginal, pre-verbal, farting
precursing argument and song.

Yes, there is a cartesian incertainty, gratitude at being alive, 
upon delivering a pile or puddle of feces, contributing to the 
earth's refertilization, sui generizing triumphantly, autoerotic
coitus if comical to see in toilet mounted video.

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RE: nettime Disordered thinking through the origin oflanguage

2006-09-08 Thread John Young
Words, coherent language, came from god, and if that anti-scientific premise
is offensive, recall that the earliest philosophers, Thales et al in western
canonicism, others earlier in Asia and Africa, argued that coherent 
language came from a humiliating sense of wonder, wonder at astonishing 
events which could not be explained by simple survival needs.

Posting god as a devious humanizing of the sense of wonder for propounding
manipulative religion, should not preclude non-deist apprehension of
coherent language deriving from origins not easily explained with the narrow
conceits of everyday-everyman science, the simplistic, again deviously 
anthropocentricizing pseudo-science, call that the humanities unable to 
bear absolute uncertainty and doubt about the human as the center of
existence, much less the humiliation of nature indifferent to humanoids.

Language is a cry for significance, whether sung or spoken, that the
poets got right and the philosophers must forever question what's the
point, Thales' ur-query why, the least animal concern.

Fear, terror, anxiety about death, grief, loss, and ecstacy about love, 
beauty, courage, surely, as noted earlier, well up in the chest, and
become bleats, hollers, and wails of recognition and affirmation or
denial. Animals emit some of those oral superfluities, as well as dance
and play.

It is the superfluity of language, its overflow beyond what is needed to
survive that points to an origin in imagination.

Sartre and others have argued that imagination is what uniquely identifies
the human but that it is also what condemns the human to eternal
prison of its own making: the desire to be god.

Would god have invented such a being, you bet if god is posited by
a human seeking escape from mortality, ano imaginary concocted
for aesthetic diversion.

Thinking is another inexplicable human devousness.

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Re: nettime hear ye, hear ye... truce for NNA discussion

2006-06-07 Thread John Young
Yes, the NNA report was somewhat informative but smeared, obscured,
lipsmacked by the trivial sidebar complaint.

What fear, of what or whom? Truce for what, a minor snit sniffle,
piffle? And what is this illiteracy about stars and the little
nobodies aching to lick their shriveleds as if condemned to it by
trepidation. That stinks of abject student trolling the profs,
whimpering where there is no need except by the protection of
embracing secondary status.

Turn not thy tender belly up for mercy, bite whatever barks at you,
real or imaginary, or threatens or bluffs, yeah, it must be about
bluffing, pretending to be terrified or worse, bored, at no longer
masterful or fed up with being slavish. Fuck that and that and me.

Elpeda where art thou to stiletto this whining and regretting the old
days chickenshittish, lollygagging procrastinating, side-eyeing the
medal giving head patters for effect.

Backroom chat is servantish carping about disrespect when the house
needs burning, weeping throats inviting slitting, your own mostso. No
truce, no mercy, no overdone respect for anybody.

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Re: nettime The Sudden Stardom of the Third-World City

2006-03-31 Thread John Young
There is hardly a better prescription for dreaming of suicide, by cities, 
persons or ideoligies, than comfortable success and lack of a need
to struggle to survive.

The invention of the Third World brand came from the mental laziness
non-western intellectuals and political ideolgues grown soft from the 
luxury of being treated as exotics by the west -- so long as they
only intellectualized and ineptly agitated politically and posed no 
serious threat. Dollops of overt and covert funding assured the
dogs of ample feedings and preenings, not lost on domestic curs
seeking the same from their caretakers and pervasive spies and

When all goes well, whether western or eastern, or lately African
and South American, daydreams of ending it all oneself rather than
being tortured and murdered, as if there is a correspondence between
nightmares imposed on others and aesthetic murder of one's ego,
or intellectual guilt of distancing from direct guilt of doing harm
by way of impotently attacking the doers of crimes against humans.

Third World is hoary nomenclature of world bankism or worse, UNism,
promise without substance, so it is no wonder it has become a star
powerfully attacting celebrity do nothings -- hardly limited to aging
rock stars, say, where Hugo Chavez's luxurious accommodations
are concerned, it's a tourist magnet, oh my, Che, what a come down
to t-shirts and trickets in a VE mall.

Third World was peopled by political rock star academics and indies
looking for replacement funding for the petered out Cold War brand,
now seeking alternatives to the threadbare Viet Nam schtick, the 
civil and human rights carcasses, the ethnic, feminist, negritude,

marxian flayed corpses.

Meanwhile, western cities have continued to rot with untended
pathologies, sustained by the greatest number of spies and police 
and largest military and military-addicted economies ever in history.
Vile and villainous neighborhoods so overplayed by the media that 
nobody wants to squander a career looking at the failure of generations 
of promises at home for a better and safer homeland, and thus
embarassing the erstwhile leaders of the poor who promised to lead 
their people better than alien insensitive outsiders, and where there 
is as much evidence for intellectual dishonesty as can be found
outside the countries which must spawn critics and apologists or
be judged uncivilized by perfectly mirrored other critics and 

It will be come increasingly fashionable to argue that the poor can
do a better job of helping themselves than unreliable outsiders. That
is a predictable cycle which follows failed intentions of good hearts
when funding disappears -- except for last gasp efforts to justify
abandoning the needy. 

And fat-gutted outsiders will become so bereft of purpose that suicide 
becomes highly appealing -- in the abstract, burp. Call it Camusian,
rebel without cause.

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Re: nettime Use of Computers in Preschools

2005-12-12 Thread John Young
A fair amount of this critique of computer use is applicable to business, 
government, education, religion and so on. The seniors, call them leaders,
see computers only as tools to maximize worker productivity and for open
and covert surveillance. They do not use them to set policy except to gather
data for justifying and enforcing will of the wisp phantasies of maintaining

Teachers are not exception to the hypnotic appeal of empowerment by
subterfuge, whether by catatonizing television, authoritarian lecture notes 
and books (required listening, reading, testing, submitting, ass-licking
mentoring, grotesque letters of reference offering an obesequious
candidate, or fucker, or executor of diabolist schemes).

What transfixes computer users, especially those imagining empowerment
through the Internet, is what readies them for easy manipulation by way of
easily acquired, indeed subsidized, tools which appear to expand individual
prowess while enslaving -- the military pilot of weapons platforms is no
different than the blackest hat hacker, nor are those different from the
ideologists of machine dependency who gleefully encourage the malleable
to believe in their boxes and push-buttons liberating efficacy.

Give them medals and life-time achievement awards for preaching not what 
they do but what they want others to do innumerably.

A wireless globe,that's a gob of merchandising missionarianess fit for a new 
world subscription. Track every user and yank the threat-string of being 
excommunicated, silenced, unsubbed, game over, pornless, a la Saint
Augustine, at the first lost signal of trying to evade EM-pandemia.

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Re: nettime Notes on Netporn

2005-10-10 Thread John Young

The operator of the war porn site Dery cites has been arrested:

The ex-cop's web site,, continues to offer cutting edge
repugnant carnage ribaldry of the kind popularized by lit and flic of
crime-war-faith fantasies worldwide for all times.

Criticism porn, king tut-tut.

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Re: nettime Just do it! - Intellectual theft as a curatorial

2005-07-08 Thread John Young
There is nothing beyond happenstance convention which assures a creator
credit, recognition, monetary payment, praise, security from
appropriation. Much, perhaps all, of the argument in the exhortive post
is that used by commercial approriators, thieves and bandits, their
henchpersons and sharks, who invoke lop-sided convention to lay claim to
creative work, cloaked, as ever, in the mantle of defending
near-helpless creators, few of whom enjoy the fruits of convention, and
always much less than the upper levels of the copyright heirarchy
forever raving about the way things should be: like they want them to

Blessed are those who defy this priestly argument for protection of
innocents unable to protect themselves without divine intervention from
rot-crotched belly-achers hoping to divert attention from their
back-channel predations.

To be sure, artists and ever more surely, curators, rip off creators. So
what. Rip them off in return. Diatribes against ripoff are capable of
being entertaining, in a dumb and dumber mode.

No artist deserves anything except what they can beg, borrow and steal.

Intellectuals deserve nothing except one another.

Defenders of artists and intellectuals are up to no good.

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Re: nettime Southeast Asia Tsunami and the Effective ...

2005-01-02 Thread John Young

What is disturbing about lack of information from the South Asia tsunami 
is whether allegedly missing persons being memoralized by nations of 
origin with candlelights and moments of grieving, are dead, injured, or 
merely unaware they are preceived to be missing and thus do not contact 
those who fear they are dead, or more likely, do not wish to be found and 
placed in yet another official databank.

I know of three such persons who were quite surprised and violated in 
their privacy by obnoxious inquiries from those determined to leave no 
tern unstoned to satisfy purient dread and lascivious certainty that they 
must learn the horrific facts first hand. No matter that their inquiries 
set into motion nasty searches of private lives and deliberately concealed 
tracks and hiddent whereabouts -- this was paradise the lost had been 
seeking, away from the meddlers and watchers and checkers-up-oners.

The three I know about had went to the South Asia for pleasures not all 
together acceptable, or easily acceptable, back in the homelands. This did 
not set well with the pryers into other people's lives who leapt at the 
chance to override the privilege of escapism.

Are the authorities in South Asia doing the missing a favor to claim them 
such, turning a blind eye to customarily invited piccadilloes until the 
sated escapees decide to transform themselves back into upright citizens 
with nothing to hide?

The three I know won't say who they know is missing on purpose, as 
customary when off the grid of violative information. Merely ask that 
don't do it again, come spying and squealing on us.

Those outed can say, tsunami was it this time, how strange that megasexual 
locution of sublime ecstacy is misapplied by faux grievers of floodlike 
sorrow, panhandling maximum.

To be sure, the millennialists and armageddonists will have a field day 
declaring god panoptics the hedonists, wrathing the sublimity a ratchet 

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Re: nettime Will Rational Exuberance Prevail?

2004-10-27 Thread John Young
No doubt the thing to do is to relax, don't overly fret about the
US election outcome, why bother to organize, do legwork, serve
on dreary election committees, seek out and listen to those
who you've never spoken to as an equal to learn from them
what's eating their gizzards, to hear what they think of laid-back
thinkers and indolent fingerpointers and supremacist whiners 
and ever so condescending shits, sure, best to herdishly blame 
those who do these get together and work hard to elect their
own kind.

It's smart to stay clear of the mess, that way there's no
culpability, no risk, no need to give up prejudice about the
consumerist luts, easy to lay low and work the previleged
angles of those who really love the sweatless perks. That's 
the aristocratic way, argue the finer points of powedered
wigs, the curve of calf, the vulgarity of the ingrate peasantry.

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Re: nettime Choking Cuban writers

2004-06-20 Thread John Young
What is troubling is that the US is singling out Cuba for economic
warfare while doing its damnest to promote economic bear-hugging
other socialist and ropgue states, presumably on the premise that 
economic well-being will persuade the citzenry to vote with their 
pocketbooks by buying and consumiong US products and services --
mirroring the Western mindset. All hail the surveilling Internet and 
its ideology-free pop-ups and spam.

With Cuba there appears to be a sclerosis of imagination, mirroring,
perhaps, that of the aging Cuban leaders. Do the two sides need
one another to remain immutable as did the Cold Warriors?

Not many Americas give a shit about what happens to Cuba, out of
sight out of mind. For that reason a small group of anti-Castroites
can get their jollies hammering a moribund state at the expense
of those who live under it. Not many anti-Castroites in the US
seem to give a shit about most Cubans, but they adore their
rancid ideology.

What unrestricted intellectural discourse, if not fat-headed tourism, 
could accomplish is the exchange of new ideas to replace the dreary
remnants of the Cold War -- still being milked by lead-assed
ideologues for economic benefit and to avoid having to get a
new mindset.

All praise for the 75 Cuban intellectuals and journalists who bucked
their system -- it would be nice to have a similar percentage of our
mind-workers do the same in the US: risk jail and execution for
defying their source of steady income. Not just pretending to
do so by tickling the imaginary sensitivities of bullheads, but 
performing genuinely criminal acts.

To be sure the US justice system and prison industry are eager 
for this development, Patriot Act-primed.

The odds of civil disobedience becoming criminal in the US is
not at hand, the 60s cauterized sensitivies, and thus there is 
not much to be said of intellectual courage in America, harmless
aestheticization of ideology is paramount -- pays damn swell,
what with galleries and theaters and think-not centers abounding.

Admiring Fidel awaits Broadway splashdown -- distancing
mindwork set to music and dance, then a blockbuster at
the Met to purge whatever slight empathy for the world's poor
remain in salons of democratic and socialist and democratic
socialist and liberative wordgames bountiful.

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nettime Choking Fidel and Us

2004-06-17 Thread John Young

The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued for
public comment new restrictions on travel to Cuba with increased penalties
for violations. The proclaimed intent is to harm Cuba's economy by
reducing income from tourism and educational travel.

It would be helpful if non-US nations increased promotional efforts for
tourism and educational travel to Cuba. All persons might wish to comment
on the proposed nastier interference in Cuban sovereignty.

This action has come in response to Bush's Cuba study commission,
instituted to recommend US actions to undermine the Cuban government. The
committee issued its report in early May:

Lebbius Woods, an architect and Cooper Union professor, who defied Cuba
travel restrictions is being hounded by Treasury for payment of a $75,000
fine, with salary and other income at threat from the obsessed free
marketers. Lebbius is showing recent work in his new book, The Storm and
The Fall, on June 26 at the Center for Architecture, 536 La Guardia Place,
NYC, 6:30-8:30PM, with party at 9:00 PM the same day, at his studio 80
Nassau Street, in downtown Manhattan.

For the party, RSVP to 212-227-5079.

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