Re: nettime Google deprecates SOAP API

2007-01-02 Thread sascha brossmann
On 12/20/06, Florian Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [This means the end of most published Google Hacks and, most
 importantly, countless Google-based net art works.

As far as I understand (Developers with existing SOAP Search API keys
will not be affected. []) it
should at least curently not affect existing works. (But then: for how

OTOH I think that those 'fluid', volatile aspects of the net are quite
interesting, anyway. First and above all in terms of cultural memory
etc. Second, also in terms of how to deal with this phenomenon e. g.
as an artist. For instance, how should a specific work behave in case
its data sources become unavailable? Cover up for the failure (if yes:
how exactly) or expose it to the audience (if yes: how exactly)? It
should be quite clear that this is not just a minor (formal) detail...

 Another example why relying on proprietary software and services
 will bite back developers eventually.]

... while some developers seem to bite back, as well: ;-) BTW, even if software and services weren't
proprietary, the underlying technology still was. The question whether
said technological infrastructure could (should?) instead also be
provided by some foundation or another kind of public institution
might get interesting.

Nonetheless, it seems high time to me that the cultural impact of
search engines and similar technology receives much more public
attention. Which, to me, would signify mainly awareness in terms of a
broader public discourse, not necessary just (alarming) alertness.


brsma::designificance //

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Re: nettime publication of Jyllands-Posten cartoons is not...

2006-02-18 Thread sascha brossmann
On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 06:29:00PM -0500, Jody Berland wrote:
 Freedom of speech amounts to a kind of religion in American
 culture. It is only useful to term it a religion if you
 acknowledge that it is a civilizational ideal and political
 common sense for American culture the same way other kinds of
 beliefs are for other cultures.

your focus lacks orientation as much as your argumentation lacks insight.
freedom of speech is not of american origin but mainly a genuine product of
enlightenment, part of which was exported to america and since remained of some
value there, despite the hordes of fundamentalist religious nuts who arrived at
nearly the same time.

 If the free speech advocates were acknowledging that theirs
 is a specific political ideology (...) i.e. specific to the
 historical formation of the American subject,

plain and simple: bollocks. see above and below.

 it would be easier to find a way to discuss these issues with
 others with different political formations. (...) It's not that
 I think an ideal dialogue of rational understanding is always or
 necessarily possible, but this lack of geopolitical reflexivity
 on the part of people saying free speech is always, necessarily
 and absolutely a higher value than all other values, is giving
 me a pain.

oh yeah, sure, and while we're at it, let's discuss the whole imperialist
catalogue of human rights or just toss that crap right away, because everything
is oh so relative in the end, and who would dare to judge. tell you what: i do.
actually, i don't think that you really know what you're saying there. for some
more clarity, please substitute free speech with any other human right in its
neighbourhood. in case you forgot: --
may i cite?

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and
ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

the basic fault in the short-witted argument of cultural
relativity is the hidden assumption, that all practiced concepts
are of equal worth and value. i disagree. and so did the general
assembly of the UN that proclaimed upmentioned declaration.
there's a word in the title that is quite telling. it reads
universal. go figure.

 Let's have some global self-awareness here.

oh, i think we do. you just don't recognise it.

when this thread started i was already unpleasantly touched, but
meanwhile it is getting tremendously atrocious. if one takes
a look back towards the origins of this list, it is rather

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Re: nettime Happy Birthday: Ten Years After

2005-09-04 Thread sascha brossmann
on 9/1/05 1:57 PM, heiko hansen wrote:
 even better would be to not move at all and to meet the other nettimers in
 their current location. the list is truly distributed (geographically) 

i like that idea, but why not have *both*? i could pretty well imagine something
like a nettime relay race ;-) (well, maybe not a _race_) with local gatherings
hopping around the globe from one spot onwards to the next. not all at once but
distributed over a certain period time. this might also provide for an 
development/evolution of discussion topics compared to a one-time-one-place 
schedules could be made according to other events to gain some momentum. in 
of organisation i would like to opt for a 'let it grow' model. i would like to
suggest starting with collecting potential places (i.e. regions/cities),
events/dates, and last but not least interested people and see where we can go
from there. (wiki?)


sascha brossmann

p.s.: concerning the topics suggested by david, i sense some relationship with 
discussion which has lately arisen on spectre (triggered by the situation of the
icc), so there could be a certain potential for cross-fertilisation...

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Re: nettime Just do it! - Intellectual theft as a curatorial

2005-07-10 Thread sascha brossmann
on 7/8/05 1:05 AM, John Young wrote:
[would-be-revolutionary unreflected religious crap deleted]

you're nothing but a cocky loudmouthed pratt, john. and it's an utter
waste of time and intellect to deal with your apparent lack of thought,
insight, comprehension, etc. on any other level than that. btw, there is
nothing beyond happenstance convention which assures poisonous dwarves
like you to be preserved from me beating their brain out (if there was
any, better one tried the reverse way) on the next proper occasion.
recognize something, nitwit? 'nuff said.

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