Re: nettime Recent Gender Things on Nettyme digest [3x]

2006-10-21 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
  Dear nettimers,

I think the following column , which appeared yesterday in nowhere  
more radical than the New York Times, illustrates why Kali Tal's  
response to Alan Sondheim  deserved to be taken seriously, rather  
than responded to with the scorn it seems to have met, from Alan and  
some others. The column underlines that we do not live in a society  
where feminism has come close to triumphing.


Why Aren't We Shocked?

By Bob Herbert
Published: October 16, 2006 (NYT)
Who needs a brain when you have these?-- message on an Abercrombie   
Fitch T-shirt for young women

In the recent shootings at an Amish schoolhouse in rural Pennsylvania  
and a large public high school in Colorado, the killers went out of  
their way to separate the girls from the boys, and then deliberately  
attacked only the girls.

Ten girls were shot and five killed at the Amish school. One girl was  
killed and a number of others were molested in the Colorado attack.

In the widespread coverage that followed these crimes, very little  
was made of the fact that only girls were targeted. Imagine if a  
gunman had gone into a school, separated the kids up on the basis of  
race or religion, and then shot only the black kids. Or only the  
white kids. Or only the Jews.

There would have been thunderous outrage. The country would have  
first recoiled in horror, and then mobilized in an effort to  
eradicate that kind of murderous bigotry. There would have been calls  
for action and reflection. And the attack would have been seen for  
what it really was: a hate crime.

None of that occurred because these were just girls, and we have  
become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misogyny  
that violence against females is more or less to be expected. Stories  
about the rape, murder and mutilation of women and girls are staples  
of the news, as familiar to us as weather forecasts. The startling  
aspect of the Pennsylvania attack was that this terrible thing  
happened at a school in Amish country, not that it happened to girls.

The disrespectful, degrading, contemptuous treatment of women is so  
pervasive and so mainstream that it has just about lost its ability  
to shock. Guys at sporting events and other public venues have shown  
no qualms about raising an insistent chant to nearby women to show  
their breasts. An ad for a major long-distance telephone carrier  
shows three apparently naked women holding a billing statement from a  
competitor. The text asks, When was the last time you got screwed?

An ad for Clinique moisturizing lotion shows a woman's face with the  
lotion spattered across it to simulate the climactic shot of a porn  

We have a problem. Staggering amounts of violence are unleashed on  
women every day, and there is no escaping the fact that in the most  
sensational stories, large segments of the population are titillated  
by that violence. We've been watching the sexualized image of the  
murdered 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey for 10 years. JonBenet is dead.  
Her mother is dead. And we're still watching the video of this poor  
child prancing in lipstick and high heels.

What have we learned since then? That there's big money to be made  
from thongs, spandex tops and sexy makeovers for little girls. In a  
misogynistic culture, it's never too early to drill into the minds of  
girls that what really matters is their appearance and their ability  
to please men sexually.

A girl or woman is sexually assaulted every couple of minutes or so  
in the U.S. The number of seriously battered wives and girlfriends is  
far beyond the ability of any agency to count. We're all implicated  
in this carnage because the relentless violence against women and  
girls is linked at its core to the wider society's casual willingness  
to dehumanize women and girls, to see them first and foremost as  
sexual vessels -- objects -- and never, ever as the equals of men.

Once you dehumanize somebody, everything is possible, said Taina  
Bien-Aimé, executive director of the women's advocacy group Equality  

That was never clearer than in some of the extreme forms of  
pornography that have spread like nuclear waste across mainstream  
America. Forget the embarrassed, inhibited raincoat crowd of the old  
days. Now Mr. Solid Citizen can come home, log on to this $7 billion  
mega-industry and get his kicks watching real women being beaten and  
sexually assaulted on Web sites with names like Ravished Bride and  
Rough Sex -- Where Whores Get Owned.

Then, of course, there's gangsta rap, and the video games where the  
players themselves get to maul and molest women, the rise of pimp  
culture (the Academy Award-winning song this year was It's Hard Out  
Here for a Pimp), and on and on.

You're deluded if you think this is all about fun and games. It's all  
part of a devastating continuum of misogyny that at its farthest  
extreme touches down in places like the one-room Amish 

Re: nettime Recent Gender Things on Nettyme digest [3x]

2006-10-18 Thread porculus
 Hello everyone. Given that I am indirectly responsible for the recent
 squabble about gender on Nettime,

it's the list that is responsible, or would you mean a dead cow would reign
on justice due to its approval silent ..or would you mean list member would
be just some sort of pavlovian ectoplasm that need rectal massage for giving

 This is not to deny that some of the general points raised by people
 on Nettime are not interesting or that I would not agree with them.

ha there i completely agree  wonder the fuck how uninterresting mails can
go through consider this post as just a test for knowing if
it's certain sure

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nettime Recent Gender Things on Nettyme digest [3x]

2006-10-17 Thread nettime's long winded digestion

Table of Contents:

   gender thing 
 Jonathan Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Re: nettime pope-on-a-rope digest [x5: butt, tal, pentecost, miller, 
baldwin (
 John Hopkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

   Recent Events on Nettyme 
 Charles Baldwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:27:58 +1000
From: Jonathan Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: gender thing

Hello everyone. Given that I am indirectly responsible for the recent
squabble about gender on Nettime, I thought it might be useful to say
something about the recent events even though I am not on the List,
and I hope peole will excuse me.

I am currently editing a special issue of an ejournal which is
about gender on the mailing List Cybermind, and the experiences
of its members. I'm probably the main contributor. The idea was
to try and overcome the problem of writing about gender from
one person's perspective, and to have multiple presentations of
views, disagreements, discussion and so on. I aimed at enabling a
multi-voiced ethnography, hence the rather controlled focus; even
though it will spread elsewhere because of people's interests.
Submissions were to be either refereed or non-refereed. Alan, on my
request, decided to submit to the non-refereed section. The point of
this section was to encourage people, especially people outside the
academy or students, to give their reflections, accounts of their
experience, quick analyses and so on, without them having to risk
being heavily trodden on by academics. In other words I wanted to
attract into an academic environment, those people whose voices might
not otherwise be heard, and who, if we to listened carefully might
have something interesting to say. Especially, I wanted males to risk
talking about their experiences of gender online rather than to have
it analysed for them. As you might expect, other than myself, most of
the academic contributors are female.

Now perhaps it was a mistake for Alan to post an early draft of his
piece to Nettime, but nevertheless I am hoping that his experience has
not put too many people on Cybermind off contributing, and that it has
not lead to the silencing of too many voices, and the undoing of some
academic discussion of gender.

This is not to deny that some of the general points raised by people
on Nettime are not interesting or that I would not agree with them.
However most of the points do not seem to me, to have been made in a
way which would open up discussion. Some Nettimers also seem to have
felt the same way.

To some extent, as the 'debate' went on, some of the comments
seemed to move into 'unreal' territory. This kind of reinforcement
of identity, intensification of positions, and taking things in
strange ways is, as you all know, very common online and it is always
interesting, if painful to observe it, and especially to note that
'we' are not immune to it. I do it myself - hence the 'we' here.

Thus, as a mild example, someone describes Alan's reflections as
research findings, which is clearly not the case. For one it does
not have the coding, or the references. Someone else seems to claim
that Alan ignorantly insists on authorial intention and the lack of
indeterminacy in the text, while at the same time the critic proclaims
that (they as critic) know exactly what is text is really about.
Another person seems to have read Alan as relying on the Holocaust
as an excuse (for 'his' sexism?), when what he seemed to do was ask
whether his Jewishness precluded him from writing about anything else
than being a Jew. Someone else seems to have accused Alan, or people
like him, of having particular power and privilege - something which
to me, suggests a bizarre social theory at the least.

This whole debate seems to show how online, or maybe everywhere, we
react not to a particular text, but we react strongly to other texts
and positions we have met elsewhere - we already seem to know what
someone is saying, and don't actually put effort into reading, or
questioning each other, at all. Certainly we don't have to reflect
on how our words might be affect another or undo mutual presence and
reflection. Maybe that is taken as good by some people? Those people
who can't stand the heat, should leave, shut up etc... It's a standard
net-libertarian position, after all.

Anyway, in 'reality', as most of you possibly know, Alan is not only
leading a precarious existence trying to do his work, but cannot be
described as mainstream or representative of anything much other than
the difficulty of trying to make a living nowadays if you want to
think, or approach material, in truly different ways. The ongoing
result, of his work over the last 12 or so years is the 'internet
text' - some of which I