On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 7:31 AM, Gavin Scott <gavincsc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my area all the buildings have been drawn.
> How do I tag the facilities located in those buildings?
> Here are the options
> Create a point inside the polygon and tag that with the attributes of the
> fasciities/functions that operate within the building, say Hopsital, or
> Shop.
> Tag one of the nodes that form the building polygon with the services
> performed within. Perhaps one of the the entrance nodes.
> Tag the polygon line. (I think this is impossible as the line has already
> been tagged with the value building.

This is perfectly possible. You cannot tag _the same key_ twice, but
you can have different ones. "building=yes" + "shop=bakery" is
perfectly valid.

> I should point out that all of these building polygons has been tagged with
> key=building

If you mean by this what is usually meant by it, we have a major
retagging to do. The way to tag a building is not "key=building", but

To get back at your question: I would be against the second solution
(using one of the nodes of the polygon. The polygon, if everything is
correct, should denote the outer walls of the building. Only things
that are actually on that outer wall should get mapped on nodes of
that polygon. A shop would be extending into the building, so putting
it on the outer wall would be incorrect.

Putting it on the polygon would be correct if the shop and the
building are indeed 'the same thing'. That is, there is not something
else in another part of the building. Putting it on a node would
always be correct (unless it is already put correctly on the polygon).
My preference is not to put it at the entrance, but at the
(approximate) center of the actual shopping area.

> Another question. If one of these buildings conducts more than one function,
> say a bottleshop that also operates as a supermarket. these tags must appear
> on different nodes? One node one value I believe is the principal.

It depends on what you mean by 'also operates as'. If it is really
more like two shops in the same building, then put two nodes in. If it
is one shop with a somewhat odd combination of articles for sale,
choose one as the main one (a supermarket that has an extraordinarily
large bread section is still a supermarket, a place where bread is
baked and sold that also has a few shelves of other foodstuff is still
a bakery). If you really cannot choose, use the semicolon as described
in another answer, or consider it two separate shops and use two

André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com

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