[news] Bin Laden Already Dead

2006-01-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Pakistan paper reported Bin Laden dead December, 2001


Report: Bin Laden Already Dead
Wednesday, December 26, 2001

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung
complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader
who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.

The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they
would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama
alive or dead, the source said.

Bin Laden, according to the source, was suffering from a serious lung
complication and succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the
vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden
was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as
per his Wahabi belief.

   Serbian News Network - SNN



[news] Nothing depleted about DU

2006-01-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN


Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Saturday, January 21, 2006 

Nothing depleted about 'depleted uranium' 

By Abel Bult-Ito 
Community Perspective 
Iraqi and visiting doctors, and a number of news reports, have reported that birth defects and cancers in Iraqi children have increased five- to 10-fold since the 1991 Gulf War and continue to increase sharply, to over 30-fold in some areas in southern Iraq. Currently, more than 50 percent of Iraqi cancer patients are children under the age of 5, up from 13 percent. Children are especially vulnerable because they tend to play in areas that are heavily polluted by depleted uranium. 

The Pentagon has been using radioactive weapons for at least a decade and a half with full complicity of at least three White House administrations and Republican and Democratic congressional legislators. Conservatively, at least 300 tons and 1,700 tons of depleted uranium were used in the Gulf War and the current Iraq War, respectively. This is about 70 grams of depleted uranium per Iraqi citizen, and if inhaled or ingested, it is enough to kill them all. 

Is this not radioactive genocide, especially when our troops used and continue to use most of the depleted uranium munitions in densely populated areas such as Baghdad and Fallujah? Depleted uranium has a half-life of billions of years. Consequently, Iraq will be a wasteland forever and essentially uninhabitable for anyone. 
After the 1991 Gulf War, about 1 in 4, or 150,000, U.S. veterans came down with what is referred to as Gulf War Syndrome. Most of the ailments characteristic of Gulf War Syndrome are consistent with radiation or heavy-metal poisoning. Veterans' children are now also born with higher proportions of birth defects and other genetic disorders, according to sporadic accounts. The Pentagon continues to deny the harmful effects of depleted uranium or its role in Gulf War Syndrome. 
As described by a report of the World Health Organization Depleted Uranium Mission to Kosovo, uranium can be found in rocks and soil and contributes to natural background levels of radioactivity. Depleted uranium is a waste product of uranium enrichment for nuclear reactors and is about 60 percent as radioactive as naturally occurring uranium. Depleted uranium is considered weakly radioactive. 
Nevertheless, depleted uranium is considered nuclear waste and has to be disposed of accordingly, which is expensive and a potential environmental hazard. The nuclear industry must be very pleased the U.S. military has found a way to get this stuff off their hands cheaply. 
Depleted uranium is really a misnomer, because the potentially harmful effects are by no means depleted. Research reports have found that when depleted uranium is ingested or inhaled, it can cause cancers and birth defects. It has considerable heavy-metal toxicity. 
As stated in the WHO report, because of its high density, depleted uranium is used in armor-piercing ammunition and as reinforcement against conventional weapons. Upon impact, the depleted uranium fragments burn at intense heat, and 10 to 35 percent of it becomes aerosolized. This aerosolized uranium dust is the most harmful component because it can easily be ingested or inhaled. 
Wind and people walking through it also easily disperse the depleted uranium dust. This dust is a predominant byproduct of military use of depleted uranium, in contrast to, for example, exposures in uranium mines or nuclear reactors. 
Our troops in Iraq will be severely affected by this radioactive war, not only because a lot more depleted uranium has been used and continues to be used, but also because they have been there a lot longer than during the Gulf War. Hundreds of thousands of our troops will come down with Gulf War Syndrome as a result of depleted uranium poisoning, and thousands will die from it. Thousands of their children will be born with genetic diseases, cancers and birth defects. 
The continued use of depleted uranium harms our own troops and innocent civilians exposed to our war machine, is un-American, and a crime against humanity. We need a worldwide ban on depleted uranium use. 
You have probably noticed Fairbanks Daily News-Miner staff writer's reports as an embedded journalist with the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team in Mosul, Iraq. Her feel-good stories do not tell you the reality of what is happening in Iraq. Will she report on depleted uranium poisoning as a result of heavy 
U.S. bombing of Mosul? 
Sadly, she and those of the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, if they survive the war, will have a high chance of coming down with Gulf War Syndrome. How much support do you think they will then get from our government or their employers? 
Abel Bult-Ito is an associate professor of biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and is a member of the 

[news] The best news for Serbia

2006-01-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN


News  Headline News
Serbia to choose Mladic or EU, Rehn and del Ponte say
20.01.2006 - 10:44 CET | By Teresa Küchler

EU enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn together with UN chief
prosecutor Carla del Ponte said the EU could suspend accession talks
with Serbia and Montenegro if Belgrade does not hand over war crime
suspect Ratko Mladic to the UN tribunal in The Hague.

At a joint press conference in Brussels on Thursday (19 January), Ms
del Ponte repeated her belief that the former Bosnian Serb military
commander, one of the two top war crimes suspects in the Balkans, is
in Serbia and is being protected by the army, European media say.

She urged the EU to suspend EU-Serbia and Montenegro talks on a
Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) - the first legal step
to EU membership - unless Mr Mladic was brought before the UN court
(ICTY) by July.

What I need, and what is an international obligation from Belgrade,
is to arrest him and deliver him to The Hague, she said, adding that
the EU was an important means of bringing pressure to bear against

I need full co-operation from Serbia and I need help from the EU to
obtain that full co-operation, Ms del Ponte declared.

Enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn said after the meeting I would see
it as extremely difficult to conclude negotiations on the SAA with
Serbia without the full cooperation [of Serbia] with the ICTY.

I need to consult member states, but suspension of the negotiations
is one alternative, Mr Rehn said. Serbia has to choose now between
its nationalist past and a European future. I hope it will choose a
European future.

Where is he?
Meanwhile, contradicting reports on Mr Mladic's hiding place have been
circulating in the press during the past few days.

Bosnian Serb police announced earlier this week that they had launched
a dawn raid on a potential location in an eastern Bosnian region.

A Belgrade newspaper on Wednesday claimed that Mr Mladic is hiding in
Russia, but Ms del Ponte quashed the report on Thursday.

I have no need to get in touch with the Russian authorities about
Mladic, because Mladic is in Serbia, and, as you know, Mladic is
protected by the power of the army, she stated.

Meanwhile, another Serb suspect - 51 year-old Dragan Vasiljkovic - has
been arrested in Sydney, Australia, early reports on Friday morning

Mr Vasiljkovic was allegedly part of a Serb paramilitary unit that
ordered the torture and murder of soldiers and civilians during the
Serbo-Croat war in the early 1990s.

Serb minister speaks out
Serbian foreign minister Vuk Draskovic toed the EU line on war crimes
in an interview published in El Pais on Friday.

Capturing war crime suspects Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic is the
best news Serbia could possibly imagine for a European future, he

But the minister also revealed just how strongly Belgrade feels about
the prospect of full Kosovan independence - one of the options on the
table in current UN and EU-sponsored talks on the province's future

He said a free Kosovo could be a dangerous tumour for Europe, asking
if the international community would be prepared to recognise the
sovereignty of Turkish-controlled Cyprus and Chechnya or separatist
regions of Spain and Italy as well.

The Los Angeles Times

latimes.com : Opinion : Commentary
The bad guys who got away
By Ljiljana Smajlovic
LJILJANA SMAJLOVIC is the editor of the Politika daily newspaper in Belgrade.

January 21, 2006

THE WEST BLAMES the East, the East blames circumstances. Meanwhile,
Europe's two most-wanted men — indicted Bosnian Serb war criminals
Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic — have for the last 10 years freely
roamed impoverished Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia-Montenegro with U.S.
bounties of $5 million on their heads. In the minds of some of their
die-hard supporters, these outlaws of the 1992-1995 Bosnian war have
become romantic, almost glamorous, villains — the Butch Cassidy and
Sundance Kid, if you will, of the Balkans.

Why haven't they been arrested? After a decade of lame excuses, NATO
recently came up with a truly novel explanation. Maj. Gen. David
Leakey announced that the fugitives were very unlikely to be arrested
soon because coordinated international action had made it virtually
impossible for them to move around freely. In other words, the NATO
posse had been so effective at scaring them and encircling them as to
preclude the possibility of nabbing them. Clever, huh?

It's generally assumed that Mladic, indicted in the 1995 slaughter of
thousands of Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica and other war crimes,
is holed up somewhere in Serbia, where he could, presumably, be caught
if authorities had the will and the skill.

Western intelligence agencies have regularly placed Karadzic, the
former Bosnian Serb president held responsible 

[news] Kosovo and the Holocaust: Falsifying History

2006-01-23 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Xinhua: Serbia and Montenegro Condole Kosovo President's Death
http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/2239/2006-1-22/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

AFP: Serb leaders appeal for peace after Kosovo president's death

Radio Kontakt Plus: Kosovo Romanies split over independence

Economist: Conditional independence



Book Review: Rescue in Albania, by Harvey Sarner, Brunswick Press,
1997, 106 pages.

Kosovo and the Holocaust: Falsifying History

By Carl Savich

History is in many ways a myth we create for ourselves. History is
constantly falsified to justify wars and territorial claims. Albanian
apologists have falsified the role Albania played in the Holocaust to
justify an illegal US/NATO war against Serbia and to allow for the
creation of a Greater Albania that would include the Serbian province
of Kosovo-Metohija. The Albanian role in the Holocaust was falsified
and manipulated to advance the creation of an independent Kosova, an
ethnically pure Albania statelet, a second Albanian state in eastern

The Jewish victims of the Holocaust in Albania are estimated at 591
from 1941 to 1944, when a Greater Albania was sponsored by Adolf
Hitler and Benito Mussolini. There were 33 known families of Albanian
Jews living in pre-war Albania. The largest Jewish community consisted
of 15 Jewish families living in Vlora. According to the 1930 census,
there were 204 Jews living in Albania. At the Wannsee Conference in
1942, when the Final Solution was organized, the total Jewish
population of Albania was listed as 200 Jews. By 1939 there were
Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria.

The two factors that explain why more Jews in Albania were not killed
are that Albania was under Italian control and Albania had a very
small Jewish population. Italian forces in Albania rejected the Final
Solution as the German disease and did not enforce anti-Jewish
measures. This is why Albanian Jews were rescued in Albania, not
because of anything the Albanians did themselves. There was no history
of ideological anti-Semitism in Albania. But this was true of every
country in the Balkans. A history of anti-Semitism did not exist in
Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Hungary, or Romania.
So Albania was not unique in this regard in any way. The small number
of Jews in Albania also played a key role in why they were not killed.
During the Italian occupation, they were able to disperse and blend in
the general population. When Germany occupied Albania in 1943, the
Jewish population was already beyond reach.

What role did Albania play in the Holocaust? Albanian apologists
maintain that no Jews were killed in Albania during the Holocaust. Is
this accurate? What is the context of this statement? Albanian
apologists have consciously and methodically falsified the Albanian
role in the Holocaust. The way this was done was to totally suppress
the fact that Kosovo-Metohija was a part of Albania from 1941 to 1944.
Also left out is the fact that a Greater Albania was in fact created
that included not only Kosovo-Metohija, Kosova in the Greater Albania
ideology, but southern Serbian territory, territory in southern
Montenegro, and western Macedonia, or Illirida. Albanian apologists
distort history by implying that it was Albanians that rescued Jews.
But in fact it was the Italian occupation forces that opposed the
Final Solution and who rescued Jews. Another falsification is the
omission of the role played by Xhafer Deva, a Kosovar Albanian Muslim,
in the Greater Albanian state and in the Holocaust.

Albanian apologists falsify the history of the Holocaust by
suppressing the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who first created a
Greater Albania that included the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija.
They assiduously cover-up the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who set
the precedent for an independent Kosova, an ethnically pure Albanian
Kosova. Albanian apologists have carefully suppressed and deleted this

Rescue in Albania by Harvey Sarner was published in book form in 1997
just in time for the Kosovo conflict and the start of the KLA
terrorism campaign sponsored by the US/EU/NATO. It began being used as
a propaganda tract immediately. The book was to pave the way for US
military intervention in Serbia. It was first published as a booklet
in 1992 as The Jews of Albania. It was released following the aliyah
or emigration of the entire Jewish population out of Albania. They
settled in Tel Aviv and other towns and cities in Israel. Little is
revealed about the author. This throws up red flags. But Sarner did
play a major role in the emigration