[NTG-context] Re: Uppercase in headers

2005-08-18 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Olivier,

 Once Olivier tries this out, perhaps he could add a wiki page?
 Done there: http://contextgarden.net/Headers_and_Footers

Great! Thanks.  (Same to all contributers).

ConTeXt wiki and more: http://contextgarden.net
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] ConTeXt in MikTeX distribution

2005-08-18 Thread jjgod

I've just updated my MikTeX distribution, which
use a 2005-07-12 version of context package. Since
then MikTeX could not generate the cont-en format
file, when I use texexec --make en, it reports
TeX capacity not enough, so I have to modify the
localtexmf/miktex/config/miktex.ini file, change
|trie_op_size from 2048 to 4096.

The second problem is about texfont. When texfont
installing Type1 fonts, it use '-p' option of afm2tfm
to collect some infomation, but it seems in the
afm2tfm source code of MikTeX, -p only works when
libkpathsea enabled, otherwise afm2tfm will crash.
(without kpathsea support, afm2tfm will only looking
for .enc in current directory instead of the
directory configured in miktex.ini. Some users in
this mail-list may have reported this problem).

Current afm2tfm executable file from MikTeX was
compiled without libkpathsea support, so when texfont
tries to
my $command = afm2tfm \$file\ -p texnansi.enc texfont.tfm;

afm2tfm crashed and texfont failed to collect infomation
into the $cleanfont variable.

So I suggest the maintainer of context avoid using
the -p option, it seems

||afm2tfm \$file\ texfont.tfm|
does the same job in this piece of code.

Another problem is that some font vendor distribute
their font files in captial letters, such as BIRKA___.PFB,
it cause the copy_files routine in texfont.pl failed
to copy those pfb files to correct texmf directory.


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] bug in latest release

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen


There is a bug in the latest type-syn.tex:

\starttypescript [serif] [modern,computer-modern-vari,latin-modern-vari] 


\starttypescript [serif] 
[modern-vari,computer-modern-vari,latin-modern-vari] [name]

(no need for format generation)


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] font missing for palatino

2005-08-18 Thread luigi.scarso

with following code




I've a missingfonts.log:
mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 72 --mag 1+14/72 --dpi 86 uplr8r

Any ideas ?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Image Database

2005-08-18 Thread Jessica Holle

I've some questions about the Image Database.
I found no answers in the xfigure.pdf.

Can I generate the xml file automaticly?
I can use xmltools --dir --pattern=/home/tralal/*.jpg
but then in the xml file doesn't stad figure, there is file. so this
doesn't work I think.

Must everything be in the same folder? the xmlfile, the images and
my document I'm writing?
Or can I specify a directory in the xmlfile? So that the images can
be on an other folder than the xmlfile?

Must the xmlfile be in the same directory than my document?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] rotated accented character

2005-08-18 Thread Mojca Miklavec


I would like to define an accented rotated character e,
schwagrave. The following definition fails because of two reasons:
- rotate rotates around the middle of the baseline (I would like to
place the rotated e at the same place where it was before)
- buildtextaccent doesn't like the box produced by rotation


\definecharacter openo {\rotate[rotation=180]{c}}

\definecharacter schwa {\rotate[rotation=180]{e}}

\definecharacter schwagrave

1\openo 2\schwagrave 3


In the second example I would like to rotate the accent to produce some
other glyphs used in our phonetics:


\definecharacter textinvertedbreve {\rotate[rotation=180]{\textbreve}}

\definecharacter uinvertedbreve {\buildtextaccent\textinvertedbreve u}
\definecharacter Uinvertedbreve {\buildtextaccent\textinvertedbreve U}
% spoken u, not in Unicode
\definecharacter uinvertedbrevebelow {\buildtextbottominvertedbreve u}

1\uinvertedbrevebelow 2\uinvertedbreve 3\Uinvertedbreve 4
\it 1\uinvertedbrevebelow 2\uinvertedbreve 3\Uinvertedbreve 4


Any suggestions?

Thank you,

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] upgrading to latest ConTeXt

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Dear gang,

Have not updated in a while, noticed a new mswincontext.zip, now trying to 
upgrade to the latest.

First thing:

System complains that pdfetex.dll cannot be found. Sure enough, there is no 
such dll in the distribution.

2. Can I go back to the last mswincontext and just use cont-tmf, or are there 
some new features in the latest mswincontext that we need?


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Image Database

2005-08-18 Thread Willi Egger

Jessica Holle wrote:

I've some questions about the Image Database.
I found no answers in the xfigure.pdf.

Can I generate the xml file automaticly?
I can use xmltools --dir --pattern=/home/tralal/*.jpg
but then in the xml file doesn't stad figure, there is file. so this
doesn't work I think.

Humble, I do not know what xmltools all can do. I use a perl-sript to 
generate the xml-file. - Please have a look into the attached file 

Must everything be in the same folder? the xmlfile, the images and
my document I'm writing?
Or can I specify a directory in the xmlfile? So that the images can
be on an other folder than the xmlfile?
Normally I prepare a directory with the figures. The xml-file is then 
generated and compiled. The resulting figure-databse I transfer then to 
the directory where the tex files reside.

Must the xmlfile be in the same directory than my document?

I hope this will help you.
Kind regards


ntg-context mailing list

## Prepare an XML-file for the preparation of a figure-database with TeX

## XML-file header information:

$Librarylanguage = en;
$Organization = Willi;
$Project = Restauratie;
$Product = Restauratie-cursus ;
$Comment = Figure database;
$CopyRight = WE ;

## Variables

$Filename = ;
$FileextensionA = pdf;
$FileextensionB = png;
#~ $FileextensionC = 1;
$Filedate = ;
$Filetimestamp ;
$Filesize= ;
$Globstring = *. . $FileextensionA;
$Outfile = Figure-lib.xml;

## Date
($Second, $Minute, $Hour, $DayOfMonth, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay, $DayOfYear, 
$IsDST) = localtime(time);
$RealMonth = $Month +1 ;
$RealYear  = $Year + 1900 ;

printf ('%02d.%02d.%04d', $DayOfMonth,$RealMonth,$RealYear);
print   \n;

## Open the XML-file for writing:
open(OUTFILE, $Outfile);

## Print XML-file header:

## Collect Figure files into an list:

@Files = glob($Globstring);
$Globstring = *. . $FileextensionB;
@MoreFiles = glob($Globstring);
push(@Files, @MoreFiles);
#~ $Globstring = *. . $FileextensionC;
#~ @MoreFiles = glob($Globstring);
#~ push(@Files, @MoreFiles);

## Work on each filename:

foreach $Filename (@Files) {

#~ $exifinfo = `identify -verbose -format %[EXIF:*] $Filename`;
#~ chomp($exifinfo);
#~ if(length($exifinfo)  2){
#~ $Filetimestamp = (-C $Filename) ;
#~ $Filedatestamp = time - $Filetimestamp ;
#~ ($Second, $Minute, $Hour, $DayOfMonth, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay, 
$DayOfYear, $IsDST) = localtime($Filedatestamp);
#~ $RealMonth = $Month +1 ;
#~ $RealYear  = $Year + 1900 ;
#~ $FileDate = $DayOfMonth . . . $RealMonth . . . $RealYear ;
#~ }
#~ else {
#~ @exiflines = split(/\n/,$exifinfo);
#~ foreach $exifline (@exiflines){
#~ ($exifHeader,$exifData) = split(/=/,$exifline,2);
#~ if($exifHeader eq DateTimeOriginal){
#~ $FileDate = substr($exifData,8,2) . . . substr($exifData,5,2) 
. . . substr($exifData,0,4);
#~ }
#~ }
#~ }
$Filesize = (-s $Filename) ;
if ($Filesize  1024){
$Filesize = int($Filesize / 1024) . k;
## Determine first part of filename - label in figure library
($Label,$Suffix) = split (/\./,$Filename) ;

## Print the XMLblock for the actual figurefile:


print OUTFILE  /figurelibrary;


## End of main programme.

sub Header{
print OUTFILE !-- Figurelibrary: $Outfile --\n ;
print OUTFILE !-- Date of generation: ;
printf OUTFILE ('%02d.%02d.%04d', $DayOfMonth,$RealMonth,$RealYear) ;
print OUTFILE --\n ;
print OUTFILE !-- Figurelibrary generated automatically by PERL --\n ;
print OUTFILE !-- Script by W. Egger, 27.04.2003 --\n ;
print OUTFILE  \n ;
print OUTFILE !-- Generation of a PDF file with the database: texexec 
--pdf --use=fig-make figure-lib.xml --\n ;
print OUTFILE  \n ;
print OUTFILE  figurelibrary language=\$Librarylanguage\\n ;
print OUTFILE  \n ;
print OUTFILE description\n ;
print OUTFILE organization$Organization/organization\n ;
print OUTFILE project$Project/project\n ;
print OUTFILE product$Product/product\n ;
print OUTFILE comment$Comment/comment\n ;
print OUTFILE /description\n ;
print OUTFILE  \n ;

sub Printfigureblock{
print OUTFILE  figure\n ;
print OUTFILE file . lc($Filename) . /file\n ;
print OUTFILE label .lc($Label). /label\n ;
print OUTFILE copyright$CopyRight/copyright\n ;
print OUTFILE comment$FileDate  . $Filesize . B/comment\n ;
print OUTFILE  /figure\n\n ;

print Finished figureblock: $Filename\n;
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] upgrading to latest ConTeXt

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

Dear gang,

Have not updated in a while, noticed a new mswincontext.zip, now trying to 
upgrade to the latest.

First thing:

System complains that pdfetex.dll cannot be found. Sure enough, there is no 
such dll in the distribution.

2. Can I go back to the last mswincontext and just use cont-tmf, or are there 
some new features in the latest mswincontext that we need?

just use the old pdfetex and pdfetex.pool (i'll fix the mswin zip files 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] rotated accented character

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen

Mojca Miklavec wrote:


I would like to define an accented rotated character e,
schwagrave. The following definition fails because of two reasons:
- rotate rotates around the middle of the baseline (I would like to
place the rotated e at the same place where it was before)
- buildtextaccent doesn't like the box produced by rotation

there are many ways to rotate ...

% \dostepwiserecurse{0}{360}{10}
%   {\startlinecorrection[blank]
%  {\expanded{\setuprotate[rotation=\recurselevel]}%
%   \traceboxplacementtrue
%   \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=depth] 
{\ruledhbox{\bfb  (depth)%
%   \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=fit]   
%   \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=broad] 
{\ruledhbox{\bfb  (broad)%
%   \hbox to 
%   \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=high]  
{\ruledhbox{\bfb   (high)}


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] upgrading to latest ConTeXt

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
= Original Message From Hans Hagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
System complains that pdfetex.dll cannot be found. Sure enough, there is no
such dll in the distribution.

just use the old pdfetex and pdfetex.pool (i'll fix the mswin zip files

One more question:

I have a lot of private/generated stuff in texmf-local and texmf-fonts, much 
of it generated by texfont etc. Is it safe (after backup) to just drop the new 
C:/ConTeXt on top of the older one?

Is engine path working? Is there one command to generate both aleph and 
pdfetex formats or do I have to do this separately?

Any other upgrade tips are appreciated!


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Image Database

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen

Willi Egger wrote:

Jessica Holle wrote:

I've some questions about the Image Database.
I found no answers in the xfigure.pdf.

Can I generate the xml file automaticly?
I can use xmltools --dir --pattern=/home/tralal/*.jpg
but then in the xml file doesn't stad figure, there is file. so this
doesn't work I think.

Humble, I do not know what xmltools all can do. I use a perl-sript to 
generate the xml-file. - Please have a look into the attached file 

if you install cont-exa.zip, you can say:

rslibtool --add *.pdf

(other options are --delete --sort etc; undocumented)

Must everything be in the same folder? the xmlfile, the images and
my document I'm writing?
Or can I specify a directory in the xmlfile? So that the images can
be on an other folder than the xmlfile?

Normally I prepare a directory with the figures. The xml-file is then 
generated and compiled. The resulting figure-databse I transfer then 
to the directory where the tex files reside.

should be possible

Must the xmlfile be in the same directory than my document?

no, you can define paths with 


support for figure databases will move to rlxtools; although not yet documented, context supports on the fly conversions with caching (so that it only happens when needed) based on resource logs 

more about that later 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] dvipdfmx

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Dear crew,
Ok, I've got things working so far on the upgrade; the engine path works and I 
can use one command for both aleph and pdfetex; hooray!


Default dvipdfmx configuration is not right. Consider the following three 

% output=dvipdfmx





texexec test-upgrade

 TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005

fixing engine variable : pdfetex
executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : test-upgrade
output : dvipdfmx
 interface : en
  current mode : none
   TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3)
test-upgrade.dvi - test-upgrade.pdf
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: rsfs7  rsfs5   
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=original-base.map, 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ec-lmb10LMRomanDemi10-Regular
   ec-lm.enc lmb10.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=ec-public-lm.map, 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ucrb8t  NimbusMonL-Bold  
nc ucrb8a.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=ec-base.map, line=3.
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: lasy5  LASY5  lasy5.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: cmb10 CMB10 cmrm.enc  
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: 
** WARNING ** Could not locate a virual/physical font for TFM ec-lmr12.
** WARNING ** There are no valid font mapping entry
** ERROR ** Cannot continue...

Output file removed.

2. Now if I use the following

DVIPDFMX.EXE  -f context-base.map.dvipdfmx test-upgrade

I get a pdf file but still

C:\docs\Projects\Introislam\testDVIPDFMX.EXE  -f context-base.map.dvipdfmx 
test-upgrade.dvi - test-upgrade.pdf
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: rsfs7  rsfs5   
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=original-base.map, 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ec-lmb10LMRomanDemi10-Regular
   ec-lm.enc lmb10.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=ec-public-lm.map, 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ucrb8t  NimbusMonL-Bold  
nc ucrb8a.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=ec-base.map, line=3.
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: lasy5  LASY5  lasy5.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: cmb10 CMB10 cmrm.enc  
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: 
2927 bytes written

3. Finally, even compiling a total arabic document with no lmr at all gives me 
an ok arabic pdf, but I still get

testarabic.dvi - testarabic.pdf
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: rsfs7  rsfs5   
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=original-base.map, 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ec-lmb10LMRomanDemi10-Regular
   ec-lm.enc lmb10.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=ec-public-lm.map, 
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ucrb8t  NimbusMonL-Bold  
nc ucrb8a.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=ec-base.map, line=3.
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: qcrb  qcr.enc qcrb.pfb
** WARNING ** -- Reading fontmap file stopped at: file=qx-base.map, line=3.
** WARNING ** This .map file looks like using dvips format.
** WARNING ** -- Current input buffer is: ucrr8v  

Re: [NTG-context] upgrading to latest ConTeXt

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

I have a lot of private/generated stuff in texmf-local and texmf-fonts, much 
of it generated by texfont etc. Is it safe (after backup) to just drop the new 
C:/ConTeXt on top of the older one?


i think so

Is engine path working? Is there one command to generate both aleph and 
pdfetex formats or do I have to do this separately?

should work automatically

Any other upgrade tips are appreciated!

keep testing 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Aleph reminder

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Dear syndicate,

For those using aleph and ConTeXt: upon upgrading don't forget to comment all


lines in texmf.cnf, both in \texmf and \texmf-local, otherwise aleph will 
crash on e.g. over/underfull boxes.

If Giuseppe reads this: the main XeTeX developer believes he found the source 
of this bug (and a fix-)...


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] dvipdfmx

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
During processing, I get

fonts   : resetting map file list
fonts   : using map file: original-base
fonts   : using map file: ec-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: ec-base
fonts   : using map file: texnansi-base
fonts   : using map file: qx-base
fonts   : using map file: t5-base
fonts   : using map file: 8r-base
fonts   : using map file: original-ams-base
fonts   : using map file: original-ams-euler
fonts   : using map file: original-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: texnansi-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: qx-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: t5-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: pl0-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: il2-public-lm

Is this where dvipdfmx is running into difficulty?


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] upgrading to latest ConTeXt

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
= Original Message From Hans Hagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
Is engine path working? Is there one command to generate both aleph and
pdfetex formats or do I have to do this separately?

should work automatically

1. Can I do something in e.g. texexec.ini so that

texexec --make

generates both pdfetex and aleph formats? Right now I still have to compile 
the aleph format separately.

2. Also:

Although the tex engine per se is no longer needed, we still need to be able 
to e.g.,

aleph --ini *plain \dump

right now some files (like manfnt) are missing from the distribution. It's 
very important to be able to compile aleph in plain fmt for testing purposes 
(it's how i found at least a couple of context-aleph bugs, for ex.).



Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] dvipdfmx

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

Dear crew,
Ok, I've got things working so far on the upgrade; the engine path works and I 
can use one command for both aleph and pdfetex; hooray!


Default dvipdfmx configuration is not right. Consider the following three 

ctxtools --dpxmapfiles --force texmf 
ctxtools --dpxmapfiles --force texmf-local 
ctxtools --dpxmapfiles --force texmf-fonts 

will generate them, don't forget to mktexlsr 

btw, (new)texexec will automatically run dvipdfmx 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] new for french users

2005-08-18 Thread Hans Hagen


There are a couple of new features in the next version of pdftex. One of 
them is the ability to automatically add a kern before punctuation, 
which is important for french. So ... we can get rid of active : ; ! and 
? characters which is a good thing.

I'll upload a version that supports this. The handling is called 
prespacing and the values are experimental. A test could look like:

\definefont[whatever][myfont sa 1]
\setupalign[spacing] % nospacing

\whatever look at this: we now have a proper spacing feature and, hurray,
get rid of active punctuation!

but for document wide behaviour one should apply handling at the 
typeface level.

You can turn it on/off with the setupalign command (or the align=... k/v 
in other commands)

A windows test binary can be found at:


just move the exe and pool file to the right place and make a format.


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
| www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] TOC bug or feature?

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Hi Hans,

Did u intentionally make the option [sectionnumber=yes] the default for 
\placelist[]? This seems rather strange and arbitrary (chapter and subsection 
are not affected)...

Unfortunately, adding


also kills the sectioning numbers on the left of the titles... I need the 
sectioning labels in the left of the TOC but not in the page numbers...


% output=pdf interface=en

\setupcombinedlist [summary]\setupcombinedlist [summary][alternative=c,
% sectionnumber=no,





\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ }




\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ }




\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ }




\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ }





Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] bug in indentation

2005-08-18 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Dear knights,

There is apparently something wrong with the indenting mechanism in the latest 
context: I have to invoke indenting twice to cut it on (uncomment the second 

% output=pdf interface=en

\setupindenting[medium,next] % does not indent
%\setupindenting[medium,next] % need both to indent



\input knuth

\input knuth

\input knuth


log verifying version

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3) (format=cont-en 
2005.8.18)  18 AUG 2005 21:47
entering extended mode
\write18 enabled.
**cont-en testblank.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.08.15  fmt: 2005.8.18  int: english  mes: english

Similarly, if I want a local exception to the indentation I need something 




Also, dropped capes does not work well when indentation is on, calling for the 
local exception above.

Finally, \indenting and \noindenting don't work like they used to: bug or 

I actually spent hours trying to debug a huge manuscript (with messed up now 
fixed indentation) before finally realizing and isolating the problem.

Upgrading ConTeXt is always an adventure...


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] dvipdfmx

2005-08-18 Thread Jin-Hwan Cho

On Aug 19, 2005, at 7:19 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

ctxtools --dpxmapfiles --force texmf ctxtools --dpxmapfiles --force  
texmf-local ctxtools --dpxmapfiles --force texmf-fonts

will generate them, don't forget to mktexlsr
btw, (new)texexec will automatically run dvipdfmx

ctxtools does not make right font mapping files. Especially for slanted
fonts, it ignores -s slant option. For example, in

texnansi-raw-uplr8a-slanted-167 URWPalladioL-Roma 0.167 SlantFont 4  
 uplr8a.pfb texnansi.enc

is converted to

texnansi-raw-uplr8a-slanted-167 texnansi uplr8a

But the right one is

texnansi-raw-uplr8a-slanted-167 texnansi uplr8a -s .167

Does ctxtool use the same technique as updmap? Or, my teTeX (fink  

is old?

Best, ChoF.

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