[NTG-context] underbrace under stacked math error with latest beta (2013.12.26)

2013-12-27 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
A minimal example:

--- cut 
\def\2#1#2{\vcenter{\halign{\hfil ##\hfil\cr #1\cr#2\cr}}}



--- cut 

It works with 2013.05.28 00:36 MKIV current, correctly producing 

( specific )

(with bigger parens) with an underbrace and a 1 underneath the brace.

With 2013.12.26 12:50 MKIV beta, I get this error:

  ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \m_math_stackers_text_middle.

  system   tex  error on line 7 in file /home/sanjoy/sfse/test3.tex: 
Illegal parameter number in definition of  ...

   1 \def\2#1#2{\vcenter{\halign{\hfil ##\hfil\cr #1\cr#2\cr}}}
   2 \def\ptwo#1#2{\left(\2{#1}{#2}\right)}
   4 \starttext
   6 \startformula
   7   \underbrace{\ptwo{specific}{heat}}_{1}
   8 \stopformula
  10 \stoptext

  to be read again 
  \2#1#2l-\vcenter {\halign {\hfil ##\hfil 
   \cr #1\cr #2\cr }}
  \ptwo #1#2l-\left (\2{#1}{#2}
   \right )
  \math_stackers_make_double ...kers_text_middle {#6
}\edef \p_offset 
  l.7 \underbrace{\ptwo{specific}{heat}}

I've attached the log file.

The \ptwo{specific}{heat} by itself is fine.  Only when it is wrapped
in the \underbrace does the problem occur.



ConTeXt  ver: 2013.12.26 12:50 MKIV beta  fmt: 2013.12.26  int: english/english

system   'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
system   files  jobname 'test3', input './test3', result 'test3'
fontslatin modern fonts are not preloaded
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foundname=/home/sanjoy/sfse/test3.tex usedmethod=direct
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used file  12: filename=latinmodern-math.otf filetype=otf format=otf 
used file  13: filename=lpdf-pdx.xml filetype=tex 

[NTG-context] missing underbrace using palatino with latest beta (2013.12.26)

2013-12-27 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
A minimal example:

--- cut ---



--- cut ---

It works fine with 2013.05.28 00:36 MKIV current.

With 2013.12.26 12:50 MKIV beta, the underbrace disappears.  With a
bigger target (e.g. xyz instead of x) or with the default font, the
underbrace returns.
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] XML and ConTeXt - no XML text showing up in output

2013-12-27 Thread Steve Anderson
I'm following the instructions in
http://pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf for using XML in

When I run the first example, I get a PDF, but only the hard-coded text
string Contents is in the PDF; none of the strings from the XML file are
in the PDF.

Any ideas?

- Steve

Mac OSX 10.7.5, MacTEX-2013

I've created the following two files:

?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes?
!-- From http://pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf --
titleSome title/title
pa paragraph of text/p
panother paragraph of text/p

\startxmlsetups xml:demo:base
\startxmlsetups xml:demo:document
\startxmlsetups xml:demo:section
\startxmlsetups xml:demo:p

and the command I'm running is

  context demo-converter.tex

Standard out is:


ConTeXt  ver: 2013.04.20 01:15 MKIV current  fmt: 2013.12.26  int:

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system   files  jobname 'demo-converter', input
'./demo-converter', result 'demo-converter'
fontslatin modern fonts are not preloaded
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fontsbeware: no fonts are loaded yet, using 'lm mono' in box
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system   invalid \starttext ... \stoptext structure
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mkiv lua stats   loaded patterns: en::2
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mkiv lua stats   xml load time: 0.002 seconds, 1 files, 1 converted
mkiv lua stats   lxml preparation time: 0.000 seconds, 9 nodes, 20 lpath
calls, 1 cached calls
mkiv lua stats   result saved in file: demo-converter.pdf, compresslevel
3, objectcompreslevel 3
mkiv lua stats   loaded fonts: 1 files: lmmono10-regular.otf
mkiv lua stats   fonts load time: 0.042 seconds
mkiv lua stats   luatex banner: this is luatex, version
beta-0.76.0-2013052718  (tex live 2013) (rev 4627)
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pages, 2.959 pages/second

system  | total runtime: 1.382

and here's the log file


ConTeXt  ver: 2013.04.20 01:15 MKIV current  fmt: 2013.12.26  int:

system   'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
system   files  jobname 'demo-converter', input
'./demo-converter', result 'demo-converter'
fontslatin modern fonts are not preloaded
languageslanguage 'en' is active
structuresectioning  title @ level 2 : 0.0 - Contents
fontsbeware: no fonts are loaded yet, using 'lm mono' 

[NTG-context] Centering the last line in combination subcaptions

2013-12-27 Thread Jan Tosovsky
Hello Everyone,

I try to fill the entire page with two images with their captions. The final
page should be floating, keeping both images together and not containing any
other text.

I found this solution. It work fine for short captions / wide images.

\startplacefigure[location=page, number=no, title={}]

%\setupcombinations[align={hz, hanging}]

   {\externalfigure[cow]} {\input{ward}}
   {\externalfigure[cow]} {\input{ward}}


If captions are long and the image narrow, they are typeset on multiple
lines. Default centering produces the ragged column - both not very nice and
difficult to read. When the alignment is set to hanging, it looks better
except the last line which is not centered.

Is there any settings for centering the last line?

Can the 'column' width be somehow extended to e.g. 80% of text width? If not
via the 'combination', are there any better alternatives for my use case?

Any hint is appreciated.

Thanks, Jan

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net