Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-24 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 24 February 2014 05:21, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

 I've tentatively rewritten the first section of the PEP to try and
 accomplish this framing:
 Comments welcome etc.

I've not been following the discussion about this but just out of
interest is there no interest in Matlab style left- and right- matrix

Personally I always found the idea of matrix division confusing and
dislike teaching it to students but it does seem to be popular among
Matlab users.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] np.savetxt() default format

2014-02-24 Thread Daniele Nicolodi

I've noticed that numpy default format for saving data in ascii
representation with np.savetxt() is %.18e.  Given that the default
data type for numpy is double and that the resolution of doubles is 15
decimal digits, what's the reason of the the additional three digits?

The three additional digits are definitely not an issue, but I would
like to understand the reason why they are there.

Thanks. Best,
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] np.savetxt() default format

2014-02-24 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 24 February 2014 13:26, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:

 I've noticed that numpy default format for saving data in ascii
 representation with np.savetxt() is %.18e.  Given that the default
 data type for numpy is double and that the resolution of doubles is 15
 decimal digits, what's the reason of the the additional three digits?

 The three additional digits are definitely not an issue, but I would
 like to understand the reason why they are there.

It is reasonable to think of doubles as being limited to 15 decimal
digits when reasoning about rounding errors but that's a conservative

If you want to be able to round trip from IEEE-754 double precision to
decimal and back you need more than 15 digits. The difference between
1.0 and the next smallest double precision number appears only at the
16th decimal place:

 b = 1 + 1.01*2**-53
 len(repr(b)) - 2

I think the convention to use 18 digits generally stems from not fully
trusting the IEEE-754-ness of other systems that might read your data.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How exactly ought 'dot' to work?

2014-02-24 Thread Alan G Isaac
 23.02.2014 00:03, Nathaniel Smith kirjoitti:
 Currently numpy's 'dot' acts a bit weird for ndim2 or ndim1. In
 practice this doesn't usually matter much, because these are very
 rarely used. But, I would like to nail down the behaviour so we can
 say something precise in the matrix multiplication PEP.

 On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
 I'm not sure it's necessary to say much about this in the PEP. It should
 in my view concentrate on arguing why the new binop is needed in the
 Python language, and for that, restricting to 2D is good enough IMHO.

 How exactly Numpy makes use of the capability for  2-dim arrays is
 something that should definitely be discussed.

 But I think this is a problem mainly interesting for Numpy devs, and not
 for CPython devs.

On 2/24/2014 12:21 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 I actually disagree strongly. I think it's very important to make
 clear that we have a clear, well thought through, and
 cross-project approach to what @ is supposed to mean

I think Paul is right.  We know `@` is supposed to mean
matrix multiply when dealing with conformable 2d arrays.
That is the real motivation of the PEP.  I cannot see why
the PEP itself would need to go beyond that.  The behavior
of `@` in other cases seems a discussion that should go
*much* slower than that of the core of the PEP, which is
to get an operator for matrix multiplication.

Furthermore, I am not able to understand the principles
behind the discussion of how `@` should behave in other cases.
I do not think they are being clearly stated.  (I have added
a comment to the PEP asking for clarification.)  To be
concrete, if `@` is proposed to behave unlike Mathematica's
`Dot` command, I would hope to hear a very clear
mathematical motivation for this.  (Specifically, I do not
understand why `@` would do scalar product.)

Otoh, if the proposal is just that `@` should behave just like
NumPy's `dot` does, that should be simply stated.

Alan Isaac

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Proposal: Chaining with mdot helper function

2014-02-24 Thread Stefan Otte
Hey guys,

I just pushed an updated version to github:

Here is an ipython notebook with some experiments:

- I added (almost numpy compliant) documentation.
- I use a function for len(args) == 3 to improve the speed.
- Some general cleanup.

Before I create a pull request I have a few questions:
- Should there be an optimize argument or should we always optimize
the parentheses? There is an overhead, but maybe we could neglect it?
I think we should keep the flag, but set it to True by default.
- I currently use a recursive algorithm to do the multiplication. Any
- In which file should `mdot` live?
- I wrote a function `print_optimal_chain_order(D, A, B, C,
names=list(DABC))` which determines the optimal parentheses and
print out a numpy expression. It's kinda handy but do we actually need

Beste Grüße,

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Stefan Otte wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I quickly hacked together a prototype of the optimization step:

 I think there is still room for improvements so feedback is welcome :)
 I'll probably have some time to code on the weekend.

 @Nathaniel, I'm still not sure about integrating it in dot. Don't a
 lot of people use the optional out parameter of dot?

 The email you're replying to below about deprecating stuff in 'dot'
 was in reply to Eric's email about using dot on arrays with shape (k,
 n, n), so those comments are unrelated to the mdot stuff.

 I wouldn't mind seeing out= arguments become kw-only in general, but
 even if we decided to do that it would take a long deprecation period,
 so yeah, let's give up on 'dot(A, B, C, D)' as syntax for mdot.

 However, the suggestion of supporting[A, B, C, D]) still seems
 like it might be a good idea...? I have mixed feelings about it -- one
 less item cluttering up the namespace, but it is weird and magical to
 have two totally different calling conventions for the same function.


 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 If you send a patch that deprecates dot's current behaviour for ndim2,
 we'll probably merge it. (We'd like it to function like you suggest, for
 consistency with other gufuncs. But to get there we have to deprecate the
 current behaviour first.)

 While I'm wishing for things I'll also mention that it would be really neat
 if binary gufuncs would have a .outer method like regular ufuncs do, so
 anyone currently using ndim2 dot could just switch to that. But that's a
 lot more work than just deprecating something :-).


 On 20 Feb 2014 09:27, Eric Moore wrote:

 On Thursday, February 20, 2014, Eelco Hoogendoorn wrote:

 If the standard semantics are not affected, and the most common
 two-argument scenario does not take more than a single if-statement
 overhead, I don't see why it couldn't be a replacement for the existing; but others mileage may vary.

 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Stefan Otte


 so I propose the following.  I'll implement a new function `mdot`.
 Incorporating the changes in `dot` are unlikely. Later, one can still
 the features in `dot` if desired.

 `mdot` will have a default parameter `optimize`.  If `optimize==True`
 reordering of the multiplication is done.  Otherwise it simply chains

 I'll test and benchmark my implementation and create a pull request.

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

 Another consideration here is that we need a better way to work with
 stacked matrices such as np.linalg handles now.  Ie I want to compute the
 matrix product of two (k, n, n) arrays producing a (k,n,n) result.  Near as
 I can tell there isn't a way to do this right now that doesn't involve an
 explicit loop. Since dot will return a (k, n, k, n) result. Yes this output
 contains what I want but it also computes a lot of things that I don't want

 It would also be nice to be able to do a matrix product reduction, (k, n,
 n) - (n, n) in a single line too.


 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

 Nathaniel J. Smith

[Numpy-discussion] problems building numpy with ACML blas/lapack

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Hughes

I'm trying to build numpy from source to use AMD's ACML for matrix
multiplication (specifically the multi-threaded versions gfortran64_mp).
I'm able to successfully compile and use a working version of, but
my resulting installation doesn't pass numpy's test suite, instead, I get a
segfault. I'm hoping for some advice on what might be wrong...

 I'm on Debian, with a fresh install of Python-2.7.6. To install numpy,
I've followed exactly the instructions previously posted to this list by
Thomas Unterthiner. See
The only thing I've adjusted is to try to use the gfortran64_mp version of
ACML instead of just gfortran64.

Using those instructions, I can compile numpy-1.8.0 so that it successfully
uses the desired ACML libraries.  I can confirm this by `ldd
site-packages/numpy/core/`, which shows that I'm linked to as desired. Furthermore, some quick timing tests indicate
that for a 1000x1000 matrix X, calls to,X) have similar speeds as
using custom C code that directly calls the ACML libraries. So, dot seems
to work as desired.

However, when I run numpy.test(verbose=4), I find that I get a seg fault
test_einsum_sums_cfloat128 (test_einsum.TestEinSum) ... Segmentation fault

Any ideas what might be wrong? From my benchmark tests, ACML is way faster
than MKL or other options on my system, so I'd really like to use it, but I
don't trust this current install.

- Mike
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] argsort speed

2014-02-24 Thread Ondřej Čertík
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 11:09 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Ondřej Čertík

 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Julian Taylor wrote:
  On 17.02.2014 15:18, Francesc Alted wrote:
   On 2/17/14, 1:08 AM, wrote:
   On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Daπid
   On 16 February 2014 23:43, wrote:
   What's the fastest argsort for a 1d array with around 28 Million
   elements, roughly uniformly distributed, random order?
   On numpy latest version:
   for kind in ['quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort']:
print kind
%timeit np.sort(data, kind=kind)
%timeit np.argsort(data, kind=kind)
   1 loops, best of 3: 3.55 s per loop
   1 loops, best of 3: 10.3 s per loop
   1 loops, best of 3: 4.84 s per loop
   1 loops, best of 3: 9.49 s per loop
   1 loops, best of 3: 12.1 s per loop
   1 loops, best of 3: 39.3 s per loop
   It looks quicksort is quicker sorting, but mergesort is marginally
   sorting args. The diference is slim, but upon repetition, it
   Why is that? Probably part of the reason is what Eelco said, and
   that in sort comparison are done accessing the array elements
   directly, but
   in argsort you have to index the array, introducing some overhead.
   Thanks, both.
   I also gain a second with mergesort.
   matlab would be nicer in my case, it returns both.
   I still need to use the argsort to index into the array to also get
   the sorted array.
   Many years ago I needed something similar, so I made some functions
   sorting and argsorting in one single shot.  Maybe you want to reuse
   them.  Here it is an example of the C implementation:
   and here the Cython wrapper for all of them:
  that doesn't really make a big difference if the data is randomly
  the sorting operation is normally much more expensive than latter
  applying the indices:
  In [1]: d = np.arange(1000)
  In [2]: np.random.shuffle(d)
  In [3]: %timeit  np.argsort(d)
  1 loops, best of 3: 1.99 s per loop
  In [4]: idx = np.argsort(d)
  In [5]: %timeit d[idx]
  1 loops, best of 3: 213 ms per loop
  But if your data is not random it can make a difference as even
  quicksort can be a lot faster then.
  timsort would be a nice addition to numpy, it performs very well for
  partially sorted data. Unfortunately its quite complicated to
  Quicksort and shellsort gain speed by having simple inner loops. I have
  impression that timsort is optimal when compares and memory access are
  expensive, but I haven't seen any benchmarks for native types in

 I found some benchmarks for continuous memory here:

 The first one seems the best, it probably can be directly reused in numpy.
 The only issue is that it only sorts the array, but does not provide

 I'm impressed by the heapsort time. Heapsort is the slowest of the numpy
 sorts. So either the heapsort implementation is better than ours or the
 other sort are worse ;)

 Partially sorted sequence are pretty common, so timsort might be a worthy
 addition. Last time I looked, JDK was using timsort for sorting objects, and
 quicksort for native types. Another sort is dual pivot quicksort that I've
 heard some good things about.

 Adding indirect sorts isn't so difficult once the basic sort is available.
 Since the memory access tends to be larger as it gets randomly accessed,
 timsort might be a good choice for that.

Indeed, I think one has to be very careful about these benchmarks, since
it highly depends on the structure of the arrays being sorted.

I've been looking into this a bit, since I need some fast algorithm in Fortran,
that returns indices that sort the array. So far I use quicksort, but
this Timsort
might perform better for partially sorted arrays, which is typically
my use case.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread Matthew Brett

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
 Hi All,

 A lot of fixes have gone into the 1.8.x branch and it looks about time to do
 a bugfix release. There are a couple of important bugfixes still to
 backport, but if all goes well next weekend, March 1, looks like a good
 target date. So give the current 1.8.x branch a try so as to check that it
 covers your most urgent bugfix needs.

I'd like to volunteer to make a .whl build for Mac.   Is there
anything special I should do to coordinate with y'all?  It would be
very good to put it up on pypi for seamless pip install...

Thanks a lot,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread RayS
Has anyone alerted C Gohlke?

- Ray

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread Charles R Harris
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:54 PM, RayS wrote:

 Has anyone alerted C Gohlke?

 - Ray

Christolph seems to keep a pretty good eye on numpy and we rely on him to
test it on windows. In anycase, there are enough fixes backported, that I
think we better start with a 1.8.1rc.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread Jeff Reback
I am pretty sure that you guys test pandas master

but 1.8.1 looks good to me

 On Feb 24, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Charles R Harris 
 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:54 PM, RayS wrote:
 Has anyone alerted C Gohlke?
 - Ray
 Christolph seems to keep a pretty good eye on numpy and we rely on him to 
 test it on windows. In anycase, there are enough fixes backported, that I 
 think we better start with a 1.8.1rc.
 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread Matthew Brett

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
 Hi All,

 A lot of fixes have gone into the 1.8.x branch and it looks about time to do
 a bugfix release. There are a couple of important bugfixes still to
 backport, but if all goes well next weekend, March 1, looks like a good
 target date. So give the current 1.8.x branch a try so as to check that it
 covers your most urgent bugfix needs.

 I'd like to volunteer to make a .whl build for Mac.   Is there
 anything special I should do to coordinate with y'all?  It would be
 very good to put it up on pypi for seamless pip install...

Current trunk wheel at

Testing welcome.  You'll need OSX and latest setuptools and latest pip and :

curl -O
pip install --pre --no-index --find-links . numpy

I built the wheel on a 10.9 laptop and tested it on a bare-metal
no-compiler 10.6 laptop, so I think it will work.

I'll set up daily wheel build / tests on our buildbots as well.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] recfunctions

2014-02-24 Thread Charles R Harris
Hi All,

Does anyone recall if it was a deliberate choice to not expose recfunctions
in the lib package? This is apropos issue

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] recfunctions

2014-02-24 Thread Pierre GM

On February 25, 2014 at 01:26:51 , Charles R Harris ( 

Hi All,

Does anyone recall if it was a deliberate choice to not expose recfunctions in 
the lib package? This is apropos issue #4242.

Yes. This job was a rip-off of John Hunter’s similar functions on matplotlib 
(with some rewriting and extensions) that sounded like a good idea at the time. 
However, I never really used recarrays, so wasn’t sure whether the 
implementation could be useful and…
oh, look:
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Barker
What's up with the OpenBLAS work?

Any chance that might make it into official binaries? Or is is just too

Also -- from an off-hand comment in the thread is looked like OpenBLAS
could provide a library that selects for optimized code at run-time
depending on hardware -- this would solve the superpack problem with
wheels, which would be really nice...

Or did I dream that?


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Matthew Brett


 On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
  Hi All,
  A lot of fixes have gone into the 1.8.x branch and it looks about time
 to do
  a bugfix release. There are a couple of important bugfixes still to
  backport, but if all goes well next weekend, March 1, looks like a good
  target date. So give the current 1.8.x branch a try so as to check that
  covers your most urgent bugfix needs.

 I'd like to volunteer to make a .whl build for Mac.   Is there
 anything special I should do to coordinate with y'all?  It would be
 very good to put it up on pypi for seamless pip install...

 Thanks a lot,

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
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NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] 1.8.1 release

2014-02-24 Thread RayS
When will we see a
I'd like to get this into our organization's SRS, and a list of fixes 
(related or not) would be great.

- Ray

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] flatnonzero fails with lists

2014-02-24 Thread Alan G Isaac
I was surprised that `flatnonzero` fails with lists
because it calls the `ravel` method, which they do not have,
instead of using the `ravel` function.

I do not know that there is any policy that NumPy
functions should always work on lists,
but I have gotten used to them doing so. So I'm just
asking, is this intentional?  (version 1.7.1)

Alan Isaac
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] flatnonzero fails with lists

2014-02-24 Thread Charles R Harris
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Alan G Isaac wrote:

 I was surprised that `flatnonzero` fails with lists
 because it calls the `ravel` method, which they do not have,
 instead of using the `ravel` function.

 I do not know that there is any policy that NumPy
 functions should always work on lists,
 but I have gotten used to them doing so. So I'm just
 asking, is this intentional?  (version 1.7.1)

It's documented to take an ndarray, but I see no reason that it shouldn't
be modified to take array_like.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list