[nysbirds-l] Northern Wheatear at Wilson Hill WMA

2017-08-26 Thread Jeff Bolsinger
Alan Belford called me this evening to say that a group of birders from the 
Adirondacks he was leading had found a Northern Wheatear at Wilson Hill WMA in 
northern St. Lawrence County. I ran up there quickly and was able to get a 
couple of too-brief looks at it, and took a few poor photos that are included 
in the linked ebird checklist. Hopefully it stays put tonight so others can see 
it tomorrow. Note that tomorrow (Sunday, 27 August) is the last day that the 
restricted portions of Wilson Hill (including the spot where the wheatear was 
found today) will be open this summer. Here is my list from this evening: 


Directions: from highway 131 in the town of Louisville cross the Wilson Hill 
Causeway and turn left onto River Drive. Follow this to Wilson Hill Road and 
turn left, drive a short distance to the waterfowl check station and turn right 
onto a gravel road. Drive about 150 yards and check the mowed strips in the 
field for the wheatear; this evening it was in the second mowed strip on the 
right after the gate.

Jeff Bolsinger
Canton, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Northern Wheatear at Wilson Hill WMA

2017-08-26 Thread Jeff Bolsinger
Alan Belford called me this evening to say that a group of birders from the 
Adirondacks he was leading had found a Northern Wheatear at Wilson Hill WMA in 
northern St. Lawrence County. I ran up there quickly and was able to get a 
couple of too-brief looks at it, and took a few poor photos that are included 
in the linked ebird checklist. Hopefully it stays put tonight so others can see 
it tomorrow. Note that tomorrow (Sunday, 27 August) is the last day that the 
restricted portions of Wilson Hill (including the spot where the wheatear was 
found today) will be open this summer. Here is my list from this evening: 


Directions: from highway 131 in the town of Louisville cross the Wilson Hill 
Causeway and turn left onto River Drive. Follow this to Wilson Hill Road and 
turn left, drive a short distance to the waterfowl check station and turn right 
onto a gravel road. Drive about 150 yards and check the mowed strips in the 
field for the wheatear; this evening it was in the second mowed strip on the 
right after the gate.

Jeff Bolsinger
Canton, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Manhattan, NYC & a few other places, 8/23-25

2017-08-26 Thread Thomas Fiore
Thursday and Friday, 24th-25th August, 2017
New York City, NY - in Brooklyn, in Manhattan - and let’s hear it from all the 
other parts.

It’s the time for a lot of migrants, with the “cold” (at least, cooler) weather 
fronts passing in these 3 most recent days.  

In Brooklyn (Kings County), a report of Golden-winged Warbler (male) came 
through, as seen by Ted Young, at the Ravine area of that excellent park, on 
Wed., 8/23.  The report was e-birded, although no pix, but for those wishing to 
see the report, it’s here:  http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S38783513

The following day, a group led by Tom Stephenson, again at Prospect Park, with 
visitors attending from as far away as Michigan, found 14 Warbler species on 
the BBC walk (that’s the Brooklyn Bird Club, for those from a bit farther out & 
fans of the broadcast-publishing network of the other side of the big pond) 
which T. Stephenson usually has on a weekly migration-months basis.  
Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, and both waterthrush were among the sightings of 
that, although a Golden-winged was not among the Thursday walk finds.

At Manhattan’s Inwood Hill Park (at the far north end of the island) a 
Golden-winged Warbler was discovered on Friday, 8/25, by Nate O’Reilly, in the 
area of the path to Henry Hudson bridge. 

In Central Park (Manhattan) at least 25 species of warblers (plus a hybrid 
form) were seen, in the 2-day period, Thurs.-Fri. 8/24-25. There were a number 
of possible / probable first-of-fall sightings.  However as with all “FOS” 
sightings, it is a matter of observers and who is looking.  Many species may 
actually have occurred before, & even well before, specified-noted dates. 

Central Park, where I & many others were on both Thursday & Friday, had an 
obvious influx, and among the species noted there, by some of us, are:

Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron (flyover)
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Wood Duck (2)
Northern Shoveler (1)
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Lesser Yellowlegs (calling flyover, Thursday near Meer)
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
[American] Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo (Thursday & ?)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (on both days)
Chimney Swift (many both days)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (multiple)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker
Olive-sided Flycatcher (found by R. Pasquier, in the Ramble)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (many)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Willow/Alder Flycatcher (multiple of what are likely one of the 2 species)
Least Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher (multiple on both days)
Eastern Kingbird (many fly-bys early a.m. Thursday, fewer on Friday?)
Yellow-throated Vireo (N. Woods, late p.m.)
Warbling Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo (possibly same mentioned by Roger Pasquier; SE Maint. 
Meadow, p.m.)
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (multiple on Thursday)
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Thursday only, at the Pinetum)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (not rare on Thurs., fewer Friday?)
Veery (6+ in North End, Thursday a.m., several on Friday)
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing

Blue-winged Warbler
[hybrid] Lawrence's Warbler (thanks to Anders P. for posting this early to THIS 
Tennessee Warbler (Ramble and N. End, p.m.)
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler (multiple)
Magnolia Warbler
Cape May Warbler (adult male, the Pinetum, p.m.)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (males & females)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (not early for a singleton)
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler (several)
Prairie Warbler (Great Hill, late p.m.)
[‘Yellow'] Palm Warbler (a bit early - but not record-early)
Bay-breasted Warbler (Ramble, Tupelo-west, later in day)
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart (most numerous warbler of the 2 days)
Worm-eating Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush
Mourning Warbler (several)
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
Wilson's Warbler (at least several)
Canada Warbler (multiple)

Scarlet Tanager (several)
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Bobolink (multiple fly-overs: 6-7 a.m. Thursday, fewer Friday)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole (many migrants as well as possible lingerers)
Purple Finch (2, Friday)
House Finch
American Goldfinch (few)
House Sparrow 

Thanks to the many who quietly & patiently found a lot of the above birds.  

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:


[nysbirds-l] Manhattan, NYC & a few other places, 8/23-25

2017-08-26 Thread Thomas Fiore
Thursday and Friday, 24th-25th August, 2017
New York City, NY - in Brooklyn, in Manhattan - and let’s hear it from all the 
other parts.

It’s the time for a lot of migrants, with the “cold” (at least, cooler) weather 
fronts passing in these 3 most recent days.  

In Brooklyn (Kings County), a report of Golden-winged Warbler (male) came 
through, as seen by Ted Young, at the Ravine area of that excellent park, on 
Wed., 8/23.  The report was e-birded, although no pix, but for those wishing to 
see the report, it’s here:  http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S38783513

The following day, a group led by Tom Stephenson, again at Prospect Park, with 
visitors attending from as far away as Michigan, found 14 Warbler species on 
the BBC walk (that’s the Brooklyn Bird Club, for those from a bit farther out & 
fans of the broadcast-publishing network of the other side of the big pond) 
which T. Stephenson usually has on a weekly migration-months basis.  
Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, and both waterthrush were among the sightings of 
that, although a Golden-winged was not among the Thursday walk finds.

At Manhattan’s Inwood Hill Park (at the far north end of the island) a 
Golden-winged Warbler was discovered on Friday, 8/25, by Nate O’Reilly, in the 
area of the path to Henry Hudson bridge. 

In Central Park (Manhattan) at least 25 species of warblers (plus a hybrid 
form) were seen, in the 2-day period, Thurs.-Fri. 8/24-25. There were a number 
of possible / probable first-of-fall sightings.  However as with all “FOS” 
sightings, it is a matter of observers and who is looking.  Many species may 
actually have occurred before, & even well before, specified-noted dates. 

Central Park, where I & many others were on both Thursday & Friday, had an 
obvious influx, and among the species noted there, by some of us, are:

Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron (flyover)
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Wood Duck (2)
Northern Shoveler (1)
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Lesser Yellowlegs (calling flyover, Thursday near Meer)
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
[American] Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo (Thursday & ?)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (on both days)
Chimney Swift (many both days)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (multiple)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker
Olive-sided Flycatcher (found by R. Pasquier, in the Ramble)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (many)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Willow/Alder Flycatcher (multiple of what are likely one of the 2 species)
Least Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher (multiple on both days)
Eastern Kingbird (many fly-bys early a.m. Thursday, fewer on Friday?)
Yellow-throated Vireo (N. Woods, late p.m.)
Warbling Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo (possibly same mentioned by Roger Pasquier; SE Maint. 
Meadow, p.m.)
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (multiple on Thursday)
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Thursday only, at the Pinetum)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (not rare on Thurs., fewer Friday?)
Veery (6+ in North End, Thursday a.m., several on Friday)
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing

Blue-winged Warbler
[hybrid] Lawrence's Warbler (thanks to Anders P. for posting this early to THIS 
Tennessee Warbler (Ramble and N. End, p.m.)
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler (multiple)
Magnolia Warbler
Cape May Warbler (adult male, the Pinetum, p.m.)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (males & females)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (not early for a singleton)
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler (several)
Prairie Warbler (Great Hill, late p.m.)
[‘Yellow'] Palm Warbler (a bit early - but not record-early)
Bay-breasted Warbler (Ramble, Tupelo-west, later in day)
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart (most numerous warbler of the 2 days)
Worm-eating Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush
Mourning Warbler (several)
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
Wilson's Warbler (at least several)
Canada Warbler (multiple)

Scarlet Tanager (several)
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Bobolink (multiple fly-overs: 6-7 a.m. Thursday, fewer Friday)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole (many migrants as well as possible lingerers)
Purple Finch (2, Friday)
House Finch
American Goldfinch (few)
House Sparrow 

Thanks to the many who quietly & patiently found a lot of the above birds.  

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:


[nysbirds-l] NYS eBird Hotspots: New/Renamed Locations (19-Aug-'17)

2017-08-26 Thread Ben Cacace
Thanks to @Team_eBird for their dedication keeping eBird.org running
smoothly and for the group of New York State hotspot moderators for working
on shared location suggestions.

New and renamed shared locations (hotspots) have been updated for the 62
county wiki pages. You can find a summary of the changes below with
clickable links where pages exist for a dedicated hotspot.


The above links now appear on the home page (see below) on the 'Shared
Location Updates' line eliminating the need to refer back to this message:

Home page: http://ebirding-nys.wikispaces.com/Birding+in+New+York

The alphabetized page with all hotspots (5,835) has also been updated.
Links to both the New and Renamed pages appears on the 'Shared Location
Updates' line:

Alphabetical list of hotspots:

If you wish to merge your personal location with an existing hotspot here
are the steps:

— Sign into eBird.org
— Go to "My eBird" & select "Manage My Locations" in the right panel
— At the bottom of the screen click "Show All" to see all locations on one
— You can sort the list by clicking on any of the headers: Location,
Country, State/Province, County, Type* or # of Checklists
— Select your personal location (it will show a letter "P" under Type*) by
clicking "Edit" on the right side of the line
— Select the "Merge" button and you'll see all nearby hotspots as red icons
— Keep the checkmark for "Delete after merging" selected
— Click the icon that best fits your location
— ... now you'll see the hotspot description above the 'Merge' button along
with the # of checklists you'll be merging
— Click on the 'Merge' button
— Answer Yes to the 'Yes or No' query

All checklists for that personal location will be combined with the hotspot
with this process.

Ben Cacace
Manhattan, NYC
Wiki for NYS eBird Hotspots

Facebook Discussion for NYS eBird Hotspots: Q & A


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Common Nighthawks at Heckscher State Park (Suffolk Co.)

2017-08-26 Thread Ken Feustel
This evening at about 7:40 PM we observed, from the Field 7 parking lot, seven 
Common Nighthawks flying high over the marsh heading in a northeast direction. 
Also present in the small puddle in the Field 7 lot were a Pectoral Sandpiper, 
Lesser Yellowlegs (3), and Least Sandpiper (1).

Ken & Sue Feustel

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Common Nighthawks at Heckscher State Park (Suffolk Co.)

2017-08-26 Thread Ken Feustel
This evening at about 7:40 PM we observed, from the Field 7 parking lot, seven 
Common Nighthawks flying high over the marsh heading in a northeast direction. 
Also present in the small puddle in the Field 7 lot were a Pectoral Sandpiper, 
Lesser Yellowlegs (3), and Least Sandpiper (1).

Ken & Sue Feustel

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC - Sat., Aug. 26, 2017-Olive-sided & Yellow-Bellied Flycatchers, Black-billed Cuckoo, Northern Parula

2017-08-26 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC - Ramble
Saturday, August 26, 2017 
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights:  Olive-sided & Yellow-Bellied Flycatchers, Black-billed Cuckoo, 11 
species of Wood Warblers including first-of-season Northern Parulas.

Canada Goose - 7 at the Oven 
Mallard - 8 Turtle Pond
Mourning Dove - 2
Black-billed Cuckoo - south of Maintenance Field (Andrea Hessel (tweet), 
refound by Patty Pike)
Chimney Swift - 20
Herring Gull - flyovers
Black-crowned Night-Heron - adult Turtle Pond
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker - 4
Olive-sided Flycatcher - source of the Gill (David Barrett)
Eastern Wood-Pewee - south side of Summer House Meadow (David Barrett)
Empidonax Flycatcher - Oven
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Oven/Willow Rock (David Barrett & Deb)
Great Crested Flycatcher - Mugger's Woods north of the Gill (David Barrett)
Warbling Vireo - 3
Red-eyed Vireo - Maintenance Field - (Bob & Deb - early)
Blue Jay
American Crow - noisy flock of at least 6 flying around over Ramble
Black-capped Chickadee - Shakespeare Garden
White-breasted Nuthatch - 2 (Oven, Turtle Pond)
House Wren - Turtle Pond
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 3 (Upper Lobe, 2 Mugger's Woods)
Veery - at least 3 (Tupelo Field & Mugger's Woods)
Gray Catbird - many locactions
Northern Mockingbird - Oven (David Barrett)
Cedar Waxwing - 5 or 6 Mugger's Woods north of the Gill in Black Cherry
House Finch - several in ash at the Oven
Baltimore Oriole - 3 (Turtle Pond, 2 Mugger's Woods)
Common Grackle - several
Ovenbird - 3 (2 SE Turtle Pond, 1 Warbler Rock (Carine Mitchell))
Northern Waterthrush - 2 at the Oven (David Barrett)
Blue-winged Warbler - 5
Black-and-white Warbler - 7
Common Yellowthroat - 2 (Warbler Rock & SE Turtle Pond (Bob & Deb - early))
American Redstart - 35 (including 4 adult males)
Northern Parula - 2 Mugger's Woods north of the Gill - First-Of-Season (Deb)
Magnolia Warbler - 6
Yellow Warbler - 3 (Oak Bridge, Humming Tombstone, Turtle Pond)
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 8
Canada Warbler - 4
Northern Cardinal - female with juvenile, adults, juveniles

Deb Allen


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [nysbirds-l] Riverhead grasspipers

2017-08-26 Thread Carole Griffiths
Currently 4 Bairds and 2 Buff-breasted in same spot

From: bounce-121761548-14379...@list.cornell.edu 
 on behalf of John Gluth 

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2017 4:20:31 PM
To: NYSBIRDS-L-for posts posts
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Riverhead grasspipers

Two Baird's and 3 Buff-breasted sandpipers have been coming and going from a 
low, muddy patch in the harvested sod field on the east side of Doctor's Path, 
at the intersection with Reeve's. Associating with ~40 Semipalmated Plovers. 
All five are currently farther out in the field, just beyond the first strip of 
grass that runs north-south, between 2 yellow tractors. No golden Plovers here 
now or earlier on other sod fields in the area.

John Gluth,
Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:



NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [nysbirds-l] Riverhead grasspipers

2017-08-26 Thread Carole Griffiths
Currently 4 Bairds and 2 Buff-breasted in same spot

From: bounce-121761548-14379...@list.cornell.edu 
 on behalf of John Gluth 

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2017 4:20:31 PM
To: NYSBIRDS-L-for posts posts
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Riverhead grasspipers

Two Baird's and 3 Buff-breasted sandpipers have been coming and going from a 
low, muddy patch in the harvested sod field on the east side of Doctor's Path, 
at the intersection with Reeve's. Associating with ~40 Semipalmated Plovers. 
All five are currently farther out in the field, just beyond the first strip of 
grass that runs north-south, between 2 yellow tractors. No golden Plovers here 
now or earlier on other sod fields in the area.

John Gluth,
Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:



NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Riverhead grasspipers

2017-08-26 Thread John Gluth
Two Baird's and 3 Buff-breasted sandpipers have been coming and going from a 
low, muddy patch in the harvested sod field on the east side of Doctor's Path, 
at the intersection with Reeve's. Associating with ~40 Semipalmated Plovers. 
All five are currently farther out in the field, just beyond the first strip of 
grass that runs north-south, between 2 yellow tractors. No golden Plovers here 
now or earlier on other sod fields in the area.

John Gluth,
Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Riverhead grasspipers

2017-08-26 Thread John Gluth
Two Baird's and 3 Buff-breasted sandpipers have been coming and going from a 
low, muddy patch in the harvested sod field on the east side of Doctor's Path, 
at the intersection with Reeve's. Associating with ~40 Semipalmated Plovers. 
All five are currently farther out in the field, just beyond the first strip of 
grass that runs north-south, between 2 yellow tractors. No golden Plovers here 
now or earlier on other sod fields in the area.

John Gluth,
Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Upland Sandpiper & Buff-Breasted Sandpiper (Staten Island)

2017-08-26 Thread Jose Ramirez-Garofalo
At 1328 Anthony Ciancamino and I found an Upland Sandpiper and a
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Miller Field in Staten Island.

We were alerted to the presence of the Upland Sandpiper by its flight call
while we were scanning feeding shorebirds. Twenty minutes later (and after
hearing it call multiple times) we were able to locate the Upland Sandpiper
in the grass next to the airplane hangar.

The buff-breasted sandpiper was in the same area, feeding along the large
puddle in front of the hangar.

Good birding,

Jose & Anthony
José Ramírez-Garofalo

Research Assistant
College of Staten Island


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Upland Sandpiper & Buff-Breasted Sandpiper (Staten Island)

2017-08-26 Thread Jose Ramirez-Garofalo
At 1328 Anthony Ciancamino and I found an Upland Sandpiper and a
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Miller Field in Staten Island.

We were alerted to the presence of the Upland Sandpiper by its flight call
while we were scanning feeding shorebirds. Twenty minutes later (and after
hearing it call multiple times) we were able to locate the Upland Sandpiper
in the grass next to the airplane hangar.

The buff-breasted sandpiper was in the same area, feeding along the large
puddle in front of the hangar.

Good birding,

Jose & Anthony
José Ramírez-Garofalo

Research Assistant
College of Staten Island


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Vesper Sparrow - Freshkills Landfill (Staten Island)

2017-08-26 Thread Jose Ramirez-Garofalo
At least one adult Vesper Sparrow was present at Freshkills Landfill, as
well as several juvenile grasshopper sparrows and dozens of Bobolink.

José Ramírez-Garofalo

Research Assistant
College of Staten Island


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Reeve at Cupsogue

2017-08-26 Thread Anthony Collerton
Currently roosting with the shorebirds on the flat just N of the parking lot.

Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] White-winged Dove

2017-08-26 Thread Elizabeth Dinapoli
Whilst checking out the Grasspipers on Doctor's Path, Stacy Meyerheinrich 
noticed two Mourning Doves flying over the field west of the Grasspiper field. 
Turns out, one was a White-winged  Dove. Identified by Arie Gilbert. Also seen 
by myself, Pat Aiken, Kurt Meyerheinrich and a few others (lifer for a few of 
us here). 

Happy Birding!  Almost time for Oysters at Little Creek Oyster farm in 

Elizabeth A. DiNapoli B.A., M.Ed.
Manager of Clerkship Education
Physician Assistant Studies
School of Health Professions
New York Institute of Technology Old Westbury, NY 11568
516.686.3827 (w)
516.404.1984 (c)


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Grasspipers on Doctor's Path,Riverhead

2017-08-26 Thread Anthony Collerton
1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper
2 Baird's Sandpipers
4 American Golden Plovers

Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Grasspipers on Doctor's Path,Riverhead

2017-08-26 Thread Anthony Collerton
1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper
2 Baird's Sandpipers
4 American Golden Plovers

Sent from my iPhone


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:
