[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County (NYC) Fri., 5/14 - Blue Grosbeaks, Sum. Tanagers, Bobolinks, Seaside Sparrows, loads of other migrants

2021-05-14 Thread Tom Fiore
New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Governors, & Randall's IslandsFriday, May 14th -Two Blue Grosbeaks (adult male, and female type) were found on Governors Island, with multiple observers on Friday. At least ten Bobolinks were found at Governors Island (B. Cacace, also G. Willow, & others later on seeing this or near this number, in same area) - all in the area around Fort Jay.  Thanks to all of the Gov.-Island birders on Fri., 5/14.A later report from others at Governors Island noted Seaside Sparrow[s], a less-common sighting for N.Y. County.  One of those sparrows was re-found & photo'd again, with the Macaulay library archive having part of that record: https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/338216151 (thanks to the Plowmans and to J. Wilson for photo & add'l. report)Also good variety of warblers, including Bay-breasted, & many other migrants (and some breeders), from Governors Island on the day. (Lots of birder-coverage of this island on this day!). There also were some excellent migrant finds on Randall's Island, and all around Manhattan island. Two Summer Tanagers (at least) continued in Manhattan with a female-type at Central Park, & an adult male showing in Morningside Park up near M-side Drive, W. 115th St. area. (Scarlet Tanagers continue in good numbers.)Bay-breasted Warblers galore - seen in multiple locations, for example at least one in Washington Square Park in the west village area of Manhattan - and more than 8 individuals in Central Park, with at least 4 in the Ramble area alone, plus more spread around that park - & in multiple other parks, as well.  At least 4 Manhattan parks achieved having 20 or more warbler species on the day, in part thanks to some of the earlier-moving species still around, while typically-later species were a bit more numerous, such as the above-noted, & also (for example) Wilson's, Canada, & more Blackpoll Warblers (although the latter species still in fairly low numbers).  Red-breasted Nuthatch & Purple Finch continued as the most-regular of the irruptive species seen now returning to breeding areas. Also still passing, at least a few Pine Siskins, along with American Goldfinch.  Some cuckoos were again seen in several N.Y. County locations, all ID'd seem to have been Yellow-billed, but Black-billed also may well still be in the area, indeed these 2 cuckoo spp. can, some springs, be passing through even into June.  There were hatch-outs of insects in multiple locations, situations where flocks of migrants will descend to feast on the sudden bounties.Much of the Thursday-night migration passed by, through, over N.Y. City - and gave a large swath of northeastern N. America a very good day of arriving birds, through multiple states & provinces.good birding to all,Tom Fioremanhattan

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[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County (NYC) Fri., 5/14 - Blue Grosbeaks, Sum. Tanagers, Bobolinks, Seaside Sparrows, loads of other migrants

2021-05-14 Thread Tom Fiore
New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Governors, & Randall's IslandsFriday, May 14th -Two Blue Grosbeaks (adult male, and female type) were found on Governors Island, with multiple observers on Friday. At least ten Bobolinks were found at Governors Island (B. Cacace, also G. Willow, & others later on seeing this or near this number, in same area) - all in the area around Fort Jay.  Thanks to all of the Gov.-Island birders on Fri., 5/14.A later report from others at Governors Island noted Seaside Sparrow[s], a less-common sighting for N.Y. County.  One of those sparrows was re-found & photo'd again, with the Macaulay library archive having part of that record: https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/338216151 (thanks to the Plowmans and to J. Wilson for photo & add'l. report)Also good variety of warblers, including Bay-breasted, & many other migrants (and some breeders), from Governors Island on the day. (Lots of birder-coverage of this island on this day!). There also were some excellent migrant finds on Randall's Island, and all around Manhattan island. Two Summer Tanagers (at least) continued in Manhattan with a female-type at Central Park, & an adult male showing in Morningside Park up near M-side Drive, W. 115th St. area. (Scarlet Tanagers continue in good numbers.)Bay-breasted Warblers galore - seen in multiple locations, for example at least one in Washington Square Park in the west village area of Manhattan - and more than 8 individuals in Central Park, with at least 4 in the Ramble area alone, plus more spread around that park - & in multiple other parks, as well.  At least 4 Manhattan parks achieved having 20 or more warbler species on the day, in part thanks to some of the earlier-moving species still around, while typically-later species were a bit more numerous, such as the above-noted, & also (for example) Wilson's, Canada, & more Blackpoll Warblers (although the latter species still in fairly low numbers).  Red-breasted Nuthatch & Purple Finch continued as the most-regular of the irruptive species seen now returning to breeding areas. Also still passing, at least a few Pine Siskins, along with American Goldfinch.  Some cuckoos were again seen in several N.Y. County locations, all ID'd seem to have been Yellow-billed, but Black-billed also may well still be in the area, indeed these 2 cuckoo spp. can, some springs, be passing through even into June.  There were hatch-outs of insects in multiple locations, situations where flocks of migrants will descend to feast on the sudden bounties.Much of the Thursday-night migration passed by, through, over N.Y. City - and gave a large swath of northeastern N. America a very good day of arriving birds, through multiple states & provinces.good birding to all,Tom Fioremanhattan

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