Re: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-06-04 Thread Matt Genovese


Thanks for the info. Actually, I was toying around with the
SocketConnect VPE module tonight, and actually found an OpenDX listserv
message back from 2000 where the developer mentioned how he utilized
this shared memory buffer. So (by coincidence) I was planning to look
at that myself too; thanks for the tip!

Per some previous correspondence, I was debating on whether I should
use this socket interface where DX Objects are streamed to the socket,
or just send my raw data (much more compactly) from my application to
DX (using my own socket interface), and then formulate the DX Objects
in the DX-side module. This may be more efficient in terms of socket
throughput. But even so, I may still try this socketconnect interface
because it would be quicker to use (since it's already written.) -
seems easy enough.

Thanks again for your help,

University of Texas at Austin
(formerly from Owego, NY though - your neck of the woods, Drew)

Andrew J. Dolgert wrote:

  Re: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX
  Hi Matt,
  I like your approach and
Mike's suggestions. His way of embedding OpenDX sounds very nice.
  As to whether you can use
the Image viewer from C calls, I'm not sure, either, because I've never
tried running a network through C calls. I recall Pelkie explaining to
me that the Image module has a bunch of stuff in it that wrapsother
modules like Display and Camera, and I think Image is unduly intimate
with the GUI, so it makes sense it might not be available as such, but
Mike seems to have a workaround.
  There is a module in the
VPE called socketconnect. I looked and couldn't find it while trying
to answer your last message. Glad you found it. It isn't implemented
on my dear Windows version, but I looked at the code, and it has a
flippin' sweet protocol: 1. integer length of buffer to send 2. the
buffer. Then you close the socket. Internally, it treats that buffer
as a serialized version of a DX Object and deserializes it. On your
client, that means you need to take your data, create a DX Object, and
then turn that Object into a string. The command you will use to
serialize is
_dxfExportBin_Buffer(Object o, int* size, void **buffer);
  It returns NULL on error
and your input o on success. I'm telling you about this command b/c I
don't recall seeing it in the docs even though it is exported from one
of the libs.
  If you want to implement a
shared memory copy, you can start from socketconnect.c.

Re: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-06-03 Thread Matt Genovese

Drew  Mike,

Thanks very much for the insight.  I am admittedly new to OpenDX, and 
appreciate your guidance.

I am currently taking your advice and ascribing to the strategy of 
sending my raw data (via a TCP/IP socket) to an OpenDX module that 
translates the data into DX Objects (Fields, etc.).  I will undertake 
this socket approach because it's obviously expandable to network 
implementations, though not a fast as using shared memory.  I also 
noticed there is an import via socket module available in the VPE; have 
you had any experience with this?

As Mike mentioned, I observed in the call_module DX samples where it 
appears the VPE data flow graphs are essentially coded into C: a 
program-schematic of the data flow, analogous to the VPE 
implementation.  For the data receiver / viewer, I may take this 
approach because of it's obvious speed increase.  This doesn't preclude 
me from using the DX image viewer, correct?

I agree that it seems much easier to use the DX viewer natively rather 
than creating a middle-man that has to constantly request and receive 
updates from DX.  It seems to me I could still write my custom GUI in Qt 
(later on), and simply instruct DX what to display / do via C-calls (via 
the callm lib).  This way, I'd still utilize the original DX image / 
visualization window (for zoom, rotation, etc.), but allow my front-end 
GUI to manipulate it in terms of which data is displayed, and how, etc.

If there's any errors in my plans or assumptions, please let me know.

Thanks again,


Michael Zelenik wrote:

Drew correctly points out the difficulty of using the VPE and
data flow environment for robust or commercial products.

However, all of the DX functionality IS available through the
library routines, either directly in an explicit routine, or
through the valuable DXCallModule() function, which allows you
to run any module just as in the VPE.  This also includes
Image and Display modules, with event handling.

Using this approach, we have created robust commercial products
entirely in C. without the dxexec or the VPE. These products make
extensive use of the DX functionality and data model inside, and
the Display module outside. They also provide excellent user
interactivity with complex 3D displays (much better than one can
get in the data flow environment). In general, we prototype in
the VPE, and then write the C version after we see where things
going, often as an iterative process. It has worked very well.

In my opinion, this is the ONLY way to write anything that is of
large size or complexity, and certainly anything that needs good
error handling.  But, like everything else with DX, there is a
learning curve, but once over that, it becomes very nice to work
with (except for memory handling sometimes).

If you search back through the archives for my name in the
From or Body fields, you can see some discussion about this back
in 2000 or so.


Andrew J. Dolgert wrote:

Hi Matt,

You can set variables in a running copy of DX using DXLink, but you are
correct that you send them as text. There are helper routines in one of
the libraries that let you write a loadable module and external program
which talk with each other over sockets.  These routines are commented
out in the Windows build, by the way, with a big #ifndef WIN32. You
would want to combine the two in order to have full control over DX.
Send data on the socket; change parameters through the script.

If you want to use shared memory, you have to write it yourself as a
loadable module in DX. On Windows, you have to roll your own anyway.
Writing a module isn't so bad, though.  MPI is also available, as I
think about it, and implementations of MPI sometimes use shared memory
on local machines. I haven't looked into using MPI with DX and suspect
it is implemented mostly for parallel execution of modules, not for
receiving data from remote processes.

If you don't have a running copy of DX, then you can still use library
methods to decode arrays and such, but you can't load a DX net. Without
a DX net, what good is doing visualization in DX? I think this technique
is best for translators to/from DX. For instance, if your program wanted
to create a DX Object and then send it to DX, it could use the library
to make the relevant Arrays and Objects, then use _dxfExportBin_buffer
to turn this object into a byte stream, send the byte stream to DX, and
then have a DX module decode it with _dxfImportBin_buffer.  More likely,
you'll write a DX module that receives data in your preferred format and
then creates the Object on the fly.

When you control DX from an external program, the simplest way is to
allow DX to show its own Image window. If you want the display in your
own program, then see the Tk example in the distribution. Every time you
try to rotate the image, you have to request that DX rotate the image
and return the result. If you want to test whether this will work well
enough for you, you could 

RE: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-06-03 Thread Michael Zeleznik
Matt wrote:
 there is an import via socket module available in the VPE; have 
 you had any experience with this?

I have not used it.

 As Mike mentioned, I observed in the call_module DX samples where it 
 appears the VPE data flow graphs are essentially coded into C: a 
 program-schematic of the data flow, analogous to the VPE 
 implementation.  For the data receiver / viewer, I may take this 
 approach because of it's obvious speed increase.  This doesn't preclude 
 me from using the DX image viewer, correct?

The following is based on what we currently do, which grew out
of our initial use of this approach in 1997.  Things may well
have changed since then, but I think the basics will be the same.

You can use Display, but Image was (is?) not available.
This is not the limitation that it might initially sound
like, since default rotate/pan/zoom interactors are provided.
But I believe they may only be available in software rendering
mode, since we end up using our own and I think that was the
reason. I just took them directly from the code in Image().
Then, the Supervise* modules provide all that you need for
window and event handling, with events tied to whatever
functionality you want.

So, for example, to interact with one object in a Display
of many objects, you can catch a button down event, call
Pick to find the object, replace the object with a simpler
geometry version (for interaction speed), and then
apply a transform to it based on the cursor motion, and then
rerender via Display. And then repeat as long as the button
is down. Then on button up you can put the original object
back in and Display. This all happens in a tight event loop
down inside Display/Supervise* so it's very fast.

 I agree that it seems much easier to use the DX viewer natively rather 
 than creating a middle-man that has to constantly request and receive 
 updates from DX.  It seems to me I could still write my custom GUI in Qt 
 (later on), and simply instruct DX what to display / do via C-calls (via 
 the callm lib).  This way, I'd still utilize the original DX image / 
 visualization window (for zoom, rotation, etc.), but allow my front-end 
 GUI to manipulate it in terms of which data is displayed, and how, etc.

That should work.  We generally try to keep the GUI separate from
the rest of the code with a functional interface; with the GUI
either telling the rest of the code what to do, or displaying
results from it.
 If there's any errors in my plans or assumptions, please let me know.
 Thanks again,
 Michael Zelenik wrote:
 Drew correctly points out the difficulty of using the VPE and
 data flow environment for robust or commercial products.
 However, all of the DX functionality IS available through the
 library routines, either directly in an explicit routine, or
 through the valuable DXCallModule() function, which allows you
 to run any module just as in the VPE.  This also includes
 Image and Display modules, with event handling.
 Using this approach, we have created robust commercial products
 entirely in C. without the dxexec or the VPE. These products make
 extensive use of the DX functionality and data model inside, and
 the Display module outside. They also provide excellent user
 interactivity with complex 3D displays (much better than one can
 get in the data flow environment). In general, we prototype in
 the VPE, and then write the C version after we see where things
 going, often as an iterative process. It has worked very well.
 In my opinion, this is the ONLY way to write anything that is of
 large size or complexity, and certainly anything that needs good
 error handling.  But, like everything else with DX, there is a
 learning curve, but once over that, it becomes very nice to work
 with (except for memory handling sometimes).
 If you search back through the archives for my name in the
 From or Body fields, you can see some discussion about this back
 in 2000 or so.
 Andrew J. Dolgert wrote:
 Hi Matt,
 You can set variables in a running copy of DX using DXLink, but you are
 correct that you send them as text. There are helper routines in one of
 the libraries that let you write a loadable module and external program
 which talk with each other over sockets.  These routines are commented
 out in the Windows build, by the way, with a big #ifndef WIN32. You
 would want to combine the two in order to have full control over DX.
 Send data on the socket; change parameters through the script.
 If you want to use shared memory, you have to write it yourself as a
 loadable module in DX. On Windows, you have to roll your own anyway.
 Writing a module isn't so bad, though.  MPI is also available, as I
 think about it, and implementations of MPI sometimes use shared memory
 on local machines. I haven't looked into using MPI with DX and suspect
 it is implemented mostly for parallel execution of modules, not for
 receiving data from remote processes.
 If you don't 

RE: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-06-03 Thread Andrew J. Dolgert
Title: Re: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

Hi Matt,

I like your approach and Mike's 
suggestions. His way of embedding OpenDX sounds very nice.

As to whether you can use the Image viewer 
from C calls, I'm not sure, either, because I've never tried running a network 
through C calls. I recall Pelkie explaining to me that the Image module 
has a bunch of stuff in it that wrapsother modules like Display and 
Camera, and I think Image is unduly intimate with the GUI, so it makes sense it 
might not be available as such, but Mike seems to have a 

There is a module in the VPE called 
socketconnect. I looked and couldn't find it while trying to answer your 
last message. Glad you found it. It isn't implemented on my dear 
Windows version, but I looked at the code, and it has a flippin' sweet protocol: 
1. integer length of buffer to send 2. the buffer. Then you close the 
socket. Internally, it treats that buffer as a serialized version of a DX 
Object and deserializes it. On your client, that means you need to take 
your data, create a DX Object, and then turn that Object into a string. 
The command you will use to serialize is

Object _dxfExportBin_Buffer(Object o, int* 
size, void **buffer);

It returns NULL on error and your input o 
on success. I'm telling you about this command b/c I don't recall seeing 
it in the docs even though it is exported from one of the libs.

If you want to implement a shared memory 
copy, you can start from socketconnect.c.


RE: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-05-31 Thread Andrew J. Dolgert
Hi Matt,

You can set variables in a running copy of DX using DXLink, but you are
correct that you send them as text. There are helper routines in one of
the libraries that let you write a loadable module and external program
which talk with each other over sockets.  These routines are commented
out in the Windows build, by the way, with a big #ifndef WIN32. You
would want to combine the two in order to have full control over DX.
Send data on the socket; change parameters through the script.

If you want to use shared memory, you have to write it yourself as a
loadable module in DX. On Windows, you have to roll your own anyway.
Writing a module isn't so bad, though.  MPI is also available, as I
think about it, and implementations of MPI sometimes use shared memory
on local machines. I haven't looked into using MPI with DX and suspect
it is implemented mostly for parallel execution of modules, not for
receiving data from remote processes.

If you don't have a running copy of DX, then you can still use library
methods to decode arrays and such, but you can't load a DX net. Without
a DX net, what good is doing visualization in DX? I think this technique
is best for translators to/from DX. For instance, if your program wanted
to create a DX Object and then send it to DX, it could use the library
to make the relevant Arrays and Objects, then use _dxfExportBin_buffer
to turn this object into a byte stream, send the byte stream to DX, and
then have a DX module decode it with _dxfImportBin_buffer.  More likely,
you'll write a DX module that receives data in your preferred format and
then creates the Object on the fly.

When you control DX from an external program, the simplest way is to
allow DX to show its own Image window. If you want the display in your
own program, then see the Tk example in the distribution. Every time you
try to rotate the image, you have to request that DX rotate the image
and return the result. If you want to test whether this will work well
enough for you, you could expand the Tk example to allow rotations. You
may want to do this to prove to yourself that DX can fulfill your
technical requirements.

I probably have some of this wrong b/c I know better the things I did
than everything doable in DX.  People have wrenched this program into
all sorts of amazing capabilities over the years. While the data model
of DX is great and it is a very expressive visual language, it is not
good at being embedded in other programs because it runs as a separate
process, doesn't have structured error modes to the controlling process,
and the executive sometimes dies.  All this is probably okay for an
academic tool, but, again, it depends on your requirements.

Drew Dolgert
Cornell Theory Center

RE: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-05-31 Thread Michael Zeleznik
Drew correctly points out the difficulty of using the VPE and
data flow environment for robust or commercial products.

However, all of the DX functionality IS available through the
library routines, either directly in an explicit routine, or
through the valuable DXCallModule() function, which allows you
to run any module just as in the VPE.  This also includes
Image and Display modules, with event handling.

Using this approach, we have created robust commercial products
entirely in C. without the dxexec or the VPE. These products make
extensive use of the DX functionality and data model inside, and
the Display module outside. They also provide excellent user
interactivity with complex 3D displays (much better than one can
get in the data flow environment). In general, we prototype in
the VPE, and then write the C version after we see where things
going, often as an iterative process. It has worked very well.

In my opinion, this is the ONLY way to write anything that is of
large size or complexity, and certainly anything that needs good
error handling.  But, like everything else with DX, there is a
learning curve, but once over that, it becomes very nice to work
with (except for memory handling sometimes).

If you search back through the archives for my name in the
From or Body fields, you can see some discussion about this back
in 2000 or so.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrew J.
 Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:07 AM
 Subject: RE: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX
 Hi Matt,
 You can set variables in a running copy of DX using DXLink, but you are
 correct that you send them as text. There are helper routines in one of
 the libraries that let you write a loadable module and external program
 which talk with each other over sockets.  These routines are commented
 out in the Windows build, by the way, with a big #ifndef WIN32. You
 would want to combine the two in order to have full control over DX.
 Send data on the socket; change parameters through the script.
 If you want to use shared memory, you have to write it yourself as a
 loadable module in DX. On Windows, you have to roll your own anyway.
 Writing a module isn't so bad, though.  MPI is also available, as I
 think about it, and implementations of MPI sometimes use shared memory
 on local machines. I haven't looked into using MPI with DX and suspect
 it is implemented mostly for parallel execution of modules, not for
 receiving data from remote processes.
 If you don't have a running copy of DX, then you can still use library
 methods to decode arrays and such, but you can't load a DX net. Without
 a DX net, what good is doing visualization in DX? I think this technique
 is best for translators to/from DX. For instance, if your program wanted
 to create a DX Object and then send it to DX, it could use the library
 to make the relevant Arrays and Objects, then use _dxfExportBin_buffer
 to turn this object into a byte stream, send the byte stream to DX, and
 then have a DX module decode it with _dxfImportBin_buffer.  More likely,
 you'll write a DX module that receives data in your preferred format and
 then creates the Object on the fly.
 When you control DX from an external program, the simplest way is to
 allow DX to show its own Image window. If you want the display in your
 own program, then see the Tk example in the distribution. Every time you
 try to rotate the image, you have to request that DX rotate the image
 and return the result. If you want to test whether this will work well
 enough for you, you could expand the Tk example to allow rotations. You
 may want to do this to prove to yourself that DX can fulfill your
 technical requirements.
 I probably have some of this wrong b/c I know better the things I did
 than everything doable in DX.  People have wrenched this program into
 all sorts of amazing capabilities over the years. While the data model
 of DX is great and it is a very expressive visual language, it is not
 good at being embedded in other programs because it runs as a separate
 process, doesn't have structured error modes to the controlling process,
 and the executive sometimes dies.  All this is probably okay for an
 academic tool, but, again, it depends on your requirements.
 Drew Dolgert
 Cornell Theory Center

RE: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-05-31 Thread Michael Zeleznik
I wrote:
 ... all of the DX functionality IS available through the
 library routines...

That is, except for the VPE, data flow, and interactors. But the
idea is that you don't need or want the data flow when doing
this, since you then have much better control over everything.
And in general, one wants to use their own tools for user
interactors anyway.



Re: [opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-05-30 Thread Alan Louis Scheinine

I linked Qt with DX and it always crashed, even though I tried
various ways of making sure that DX was in a thread that did not
wait a long time.  My solution was to connect DX with Qt using
CORBA, the free OmniORB.  Though it seems complicated to through
into the mix yet another tool, it works.  Data transfer is with
a socket, the Qt - CORBA - DX is for instructions.  DX is linked
with CORBA and as a separate process Qt is linked with CORBA.
best regards,

 Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna
 Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia

 Postal Address:   |  Physical Address for FedEx, UPS, DHL:
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 C.P. n. 25|  Loc. Pixina Manna Edificio 1
 09010 Pula (Cagliari), Italy  |  09010 Pula (Cagliari), Italy


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 Operator at reception: 070 9250 1  [+39 070 9250 1]
 Mobile phone: 347 7990472  [+39 347 7990472]

[opendx-users] Usage model for OpenDX

2005-05-28 Thread Matt Genovese


I am working on a software tool for my Masters thesis / project using 
OpenDX.  I am currently going through all the OpenDX documentation 
(users guide, programming reference, etc.) and examples, and though it 
is extensive, I am still coming away with uncertainty regarding the best 
approach to use for my implementation.  Before I start any massive 
coding effort on the visualization portion of the tool, I'd like to 
solicit some guidance from more experienced users / developers.  So here 
we go

My situation is the following:  I have a tool that is collecting some 
data, written entirely in C++.  I'd like to have this tool be able to 
send the data to DX (directly via shared memory or a socket, but not a 
file).  This tool does not need to provide any visualization or GUI 
interface; rather, it only translates my data into data objects for use 
by DX.  Then, I plan to have a separate viewer (different OS thread / 
main) that will interface with DX and be able to visualize this data 
concurrently with the data being sent by the above tool. 

So, to summarize, there are two threads: from one side, DX is receiving 
data from a tool, and the other side, a viewer is allowing the user to 
visualize / manipulate the data as it arrives.  Obviously, it is 
ultimately necessary to have the arriving data also sent to a file for 
off-line visualization, but what I'm trying to stress is that I'd like 
to visualize data as it is received by DX.

Is this scenario possible?  I would imagine it is, but I'm thrown off by 
the various libraries available (DXlite, DXcallm, DXL), and which to use 
for the tool-DX connection, and the DX-viewer connection.  I parsed 
and run several DX samples, but still cannot ascertain the best 
approach.  For the tool-DX connection, it seems the DXlite should be 
used per the programming guide since it is primarily meant to interact 
with the data model.  Does this then allow my viewer to run in a 
separate thread to visualize this same data as it arrives?  For the 
DX-viewer connection, I have wavered which library (DXcallm or DXL) 
should be used (#2 below).

Uncertainties / wish list:
1.  It would be nice to have the ability for the viewer to connect to DX 
either via shared memory (faster if viewing on same machine as tool is 
running) OR socket (for remove viewing).and to be able to select 
this at run-time.

2.  By using the DXLink library, it looks like any C/C++ code will 
interface via script commands to DX.  Conceptually, this seems slow 
because of the parsing that must be implemented by DX (versus direct DX 
library calls to achieve the same functionality).  However, I like the 
idea of DXL because it means I can take advantage of the DX Executive 
caching, etc.  This is in contrast to the DXcallm lib, where I don't get 
the benefits of the DX Executive, but I have this non-script C++ 
interface to use.  Could really use some guidance on this.

3.  On a somewhat unrelated topic, during this process of visualizing 
while data is received by the viewer, is it possible to remove data 
points from the data model?  In other words, the plan is to have data 
sent to DX from the tool, which is adding data to the data model 
(concurrent with visualizing the constantly updated data model).but 
is it possible for the tool to also remove data points from the data 
model as well, without corrupting DX?

4.  For the viewer, I am looking at using Trolltech Qt for my GUI 
interface.  I saw an opendx-users from 2003 where Alan Scheinine was 
attempting this also.  I am just saying this as an FYI, since maybe that 
throws a monkey wrench in the system that I am not aware of.  Obviously, 
I'm planning to use Qt for its clean GUI and internal interfaces, and 
relatively good GUI builder.  Also, if anyone has any advice re: using 
Qt  DX, I'd appreciate it (as I really only found the two opendx-users 
posts via Google on the topic).

Again, any guidance or suggestions (or even sample code) would be 
greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance for taking the time to read all 

Best Regards,

Matt Genovese
University of Texas at Austin