To those who wish to unsubscribe, may I suggest that you send  a message
to the following address:


with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

More generally, if you forget how to unsubscribe to a mailing list, you
can almost always find subscribe/unsubscribe instructions by going to
the domain after the "@" symbol in the mailing list "From" header.  For
example, you could find subscription instructions for the
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" by going to and following the links to "Services"
--> "OpenHealth mailing list"  While it takes a bit more time, it will
prevent you from making what many perceive to be an irritating faux pas.

If for some reason you can't find out how to unsubscribe by the
procedure above, or your efforts to unsubscribe fail, then it is
appropriate to politely ask how to unsubscribe on the main list. 
However, demanding to be unsubscribed e.g. "Unsubscribe me NOW!", making
multiple requests in a short period of time, and writing in ALL CAPS
will generally be perceived as quite rude.  

In addition, no one except for the list administrator and
yourself can unsubscribe you.  The list administrator may not monitor
the main list all of the time (e.g. he may be on vacation, a business
etc.) so your messages will simply fill up the message boxes of the
100's of subscribers, none of whom can do anything about it.


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