I'm not a doctor ... work at cdc hence monitoring this list

at the moment sitting in Rochester MN airport to go home,
mother at Mayo in ICU, her GBS/vasculitis(still undecided)
rough case w/ axonal nerve damage, kidney impairment, asceptic
meningitis/stroke[s]/other enchephalitic (sp?) damage
possible and ... etc. etc.

Relevance to this thread is the Mayo doctors reviewed all
similar cases (one? two?) with combo GBS/axonal/IVIG
damage and believe possible that those cases may have
been misdiagnosis of vasculitis. 

I believe it is crucial that the background med notes
not  be lost in a 'structured/coded' information
representation.  Nothing wrong with a top level
coded representation, but the ability to dig below
that simplified world view is important.


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